/cow/ - Lolcows

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Nuzach General #2 Unironic Ralphamale 09/26/2024 (Thu) 23:17:39 ID: da576d No.257369
Since the last thread Nuzach has practically made alogs his new home, dramatically increasing the amount of black dicks and cp that is posted on here bickers that's his only response when he gets assblasted on a daily basis. Old OP: Nuzach once enjoyed the prime-time bloodsports even before jcaesar187's downfall at the hands of the Гунт with by far the most stupid reasons to lose one's mind for; a good deal of 8ch veterans kept enjoying his seething about alogs until this day. But not nuzach, he was too much of a trailer trash white G​AMERGATE himself to laugh at a lolcow proper and enjoy the show. But most importantly, he was a ni/gg/er at heart. He didn't luck out with the /cow/ userbase that repeatedly mocked his inclinations to waste time playing cuckeogooms and to want to fuck children. Neither did he luck out with the administration, and his buddy John was ousted and the ni/gg/er-infested cancer known as /v/ removed from my jewish mother. As a result of my jewish mother cracking down on pedos, he lost 90% of his remaining sanity. To get told to "go and make your own site if you want to jack it to children" was the straw that broke this buck's back. As a result all his pedo buddies, those parasitic cliques that had already lost 60% of their numbers when TheTheGatorGamerGamer got rid of /hebe/ and other boards, were left without a host again. Some went to KC, others were scattered in the wind forever. Enter zzzchan, a pretty rulecucked site existing pretty much solely for the ni/gg/er pedos to play smash and jerk off to kids, where the mere suggestion that loli is pedophilic earns the poster a ban. Even the few boards that wanted none of that were eventually infested. Nuzach now spends his days seething on zzzchan about the alogs and tvch, sometimes going to those sites to seethe at the moderation and screech at "/cow/kikes" and Anita. Nuzach is definitely the main individual lolcow of the webring, the juciest one among the collective lolcow that the ni/gg/ers from zzzchan are. Banned from every board that isn't ran by pedos, he says the "/cow/kike moderation" and "feminists" are at fault for him getting banned from every place he goes to. No, it couldn't be the precious Eric, he's too good to be fairly banned.
It's been a while since I visited the cyclical thread, but I hear that Nuzach is desperately spamming G​AMERGATE dicks over there and trying to pretend to be an oldfag, even though he only started frequenting the thread two years ago and only bickers he has nothing else in his life apart from being online, out of spite and in an attempt to gayop and stirshit. Screenshots of Nuzach seething about /cow/ in 2022 before he started to larp as a "/cow/boy" in his autistic crusade against tvch and certain namefags from both sites. Some archives: Nuzach seething and spamming porn on the cyclical thread, anons who never cared about him before are tired of him being an incel asshole who tries to ruin everything. https://archive.ph/5gDfJ#257342 Nuzach in the cyclical in 2023 trying to gaslight the anons but failing since he can't avoid showing his small dick energy. https://archive.ph/KU06s#229967 Just the typical Nuzach moment where he is unable to contain himself and ends up derailing some thread. https://archive.ph/mFHuJ#336373 Jewzach being caught in his web of lies and sinking into an ocean of cope and seethe in /ch3/, with his usual "DAJOOOOS" and acting as an Evangelical faggot, only to later on deny being a Christianfag. https://archive.ph/JIMLc#1833 Thread created by Nuzach, as usual with Gah00le being the subject of his choice since he has this strange homosexual obsession with the Ogre, the last post was him spamming blacked to "own the mods". https://web.archive.org/web/20240623102044/https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/146140.html#147330 https://archive.ph/LpCNN#147330 Nuzach getting butthurt with "Vargcoons" and posting blacked, once again to "own his alogs". https://web.archive.org/web/20240623102156/https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/146815.html#147327 Nuzach spamming interracial threads after being assblasted by some anons. What made him go berserk? An anon talking about being a father. Nuzach can't accept being an unirocally incel and expects all the other anons to be as sad and pathetic as he is. Around the same time he was also starting to get really butthurt about being called Latino/Mexican. https://archive.ph/qgok6 Nuzach mad at his MGTOW threads being deleted and the anons caring more about Israel vs HAMAS, this is a long thread and even after so many months he's still trying to sage it or seething about the anons not being allies of Israel. He spammed blacked in the thread as usual. https://archive.ph/cqWw9#135797 https://archive.ph/cqWw9#135910 https://archive.ph/cqWw9#136397 Casual anons already getting tired of Nuzach in the cyclical and how he gets so many IP's permanently banned for spammaning G​AMERGATE porn and cp. https://archive.ph/H0lhD#252516 Some threads that Nuzach tried to derail now in September 2024. If I had to post them all I'd only finish this post on Friday. https://archive.ph/axfe5#148362 https://archive.ph/BOGNQ#151759 https://archive.ph/FfoUh#340602 https://archive.ph/InnWm#151718 Jewzach larping as nuzach, samefagging and spamming trannyporn to "own" the Ramonposters https://archive.is/LWz0R#130880
Lol, thank you for keeping tabs on this autist. t. an anon who has enjoyed the jewzach saga
I have some Archives of him too https://archive.ph/eTDxK https://archive.ph/RjRGG https://archive.ph/jsr1v seething ALL across the cyclical about jannies https://archive.ph/rpgHz https://archive.ph/lKKL7
I think some Anon baited him and as a result he is butthurt and trying to prove that he definitely doesn't think about Ramon having sex 24/7 like an obsessed gaycel. https://archive.ph/M0HFK https://archive.ph/zhRf0 OP WON
>>257427 It's even the exact same images he was posting on the cyclical today. Kind of funny too, clearly he doesn't have a lot of Ramon porn saved, and probably resents having to have some. But it's the only way he can actually pull off his false flag attacks.
>>257427 >archived the coon homo porn lmao the difference between nuzach and I is that nuzach literally cried and got incel shooter levels of depressed over his threads and quit the internet, whereas I honestly enjoy this shit lol. I would have been here for so long tormenting you losers if I didn't get a sadistic kick out of it. That is after all the true origin of all shitposting. You little neonazi incel fags however keep on the great 8chan tradition of second rate redditry. Here's to another 750 posts!
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>>257449 >word filters for Patrick Nelson I will refer to G'ahoole as Patrick Nelson until the jannie seethes harder at me and does a word filter on those too lol.
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I will just post here proof that the Ramon Coons i.e. Moliberry neonazi incels from nuzach's Discord are in fact "prison gay." They really do masturbate to transsexual porn which is why they like the G​AMERGATE so much. When I started really rubbing in the salt on their homosexuality recently they got really pissed off and spitefully spammed Ramon. It's not hard to bait such sensitive and vulnerable losers in society. I mean fatass himself almost jumped off a bridge becuase of the 2023 /meta/ thread lol. You can find a copy of the thread here >>114821 I think it is hilarious that tvtroons seethe so hard that they are constantly archiving and then having a list of all the archives of everything they think came from their tormenter, Nuzach. Like this stuff >>257377 is pure assrage shit lol. It's been 4 years and you haven't doxed Nuzach. The shitposting killed both of your shitty websites. Take the L and seethe on in these threads, I will help you! LMAO
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I can see it's another sad weekend for Nuzach where he'll spend seething with the anons and visiting zzzchan and other sites begging for approval and help.
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>>257460 I see it's another coon who has nothing to do but seethe at nuzach posts on a fourth rate kiwi shithole. Maybe have sex? Gay sex or masturbating to the coon doesn't count.
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>>257449 >>257450 >>257451 >>257462 >Lol! Good to see my favorite lolcow being here to make me laugh after a nice night of fucking prime Italian pussy.
>>257369 >saves copious amounts of G​AMERGATE porn and tranny porn on his computer >im totally not a massive faggot guys im just posting it to piss off le imaginary my loose butthole You tranny faggots are so far back into the closet you’re in fucking narnia. Just kill yourself and end your parents disappointment already you fucking estrogenic faggot.
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I see that that nuzach is happy about his second thread, congrats nuzach.
>>257480 I've known for a long time that he's especially butthurt during the weekends, the incelzito probably feel quite bitter and lonely.
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>>257491 Ramon Coons have nothing to do but rage at nuzach every day and then pretend to not be seething. I love watching you writhe like this. It's wrong, I know, but I can't deny such a pleasure as making you miserable lol.
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He obviously has more than only one mental illness. Out of all the lolcows who used to visit 8chan /cow/ and post in their own threads, he wins the award for most bitter and insane.
>>257528 ">no, u that's pretty much all the coons have left at this point.
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ramon coon being gay again.
>>257590 >>257651 Damn you are butthurt, my spicito friendo.
nuzach is a sweaty gamer.
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>>257687 He is unironically posting lolicon shit bickers he is depressed. Also he is visiting zzzchan again to ask for help against "muh cowkikes zoomers!"
Nuzach is depressed, guys, our little latrinx incel needs some love in his sad life. https://archive.ph/qHhUy He is even coping more than before about his lust for "coon dicks". https://archive.ph/OnL59#152546
>>257783 >gets baited >swallows the hook, line and sinker >seethes the coonmeister cycle >>257743 I have never posted lolicon or sweaty gamer shit. You lie bickers you seethe.
>>257789 You've reposted cp several times nuzach, and that's not even including all the cp that gets posted while youre active but then youre active basically all the time since you have no life or future prospects
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>>257793 you don't know who nuzach is you don't know who anyone is on an anonymous imageboard, you newfaggot imbecile you don't know who posted the G​AMERGATE dicks you don't know who posts the shitty cp ip address traps you're a terminally assmad faggot on the internet
>>257799 You're too much of a schizosperg to have any anonymity, Nuzach. That's why you're run out of any online community you try to get into. Any normal autist would give up at that point and move on, but your schizoid personality disorder doesn't allow you to let go, so you seethe and spam shit every day. If you had anything going for you in your life you might have been able to let go too, but you're here, every day, spamming the same shit with absolutely nothing better to do.
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he admitting to posting blacked https://archive.ph/ZYv7F#152577 while all the anons are having fun Nuzach makes a drama about how mentally retarded he is https://archive.ph/TGMAp#152540 >>257783 he is not in a good mental state, which is nothing new he's going on blacked.gov and zzzchan to try to cope since when he wants attention about being depressed every year he just logs on /dunk/
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>>257802 like i've said before with you losers, all you do is "NO, U." I was always the one who preyed on your incel, virgin insecurity bickers you're a bunch of joo obsessed nazis who haven't even seen a pussy in real life, you're porn addicts, and it drove you nuts. That's why you keep mouthing off at every shadow on the wall as being nuzach, bickers I made you cry. It got to the point where literally every fucking thing you say is "NO, U." It's honestly boring now. I was too successfull at making you seethe. and really, you soytrannies need to fuck off back to soyjack.party. You're really nothing more than the proliferation of internet culture into normalfaggot space so that even normalfaggots have become incel virgins now. That's why you hate anonymity so much and are peak Reddit in your behavior. Soyjack.party really is just the normalfaggot failure of the normalfagged 4cuck in the current year. Really pathetic people, and that is why every time you get owned in life you resort to irony to feel like you actually won. That is schizophrenia.
>>257802 >NO U I think you are funny lolcow Essayfag. You'll never dox me, you'll never dox Esoshaggism and you never doxed "Zach" bickers he never existed. You losers had to create a lolcow to seethe and pretend to be smart oldfags when you are zoomer virgins who killed this board. Sterilize yourself since you don't have the courage to kys lol.
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>>257804 >NO U are porn addicts says the the one that spams cp and bbc porn
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The levels of cope and seethe he is reaching are the proof that he is unironically a lolcow. I have a feeling his heart isn't doing so well, he's going to have a heart attack soon.
