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Nuzach General #2 Unironic Ralphamale 09/26/2024 (Thu) 23:17:39 ID: da576d No.257369
Since the last thread Nuzach has practically made alogs his new home, dramatically increasing the amount of black dicks and cp that is posted on here bickers that's his only response when he gets assblasted on a daily basis. Old OP: Nuzach once enjoyed the prime-time bloodsports even before jcaesar187's downfall at the hands of the Гунт with by far the most stupid reasons to lose one's mind for; a good deal of 8ch veterans kept enjoying his seething about alogs until this day. But not nuzach, he was too much of a trailer trash white G​AMERGATE himself to laugh at a lolcow proper and enjoy the show. But most importantly, he was a ni/gg/er at heart. He didn't luck out with the /cow/ userbase that repeatedly mocked his inclinations to waste time playing cuckeogooms and to want to fuck children. Neither did he luck out with the administration, and his buddy John was ousted and the ni/gg/er-infested cancer known as /v/ removed from my jewish mother. As a result of my jewish mother cracking down on pedos, he lost 90% of his remaining sanity. To get told to "go and make your own site if you want to jack it to children" was the straw that broke this buck's back. As a result all his pedo buddies, those parasitic cliques that had already lost 60% of their numbers when TheTheGatorGamerGamer got rid of /hebe/ and other boards, were left without a host again. Some went to KC, others were scattered in the wind forever. Enter zzzchan, a pretty rulecucked site existing pretty much solely for the ni/gg/er pedos to play smash and jerk off to kids, where the mere suggestion that loli is pedophilic earns the poster a ban. Even the few boards that wanted none of that were eventually infested. Nuzach now spends his days seething on zzzchan about the alogs and tvch, sometimes going to those sites to seethe at the moderation and screech at "/cow/kikes" and Anita. Nuzach is definitely the main individual lolcow of the webring, the juciest one among the collective lolcow that the ni/gg/ers from zzzchan are. Banned from every board that isn't ran by pedos, he says the "/cow/kike moderation" and "feminists" are at fault for him getting banned from every place he goes to. No, it couldn't be the precious Eric, he's too good to be fairly banned.
>>264389 jannies filtered so many of his cuckposts that hes reduced to posting the same kys and coon over and over again on eternal asshurt.
>>264389 >he also thinks posting his porn is a weapon. Apparently it is bickers the coon's gay porno makes you seethe hard.
>>264479 >Apparently it is bickers the coon's gay porno makes you seethe hard.
>>264511 You image failed.
Soon he would take Zach's crown. It's amazing how Nuzach is the most severe case of loneliness turning someone into a closet homo cuck who projects his flaws onto others.
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>>264810 Nuzach makes me realize how funny zach really was.
>>264810 >projects his bum ass deadbeat life on others You even posted da jooos, coon. >>264801 >>264803 >posts got stuck lol
>>264801 the fucking coon dicks reappeared lmao.
Quick write up for posterity on Nuzachs meltdown yesterday: He was spamming black dicks like usual, redtexting DIE like he normally does when he's raging hard, both on here and /tv/. Maybe something set him off before, but in retrospect I should have realized he was already having a bad day. I decided punitive measures where necessary, so I grabbed a few obvious posts on the ogre's website he made and indiscriminately wiped every post he made from the same proxies, maybe 20 or 30 posts over the span of a few days. His usual stuff, crying coon at everything and low IQ opinions on movies, even a low effort thread or two that got minimal traction. It was fairly quickly followed by a crying post, accusing the gods of deleting his perfectly innocent posts, even while admitting he spams black dicks, but in his pea brain he thinks it makes sense that he only be judged on a post by post basis. This made him absolutely lose it especially after I also deleted his post crying about being unfairly treated lol and go into some kind of schizophrenic meltdown. He started dumping more black dicks while crying about the ogre in the cyclical, and after seeing they got deleted too, screencapping them and spamming those screencaps. That latter part was truly a sight to behold, this was probably over the span of 5 hours or something, I'd check in every half hour or so and noting some of the timestamps, I don't think over the entire night it took him more then 2 minutes to ever repost them, and that obviously includes filling out the captcha and reencoding and uploading all the images. The poor lad must have been refreshing the cylical every 30 seconds or so the entire night, even going as far as to write custom text for every post bickers of how completely addicted he is to a even a little drop of moderator attention right into his little cumslut mouth. As I'm typing this out he's already started spamming his black dicks again, so he's probably going to spend another day doing nothing but obsessing over imageboards as he slowly spirals into deeper and deeper paranoid obsession. But such is the life of our terminally obsessed cuckcel.
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>>265168 >gigantic breathless wall of seethe text Looks to me like jannie is very very mad. It's all a lie of course. Therapy for your assrage. You'd like to imagine someone here with as nothing of a life as you, jannie.
