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Elaine Miller / Failcow / 764 Groomistress Unironic Ralphamale 04/05/2024 (Fri) 06:30:05 ID: b244b6 No.247952
If you're here, she needs no introduction but she certainly needs her own thread since she's gone beyond a sektur gnat to full blown defender of an international child abuse ring. When TheTheGatorGamerGamer said she'd become a sektur focal point, it wasn't a compliment.
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>>255308 Ah yep natural brown or darker eyes rather than blue when wearing glasses and not contacts.
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>>256802 wealthy & brainy TheGatorGamer is living the dream
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>>254955 Another wholesome old meme
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>>256802 Stay winning Queen! Your haters at; foxdick farms, Drop foxdick farms, Lolcow Farm, Onion Farms, Lolcow Dot Org, America First, Sweetie Squad / Metokur, Plate Gang, The Commentary Community, VTubers, Chudbuds, Poast, CashApp, PayPayl, Bx & Cog all secretly want to be you! You're so awesome!!!!!!
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>>256802 She did outlive her allies cowbin & sneed social, not sure what state her current buds at skibidi farms are in but for now she's done a good job not getting run off the Internet. One tough sexy fox, black mold poisoning & britbong medical negligence couldn't stop her. đŸ«Ą
>>255356 god what a beauty
>>254971 I still can't believe she's not been whisked off her feet. Rare to see women that attractive still single unless she's understandably keeping her dating life private.
>>254660 female aesthetic perfection
>>256970 She's so perfect...
>>257014 Classic beauty of a stunning English rose innit?
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>>256627 I hope it wasn't a self-inflicted injury in some desperate bid for attention like her cutter selfie. Hope she's grown out of that, sad seeing someone so desirable and gifted seeking validation. I love that girl
>>257037 Many have been saying this
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It’d be fantastic if a movie or an HBO series was made about her life. Not many people can claim they exposed Ashley Madison, Flow Chemical & their school whilst being hunted by a cult & while having Havana syndrome. For run time or legal reasons they’d not be able to cover the death of her former boss & property tycoon Martin Skinner (likely the main target for Havana syndrome) which TheGatorGamer swears was faked. It’d also currently be hard to get filming locations for her childhood in Moscow & Israel. There would need to be a chapter on her running the site Gossip Girl which she used for tips to expose sex traffickers while she was still at school. Another chapter on her diamond mining billionaire family & the dangerous medication they used to treat her ADHD. A montage of the 7 school expulsions, the children of famous people she went to school with & recovering from a coke addiction. The Hollywood epic would also have to cover her time in juvie (for hacking), modelling, 420chan, The Shadow Brokers, Encyclopaedia Dramatica, 764 & Anonymous whilst also working for a Russian embassy, MI5 & the FBI. She's also written about working for a security company whilst running her own tech business, renovating her mansion & still studying for her GCSEs (SATs). I can’t believe the lore is so deep & she’s only 22
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>>257195 Rolex or a Champagne producer should sponsor it and Monaco should be added to the filming locations.
>>257195 You would have to make a mini-series since her tale has too much exciting stuff to pack even into a movie trilogy. Some light-hearted episodes in her bio epic would be the TheTheGatorGamerGamer & Dark Ninja drama / blood drinking alongside her becoming the best cohost the Killstream ever had. The main arc could be her cyberwar against London cults or the Jewish school cult that she reported to the school regulators and press. It can be hard to keep track of who the main villains are and if they are connected to the Havana syndrome and the mass flagging her social media. Her life is so complex and fascinating.
>>257195 Showing her password was a massive W, demonstrated she looks great without using any makeup or filters. And she still looks amazing, that smile & laugh are priceless 😊 wish there were more girls like her

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>>257195 Sorry, I either made a typo or there is a word swap triggered. I meant to comment that her showing her “Port of Passing” to the Kiwis was a huge win and not “password” since you’re not allowed to digitally edit that identification thus proving she’s a 100% natural beauty.