>>257822 Remember, I enjoy watching you seethe. Ive been terrorizing you for years. I penetrate your spaces and make you little faggots cry, soytranny. >>257820 >NO, U like a broken record, coon.
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>>257828 <Remember, I enjoy watching you seethe. Ive been terrorizing you for years Assmad spic, everyone is laughing at you!
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He can't handle the emotional damage caused by the anons, and keeps giving us pearls of hypocrisy and mental delusion. I wonder if he is related to Gaytor or Bryan Dunn. https://archive.ph/uEV3A https://archive.ph/GdHLg#bottom https://archive.ph/1v8Q7#152660 https://archive.ph/LgLx0#152620
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NUZACH SISTERS, NO LIKE THIS!!! https://archive.ph/YXMk1 https://archive.ph/aRUMM#152713 Our browncel can't stand the alogs and has decided to make a desperate appeal. After being humiliated once again in his own thread. All he's done since then is posting a few posts scattered around the webring, trying very stealthily not to attract the eyes of the anons, afraid and trying to avoid further BTF0's while preaching about everyone being incels and lolicons like himself or talking about wanting more vids of Gah00le showing his naked body. With really low energy and desperately trying to sound less insane and chimp out less, the anons baited him once again and proved how easy Nuzach can be baited and manipulated by ARYAN man. In both ways he proved to have a great sense of inferiority and low emotional control, just like any spic and G​AMERGATE. He's scared and tired. His pederastic obsession with Gah00le is the only thing stopping him from killing himself.
>>257865 >>257938 lol he must have some sort of humiliation fetish to keep doing this to himself
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>>257945 he is a kike lover and a gaycel, ofc he has a big thing for being humiliated and serious self-loathing problems. when he's cornered he tries to pretend he's laughing along with >us, he posts the gay Joker and pretends he actually loves everyone, Gah0ole, Wrist, Essayfag, you, me, etc and post some essay kind of pretending not to be him but with the same typical butthurt cope and faggy talking points. he follows very predictable patterns, his own life and head are hell.
>>257951 He's honestly sad and funny as shit at the same time. <jokes on you guys I was only pretending to be a pedo cuck <a-akually I have some mental issues but don't >we all props to leaving your (you) about as it might bait a hilarious response
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>>257952 other anons have already talked about this even in 2022, it's easy to identify him and the root of his seethe by the fact that he's the typical newfag who started using imageboards bickers he thought he'd find other people as sick and pathetic as him. >Everyone on imageboards is a cuck, closet homo, loser, incel and probably pedo just like me!!! EVERYONE!!! I can't admit that there are anons who don't have the same flaws as me!!! this kind of behavior became very prevalent after 8chan was destroyed and around 2016 with the large migrations of redditors to 4chan, the typical faggot who thinks imageboards are edgy and part of the dark web and that everyone there is some kind of weirdo with gallons of pee all over the basement and a collection of CP on the hard drive and flags with swastikas all over the walls.
>>257955 >I never really gave much of a shit about cp Well that is not surprising with all the cp you spam
>>257956 Yeah he posted cp of some underage Ukrainian twat getting fucked by a G​AMERGATE and tried to claim bickers this video existed all white women were whores and it was their fault that white people were being wiped out, all this while carrying water for the Jews. >>257955 <I arrived at 8chan in 2014 from reddit with the rest of Gamergate I fixed that for you nuzach. Honestly I don't even think your old enough to have been a gamergay veteran in fact of course. Nuzach probably discovered imageboards in 2018 with the advent of internet bloodsports themselves, its why he always obsessively comes back to it. Not sure if hes even a 2016fag. Talk about new. >The only pathetic thing in all of this is guys whose only enjoyment in life is the "sektur" pretending to be well adjusted "chads." <I'm not internet people Okay Donga, does that take you back, are you really above it all? You aren't. You want to act like half the people who use imageboards aren't high IQ autist that don't just want a nice outlet for their hobbies. Not everyone is a loser sweaty gamer cuck like you. There are NEETs and what (((society))) would call losers that use imageboards, but is that even necessarily a bad thing? Not at all, many of these people have talents and hobbies and just wanted a group of fellow autists to share them with. You really do just come across as a failed normalG​AMERGATE who thinks your above it all. If you're that afraid of yourself then you deserve >us bullying (you). I think his want to try and ruin the hobby of lolcows and that anyone who likes them is a foxdick farmer is funny considering the fact that he himself is a lolcow and his constant attempt to scream schizo when proper oldfags catch him in his tracks combined with his semi-fake yet recent posts basically being buckbrocken show what a giant faggot sweaty gamer cuck that he is. His dislike of /pol/acks and the soyjak.party trolls shows his asshurt, as both have better political opinions and trolling skills than him.
>>257955 He can't handle the pressure! Besides depression, all he has is projection and passive aggressive coping! You're an incel and a closet homo, Nuzach, that's the truth. Not everyone is a failed nornalfag who took the blackpill and drowned in bitterness and coping like you. You can cry all you want, I'm happily the father of two young children, kikes and golems like you will never bring me down. But me and other anons are bringing you down. Not that you could sink any lower, considering how genuinely broken you are.
>>257963 Based Ramonfag saving the aryan race.
In all these years I've never seen one of the lolcows who visit /cow/ become so cowardly and assblasted. Not even the Indian Incel back in 8chan, even he was less of a butthurt loser than Nuzach. Even the original Zach was more creative and chill too.
>>258027 >Not even the Indian Incel back in 8chan You mean fake ross? Yeah he was way more chill and broke character several times on internet Гунт sports streams, he eventually became an okay troll himself. >Even the original Zach was more creative and chill too Zach was at least honest about what he was and did, and when he didn't even if he was really bad at it he would try his very best to pretend to be a ebin ebil nazi to make anons hate on humble harv. At least these two would never break down and cry like pussies pretend they were gonna leave and than come back the next day doing the same thing. Oh yeah and they never posted cp.
>>258027 He is definitely mentally affected and trying to act more cowardly and lazy, still saying to others “kys”, seething about “Gayhoole and Wrist” etc. But he's really destroyed. He's probably retreating into his zzzchan /b/ for fear that the anons will continue to humiliate and undermine him.
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Lmao he is once again seething about Gah0ole and soyjakparty.
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He is saging his own thread, after being ASSBLASTED But guess what, in such a lazy and faggy way he is samefagging in another shitty thread created by him. https://archive.ph/2tAnR
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For someone who loves to call others losers and faggots, imagine being the guy going into this childish, homosexual fantasy about being the Joker and Gah00le being Batman. After two days as a salty slug, Nuzach is happy to have had a little interaction with Gah00le, just like a loser with his favorite twitch whore. And still coping hard about being an incel and totally not a lolcow being BTF0'D hard by everyone else. https://archive.ph/hQbJa Second thread is him trying to emulate Yakuza and Weakload, "please give me attention, I'm leaving!" of course he never left, his life is tvch, alogs and zzzchan and who knows what other imageboards where he is seen as a cockroach. https://archive.ph/37ljq#153166
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Hey look, our hypocrite gaycel can't avoid being a retarded. <in the cyclical, crying about filters and the mods "trollshilding" Gah00le, even calculator-kun dabbed on him and called Nuzach a newfag And le joker who is known for being the most repetitive and boring idiot in the webring can't take a simple mexicanmutt meme, seethe about it and shows again what a hypocrite he is. The guy who spam blacked, coon, etc for two years or more is already buckbroken with a simple meme about Mexicans.
>>258227 I know you won't believe me, but that guy in the meta thread was not me. You're delusional and need to take your meds. You also need to leave your faggy.shitty cultural attitude at that soytranny site and lurk moar.
Certainly hypocrisy and the lack self awareness are fundamental parts of being a great lolcow that keeps delivering. From what I see he keeps repeating the same shit and seems to be unable to understand how he is so easy to be spotted and baited.
>>258236 Why do you always try to pretend it isn't you? Whats the point in lying? Is it just a part of being a jew?
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>>258236 You should accept that you are not smart, Nuzach. You're a midwit at best, but I honestly doubt you can score triple digits on an IQ test.
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>Still posting interracial porn >Still seething about the jannies and just having a "massive" small dick energy all across time and space Also he was in some thread spitting his blackpill about how only black guys or guys over 6,5ft can get pussy, and preached about his BWNO philosophy before a vol deleted his posts. But hey, he isn't a faggot lusting for black guys, that's for sure!!! The ramon"coons" are the ones obsessed with black dicks!!! Not him, the gaycel!!!
he is now falseflagging as a ramonposter again, while keep up with his pathetic joker cope and BBC worship, but sure isn't the porn addicted gaycel >>258227 his manchild "le joker" fantasy is pretty pathetic, the dude is in his 30s
https://archive.ph/jkAEt#153334 Another lonely and pathetic weekend to Nuzach where he preach his gospel about black dick supremacy and love for his jewish masters.
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>>258364 Oh boy, the new cope about him posting black dicks and even CP.
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>>258366 you forgot to post this one concerning you nazi virgin retards bitching about jews nonstop for your own fucked up lives.
>>258368 C'mon now, Nuzach. Lmao!
Some years old screenshots. Same usual shit, he larping as Essayfag for some time and the anons called out him for it, he defending blacked and usual attempts to stir shit and larping as some badass edgy oldfag. >>258373 He really have some massive humiliation fetish, no wonder, the guy love the kikes so fucking much.
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And he doesn't even have the same energy level anymore, he's totally broken by the anons, the most he does these days is astroturf about being “cool & edgy” or seethe about soyjak memes. https://archive.ph/Z3jpB#153519 Also he keeps with this weird love/hate for nuzach and "stealth" war against the "mojcaesar187ags" who hate cp and lolishit. After all, all the true "oldfags" are pedos losers like himself.
>>258458 >look mom go pick up trash you sad loser, holly fucking shit get a life you worthless cockroach
>>258459 >>258462 Nuzach it still will never change the fact that you suck jewish-G​AMERGATE dick.
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I remember the TRSperg, Nuzach's idol admitted that he was a weedlmao loser who fried his brain with drugs during his 20s, I wonder if Nuzach is just really dumb or his brain was also ruined by drugs. >>258459 >>258462 Jumping IP's to seethe and cope, buddy, pretty pathetic as usual.
>>258464 keep projecting insect, youre a 2 iq loser who lives on a dead shitboard with only 3 posters, none of which went to school have a job or have/had any social life, lmao youre the most pathetic and low iq cringe losers ive ever seen nad the mentally ill mod (You) is the biggest faggot of all holy shit you dont even have an iq, you have no life kys
>>258470 >you are this in my imagination no education no job no friends prove me wrong, you cant youre a fucking loser like the 3(three) other posters on thie loser shitboard spending 17 hourse a day doing nothing, youre life is a joke you worthless faggot
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Hey guy, Nuzach is seething no only here but on tvch too, so easy to be spotted, pure butthurt energy even tho he is a gaycel.
>>258469 >>258470 >>258472 Good to see you seething and coping so fucking hard as usual, my gaycel friend. Cope and seethe more so >we can LOL at (You). You will never stop being an unironically incel loser who have some weird obsession for dicks.
>>258474 >muh lol bitch you have no degree, you have no salary, you have no friends, thats why youre a janny on a dead shitboard, retard, youre not only a loser on the internet youre a loser in real life and will always be a fucking loser so lmao on your pathetic life lol, fucking loser
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>>258477 So you're a proud wage cuck and incel. >We get it. Nuzach, nothing you say touches any of your alogs, you are a massive hypocrite and retard so easily baited. You have proven time and time again that you have legitimate mental and moral problems. Everything you accuse others of has already been proven to be a projection of yours, you're literally chimp out on about your own problems. You're an incel who's online every day and almost 24 hours, seething, being butthurt, lying and posting blacked out. You must have almost cried with joy at a little level interaction with Gah0ole a few days ago. That in itself showed how lonely and dependent you are on >us. You know you're incapable of going two or three days without frequenting the webring bickers you have nothing else in your life apart from your mental illness and shitty job.
