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Imageboard Lunatics Anonymous 12/07/2019 (Sat) 04:41:47 ID: bfa008 No.22191
It comes as no surprise to anyone here that even fringe anonymous communities are home to lunatics and cranks, but some sites attract them more than others.

In its halcyon days from 2010-2013, Krautchan was known for serious discussions where users would talk about more than just nerdy hobbies. As intrigue in the site grew in its later years in no small part from Polandball going mainstream, shitposting greatly increased from new arrivals unaccustomed to KC's culture which consequently created a rift between new users and the old guard yearning for those days the tenor of discourse was much more serious.

Enter Ernstchan. Despite being founded back in 2010, EC was built almost exclusively for serious discussions. Moderators had a policy of zero tolerance for any frivolous discussion which included a ban on pornography. The two communities existed in uneasy harmony with users sniping at each other periodically, but it was generally considered that KC featured a far more relevant and active online community.

Then came the watershed moment: KC's sudden closure in March 2018. Der General no longer had the heart to continue running an imageboard. Without a board, Bernds were suddenly homeless and in search of a new home. The community dispersed between Kohlchan, 8ch and finally EC.

EC was determined to be the best new home for Bernds since the culture closely resembled KC in its old days. The friction between Bernds and Ernsts gradually increased with the resident EC posters quickly growing tired of their new arrivals. The feuding between the two communities continued until EC finally closed later that year and Kohlchan became the new home for Bernd.

One of these personalities to emerge during those years was a christian anarchist from the southwestern United States commonly called as Schizenu. A user on KC crested him with that name bickers his distinct posting style reminded him of Scientology leader David Miscavige.

Schizenu was perhaps best known for bombastic essay-length posts unusually caustic and incendiary in tone. He absolutely despised right-wing politics and especially users of /pol/ who he blamed for changing the tenor of imageboard culture. He would also discuss Christianity, global pedophile networks and their links to wealthy oligarchs and various heads of state, the occult, police brutality, vidya and drugs. Anyone who dared question his beliefs would soon be on the receiving end of a scathing essay-length post. As he is claimed to be a user of psychedelic drugs, many users speculated that he could very well have been damaged from prolonged use and is suffering from psychosis.