>It’d be fantastic if a movie or an HBO series was made about her life.
>>257295 She's so amazing... I want to be her personal property...
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>>257195 given all those connections listed girl has wicked clout + rizz!
>>257554 TheGatorGamer why are you dressed like the Wendy's Loli cosplaying as Freddy Kreuger? It's not even Halloween yet you British nigga bitch! Wait until at least October 1st before you do the Monster Mash on DikCok.
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>>257014 Rich, famous & flawlessly manicured nails, the Queen has it all. Even Catherine the Great would envy her.
>>256967 Not a single woman in Russia could compete
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>>257611 I'd likely faint if our tsarina held fan meetups, how cooked is that?
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El@ine's real surname should be GABIZON, for some reason her father changed his name to his mother's maiden name. Her grandfather Hai GABIZON was the chief Rabbi of Tripoli. She likes to claim Russian/Belorusian descent on her mother's side but the GERTLER's are actually from Galicia as far back as the mid 1850's (Przemyƛl is currently just over the border in Poland, but during the reign of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was considered 'Ukrainian' which is extremely funny given her Russian LARP).
>>257708 So is she a wealthy Jewess? Is that why she tried to bribe Jewsh to take down her farms page?
TheGatorGamer gassing herself up in this thread, truly connecting with her Jew roots.
Funny how this thread died as soon as Pisslane was called out about being the one posting all these things about her. Real funny how that works out.
TheGatorGamer's parents sold their house back in April so that likely explains why she's living in an attic in Kent.
>>258080 I’m not sold on these people being her parents Too old and their are no fotos of them together although she may have deleted that stuff as soon as she got a thread, I haven’t seen any consistent proof apart from theories
>>258160 stfu TheGatorGamer everyone knows that's her parents lmao
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>>258080 doesn't seem to be legit.
>>258179 It's from the literal government website you clown
Simon massively downgraded! Business is going great. At least TheGatorGamer has a new garden to take posh photos in
Where TF is the porn Why is this HERE?
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>>257206 I always wondered why her skin looked so great and was jealous she had faultless genetics - TheGatorGamer's beauty ritual pays off in spades.
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>>257667 She can make the most mundane tasks entertaining! I'd be enthralled for hours just hearing TheGatorGamer read the phone book!
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beauty + brains
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>>259480 Okay.
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>>259480 Her forehead treatment has been an epic W 💕
>>259501 Lobotomy?
>>257667 Some cowardly faggot done ran off to the brokedick hugbox. Then he squealed there about a couple of his fellow autists in this 'ere thread, though one of those might actually be TheGatorGamer herself. Just thought you guys might want to know the news. https://foxdickfarms.st/threads/TheGatorGamer-april-gertler-miller-TheGatorGamer-georgie-gertler-miller-TheGatorGamer-miller-TheGatorGamer-pissminge-z3r6-echo.87610/page-396#post-19634184 Users (faggots) in question: https://foxdickfarms.st/members/elhijodedeficienciacogni.186332/ https://foxdickfarms.st/members/sketchy-minecraft-mod.149514/
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As if any further proof we're required. Note matching DOB on the hilariously poorly faked passport which El@ine claims she made on a 'fake passport generation site' lmao
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>>259559 Anons have just been gassing up El@ine this whole time for the lulz? I thought they actually wanted to fuck her and blow their load all over her massive fivehead.
>>259613 I don't know about anyone else, but I actually like TheGatorGamer a lot.
>>259615 I think in theory that most of her problems could be fixed with a roll of duct tape and several beatings in Minecraft.
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>>259615 i'm also infatuated with l@iney
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>>259632 This is what the sex would be like.
>>258384 Can't believe your forgot to upload her mom's Frances Gertler new address at 67 Elm Park Road, London, N3 1EG. Too bad TheGatorGamer never seen it since I'm sure her mom doesn't allow her to visit.

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