>>258479 >you are my imaginary bully fucking loser, i dont even bother reading your cringe faggot, im a civil engineer what are you, a janny on a dead shitboard talking to yourself about imaginary people what a fucking no life cringe loser you are, seriously kill yourself, youre so transparently retarded and cringe you single-handedly drove everyone away, loser, youre so fucking pathetic its unreal, the biggest loser ive ever fucking seen
>>258473 He has a personality of a child rejected by everyone or a Jewish woman, look how butthurt he got by you using “lol” when he himself sometimes uses “lol” to cope with his situation. >>258477 >>258483 You're literally shaking and almost crying, Discount Zach, while telling harsh realities about your own life to strangers online. It's funny that you're happy to have graduated from something with a large number of spics who never actually accomplish anything. From "le joker badass" to now fully admitting to be a loser failed normalcattle.
>>258484 >muh spic i have a belgian and dutch passport loser, youre the dumbest most cringe, mentally ill faggot ive ever seen, you have no education you have no job you have no friends you have no life, youre a fucking loser on a shitboard for losers, kys
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>>258483 >>258486 You're more desperate and repetitive than usual, my lolcow. Are you having a pillstream night?
>>258486 Oh ja, en wat doe je daarmee? Naar Afrika vliegen om negers te pijpen?
holy shit anons really riled up the jewzach today lmao
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>>258496 Now he is posting blacked to make "the losers" "seethe". Congratulations to Nuzach, the big winner aka incel who is always online. Becoming the new Zach is the only real achievement in his sad little life. He is well known for being the most repetitive idiot ever seen on an imageboard. And yet he hypocritically accuses others of being “salty” and repetitive. Obviously these soyjak memes got under his skin. And to make his hypocrisy even greater, he used to spam soyjak memes back in the day. Archive the cyclical thread, with the anons talking about Jewzach and his mental problems and some deep lore, only to Nuzach show up to spam some blacked gifs. https://archive.ph/W0Ggs#258498
>>258499 who gives a shit loser youre all (total=3 users + ultra-loser mod) fucking losers that never went to school never had a job never had a girlfriend never had a life lmaoing at your non-life so hard, larping clowns
>>258496 >nazi virgin posts his club footed dysgenic retard that killed his own children Well at least Goebbels did one thing right LOL. Look, I'm the one who started the gaycel thing off by calling you prison gay first. Then, predictably, coons seethed hard, so hard in fact that all they could think of was literally regurgitating my own diss. You lazy bum ass nazi virgin Zoomers are the most unoriginal, shiftless, smooth brained idiots ever seen. You are essentially G​AMERGATEs. You are COONS.
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yep, he is mentally ill and a prison gay.
>>258502 >nazi I knew posting that gif would get a response, thanks for playing :)
>>258499 >Nuzach seems to have some memory problems apart from the emotional ones and I've never seen someone so hurt by Freudian slips as him. He projects and cope like no one else. i noticed how he projects to fucking hard to cope about the reality, even schizos are more in touch with reality than him, and at least them are more creative and funny to have around
I think you guys broke him.
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>>258515 he probably broke his own mirror for sure
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Found him posting on zzzchan looks like he was spamming tranny/blacked porn there, most of his post have been jannied now. https://archive.is/LIne5
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>>258517 yep he posts there, is kinda easy to spot him in any imageboard since he is such a spergy retarded
>>258519 >john's monster turned on him And here I thought he was a hardcore /japan/G​AMERGATE too, ouch nuzach has truly become the ultimate lolcow/cuck spammer of the webring.
>>258483 >civil engineer So what do you do post cuck porn and cp all day? You autistically spam shitty infographs over and over again in your older thread and on that mudshark's thread.
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did i mention every poster (3) here never went to school never had a job never had a girlfriend never accomplished anything in their pathetic life, you have no friends you have no life you talk like the social rejects lmao youre all fucking failures and losers no one could care less about cataloging a fucking nobody coming up with made up stories about the guy that bullied you as a child, you lot are the most pathetic cringe retard losers ive ever seen a dead shitboard for losers where only 3 low iq losers post and a retarded no life janny that spends 16 hours a day pressing f5, what a life, fucking failures
>>258524 he probably work as an uber driver, most of civil engineers never actually works in the profession since they don't have good qualification
>>258526 nuzach, you are seething and talking like a G​AMERGATE chimping out, you are a proud incel, why are you now talking about girlfriends and friends when you don't have any of it? you are just showing how much you care about a normalfag life style which you don't have and also being baited and deep-throating the bait
>>258526 A dutch passport for sex tourism and a belgium passport for easy bbc access, sweet!
>>258526 And what college did you attend to earn a PhD in acting like an incel shitskin sperg? bickers your legitimate seething combined with this photo is not the victory you think it is, it just proves more how hurt you are and that education is failing, bickers you are legitimately dumb.
>>258532 Groningen you stupid bitch
Come to the concertebouw in amsterdam we are going to watch a bbc fill in a glorious snow bunny while listening to mozart.
>>258532 a doctorate is only at universities you fucking loser, did you even finish highschool or did you drop out cuz you were getting bullied to much by the guys that went on the university, like me, fucking loser youre a joke, every (3) loser on cow is a joke and an obvious failure and social reject its hilarious how oblivious you are to how transparent you are you faggot little no life loser
>>258526 Unless you write a date and timestamp on one hand while holding it up with another, this means nothing.
>>258537 not really, the hand writing already proves it, if you can doctor a hand writing you can doctor a timestamp. i kneel sir nuzach the educated.
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>>258538 That is a very jewish answer jewzach
>>258536 You're more butthurt and G​AMERGATEfield than usual, is it just the anons dabbing on you or is something going on irl?
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>>258543 want me to post it again you never went to school you never earned shit you never interacted with a physical person youre low iq youre a social reject youre a loser, a loser whos only pride is calling yourself an "old-homosexual", what a worthless subhuman you are, and you think you talk shit you fucking loser, literally all the posters on cow (3 lmao dead shitboard for losers), get a life, cockroach, and even thats beyond you, larping virgin failure
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>>258545 Another nuzach copypasta embarrassment of a post for the ages.
>>258546 what a comeback, do you even own a car loser youre a joke
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>>258547 >do you even own a car?
>>258548 like a baby, are you going to cry, bitch, your shit board is dead and youre the only loser left, the biggest of the losers like holy shit, king loser over here,, biggest fucking failure ive ever seen, go start a new conversation with yourself you 0 iq retard theres no one here anymore, faggot
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Imagine taking all that time and effort to get an apparent degree and than spend most of your waking life spamming cuckold porn and cp. Talk about being a STEMcel as the newfags would say. Nuzach is probably one of the most pathetic losers I've ever seen on an imageboard, bar none hes the most insane retard I've ever seen on the internet in the last four years. >>258549 The only one crying is you, I think all of >us collectivist are gonna have a continued smuckle at your existence. You will always be a blacked spamming sweaty gamer cuckold nuzach, and also an unfunny samefag. I don't get why you hate Ramon so much, hes a successful Hispanic man, why not strive to be like him?
>>258550 >muh no u >muh imaginary stories oh yeah you must be a janitor-engineer then, did 8 years of /cow/ school and training did you, got a public tender for your "old-homosexual" skills on shitboards did you, what a winner you are fucking loser, go back to cleaning toilets you absolute retard lifeless subhuman, let me say it again for your stupid peabrain, you are the most obvious and pathetic failure ive ever seen, this whole board is nothing but larping losers, youre a joke its hilarious you even open your low iq mouths, worthless dregs
>>258552 t. Hispanic man who printed out a fake degree in a language he can't even speak I can't take a word you say seriously poser. maybe try using some google translate next time you try to lie like that. Ramon was an actual radiologist, a true man of science unlike your lying ass. LISTEN TO ME BRO!
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>>258553 lmao fucking loser i hav the transcripts and still have the student card to get through the gate that keeps retard losers like you away, youre presence is a tarnish on even a dog turd /cow/ is for fucking low iq retards and losers lmaoooooooooo, total failures you are, your lives are a joke , subhuman faeces, you dont deserve to open your mouth for even a fly nothing but low iq virgins
lol what the fuck happened, who broke nuzach so hard he started posting his school grades?
>>258557 lol weres your mop loser you get payed to f5, cockroach lololololol fucking failure
>>258558 I wasn't talking to you, Nuzach. But now that you're here anyway, why are you schizophrenically seething on an imageboard in the middle of a workday if you're supposedly a civil engineer? What was it, schizophrenic breakdown? Molested a black man or some children and now you're ostrasized from society so this is your life now?
>>258559 oh sorry i meant "wheres your mop, loser? do you get payed to f5, cockroach? lololololol fucking failure." you gonna watch another nobody loser stream now like a fat pig or a no-eared pseud lmao what a sad circus of losers you all lmfao
>>258526 I knew my partner in crime was a German. Germans make the best anons, as any true oldfag knows.
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>>258535 Lmfao. My apprentice will become more powerful than us all, /cow/kikes! /cow/kikes utterly blown the fuck out by well educated Nuzachads while the only thing they have in life is gay G​AMERGATEs and stale Gamergate sektur drama, and all Patrick Nelson has is faggot ass wrestling watching sweaty steroid abusers in tights truly you bums are the biggest laughing stock in history bullying you was a pleasure and continues to be so as you wring your hands and spit in rage at the impossibility of doing me ahahahahahagahahaha! Eat shit forever, and you're not even true /cow/tards, they're all long gone the only thing here is newfaggot soytrannies and foxdicks, a pathetic substitute for the old /cow/ board that was something besides a neonazi virgin bitch center about who makes your virgin neonazi ass seethe the most, which is to say this is nothing more than a foxdick bunker for seethe cope. YOU WILL NEVER DOX ME AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
>>258563 oh is "old-homosexual" a legal title, do you even have a title you loser cuz i do and youll get arrested by interpol for using it without a degree, useless mollusc, how old are you even, and still a loser failure on a shitboard no one knows about with 3(three) posters posting about cringe incel loser retard shit, wow what a winner you are
>>258562 Nuzach, you're literally on here f5ing all day bickers you need to for your spamming. Weird projection, buddy. What the fuck went wrong with your life that you spend every waking hour losing your shit at 2 imageboards? I keep trying to wrap my mind around what could have broken a dutch/belgian schizo so hard that he ended up becoming a professional bbc spammer, especially if I'm actually willing to believe you used to be relatively sane. Since you finished your road design class in 2011, 2014 or 2016, you're already about a decade post graduation, so probably 35-40. Yet you have no job, no wife, no kids, just a thread on an imageboard about how much of a schizo you are. What happened, buddy? >>258564 Nobody believes your multiple Nuzach theory.
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>>258569 >w-w-what happened???? I got a life, make money and live in my own home while you dumb nazi virgins still live with mommy. Thats what happened AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! DUMB VURHINS WHO CAN ONLY POINT AND SPUTTER AT AN INTERNET GHOST AAAAAAAHAHAHAGAGAHA KEEP COPING YOU DUMB INCELS!!!!! KEEP DOUNG DA JOOOOOS YOU DUMB NAZIS!!!!! AAAAAHAHAHAHA
>>258569 >muh deranged loser shit blablabla yeah see youre too uneducated to even know what S1 stands for lmaoooo pathetic peabrain, i grauduated 4 years ago loser and got a job before i ever graduated at the company i did my thesis at but you wouldnt know how higher ed works or what im talking about would you, urinal cleaner and i have 2 weeks holiday loser its just cold, im gonna rub it in your pathetic loser face what a colossal fuck up you and youre pathetic non-life are, "old-homosexual" lol what a loser are you a losergate veteran too did you fight for the right of virtual booba on your looser board, fucking cow, the world spits on you
>>258570 Nah, if you made money you wouldn't be here spamming all day. I can see how this is the root of why you hate Patrick though, he's younger, less educated, probably uglier. But somehow people like him, he's got a job, a girlfriend, the things you've always wanted but could never have. And that then ties into the whole bbc obsession, calling white women whores and all that, further jealousy bickers you're too much of an autistic schizoid to get a woman, and bickers you can't process you're the problem, you blame the white women and turn them into the enemy. You should'nt share so much about your personal life, it's really depressing and it's much more fun to imagine you as screeching manchild then a 40 year old schizophrenic that's probably gonna kill himself in a decade or so.
