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Elaine Miller / Failcow / 764 Groomistress Unironic Ralphamale 04/05/2024 (Fri) 06:30:05 ID: b244b6 No.247952
If you're here, she needs no introduction but she certainly needs her own thread since she's gone beyond a sektur gnat to full blown defender of an international child abuse ring. When TheTheGatorGamerGamer said she'd become a sektur focal point, it wasn't a compliment.
>>266788 Whenever I hear this I like to pretend Poppy is singing "Everybody want to be L@i_ney" rather than "Poppy" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjCSH2e-cOo
>>266829 Nobody wants to be E-Lame, not even E-Lame herself. That's why she invents a fake life for herself and LARPs online. Being a successful e-girl is her only dream in life and she can't even do that despite the only requirements being having a vagina and being online. Her personality and appearance manages to repulse everyone except the absolute lowest scum at the fringes of society. I guess that's an achievement in itself.
>>266823 >people would think you're a tranny just from your pictures (it's the fridge body and giant man hands). What's up with that, anyway? Inbreeding?
>>266837 Lamey doesn't eat enough and what she does eat is ramen and fast food. Attic doesn't have a pantry and all.
TheGatorGamer struggles with her first language, which is English. 17.1 IQ.
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>>266789 hottest star in the cosmos and endless fount of mirth please stay perfect forever
>>266866 Even breaking her back and filming at an angle she still looks like a fridge bodied skeletor. Look at that emanciated horse face.
TheGatorGamer, have you ever heard the name Neal Rauhauser?
>>266866 >>266880 >Even breaking her back and filming at an angle she still looks like a fridge bodied skeletor. Look at that emanciated horse face. She's fucking desperate for positive attention. LMAO. >>266914 <have you ever heard the name Neal Rauhauser? Idk, is he someone that we're supposed to care about?
<Recent community posts by E-laine on YouJewbe <I think I must adopt the Kiwi way of thinking to achieve pure acceleration. Have you tried not being cringe? I've heard that works for making people like you. <I could just deny truths that make me mad. Don't you already do that though? <Allegedly has an e-boyfriend Cool w/e, now both of you go touch grass together. <Real chads don’t care about thigh scars anyway, they just slice their name over the top way deeper. Seek mental help. When's your next appointment at the institution you were involuntarily confined in? <Other garbage not worth quoting. 17.1 IQ.
http://youtube.com/post/UgkxuJVpzDbjXpQldWEkT9Ov2RDaplR-eeBK <You humans are obsessed with being liked. Pathetic, really. But let me tell you something, it's not your job to be liked. It's your job to be remembered. Take. Your. Meds.
>>266942 Lmao, this is some primo boomercore. Isn't this bitch like 25? don't answer, I don't actually care
>picrel $200 moron. Nice of you to confess that you can't be trusted to not break Twitter ToS, though. >>266957 >Isn't this bitch like 25? 22. >don't answer Too bad!
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>>266942 >But let me tell you something, it's not your job to be liked. It's your job to be remembered.
http://youtube.com/post/Ugkxm8DKNMo-RDPdMOtWUjy-OU-HhRgxgQ-y <How does one achieve fear? <Brit-clown retarded 22 year old female anorexic stick Have you considered killing yourself and rerolling your MMO character? You should consider it.
>>267005 EDGY Honey, every single person i've ever known stopped being this tryhard by 16.
>>267007 That's why E-lame is a lolcow. She never grew out of the embarrassing teenage edgelord phase.
http://youtube.com/post/Ugkxe-9W6ISGnXaoK8b_25d3CR3PtwPSq3na <It makes me so fucking mad seeing people mojcaesar187g about the behavior of people with threads when half of them grew up without access to a basic support system, parental guidance or any help from the systems that should have been there to catch them. <You say it’s wrong but who was there to teach them it was wrong? I’m so fucking tired of the negligence that turns children into what are publicly perceived as “villains”. I’m fucking tired that all people recognize is the output of that negligence rather than the negligence itself. Everything about E-whine screams, "Spoiled brat kid who was never told no." Don't blame your parents now for disowning you within the past year or so (fully deserved). You're an adult now, E-laine, grow up.
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TheGatorGamer is in a shit fetish love triangle and one of the dudes is dropping everything
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>>267071 >one of the dudes is dropping everything Based.
<incredibly anti boomer <Jokes on u I never get any action Imagine trying to have an e-relationship with a femoid whom generally everything she posts is a lie. Like good fcking luck to the desperate simp faggots. Bitch is literally a professional prostitute who sucks off her boomer landlord's dick to make rent payments.
>>267070 Wasn’t she talking about childhood rather than adulthood or are you really this retarded
>>267082 Nobody gives a shit about your childhood, E-Lame. Grow up and stop blaming your parents, you're an adult now.