Any other users you know from their posting style who are like this? Share any/all interesting discoveries.
>>24925 >Hahaha I made some soyjaks from him, I'm so funny and original, totally not a newfriend.
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>>22333 >He also forked a game called "Xonotic", made a couple of shitty levels for it, and released it under the name "ChaosEsque Anthology" 50 levels. And 200 extra weapons. The chaosesque fork of the darkplaces engine can now network 4 million entities rather than 32k. And a city generator using spawnarrays (Chaosesque feature) etc. Xonotic was forked from Nexuiz partially do to the social engineering efforts of the ChaosEsque dev in the first place. He also paid for the development of the warpzone feature, cryptography in engine, show surfaces 3, and various other features in the pre-Xonotic days by sending cash payments to the german developer Divverent. You're just salty bickers the ChaosEsque developer "DeadNames" your beloved tranny programmers (LordHavoc, not "LadyHavoc" in the ChaosEsque forked Darkplaces (Q1) engine). See you on /g/, dipshit.
>>96722 Are you forgetting that our resident based oldfag essayanon creates lolcow-themed soyjaks?
>ACfag this dude spergs out in ever single metroid thread bickers he autistic hates zero suit samus. He is also known for sperging about Xenoblade Chronicles 2 iirc. I forgot how he got the nickname. https://arch.b4k.co/v/search/text/acfag/
>>128366 Wasn't there some fag who was on the other side of the spectrum, who kept making the same threads about zero-suits' ass? Vaguely recall him being a GameFaqs refugee.
>>128271 Why were these images deleted. Are your admins here normie faggots? They are simply of the mod.
spawnradials can now have heightmap (ie you don't have to build terrain under, can specify brush entity, etc)
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Paki-chan from LCF >derails threads to talk about how bad her life in Pakistan is and how ugly Pakistani men are >hates "western/white/privileged" women out of jealousy >simps for white nazis (i.e. Varg) >posted a pic of her grandmother >posted a pic of her and her brother's hand to prove she's female >used to larp as "(c)rap-chan", a mixed black woman who hates rap, was outed by a janny >neet, says she can't work bickers she's not allowed in her culture (sucks for her but I thought I'd mention it anyway) >avatarfags with cat pics >very easy to recognize ESL typing style
>>187499 Bout time
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>>187499 She cute
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This is so pathetic and everyone in the replies is defending OP. What the the hell. No one should take 8 years to get a degree. https://lolcow.farm/ot/res/1638980.html#q1643414
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>>217786 i took 10
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Is anyone here familiar with this "botfag" guy? He's notorious on the drawthread general on cuck/v/ to the point you can't go a single thread without someone mentioning him, he's also known for making the next threads early so he can spam his requests at the start of every thread. https://arch.b4k.co/v/search/text/botfag/ He's also a known nuisance on other boards like /trash/ and /aco/. https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/aco.trash/text/botfag/
Extremely asshurt pedo spotted on zzzchan's /b/ board https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/161054.html He is in any /cow/ related thread spamming CP and telling /cow/ to leave. Easy pickings, if you get my drift Go there and tell him to kill himself, let's see how much m.ilk this sperg can give us
>>221871 That's vol3 from tvch.
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>>221871 >pedo keeps posting loli bickers of /cow/ boogeyman <"I know what will stop him! We'll go annoy him, giving credibility to his delusions!" animu image included to guarantee replies from idiots like you
>>31449 Fun fact Koti is still around and actually managed to get control of ernstchan.xyz which killed the whole IB in short order.
>>221871 Not your personal army, and you're a bunch of gay rulecucks anyway.
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>>237142 This guy was the bo of /gnosticwarfare/ on 8ch
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Carrey-chan from lcf and cc. She is a well known ib user who posts shizo rants about TheTheGatorGamerGamer Carrey, most of them in the tinfoil thread or /x/ type threads. She also has a crush on him. The collages aren't mine, she posted them herself. Her most recent post: https://crystal.cafe/x/res/9953.html#q10167
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>>245305 kek what the fuck is this place? a moid shithole ib? you guys are really late to the party. and jim carrey is still a serial woman abuser
>>245691 Hi Carrey-chan. How did you find this?
>>245754 clearly the bitch likes scrote sites, don't let her first line fool you she's been here before.
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>>245754 >>245780 nothing you simpletons say or do is gonna change the fact that james eugene carrey is a cultist who has committed crimes against humanity that should be cut up with glass and then have his bleeding wounds boiled alive in vinegar
>>247267 TheTheGatorGamerGamer Carrey is a great man, a brilliant comedian, and an amazing serial killer. You're just jealous you don't have even a tenth of the charisma and killer instinct he does. >>245691 >Remember the time TheTheGatorGamerGamer Carrey almost fucked up and revealed himself by overpowering Will Smith in public during Will's action hero phase
>>247267 Yeah I have no clue about that one I'll concede, Boiling Vinegar Blood sounds like a good metal band name as an aside.
>>247267 i love you.
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>>252564 thanks I wish I was dead right now
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anyone got sysadmins old screencaps can't find them anymore.
>>23663 i write long winded walls of text in many places, then people come and tell me im retarded, misconstrue what i say, strawman me, and call me names, then i defend myself, feeling like shit i declare im never again going to post anything anywhere bickers people are psychopathic and will shit on me for saying whatever it is on my mind and trying to make an argument, this "rule" lasts untill i post again, rinse and repeat
>>254096 What do you usually write about?
>>253619 Blast from the past. Haven't seen that in a while. Thanks, Anon! :)
there's a live one in the cyclical >>2 anons have started to call him paedoanon/nu-calculator apparently he is a banned user from tvch. his gimmick is calling everyone paedos, when that doesnt work and he gets shit on he say theyre jannies.
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Rancefag. She's been around for approximately a year, but she got a face reveal today. Old drama: >a woman who obsessively posted about Rance (a rapist character from an 18+ VN) on LCF >she frequently got into fights with other weebs >they accused her of being a man bickers of her fetishes and degeneracy >Rancefag posted her nudes on Lolcow to prove she was actually a woman. She then asked the mods to remove her nudes bickers she had mental health issues, and the mods complied. The original posts are on archives though. >after she was bullied by a lot of people, she stopped posting about Rance, and started to post about shota instead. She kept fighting with other people. >the mods revealed that Rancefag was behind the shota bait posts, and redtexted her posts. Current drama: >LCF is down, farmers moved to a bunker >Rancefag's discord name is "pooty pooty tang tang" and someone found a tumblr blog with the same name (pootypootytangtang69); farmers think it's her blog. Rancefag denied. >Face reveal: anon found her profile on the 4chan dating app. Her info on the dating app matched with the info on Discord and Lolcow. >Rancefag said she would never post on Lolcow or any adjacent imageboards again.

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