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>>258571 >i have 2 weeks holiday loser its just cold I see, like your last year of 2 week holidays? You're here every single day at most times of the day Zach, you've repeated this cycle with tvch for years before this. Good job ruining your shitty larp, retard.
>>258573 >you are eberyone and everywhere >but i wouldnt know that cuz im not a loser f5ing every shitboard no one knows about with 2 posters get a life loser, youre a fuck up that wasted decades doing fucking nothing lol kys old-homosexual, what a loser
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>>258574 lol calm down Nuzach, you can tell me again how you're a white christian nationalist that loves bbc with a successful job that still finds time to seethe on imageboards at all times of the day and night.
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>>258575 >indirectly admits he is a broke basement dwelling loser incel with a porn addiction. Keep owning yourselves, coons.
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>>258572 >da white winmin r good I'm gonna defend them from my virgin goon chamber in my mom's house. U posted a G​AMERGATE dick at me therefore ur gay. nuzach had sex. LMAO YOU ARE SO TRANSPARENTLY FUCKED IN LIFE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!
>>258575 lol get a mop, cockroach how many years loser, and nothing to show for it lmao, fucking cow posters are the biggest loserss in the world fucking proud of posting the same retard incel trash for >2x the amount of time it took me to become an engineer losers losers losers, i cant say it enough, fk it feels so right , fucking losers all of you losers, 'uh look at me im a loser' hahaha thats right you fucking loser
>he is still tarding out kek look at what you guys have done to him
>>258581 WHY do you have to be so RUDE
>>258584 lmfao not even rude, just done sugar coating for you stupid no life failures if youre shocked its cuz you losers have never interacted with a normal fucking person before cuz youre retards, they just shoo you away into your little shitholes and ignore you, youre the rejects of world, like hello, the losers of even the losers ( your loser circus you worship, yeah even they are closer to normal than you 'uh muh normal muh normie uh im a fucking loser so that makes me cool' haha yeah thats right you little retard, youre so cool being a fucking retard ) lmao no one gives a shit about you, no will even bother to tell you plain and simple youre fucking losers like holy shit, big losers, so big, the biggest, wow big big losers here watch out, so here let the adult come into your retard little corner with your retard legos and whatever that lump of shit youve been squeezing in your hand for the past 5 years accomplishing nothing ( a waste of time, like you hehe ), and let me tell you that your a bunch of fucking losers, in a retard corner, for loser, and that fucking lump of shit youve been squeezing fucking stinks you stupid retard, like whats wrong with you, can you not function you stupid shit, no of course not otherwise you wouldnt be in the retard corner of the internet put on some loser streams now like a retarded child and laugh at yourself
Ramonfag buckbroke nuzach really badly.
He writes and seethe the likes of one of those pajeets and hapas incels gone crazy bickers of lack of affection and pussy.
>>258618 heh, got a degree bitch? didnt think so clean my toilet janny loser lmaooooooooo >b-b-b-b-but i pressed f5 for 16 hours a day for 10 years lolololololol total fucking failure, your life is a joke loser
>>258618 Yeah that's the schizophrenia, it might look like a seething wall of text to anyone else but it's a profound message in his mind.
>>258629 >it must be profond thnx haha i only give you low lifes low effort shitposts for a shitboard full of low iq uneducated shits lmaoing at your loser life so hard right noe did you finish your dishwasher shift, ooof, fking tell us what a totally normal non-loser with a normal life you are by laughing at a cringe stream looool, losers
>>258630 I guess it doesn't even need to be a wall for your text to look like it was written by a more angry and unhinged Elliot Rogers.
>>258640 >i guess keep your guesses bitch nothing out of your head is over 10 iq, no life unschooled loser
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>>258632 >>258634 oh no no no no tardcel is gonna chimpout
janny started with trollshielding Patty Gay and then ended up trollshielding the whole fucking website. Nuzach CUCKED YOU. I think Nuzach really is black bickers of how hard he CUCKED you. You little white nazi incels can't penetrate shit lol.
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Someone else was talking about literal sissies freaks and Nuzach show up to cope and make excuses to his obsession for black dicks. I guess the next time Nuzach sperg out so fucking much he will take a picture of him sucking a black dildo to make >us "seethe".
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>>258620 >>258630 >all those typos >acting like a literal shitskin sperg <I'm smart, I act as retarded but I did some shitty school back 20 years ago! I don't have friends and didn't fucked any pussy for over 2 decades but I'm not the loser!
>>258685 ever notice how none of you have an education or a proper job weird must be a /cow/ thing
>>258686 the dates on the degree loser, you got one oh no you dont, get back in the toilet loser
Nuzach just can't get over his cuckposting addiction. Total Ramonfag victory.
>>258693 >thinks theres a difference wow you really are low iq
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>>258687 >>258688 >>258694 You got baited and is seething like a sperg pajeet at three o'clock in the morning. You for so long pretended to be proud of being an incel freak and now you're suddenly clinging to your pride of having studied almost 20 years ago, while today you're a pathetic lonely INCEL and butthurt on sites with only 3 other users who make jokes at your expense. Admit that you're a failed normalfag who only after finding yourself lonely and bitter started using imageboards to find soul mates only to actually come across anons who are happier and more well-adjusted than you. Like a midwit redditor, you're desperate to appear intelligent and failing pathetically. And yes, you are an INCEL, you don't get any pussy and have admitted as much, you are in fact not even close to being a volcel, just a bitter incel with no charisma who began to sink into despair and blamed society for it. There will come a day when most people here are married, perhaps even GahOGRE, you'll be an old man who will still use any excuse possible to see black dicks and cry about women.
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>>258696 >wall of text lmao im an engineer im not reading your cringe faggot what are you, a fucking low iq dishwasher loser on a dead shitboard for losers like you, get fucked lololololol youre a failure and your life is a joke
>>258699 >posted it again Honestly think he printed this shit out and its not real or it is and later he will pretend it was all an act. <I was only pretending to be retarded
>>258701 want me to say it again im a fucking ENGINEER WHAT ARE YOU LOSER
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>>258701 >Honestly think he printed this shit out lolololol you losers are so fucking butthurt by the fact that NONE of you went to ANY school at all
>what are you >*silence* exactly, fucking losers too scared to say shit, every time pathetic
>>258702 >>258703 >>258707 Nigger you made that shit up, you aren't anything.
>>258718 loooooooooool how fucking butthurt are you that youre a low iq pleb washing dishes you want the signature of the examination board or are you going to cope and say its my signature loololol fucking loser
>>258720 oh actually i have a operations supervisor card for work, you want that you fucking loser i know your too stupid to even know what that is so let me explain to you you little tyke, its when we give technical drawings to the contrsuction company and have to check that low life scum like you dont kill yourself welding your face to the girder i like supervising retards like you, shouting and bullying low lifes is kinda my thing
>>258720 >>258721 <a-actually I'm an important person You spam cuckold porn and cp, what an acomplished person! Your antics and actual posts of pure anger are very entertaining albeit. <i like supervising retards like you, shouting and bullying low lifes is kinda my thing Yet somehow you got baited into posting this long tirade bickers I posted the simple fact that none of its real. Another nuzach reality denial moment. Choke on Ramons spiritual BWC, seeing as how you have been getting literally fucked by it for the last 4 years. I KILL IT!
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>>258724 lmaoooooooo so desperate to not be a low life fucking loser, too fucking stupid to even realize who the fuck your talking to loooooooool youre a loser and a failure so again im a fucking engineer and WHAT ARE YOU
>>258727 nobody is going to believe you unless you post a timestamp on a hand while displaying whatever it is your trying to prove
>>258728 you done with your dickwashing shift, loser <laugh.gif
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>>258729 >don't laugh at me do you need some talcum powder?
nuzach is just doing victory laps now
>>258730 whats your occupation and education loser oh yeah a janny on a dead shitboard lmfao none of you went to school none of you have a job youre all losers and failures loooooooooooool
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>>258727 <I'M AN UNEMPLOYED STEMCEL SPAMMING CUCKOLD PORN AND CP ON IMAGEBOARDS WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU! I'm not someone posting fake credentials lol hmu!
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>>258738 >lol noooooooo you can't laugh at nuzach if you do that his fragile shell of an ego will be hurt
Instead of getting a pussy after 18 years he prefers to stay samefagging like a sperg. It's pretty obvious that he does really hate women and is gay.
If real then nuzach is retarded enough to self dox himself after years of CP and animal torture spam so I hope it's fake and he's a NEET
>>258741 Who's under that mask? Jared Fogle? Whoever he is has a very Jewish phenotype, even though he has become too pale.
>>258738 lmao loser janny, your retard strawman is beyond broken faggot, everyone can know clearly see its you you loser low iq shitboard janny cope harder lmfao youre a total fking loser looooooool hahahahaha
hahahaa crying so hard that i took your cringe loser toy away >mu nuzzach uh uhuhuhuuh lololololol like an autistic tyke , crying like a little bitch lmfao, how many years did you spend on this shitty sandcastle lmaoing so hard on your joke of a life, 'muh... muh... muh..'
>>258752 >crying so hard that i took your cringe loser toy away You misundertand, Nuzach, you are the cringe loser toy, and you're here forever. Now, please explain to me again how everyone else is a loser in the most butthurt ESL ragespamming you can manage.
>>258753 haha retard already told you i only have 2 weeks, is shit memory why you dropped out of school >esl oh do you have a degree in english then do you have any degree looololol have a job maybe, oh yeah a fking janny on a dead shitboard lmaooo your life is a joke are you an 'oldfag' llolololol proud of having wasted decades doing fucking nothing hah >no mother! my shitboard isnt dead its super cereal right now and i need to press f5 tonight what a failure you are
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>>258753 >this was all it took to mindbreak nuzach into spamming bbc in his own thread
>proceeds to only spam his black dicks in the cyclical after being humiliated Your brain is like clay in my hands, Nuzach.
talking to yourself again come on chop chop occupation and education loser do you even have them,
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>>258774 Chop chop, Nuzach, there's no black dicks, where are they buddy? Can't a inferior schizo loser like you even keep a couple black dicks on an imageboard used by 3 people? Come on Nuzach, search for the black dicks, download the black dicks, fill in the captchas and upload the black dicks just so jannies can delete them with 2 clicks. Quickly, times ticking.
>>258777 is that your occupation and education wow having to reconstruct your shitty strawman in the most obvious low iq way imaginable youre such a loser lol
>>258778 lol nuzach, I shame you for all your effort you put into downloading posting your black dinguses so you spam the same image 10 times. I'm an artist Nuzach, and your feeble childlike mind is my canvas. What will I make you do next with the subliminal messaging that is my brush, what hoop will you jump through this time?