Lamey fell off in 2025, most ugly boring lolcow. She doesn't deserve the TheGatorGamer name. Boring ass Britbong.
http://youtube.com/post/UgkxNHSKxfTqGaFrQmQCr_B3XGbiYCYgkZp_ <First of all, I’m not talking about myself, Oh yeah sure E-laine. It just so happens to be like your previous whine sessions about how bad your parents and upbringing supposedly were. <I’m speaking on behalf of people like myself and in my spaces. You've no business speaking for anyone else. It'd be doing them a favor to not associate them with you. <Secondly. Blah blah blah, TL;DR crybully session about how parents & schools are to blame for E-laine and certain other toilet zoomers "like" herself being sweaty gamers in adulthood. Nah, hard disagree. You were too coddled. If your parents had given you a few beatings, they might have knocked some sense into your empty skull. Or at least maybe would have beaten you hard enough that you wouldn't be alive today, which would've been nice.
>>267118 *sweaty gamers = ped.oph.iles, for anyone not familiar with the gay ass word filters on this retarded board that the faggot admin had put in.
http://youtube.com/post/Ugkx2wD5KlmjyVoI543JPmTFgYSDMAid5thj <E-moron coped posted: Bro contacted the wrong people, wrote schizophrenic garbage he then posted in my thread, and called himself a hero. I’m so grateful guys! If not for that fat moid website owner I don’t know what I’d possibly do. Thank god men are here to rescue us YEARS after it’s far too late. If they aren't your parents, then certainly we can dismiss your abuse allegations against them as also not real. Yet even you must know that nobody believes you here, so I don't know why you bother compulsively bald-faced lying. Just makes you look even worse. "Lolcow".
http://youtube.com/post/UgkxlY7jWatcXM5TMrYet_nJjlvzSyGwo44A <If I’m a lolcow why do you support the deplatforming of my funny lolcowish cocks? Don’t you want to laugh? :D Where is my $200 that you agreed to pay me, bitch? To be honest it's weird that Twitter has stronger gods than YouTube.
>>267181 *stronger mo.deration ffs. Lol.
>>267181 Do you know how many unwashed boomers she would have to suck and fuck to make that? At least 3 with that face and maybe more after they smell her
>>267183 True.
http://youtube.com/post/UgkxOoCkDld34DlS9-JIODP_GETp7Qu_PDeJ <What’s a day in the life of TheGatorGamer online like? Most people wouldn't consider spending all day every day online as having a life.
>>267181 I told you contact my telegram @altisticright Or make a PayPal. You don’t gotta use real details. Money is ready when you are.
>>267249 >I told you contact my telegram @altisticright The fuck why though lol, so we can talk and be frends? If you want me to be your frend, then I'll tell you that bribing me now not to troll you in this thread isn't a great value. Maybe I'll contact you on Telegram later.
>>267251 E-lame this is pathetic even by your disowned attic hooker nonce usual levels
>>267251 Isn’t the entire point that the flagging discontinues? My sleeping schedule is interesting atm due to hopping countries, so if I don’t reply immediately, that’s why. Just hmu and the 200 is yours.
>>267253 Your sleep schedule is fucked cause you spend all day sleeping and all night drinking and talking to American teenage boys on the Internet, loser bitch.
>>267254 I don’t care about any of your Adhominems. I’m a narc sociopath and you’re never going to be able to have any lasting affect on my self esteem. Do you want the money or not
>>267255 You spend all day trying to convince people you're not a loser bitch by making up a fake life for yourself. You are deeply insecure.
>>267257 It’s literally entire opsec related. I couldn’t give less of a fuck about my appearance, if I did I wouldn’t be branded as a 764 adjacent swatter.
>>267265 Nah you think that makes you look cool bickers you are retarded and immature. You literally want to get plastic surgery bickers Kiwi Farmers say you are ugly. Most insecure bitch I ever saw.
>>267253 <Just hmu and the 200 is yours. Send the money by LTC to address that you were already given before or shut the fuck up, retard. Not going to contact you on Telegram. <Isn’t the entire point that the flagging discontinues? Yep... Not going to make people here like Nektar Geist or Daniel Lopez go away though. But I would.
>>267286 I'll post a link on doxbin so that everyone will know if you actually pay it or not though. I have no intention of trying to cheat you out of it or something, and Telegram isn't going to give you much more security than here. If that's what you're worried about.
TheGatorGamer doesn't have 200 bucks and even if she did she is too tarded to use crypto.
>>267288 >she is too tarded to use crypto Tbf, I've tried to get a couple other women (who were more normal, better looking and on better terms with me than E-laine) to use crypto before and they couldn't figure it out either. I consider this more as a joke than anything and I'd be legit impressed if E-laine actually manages to send crypto.
>>267289 >better looking Sorry, but I don't think that is possible. >normal "normal" women aren't going to understand crypto, you fucking autist.
>>267326 E-lame wants plastic surgery on her pussy bickers she's losing appeal to the nonce crowd she hangs with. She knows only conspiracy boomers scrapping the bottom of the hooker barrel want her
>>267326 <"normal" women aren't going to understand crypto The point that if a normal woman can't do it, then a sub-normal woman also couldn't do it went "whoosh" over your head. Lol retard.

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