Why does the right-wing have to adopt the pedophilia definition of a bitter, old Karen, who thinks men are disgusting for their natural attraction towards young women and you should only go after women your own age?
This pedo-scare that is going on, is like Feminists extending the definition of rape and wanting to create an attitude where beating a woman unconscious and breaking her bones and then raping her is at the same level as touching her butt, when you are a drunk at a party or kissing your gf in front of your friends, which made her uncomfortable.
I reject this. I reject this equalisation of different phenomena.
I think legit Pedos, who are in any way attracted to pre-pubescent children should be killed.
But if you are normal man, who isn't fucked up in the head and are attracted to a 16-year old girl, which btw is completly legal in my country and even most parts of the US, then you shouldn't AT ALL be associated with Pedophiles in any way.
Bitter old women, who want to redefine everything they don't like as rape and pedophilia, should be ridiculed.
If you aren't fucked up in the head, then your natural sexuality as a man is completly normal and not pedophilia.