>>258798 did you finish spamming and samefagging for your failed strawman lmao loser, so desperate the best part is this place is dead lol, i dont even need to do anything except rub it in your face that you dont have an education job or life larping on a dead shitboard lol youre lives are a joke lmfao :banned: hahaha this desperate to stop me from exposing youre facade and that this whole shitshow is just you posting your filth then pretending its me loooool and now i know youre the fucking loser janny since i didnt post shit and still got banned lmfao what a fucking failure you are loooool so desperate for your strawman lol what a pathetic loser, and of course you would be you have no education no job and no life lol
>>258800 Much like with trollshielding, I think your shitty understanding of english is confusing the meaning of strawman. You see, I just described the process of what you have to go through to post your black dicks, there is no strawman there, or if you disagree, feel free to explain your actual black dick posting process but you wont since youre too ashamed of your own fetish. Anyway, you better get back to it, post those black dicks my little Nuzach sissy slut. Give in to your deepest cravings, if you post at least 20 more today me and your mom will be very proud of you.
>>258801 hey bitch im a fucking engineer lol what are you
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>>258802 Stop low effort seetheposting, Nuzach. Post those black dicks like your daddy taught you or you're getting the belt again.
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>>258803 haha you just say nothing so ill just repeat it cuz there nothing left to say lol i went to school and became a fucking engineer when you losers were doing literally nothing with your sad lives on a shitboard crying about videogames lmaooooo, get fucked
>>258804 This is the last time, Nuzach, mister. You get to spamming those black dicks or your mother is getting the belt as well.
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>>258806 haha you cant even respond, your mind is broken look at it again bitch im an engineer and what are you lmaoooooo
keep posting information that can lead to your doxxxxxxxxxxxxxx nuzach
>>258841 >stop crushing us with your big dick hahahaha you cant even tell different posters apart and fall for samefagging on a shitboard that only has 3(three) posters lmao you cant do shit, know how i know... uh cuz /cow/ lololololol youre all losers with no skills education or talents hahahaha every poster (3) on cow is a fucking loser your copes are hillarious imagine being a janny on a dead shitboard when other people got a real life in a shorter amount of time than you spent cleaning up turds on a shitboard no one cares about hahahahaha loser
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whoa holy shit ok /cow/boys what did you do to buckbreak poor little nuzach like this?
>>258844 that the best you can come up lmao cant even step out of his fantasy world, youre so clearly assblasted by the fact youre a loser in real life you now how to speak to yourself in your little loser box hahahah what have you been doing for 10 years here lol, crying about nothing, larping as a normal person hahaha, losers
>>258844 https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/153648.html hes so buckbroken hes gone from bbc beastility spam to white girls getting fuck by dogs beastility spam
again trying to strawfag but now on a board ive never been too hahaha looooooooooool what a loser, you know all your doing is proving to me how fucking asshurt you are so let me repeat it youre a loser with no education no job no skills no talents no life, lololololololo
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I'll take your word on that.
>>258857 Not only are you samefagging and astroturfing on cyclical pretending to be a tired "true & honest random Anon" sick of "ramonposting" in the most obvious way possible, you're now blatantly lying about never having used tvch before. Holy shit, you have more feminine behavior than any tranny.
>>258859 haha try harder loser you cant larp your way out of the real world, the world in which your nothing but a loser with no education no job no skills no talents, wasted decades of your pathetic life on samefagging and strawfagging on a dead shitboard talking about nobodies and crying about trash hahahahah your life is a colossal failure youre so fucking butthurt lmao
>>258862 A few days ago you were complaining about others being repetitive but you act as a parrot being trained by a hapa from Reddit. You know deep down that you're going to die alone, Nuzach, you'll never know what it's like to hold your firstborn in your arms. I know deep down you sickly want me to post a picture of my son for you to do something despicable with it. I'm not as immature and desperate for attention and approval as you are, my dear incel sperg. For a "winner" you proved very well how pathetic you are given your reaction to your interaction with Gaho0le days ago.
>>258867 hahahaha cuz ITS ALL THAT NEEDS TO BE SAID youre all low iq losers with no education no job no skills no talents no life that wasted your lives on a dead shitboard doing nothing and all you can do is cope and strawfag with your imaginary made up stories hahahaha your life and your dead shitboard is a joke
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>>258862 Alright you've been spamming for literally weeks at this point and I can't for the life of me figure out how the fuck this is a win for you so I need you to explain it to the class to be able to assign the points in your favor. How is your insane seething the victory?
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Another day another jewzach seethe-athon
>>258869 what are you, stupid, dont answer destroying this pathetic strawman of a sad loser with his fake alterego and watching him squirmm to save it is the funniest thing thats fking happened here after everyone left , hes trying so hard hahahaha all for an imaginary person that i decied to assume for the sack of having it own his loser lolololololol i dont even know who the fuck any of you are talking about lmao all i know is your all no life losers and someone had to put you faggots in your place, 'muh nuzzach' hahahahahaha
>>258871 go 2 bed youre barely coherant.
>>258872 This is the most fatherly action anyone has ever shown Nuzach he's going to carry this moment for a long time anon. >>258871 Yes I'm stupid. I need you to explain for your very stupid audience at home how you outting your stores of porn is somehow a win over anyone else.
>>258873 i already told you haha i knew you were all stupid but this is too stupid for me its not me idiot how dumb can you be, its one loser mod strawfagging cuz he cant handle getting crushed under the weight of reality, maybe his papa beat him as a kid since i triggered somekind of flashback into him earlier who knows but whatever it is i love it its hillarious, the biggest loser ive ever seen and ofc you could onnly find one here on a dead shitboard lol
No wonder the state of the infrastructure is decaying, Nuzach is incapable of anything that requires good reasoning and attention. It's been over a week in which he commits one typo after another in the same post while failing logically in any argument and thoughts. In general, civil engineers have a bad reputation where I live and I never took these memes seriously. And besides a few mass shooters I also never took seriously that a lack of pussy could actually make someone go insane.
>>258875 hahaha shitboard posts are serious buisnes does it make you feel smart pressing shift and not blindly typign lmao imagine giving a shit for a shitboard with no educated people lol
>>258874 >strawfagging You know, while I was living life today, you could have actually used all that time you spent spamming on looking up what "strawmanning" actually means. And do trollshielding while you're at it.
>>258877 huh, you say something lol living life on a thursday of november huh wow you sure showed me hahahah did you forget your tlking to someone who actually had the misfortune of getting holiday scheduled in november lmaoooo living life sure bro >>258875 oh and btw wanna know a secret we mostly get paid to shit his pants and do nothing lol, and when the client is thegovernment moneys no problem, but yeah we dont get tips like you waiters oh wow you guys fking pocket tips damn you sure showed us
>>258878 >huh, you say something lol Is this some retard english thing? You're replying to me, of course I said something. >muh totally real holiday Nuzach, you're here every single day of your life spamming negro porn, even if you do have a holiday it clearly doesn't affect how much time you spend here. >lmaoooo living life sure bro Yeah, believe it or not, not everyone can spend all day looking for new black dicks to post and losing their shit on an imageboard. Also, it was nice weather in the netherlands today. In Amsterdam it's still 17 degrees, and the best thing you can come up with to do today is spamming this place? You see this is why nobody believes your work larp, it's so hard to imagine someone who does have a well paying job to be unhinged enough to spend every day of his life willingly in this much misery.
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Even the 8chan's incel pajeet was less repetitive and more coherent. Fuck, even that femcel with a unibrow who was obsessed with Kingdom Hearts sounded saner and less autistic. Not to mention Zach, who was also less repetitive and needy. Get a new gimmick, Nuzach.
>>258880 cute, was your father there >nobody believes your work larp i know thats what i love about it, the cope is unreal hahaha 'noooo someone who isnt a jobless uneducated loser...on cowm no one on cow can not be a loser' baaahaha,,,,,,i deleted this sentance dont want to spoil the fun
>>258881 who you talking to
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Nuzach went in a span of a week from being one of the most annoying faggots to being one of the most entertaining/yet still annoying lolcows I've had the pleasure of viewing.
>>258882 Being a poster would be fine, but you're not a poster, you're a seether, you come here bickers something got you so buttmad that you've made it your personal quest to try to destroy this place, with your favorite fetish. There is no doubt there is something really deeply mentally wrong with you, in fact I suspect this back and forth we've had today is the closest thing you've had to normal human interaction in at least a week. And seeing how you frequently fail at even forming a coherent sentence. It's not surprising.
>>258896 uh no bitch a normal person finally telling you youre a loser that waisted your life doing nothing on a dead shitboard is not a """""seether"""" lmao whats next gonna call me a normie now and pretend like being an autistic uneducated dumbass makes you superior to pfff literally anyone lmao youre a loser idiot plain and simple hahaha yeah IM the one with the problem, classic autist
>>258897 t. sweaty gamer cuckold
>>258905 thats less effort than ven i put in my posts lol the cockroach looking brazilian male pornstar you morons proudly shitup your shitboard with is better looooooooool
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>>258908 you having a siezure or what cant talk now, loser
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>Always online >Self-admitted an incel for over 18 years >Make excuses to spam blacked, cp and even zooshit >Gets easily angry and obsessed >Extremely hypocrite >Pathological liar >Has shit memory >Awful diction >Lack of creativity >Unironically have a case of PSI with nuzach and other online dudes. >Closed homo >"Right-winger", his platform is all about MGTOW cope and defending jews and feds >Needy, sometimes he really tries to "fit in", gets ignored or rejected, then spergs and goes back to hate the "funny guy which he loves" >Failed normalfag What else?
>>258914 Oh shit, I was also making nuzach facts, maybe add always spams three posts with three different ips to gove illusion of support but ends up blatantly alerting others of his constant samefaggotry.
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>>258914 >trying so hard to strawfag did i post these yet you loser lmao imagine being a janny on a dead shiboard for 10 years 16 hours a day and nothing to show for it, what a fucking loser lolololololo
>>258919 To add on, nuzach claims hes an oldfag from 2014 or earlier yet hes not really familar with much stuff that happened back than, only that . <oh uh yeah cp got posted back than and.....uh I didn't care cause I just didn't <totally not a pedo
16 hours a day for 10 years lolololololol i spent less time going to school than that hahaha except i got a degree and you losers got nothing
>>258897 >a normal person You spend every single day spamming interracial porn, somehow you prefer this over normally interacting with people. You've got at least 3 different personality disorders, bud. >hahaha yeah IM the one with the problem Ask your social worker, parents or whoever is responsible for you not killing yourself what they think of you doing all day, see if they say you have a problem. >>258914 >>258919 Also never learned what trollshielding or strawmanning is, he's clearly new to the sektor or his shitty english has basically stopped him from understanding any of it. And don't forget to add he's a shitskin, posting his passports and diplomas but too pussy to show his hand? Clearly he's brown.
>>258925 A degree in being a cuck pedo who can't even hide his anger or shitpost properly? Is your job jerking off to G​AMERGATEs and cp? >>258928 The fact that he claims oldfaggotry yet didn't even know what trollshielding was, and that he was guilty of it is a testament to what a fake G​AMERGATE he is. I think hes either a latinx transwoman or a asshurt pajeet.
>>258928 already told you i got 2 weeks loser man you have the worst memory you cant remember anything past 3 posts >strawmanning hahaha idiot strawfagging is samefagging to create a strawman dumbass how stupid and blind are you lmaoooo i told you before youre the only dumbass that falls for this butthurt janny that wasted his life doing nothing on a dead shitboard you fatherless retard >'s clearly new to the sektor or ooof, are you an 'oldfag' hahahaha proud of having wasted decades on a dead shitboard talking about literally nothing while everyone else went to school and got a llife, lol what a joke >muh spic are you too stupid to know what country those passport are from lmao your pathetic, the harder you cope the more i know it hurts, youre all losers lmaooooo you never went to school you never had a job you never had a life and you post on a dead shitboard trying to larp as if youre not total fuking failures lolololololll
Nuzach has no job, hes a G​AMERGATE, and hes really bad at hiding his obvious butthurt.