>>265170 How can you have a life when you will spend entire nights doing nothing but spamming, cuckzach? And that's not even taking into account the sheer volume of regular posts you make on the ogres boards every day. May as well live there. You really can't pull off this larp when you're clearly a miserable basement dweller with absolutely nothing going on in his life.
>>265168 He's going absolutely crazy right now, deleting his posts on my prolapsed butthole must have really broken him.
>>265267 lol t-vch
I can only imagine what nuzach's parents think of him in their favela dwelling
>>265290 You gotta feel for them, he's stopped posting on t-vch entirely, too traumatized by the deletion of his posts and is now just seething and screaming while frantically mashing f5 to see if his schizo screencaps got deleted.
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>he couldnt figure out how to get around the wordfilters so hes just spamming cuck porn again
>>265290 They don't
Attention Nuzach You where posting on ogre chan today, when I have not given you my permission to do so. Don't worry I've already deleted them, but just remember that until further notice you are the alog jannies teams personal spamslut. You are only allowed to post and spam here, you've been too naughty of a little girl to have any priviliges beyond that. So get back to filling in captchas and copypasting walls of text like a slave, quivering you'll trip another wordfilter, you dirty little cumdumpster.
>>265480 bro >we already know the mods in both sites are the same its the same thing at the end of the day
>>265487 Well not really, since you have a long history of posting on there and seem to really enjoy talking to people about tv shows and even are one of the rare users of the ch3 board. Whereas on here you've only ever really spent much time in the ogres threads, but now you're our obedient little spamslave, not allowed to make any real posts, just grueling spamming that's gotten so effort intensive it's a wonder you havn't killed yourself out of boredom.
>>265505 lol that made him flip out so hard he's spamming black dicks again, absolutely mindbroken.
And now he's writing fanfics about how white women want to be impregnated by negroes, you guys really did a number on him.
>>265536 >>265512 w-easel little bro less talking about nuzach and more sweeping the cp on the catty, you even bumped this thread over it retard
>>265552 If you posted your cp in the cyclical it would be easier to spot.
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>>265168 Hes still at it. Nuzach has been doing the same thing over and over for 3 days with the same result
Looks like I missed the latest on our psychotic sissy incel. However I have some archives of him as it always shows how broken he is mentally from not getting sex. The sad truth that Nuzach denies about himself is that being an incel has made him have a fetish for black men, he has more than once ranted that only black guys or guys over 6'3ft are having sex. But it's getting worse. Given how much he's been simping for MarkMann I have no doubt that Nuzach is frequenting the degens boards of the site, probably with the excuse of just shitposting and collecting material to make everyone "seethe". https://archive.ph/4N1yg#158109 Nuzach seething at word filters https://archive.ph/lILdX#158118 https://archive.ph/wNCUh Nuzach totally assblasted bickers of word and image filters, again! https://archive.ph/UJCl5#346583 Nuzach lover for really black dicks and his hatred for Ramon.
>>265783 Why is nuzach obsessed with calling ramon a G​AMERGATE? Hes obviously some latino but he doesn't even look remotely African, seems like an average Injun-Spaniard mutt. I think hes obssesed with Ramon bickers he can't get the idea out of his head that anons could post him and not be some odd tranny chaser or cuck like he is.
Glad I saved this one before it got deleted, he's currently going back into his Joker persona, usually he only does that when he's extremely unhinged, probably from all the time he has to spend spamming now that he committed to his tilting at windmills.
i see you guys enabled captchas for every post for another epic nuzach denial
Nuzach just confess that you have a homosexual desire for Gahoogre and that you saw him as your personal jesus for being the messiah of the incels and were deeply betrayed that he got a girlfriend and didn't wanted to spend his time online talking with you a guy one decade older than him. >>265783 He is indeed actively on cakekike site, remembering that he tried unsuccessfully to make zzzchan /b/ help him but everyone there also thought he was a boring blackpilled sperg
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>>265966 >I know the ogre is a virgin but I am going to say he isn't even though everyone and myself knows it is a lie, just saying it will magically make it so you're just seething at me. get a life, you dumbass virgin.
>>265966 oh and zzzchan helped me for a long time. They let my screenshots of your bums and my prolapsed butthole stay up for years. The bo understandably got bored with it and I don't blame him for that. zzzchan still despises the ogre, ogrechan, and /cow/ though /cow/ does not exist, it's just the ogres henchmen virgins here now. kys
>>266015 >LOOK AT MY G​AMERGATE DICKS <the fellow cucks supported This is actualy how nuzach's mind works.
