So I'm listening to these TomDark (TurkeyTom) streams where he's talking about the Destiny revenge porn drama. And the whole thing is basically framed as "won't someone please think of the Pixie?" It's all pretty retarded. They are saying Pixie is suicidal now and terrified of her family finding out and the revenge porn getting more publicity is driving her insane. Uh, can I really feel sorry for a woman who is blowing desTINY? I mean, it's not like he has you tied up and crying while he's raping you or something. You knew what you were doing. You orbited Destiny bc you wanted his money and clout. You are a clout whore goblin. Eventually, that turned into a sexual relationship with him. And you wanted to parlay these sexual favors into fame, money and to have some kind of e-career online through using Destiny. You were even doing rounds on the Whatever podcast, you stupid whore. And now that it's come out, I'm supposed to feel really sorry for you? Sure it is messed up to have your revenge porn floating around for the world to see. But you are not 100% innocent. By their own logic, Destiny is also a victim of revenge porn. He sent these porn videos to a couple discord-women. He never consented to sending them to foxdickfarms or for tens of thousands to view.
Heck, Pixie, if you did kill yourself, at least I wouldn't have to see your stupid face being posted here from the Whatever podcast. So there is always a silver lining. 😁