>>258933 >strawfagging How am I supposed to know the definition of a word you made up? I just assumed you meant strawmanning bickers you used that incorrectly several times today. >ooof, are you an 'oldfag' Well thanks for confirming you are a newfag. >are you too stupid to know what country those passport are from Yeah and there's plenty of brown parasites like yourself that manage to get passports from european countries, as I'm sure you're aware if you actually live there.
>>258934 hahaa i already posted my operations supervisor card you cant get one without emplyment loser, so desperate to to restore your failed strawman lolololol
>>258935 hahaha youve never had a passport, i have two idiot that means i have to be a national of one and a resident or married to someone from the other lololololol fucking loser imagine being proud of being an 'old-homosexual' and having wasted years doing nothing on a fucking dead shitboard are you really proud fuck man like fuck
>>258936 >>258937 Didn't >we already establish that none of its real though?
>>258938 you wish hahahaha so desperate, i love it when you ban me cuz it proves to me how absolutly prolapsied your janny anus is right now fking lol
>>258937 >esl makes it impossible for him to comprehend basic arguments Ok, let me keep it real simple for your wetbrain, Nuzach. Your government gave citizenship to a bunch of shitskins like yourself, moroccans especially are endemic in both Belgium and the Netherlands, so that would definitely explain the need for a double passport.
>>258940 hahahahahahaha how old do you think i am fucking 50 or what you need citzenship for get a passport and it takes 10+ years to become natralized and DUAL citizenship is not even allowed in netherlands unless you have blood and soil rights lololololo what a fucking loser you are, youre life is a failure
>borderline doxes himself to prove he's got a worthless degree >too afraid to show his hand to prove hes white He's afraid.
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>>258942 >hahahahahahaha how old do you think i am fucking 50 or what I think your like 35 years old to be exact, I also think your brown and your a gay faggot. Even muttni is hotter than your used-up jewish whore, and shes also a used-up maybe jewish whore.
>>258944 oooof cry harder broken jannt, what have you done with your life for the past 10 years hahahahha what a loser
>>258942 Nuzach, your country is full of shitskins that have dutch passports, all that would need to happen is that your parents are shitskins with dutch or belgian passports. On top of that, shitskins loved blacked porn, so it's just the most logical thing with your harddrive full of black dicks.
>>258945 still cant understand simple huh, and looooool wouldnt that just make it more humiliating FOR YOU hahahahaha youre life is a joke post occupation and education now
So when will nuzach switch the narrative to living the NEET life being the good life? Seeing as how his stories always fall apart after he gets pressed enough.
>>258947 why do you keep sayin 'your country' and saying its the opposite are you from that country that has the blacks lol explains why you cant understand dual nationality laws lololol here takes 1 second ;banned; hahaha do it again i love when your janny anus is bleeding so hard you cant even get your strawmans right anymore hahahaha imagaine spending 10 years on a dead shitboard for losers and failures
>>258951 Yes, youre a dutch citizen with shitskin parents. You have to be completely retarded if you think you're proving anything here.
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>>258954 and whats the statistical probability of that by population you african american hahahahah grasping at straws so hard right now the copes are unreal right now lolololol
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>>258956 It's funny you're posting football crowds when they're worshipping all these proud dutch "citizens". Maybe the cuck porn shit is just in your blood huh.
>>258957 have you seen american basketball loooooooooool 'thats you' hahaha what could i expect from a low iq shitboard hahahaha
ive got stuff to do now wait for me in a oouple hours when im back ok :banned: hahaha watch that loser janny now strawfag like crazy while im gone, total fucking failure at life hahaha
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>>258958 >compares his countries racial makeup to america lol great job proving you're white, retard. >>258960 >nearly 5 am in the netherlands >has been spamming black dicks and barely coherent rageposting since 7am >i got stuff to do Is he on drugs or is this just the true power of schizophrenia?
lol and he's back already posting black dicks
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>>258964 >cope posting in this thread <whilst you seethe-spam the cyclical so transparent.
>>258968 No sleep for the black cock slut, at all times his mind is thinking about getting fucked by a black man.
>>258963 I used to think autism was a disability but fuck man in the right hands it's a super power
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daddys back >>258963 oof, you looked up the time but couldnt even think of the obvious for where i had to go, lol says a lot about you loser, went to the gym idiot like i do every morning, what do you do loser, masturbate to your niger shit while strawfagging and cry about being called a loser on your shitboard for uneducated jobless lifless virgins pretending to not be total failures lmfao amazing and compare what idiot i asked for a probabilty and youre brain just defaulted to you posting some cringe shit about your obsession with nigers, again, like thats literally all you talk about lmaooooo talk about fucking projection
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whats this supossed to be loser
>>258977 you being eternally mad.
>>258978 mad at what come on open your mouth you timid loser
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as i mentioned here ( >>258968 ) you coping in one thread while seething in another. keep up big brain.
>>258979 Okay I asked you to explain earlier and you didn't so I am going to explain what's going on to you honey bunch. Nobody is seething about your posts. They are perhaps annoyed, the way someone gets mad when a mosquito bites them. They might slap that mosquito and curse when they do so bickers it's really obnoxious but they aren't seething about the mosquito. You are that little insect baby. You bite and bite and people slap you and you think that's a win but literally when they click away from here you cease to exist to anyone which is why it's so baffling to everyone watching this display how you've been going for so long
>>258980 hahaha come up a better story next time loser your shit is stale
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>>258981 nuzach keeps saying hes not a neet, not terminally online etc. next he tries (poorly) to psyhoanalyze anons not realizing hes the fly having his wings plucked for fun. prime example ( >>258982 ) here
>>258983 don't bully him to much his ego is as fragile as rice paper
>>258984 simply having a little fun with the well worn chew toy of the tvch lads, glad he was herded this way.
>>258981 hahaha if you post a nonreply then ill just repeat the only thing that needs to be said theres only 3(three) posters on this dead shitboard and none of you have an educatino or job or life youre all virgins, losers and failures that need to larp on a dead shitboard about how your totally not failures and internet-chads-on-the-internet >>258983 uhuh, nice infantalization pic, weird it reminds me of something ... hmmm psyhoanalyze oh yeah i remember hahaha its the fatherless loser lol this is why i have so much fun, your desperation to hide how much it hurts puts a grin on my face like you cant imagine byw you still havent given me the age at which your father left :banned: hahahah this is why i like it even more keep trying to mask your tears lmao
>>258986 I never fully understood why they put helmets on tards when they had their keepers before this moment god damn you're a machine
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>>258986 nice try bud, im not a frog poster. let alone that frog poster from the cyclical.
>>258987 its to keep the retards safe, like this dead shitboard hahaha ooooo dont call us losers and call out obvious our larp >>258988 oh ok, so your not the fatherless frog poster i cant think of anyone else he was just so easy to figure out mostly cuz hes actually retarded but, arent you all haha, so tell me what was your trauma i poked that triggered your no u coping mechanism, i cant remember everyone man especially not when theyre just losers
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>>258989 <larps as an oldfag >didnt acknowledge my sick dubs you are made of fail.
>>258990 ooof havent you been paying attention ive been ridiculing you losers that call yourself 'old-homosexuals' since day one man wake up imagine having wasted decades on a shitboard doing nothing and being proud of it lolololololol bro i became an engineer while you wasted your life crying about videogames and posting cringe, heh 'ooo look at me im a old-homosexual' lmaoooo what a loser what have you been doing with your life lol
>>258991 I for one feel very owned by you don't listen to the non-believers
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>>258991 <hasnt taken the NEET pill oh, back to this LARP? >ooof did this version of nuzach migrate from twitter?
>>258993 OOOF, what larp, bitch im an engineer, hello need me to post it again, imagine thinking being an uneducated unskilled unemployed loser is some kind of own on anything lmao these stupid memes are made by losers for losers like holy shit wake the fuck up dumbass how stupid can you be, oh yeah youre on cow haha dont answer >>258992 but youre not otherwise youd sperg out or strawfag with 'muh nuzzach muh niger spam' at this point like every other loser did, youre weird
>>258997 No man I'm telling you it's not be legal to own someone this hard in the US of A since Lincoln
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>>258999 ok, not much of a reply but i guess you gave it your best, cant expect much from a low iq dead shitboard in fact of course
>>259002 Are your parents related?
>>259002 >in fact of course even during your delusional LARPS you tell on yourself by using boardfag and incel lingo.
>>259003 im not arab or american no or a jew what about you, got a papa cleatus >>259004 glad you agree, i told you your shitboard was for incels, i wrote 'to be honest' hahaha, loser filters for a loserboard and what larp idiot, you got a problem with something here >>258920 or do i need to explain everything again, heres the short version, youre all losers and failures
>>259008 Oh my god you're an Indian, the engineering and obsession with blacked porn makes so much sense suddenly. You're not even stupid by your racial standards you're like top 10%
>>259008 whatever youre brown. >>259011 its why he wont post his hand, hes dark as sin.
>>259011 >>259012 baahahaha this cope again, look at the passports dumbass i have two which should tell you everything, but youre too stupid i know, you all are ive already been through this with the other loser hahahaha 'muh brown' is that seriosly the best you got hahahaha losers always so desperate, must hurt lmao, always grasping at straws even if it just makes it more humiliating for yourself loooooool, did it ever cross your mind that you will always the subhuman no matter who it is that says they went to school have a job have a life and arent a fucking virgin that needs to larp on a dead shitboard like some loser internet-chad_on_the_internet
>>259008 >>259014 You can be from quit literally anywhere in the world in terms of citizenship but your dna is what is it is.
>>259015 hahaha an american talking about dna ancestry cant make this shit up
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<poozach >sirs please i am engineer >i am white just like you sirs >i poo in the loo >only black mans get bobs and vageen so is ok if i am incel
>>259019 lol, cleetus, hide your pain better dont show me where it hurts lmao you know it always blew my fking mind how amaericans like to list their shart dna in a fucking % based us hahaha muh 52% 'let me tell yall europonions whos h-white cuz im % this and % that n six fifteenth native amurican, eyup' looooooool, your copes are killing me hahahaha
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Holy shit. From what I can tell he's been brigading his thread for 2 days straight now, no window even for sleeping unless it's less then 3 hours. Whatever drugs or mental breakdown he's on, I'm a little worried that if we keep pushing him he's going to die.
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Let me see if I understand. While I slept, woke up, had breakfast with family, took my kids to pre-school and came home to read during my free time, he kept going non-stop both here and on tvch seething? bickers when I went to sleep he was posting. When I checked tvch after the breakfeast there were posts of him from hours ago seething about Ramon and Essayfag. Basically he either didn't sleep or he slept for three hours and woke up to continue seething and being humiliated.
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>>259031 >I support a family bymonitoring alogs.space all day for the least sign of my tormenter, nuzach, who lives rent free in my head. You are a porn addicted, basement dwelling, prison gay nazi virgin incel. You are the lowest form of life by respectable society, who despise you and want nothing to with you, and rightfully keep you chained in the basement with your porn collection of gay men having sex with troons. You are beyond a failure. You will never dox me. You have nothing on me. I can come here whenever I want and show your precious white men fucking G​AMERGATEs, and disappear into the shadows while you cope with some wannabe G​AMERGATE spic doing jigaboo movements and a legit homosexual G​AMERGATE pornstar, bickers that's all you have in your "life" such as it is, you dumb nazi.
>>259032 >precious white men fucking G​AMERGATEs lol nice freudian slip there, Nuzach. You know, maybe you where right all along, your "apprentice" as you call him, Poozach, is actually a seperate person isn't he? I'm not sure he really get's what you're trying to do though, since he just seems to massively increase the amount of traffic and engagement alogs gets.