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>>266015 >i was such a raging sperg even the stunted pedo's at zzzchan got sick of me
I was told to come to this thread to "negotiate." I didn't have terms, just complaints about the fat fucking orgre bringing his bullshit here and ruining the eternal cylindrical in the exact same way that Imkamfy ruined 8ch/pol/ which made me moved to /cow/ and thread 3 at the time to begin with. And fuck you for deleting an in depth analogous post bickers the fat stretched you so far your skin is thin. Forcing by gods the bullshit endless bait culture from the fat fuck retard's site to override the culture that used to be in the cylindrical was a retarded move.
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<He is chimp out again! He usually becomes more depressed and bitter at weekends, but Tuesday too? I think >our little gaycel isn't doing very well, bros... And let's make it clear: For someone totally "not gay or a cuck", Nuzach being an active user and simp of cakekike.moe is a bit funny. I bet he is "unironically" browsing /interracial/ and even /zoo/ around there since he is posting zoofag porn and gay interracial porn to "own the fags". https://archive.ph/3ggct#347805
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>>266570 Keep dying on your gay nigher hill, bro. Ramon will stick it in your guts any day now. Just a few more Trans500 scenes.
>>266570 He lives for seethe, but cope to survive. Without his cope he would kill himself already for being a closet homo.
>>266878 Nuzach recently posted a new barrage of cuckold porn on my prolapsed butthole, I guess the anger never ends. I will never for the life of me understand why Ramon and Balvinposters cause such an intense derangement in his head.
>>266889 >I will never for the life of me understand why Ramon and Balvinposters cause such an intense derangement in his head. bickers it does not cause derangement. It causes him joy. It's fun. He is a shitposter. You got played, bro. >Nuzach recently posted a new barrage of cuckold porn on my prolapsed butthole lol word filters can be funny
>>266890 >I was only pretending to not be an insane cuckold faggot Okay nuzach
Our poor little closet homo isn't coping very well Valentine's Day and being assblasted by everyone during the my prolapsed butthole awards.
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Nuzach confirmed as a DISCORFAGGOT Nuzach confirmed as a /zoo/ and /interracial/ user of the cakekike site Nuzach confirmed as a depressed almost suicidal faggot
Let's take a little peek at what Nuzach was up to this Saturday. Incelfilled speeches about his own flawed sex life and projecting this onto the anons? We've got that covered. https://archive.ph/TbWix#349093 Crying about his my lose butthole and posting porn bickers it's part of "oldfag" culture? Yep. https://archive.ph/6DNnc#bottom Getting assblasted in his own garbage thread? Fucking yeah! https://archive.ph/M7D6k
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>>267818 >oldfags spam G​AMERGATE dicks bickers its shitposting yeah there were so many cuck threads back in 2005... >admits to being in blacked discords Discord tranny confirmed >seething about super ramon for the 50th time NUZACH LISTEN TO ME BRO YOU ARE ALREADY OFF THE DEEP END!
>>267818 >>267819 It's embarrassing to see him constantly go from “there is no nuzach!” to “there are actually dozens of nuzach's” as soon as he tries to fool someone or is really afraid of being caught with his pants down by the alogs. As well as the classic “posting blacked is shitposting, I'm not gay or a cuck for doing it” but “posting Ramon makes you a gay coon lover!”, even though he's the only one who's actually posted Ramon's nudes/porn, apart from emoji in the past.
Bumping random threads doesn't work, Jewzach, you used to pretend to be happy about your thread, but it seems like you actually very unhappy... A recent post of his was purged, since he probably used the same IP to post his beloved coondicks, but it was basically the same reddit “nice guy” rant about how no woman would date an anon bickers “we hate G​AMERGATEs and kikes, and that automatically turns us into incels”. This reveals a lot about the psychology of Nuzach, a supposedly proud incel, who is obsessed with sex and everyone's sex life and sex organs. Perhaps Nuzach thinks that if he defends the Jews and blacks in imageboars so much, he will magically come out of his loneliness and be accepted again in the society that rejected him for being a sperg autistic faggot. Where are the psychologist anons who made him so butthurt in the past? What do you think about Nuzach, who calls himself an oldfag, having a mind that profusely reflects the spirit of Reddit?
>>267891 He just comes across as a massive pussy with double digit IQ and serious mental issues. Perhaps he hates Ramon and Jbalvin bickers some MedBVLL raped him in the ass when he was young. Although Hispanic, the Faustian Aryan Spirit is alive and well in both Ramon and Jbalvin, hence his intense hatred for both. Nuzach has also been doing his usual seethefest about dup even though he used to support dup in the past further proving that nuzach's mind is made up of 80 percent cuckoldry, 10 percent excessive sweating, and 10 percent pereptual asshurt.
>>267898 >the G​AMERGATE who looks like Obama and the dumb spic works for McDonalds are "Aryan Faustian Spirit" Found the virgin

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