As a longtime observer of Lolisocks, I feel I can add some things here. I first found this man when he was 24/7 streaming his life on Dlive, and was utterly fascinated by how open he was about his life. I could ask this NEET any question about his life and he would answer very candidly. Much can be discovered by watching the streams archived on his channel, but much is lost due to his bannings on various streaming sites, and YouTube's inability to process streams beyond a certain length. Much of what I tell you may not be directly verifiable, but some of it may be confirmed by comparing my claims to his videos and streams, but also to thread about him on that gay forum. Also he will probably tell you most of this if asked.
To begin with, Lolisocks comes from a broken home, his father was a drug addict who is now estranged from his family, thus he grew up without a major father figure for much of his life, and so he learned much of what it is to be a man through the internet. He was diagnosed with autism as a child, he walks around on his toes all the time, a trait of autistic children. He dropped out of highschool and began his existence as a NEET. For a time he held a job as a waiter, and was able to amass some wealth via crypto currency, which he has been living off ever since he began streaming.
I am not too familiar with Lolisocks' origin in streaming as I only found him a month or 2 into his 24/7 project began. I do recall however that he was affiliated with Bonbi Bonker General, I am not sure if this was a discord or an 8chan board. His original stated goal was to become the next PewDiePie, but, in doing so he would offer something of substance to improve people rather than mindless entertainment all the time. By this he meant he would subtly promote "red pulled" ideas. Lolisocks however, is far too retarded to ever achieve such a goal however. Firstly he is far too open about his views, and will answer virtually any question he is answered completely honestly, futhermore, he constantly talks about politics and "red pilled" ideas on his streams. Even if he did not, the 24/7 stream model he followed meant that slip ups were inevitable. It took him many months to realise his dream was impossible, and he has now accepted his place as a Fuentes leech.
Nick Fuentes is where much of his audience comes from. Fuentes discovered Lolisocks 24/7 streaming on Dlive due to his poor sleeping habits. The two developed a friendship via the streams, as Lolisocks had a low viewership when Nick found him, and so, the two could simply chat virtually uninterrupted just using the stream chat. The two have played videogames together, like Fortnite and Realm Royale. I should note that I do not believe the two are in a homosexual relationship. While Fuentes himself may be gay, Lolisocks has shown a particular aversion to homosexuality, when offered sexual favours by men on Instagram, and offers to do gay porn. He was quite visibly perturbed when discussing this on stream a number of times while on dlive. He cloaks in irony and poses with dildos for attention.
Lolisocks does however unironically use flesh lights and other similar sex toys. He also unironically masturbates to hentai. He has named his favourite hentai artist on stream before (unfortunately I can't remember the name, it's something like Tamako Kaytama when pronounced by him). He has been accused of being a paedophile on a number of occasions due to his loli posters on his walls and his old profile picture, due to it's similarity to paedophile symbols. He has claimed this is a "subtle redpill" but also that it's a joke and irony to freak out schizos. In my time viewing the only things other things that raise suspicion in this regard that I can recall, are his obsession with Bonbi Bonkers (this can be seen in his video "I love Boni Bonkers"), his comments about a study he claims to have read which suggested that men on average chose the face of a 14 year old as most attractive, and I think he messaged a girl called Prepareyourchairs on Instagram.