>>259028 woah you forgot to >we you fking loser hahahaha 10 years wasted on a dead shitboard with your unfathomably cringe 'muh sektot' memes while even your fat faced >we got a life and all grace a vous incels bahahahaha while you still post on a clown circus of shitboard for losers about your 'sektor' and being an 'oldfag' hahahaha feeling proud yet loser
>>259035 no i get it dumbass, i just want to rub it in face how much of a colossal fuck up you your life and your shitboard for losers and retards are
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>>259035 Not my fault you fantasize about having sex with monkeys.
>>259035 >muh traffic Its just tvch shit. So now you're nothing more than tvch but with more black dicks and more gay coon spam. Half of that is probably the vpn proxies getting switched lol. Looks like a job well done to me. Get fucked, bitch.
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>4 replies from nuzach and poozach for a single post Absolutely buttblasted.
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>>259042 >you replied to me more!!!!!!
>>259042 who you talking to loser, theres no one here but us now idiot did you just get so used to doing these filler cope posts when you samefag with a (1) what a loser
>so completely assmad theyre arguing with one liners lmfao go outside you social rejects.
>>259046 hahaha is this a joke or did i break your mind post the degree you got now and tell us how cow posters are all losers that wasted their life doing nothing talking about the sektor or something
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>>259046 >you used a oneliner!!! I win i win!!!!!
>>259049 If there is a way to hook this kind of unstoppable retardation to a machine the energy crisis could be solved, its like the fabled perpetual motion machine.
>>259050 you talking about cow posters or what, bitch ive made structural plans for hydroelectric dams lololololol what have you done 'uh muh sektor' hahaha for 10 years looooooool :banned: oooof, how much does it hurt lol ur all fking losers hahahhahha
>>259047 I'll post my degree if you post your hand, Poozach.
>>259052 sure, you first since you havent posted jack shit while i already posted 3 proofs every time you cope with 'muh larp'
Here >we go, Nuzach showing up how he can be baited (easy as fuck) and even manipulated by the "2 iq" anons. Usual seethe about even Gahoogre getting some pussy (and other anons too >>259032) while he is a lonely sperg. No only that, but usual seethe about ESSAYFAG and dick sucking Cakekike for almost 4 months now. After being rejected even by Koi and being btf0'd by essayfag he is now going around seething about essayfag and trying to lick Mark's jewish butthole. The weeks go by, and yet is easy to spot his posts across time and space. https://archive.ph/iYaiI#148370 Just wait, he will reply this post, seething. And meanwhile I'll be watching The Sopranos with my wife while he will stay here coping and trying to pretend to be two spergs, not only one always online.
>>259054 hahaha, as if youre not a bigger loser lmao
>>259055 But I thought you weren't a loser at all jewzach, bit of another slip of the tongue again I guess.
>>259056 who, idiot lmaoooo did you forget, is this some kind of defensive amnesia or what imagine having wasted your life on an imaginary strawman of a janny coping with the fact you all wasted your lives doing nothing on a dead shitboard while everyone else got a life lololololol , is my education and occupation still in the thread or did it get deleted by that retard hahahaha, go watch your loser streams now to feel better about your failure of a life
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>>259060 You never proved any of it was real and with how you are here 24/7 it wouldn't surprise me if it was all fake. This is just your new gimmick, before it was saying coon, than it was okay to be an incel, than joker and now this new fake persona. The only thing remaining the same is the cope about being above it all. The G​AMERGATE dick spam as well I guess.
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>>259061 hahahahahahahah i love this cope cuz its so fking stupid here it is again just in case loooool and as if im going to ever read more than a sentance from a loser lmfaooooo
Jannies, the more time you spend malding at nuzach means the more time the cyclical is left isolated for hours, get going and post some gaytor tweets and kino casino screenshots.
>>259063 this screw gaytor just keep spamming an irrelecant disgusting cockroach looking niger doing tranny porn on your dead shitboard to kill it even faster jannies lolololololol cant make this shit up, the lowest iq retards ever hahahahahahaha so desperate for posts you swallowed up whatever shit floated your way hahaha
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>nuzach spamming the same three images that prove nothing Followed by the same three-post samefaggotry? Like clockwork.
>>259066 >im not crying.gif hahahaha your copes are unreal you loser what did you do for the past 10 years, 'muh sektor' looooooooooool you gonna put 'janny of dead shitboard' on your resume bitch hahahahaha you have no life, youre a failure, lmaoing on your life so hard right now loser
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>>259053 I'm not trusting the word of a poojeet, you know you can't post your hand bickers it's far too disgusting and brown and your larp will be even less believable. Probably why you've never kissed a woman either. >>259066 Honestly, I'm starting to get the feeling it is really two people, that 2 day spergout that Poozach had was pretty telling, especially as it went on he became less and less coherent. There's Nuzach and Poozach, the one you are probably more familiar with is Nuzach, he's the schizophrenic, usually talks in memes, and has a reasonable grasp of the english language, likely been around for a while, also the one that proudly calls himself a neet and incel. Very juvenile in his way of speaking, but at least you can actually understand what he's talking about. Then there's Poozach, the barely coherent dutch poojeet that has a grade school level understanding of English and seems to be extremely autistic. He clings to his low level degree bickers it's all he has in life, socially ostrasized by everyone around him, he leads a very lonely life. Even less of a chance then Nuzach of ever finding pussy. Who knows maybe it turns out I'm wrong and it has just been Nuzach masterminding this all along, but honestly, both of them seem far too stupid to actually pull that off. Especially Poozach seems so socially incapable he probably spent most of his childhood riding the shortbus.
>>259072 ooof, imagine having to write an essay of projection to get out of posting a single proof like i did hahaha fking hilarious how you go for a 'muh brown' cope when you can clearly see my passports (on my degree which you also dont have), hahaha forget the degree i bet youre the one thats not even fking white lol cope harder loser, youre life is a failure
>>259072 hahahaha i just realized youre the fking goblin pedo lmao what happened lol, too embarassed now you have to cope with a fictional strawman, fcking ooof
>>259073 Poozach, this is your thread, writing essays trying to understand your mental problems is exactly what the point of it is. Now, normally the cows are not in there screaming at you, but you're a very special boy.
>>259080 who you talking about loser youre that fking asshurt you got bullied i dont even know how far back about your obvious paedophilia you came here to strawfag, lmfao goblinpedo youre life is the biggest joke of all, imagine coping this fking hard, you know i wasnt even here for like i dont know since when hahahaha what a loser and anyway goodluck fighting with your nuzzach strawman now that i put it leagues above you hahahaha
>>259081 >who you talking about About you, Poozach. The topic of this thread, sorry you got confused, you can use google translate to turn it into dutch if you're having trouble following along.
I see tardcel is still tardposting non stop, this is quite an amazing feat with how much effort he has put in. Maybe we should draw a chart/excel spread sheet to catalogue this recent bender to help better understand and exactly how much time/posts he has spent.
>>259072 He's got you beat 3 to 0, he posts hands when you post some higher education id, and a public sanitation certificate doesn't count.
The "not-a-loser" is almost for three days no stop seething ITT, but also still making his really lame and low energy posts across tvch and zzzchan. Only ITT he is trying really fucking hard to pretend to be some epic winner, what really shows how much he loves and cares about your guys opinions about him. He is broken and really fucking tired since he is such an old "man".
>>259072 Is just one guy, believe at me, I'm the guy used to deal with his crap all across the webring, he really fucking loves to astroturf and samefagging when he is really butthurt, he used to do it all across multiple meta-threads. He will jump ID, change a little bit the post-style and pretend to be another guy, but is easy to see how the "new anon" have the same goal and talking point, see >>259063, he did it in the cyclical yesterday and once or twice ITT in the last few hours.
This is the most meaningless thread I've ever been involved with. It's literally nothing but a bunch of seething, malding, kissless Ameriburger virgins going apeshit over a Nordic engineer owning the shit out of them with characteristic European nonchalance, very well done sir, I must say, while I come in periodically after I get done dropping some bbc bombs in the faggot ass cyclical where the virgins talk about jcaesar187 all day and pretend to not be living in a basement, and the apeshit from the knuckle dragging assclowns goes into over drive with soyshit spam and dumbshit repetitive staleshit memes like so many parrots. This is nothing like the Patty Gay threads where you had a genuine comraderie, inventive, even lyrical textwall insults that make me laugh even now, and of course no draconian troll shielding from triggered newfaggot jannies. This website has really gone to shit since the tvch metathread two years ago. It shows how tvch was holding it all together, which makes Fatrick's fumble deserving of all the scorn heaped his way by the anons on their way out the door. Now this shithole is a barren desert of nothing but soytranny exiles from faggy.shitty and foxdick MAGA burnout nazis. I am the last real poster from 8chan. You should feel grateful I even bother to post bbcs at you when I feel like it. Coons are no closer to doxing jack shit, you can't figure shit out on your own about who's doing what. You just suck ass and smear feces all over the webring's walls, and then you get mad when I piss in coon face. Haha fuck you.
>>259087 hahahaha, youre unmistakable ok heres another one then since you always like to larp as some kind of expert on language and a linguist turns out i dont just know languages you can easily use jewgle translate for but i know dead ones like attic and latin and classical languages have horrible translations so please communicate to me in those and let me show you just how stupid you are
>>259101 Shine on you crazy diamond. Don't let the haters dull your sparkle
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>>259099 >essay
>>259096 Oh I'm very familiar with his samefagging, this >>259099 or this >>259094 are very obvious examples. The creature I've been calling Poozach though feels like something different, the incoherent childish ranting is very distinctive and remniscent of people with major social developmental problems. If Nuzach tries to samefag it's usually him pretending to be "just some random well adjusted anon", him coming up with a persona of a complete sperg seems counterproductive to his efforts. I assume you think the college degree and such he posted is fake? Nuzach is too deep into the schizo/paranoid axis to dare try something like that. The general profile of Poozach fits with it perfectly though, he's too childlike to realize the dangers and his autistic brain isn't capable of anticipating that it will have little to no effect after the 2 day adrenaline rush wears off. I guess the main question is, why would Nuzach come up with an alter ego that is such an easy target? >>259101 So are you saying learning latin and greek made you retarded at english or what? Also, why would you bother learning them if you're going to some lowly government run college? You might be able to use them on a university study, not some 90iq midwit college course.
>>259106 hahahaha these levels of cope are unreal its a university not a college loser cry harder just cuz youve never been to school to even know the difference and i grew up in an abbey faggot ive been reading classic literature since i was a kid, what were you doing as a kid being a failure or what lololol is that why youre so desperate to downplay just how stupid you are compared to literally anybody outside of your little retard bubble lol and ofc youre too stupid to realize its not just a language probably why you cant understand anything, 'with' and 'with' are the same word to you arent they, fking idiot
ill be back in a couple hours behave
>>259113 Sir Sir for the love of fuck there are brain cells you've killed don't you have any sense of guilt
>>259113 lel you cant even form a sentence, let alone a coherent one.
>>259113 Actually, the pictures you've posted are from a bachelor of Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, which according to wikipedia is college level. A university card isn't gonna cut it, you might have dropped out or been there for other reasons like tuition or servicing the local gloryholes. So until you provide proper proof of your University bachelor degree, you're just a lowly college peasant. And a brown one to boot.
>>259120 the way you write proves that's a lie.
>>259118 and yet you cant stop responding to what you pretend you cant read lolololol you wish >>259119 hahaha trying so hard, get a magnifying glass lmaoo maybe youll finally find something thats called a university idiot i had to do a research thesis to graduate lmao what me to post it so you scoure through it and cope, the only difference is i didnt need to continue with a masters like you have to with an academic university next time reply to me with my proper legal title loser hahahaha, pretty sure not calling me engineer when you open your mouth is illegal even in your country
>>259135 >and yet you cant stop responding to what you pretend you cant read lolololol you wish <this post do you know how to use punctuation?
>>259139 do you not know how prepositions work and how redundant youre childish hand holding is like bitch you want me to tell you when to breath as well lmao :banned: hahaha eat a dick loser no one had to hold your faggot hand until the last couple centuries no wonder your so mentally stunted lol fking retards
>>259140 Is it google translate? Like is that why you sound like this?
>>259140 <another run on sentence
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>>259154 your claim is that you're highly educated, so logic would dictate an educated individual wouldn't make such basic mistakes.
<again zach is coping in this thread while seethe-spamming in the cyclical.
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>>259158 >proof reads on a dead shitboard with only 3 people.... on the internet god youre such a loser, taking your pretend job so seriously >claim hahahaha still in denial cuz it hurts so much
>>259165 im only here a week calm down im not schooling these sad losers any further than to rub it in theeir face what a sad failure of a life they have on a cringe dead shitboard for low iq retards and retards that want to larp as if theyre not total fking failures hahahaha
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>baby nuzach spamming bbc again bickers nobody will reply to him Don't worry munchkin, daddy will give you attention again in a couple hours.
>>259167 >dead shitboard >not shitposting hahahahaha this euphoric cringe probably sounded real based in your head huh youre the internet version of a whiteknight lolololol *tip* *tip* hahhaaha what cringe loser you are holy shit baahahaha
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>>259168 >uwa senpai its not like i want your attention or anything You're such a tsundere little slut, Poozach.
>>259172 hahaha dont even need to say anything lmao the cringe is unreal
>>259173 yeah, you are so cringe its unreal. for once youre right.
>>259174 too scared to post a chineese cartoon now lol *tip* *tip* m'cow lmfao what have you been doing with your life lol
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>>259181 lol youre an embarrassment, everyones fucked off now out of shame, total loser shitboard, time to astroTurf janny hahaha
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>>259187 >on a shitboard for the past 10 years with no education or occupation? >god youre pathetic bahahahaha, cant even speak
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>>259188 <bahahahaha, cant even speak yes, youve made it obvious you have issues trying to articulate a single thought, let alone a coherent one.
>>259189 hahhahah imagine putting anything over -ve 1 effort on a dead shitboard pfff imagine being a janny on one lolololol and need to astroturf and create an imaginary strawman for anyone that calls you a no life loser lmaoooooo :banned: hahahahahahaha why arent you deleting the posts anymore lol did robi spank your loser ass for the last time fking looooool youre such a loser lmao
>>259190 cause im not a jannie or mod here.
>>259191 More like a suckup then.
>>259191 hahaha sure loser, the only one that does this after each reply lol and its not even an inconvenience for me you pathetic loser imagine being so butthurt lol when are you going to start posting your niger dicks again and immideatly post 'muh nuzzach' lololololololol your shitboard is dead now
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>>259192 whatever helps you cope at night. >>259193 are you manic right now?
>>259193 Listen to me you Eurocuck, the Russians are coming so you better swap to bleached bickers your genes are getting a lightning
>>259194 dead shitboard lol
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>>259198 your seethe is showing. also, as ( >>259197 ) said youre spamming the wrong kinda porn. if you are even truly a euro, a massive maybe.
>>259199 huh did you say something lol shut the fuck up when you talk to me bitch and use my legal title when you address me you 'muh sektor' loser that wasted your life doing nothing on a dead shitboard with 3 peopple lmaooooo get back to astroturfing dumbass
>>259201 The board calls you a retard which I am positive is your legally met standard title.
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>>259201 <lol shut the fuck up when you talk to me bitch utterly mindbroken. >>259202 he's on day 2 of no sleep nonstop crying via text on a board he says he hates.
>>259202 hahahahahaha the WORLD calls you a retard lololololol, im an engineer what are you lol imagine being such a failure you need to larp on a dead shitboard that youre not an uneducated unemployed unskilled virgin lolololololol what have you dont with your life for the past 10 years hahahah, put 'dead shitboard janny' on your resume hahaha
>>259204 <what is projection as omission
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>>259204 1. Nobody would trust me with a broom 2. What's it like being born into a culture with a caste system and arranged marriages and somehow still ending up below the undesirables? Did the desi mamas laugh when your dad offered dowry?
>>259203 has never been to a bar lololol :banned: still thinks making me do a new bypass is some kind of own hahahahahaha what a loser so fking butthurt i cant stop laughing lol
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>>259207 <i cant stop laughing lol yeah, you dont seem mad at all. ive already told you im a NEET.
loooooooooooool theres no one left but you losers here hahahaha and youre too butthurt to wake up enough and realize how fking stupid and cringe your posts are to the outside hahahahahaha cry harder
>>259209 imagine giving a fuck what normalfags think.
>>259209 Okay but come on, the women your dad tried to buy the daughters of for you laughed in his face didn't they?
ooof dont stop hahahaha i dont even need to say it anymore, youre doing it all on your own hahahaha
>>259212 <dont stop hahahaha i dont even need to say it anymore you havent said anything beyond NO U.
how many hours of sleep has nuzach gotten in the past week?
>>259214 id wager 6-8 hours at most.
hahahaha here come the (1)s looooooooooooooooooooooooool
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>>259216 not my fault you can't afford a vpn in your favela shithole
hahahahahaha try harder and learn timing loser lolololol prolapsing so hard lololol
he is frothing at the mouth.
>>259135 Ok, so from what I can understand from your retarded child english: >You lied about having a university degree >You only have some shitty college degree >Everything else you've ever posted is suspect now as well since like every poojeet, you just lie to try to make yourself seem less pathetic Also, why the fuck have you been inside all day like some dog waiting for it's master to return, Poozach? It was beautiful weather in the netherlands today, 18 degrees celsius, no rain, and instead of doing something with your day you just seethe here and post black dicks like the complete and utter failure you are. Now go post some more you little black cock slut.
>>259232 >coping this hard >even checks the weather in a foreign country lmao change your tampon, i said i didnt do a masters idiot i already told you i got hired at the company i did my thesis at before i even finished the bachelor so i left with a bsc ing and not a msc ir lol you keep forgetting im a fking engineer lol and think its just a piece of paper like in your 3rd world country
>>259238 If you're going to lie please make it mildly believable you clearly can't do basic math there's no way you're an engineer unless you're like a rl janny who calls himself a "sanitation engineer"
>>259239 hahaha this cope again, and thats illegal here lol engineer is a legally protected title so address me right, bitch
>>259240 No wonder Europe is so fucked if you have actual laws protected the legal status of an engineer instead of literally anything useful.
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>>259238 >WAAAAAH IM AN ENGINEEEEER SIIIRS lol you're shitty college student from some third rate school in a tiny country, actual engineers from universities spit on your kind. You're brown, you will never touch a woman and so deep into the autism spectrum you have like a 50% chance of becoming the woman. Now cope and start spamming some more black dicks you dog, maybe post some more meaningless documents that are easily proven to be bullshit.
>>259242 zero effort dead shitboard lol stay mad
>>259243 >zero effort Well yeah, that's what most college level classes are like. They're designed to be completed even by extremely autistic 90 iq brown incels like yourself.
>>259244 didnt go to a college lol i just didnt do the masters, youve obviously never been to any school of any type since you dont even understand accreditation and regulations on science degrees, typical brainlet lol you only know about your papermills and art schools in your 3rd world country
>>259247 Do your parents ever talk about you to other desi families at all or are you just a quiet shame since they wouldn't accept their attempts to buy you a wife?
>>259248 all the time how about you
>>259249 Well I'm not a desi but I'm glad to finally get the confirmations that in a culture where you can literally buy a woman you're still an incel
>>259247 If you did a university degree, post it, all you showed was a college degree, you're completely full of shit.
>>259252 dont even know what that means, just figured my work here is done, deader than ever lol >>259253 lmao how many times do i have to repeat it it is from a university i just didnt continue with the masters( at the same university) which you want to believe is a university degree, youre so desperate
>>259257 Then why does it say college degree on it? It doesn't even say the name of the university you claim you went to. You really think anyone was going to believe this bullshit, Sanjit?
>>259258 where does it say college degree idiot it translates to professional degree which is what it is its for engineering hello you seriously think you can get a technical degree at some shitty college
>>259259 >college degree >which is what it is its >it is its Real big brain here.
>>259261 law and medical degrees are also professional degrees idiot, you think you can do those at a college lmao
>>259259 lol are you actually this stupid? It says Hoger Beroepsonderwijs you absolute child, which is the dutch equivalent of college level education. You come here frothing at the mouth about your university degree, and then just post some cheap college paper, that doesn't even show what college you went to. Assuming you didn't just print it out from the internet. Imagine self owning this hard lmfao
>>259262 As if you've been to either, you dumb racist nazi incel virgin hick.
>>259265 Hey now buddy lets cool it with the name calling when your parents couldn't pay some poor bitch to let you get it wet okay?
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>>259263 lmo talk about frothing at the mouth imagine coping this hard thinking a bsc in engineering is like whatever trash you have oh wait you dont have anything hahahaha otherwise you wouldnt be raging this hard lololololol
>>259272 >siiirs please believe me in my country all university degrees say theyre from college
>>259276 so you got a stem degree then surely lol got any degree at all lol cuz you got to be really stupid to not have one if its this easy and takes 90iq lolololol got to be like janny-on-a-dead-shitboard tier stupid lmao
>>259283 >hes just admitting he was lying now Well I'm glad we got that sorted. Now it's a beautiful day in the netherlands again, real nice autumn weather, just below 20 degrees. So what are your plans for today, Poozach? Besides downloading black dicks, filling in captchas and then posting the black dicks, and then frantically refreshing alogs.space to see if said black dicks where removed? i also like how half your posts are just black dicks now without any women, like youre getting this stuff from some gay porn website and finally giving in to your desire to service the black dick yourself
>>259311 hahahaha youre the one that keeps pretending its a college, looking up the weather of a foreign country and blogposting about your own niger dick spam on a dead shitboard lololololol and ooof every one pathetic attempt to feel superior by you just makes you a bigger loser lololololol you seriously think you can attach yourself to us 'hwites' like a limpet when youre a failure with no education, job, skills, talents, achievements or accomplishments hahahahahahaha literally any strawman you try to fight with is superior to your failure of a life lol now go shit his pants and do nothing and talk about 'muh sekktor' and cringe idiot streams hahahahah dead shitboard for retards and losers looooooooooooooooool
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>>259314 >poozach so upset he needs a whole wall of text to cope lol You came here claiming you had 2 weeks off. So far it's been beautiful weather in your country, yet all you do is seethe and post black dicks. Someone with money would take those 2 weeks to go on vacation, someone with friends would spend time with them, a functional human with both would maybe even go on vacation with their friends. But you're here, frantically f5ing to make sure you're not the only one who has to look at all the black dicks you download. And you're so autistic this is probably going to be your life for the next few years. lol
>>259318 >posts 117 words < ur 118 words is wall of text lmaooooooo prolapsing so hard with low iq drivel hahahahaha grasping at straws and strawmans so hard for your imaginary person you call anyone that correctly calls you a loser on a dead shitboard lolololololol
>>259320 >he counted the words God you're so precious, little Poozach. You see the difference is I use punctuation and paragraphs to make my posts not an unreadable mess. The way you write most people are just going to give up after two sentences bickers it's such an autistic mess it looks like a 12 year old wrote it. And then breaking down how your usage of your 2 weeks vacation makes you a giant fucking loser was just a little bonus for you.
>>259324 hahahaha 83 words cuz you cant use wordcount lolololol dead shitboard for low iq retards and losers lmao nad doesnt know what a word is hahahaha thinks "muh \n\n sektor!" is 5 bahahahahaha what a total failure you are too stupid to even know how to use a computer lmaooooo
>>259325 Have you been outside at all today, Poozach? I'm genuinely worried, buddy, it must get awfully dusty up in your parents attic, and with all the hyperventilating you do it's a big risk for health problems.
>>259327 hahaha ive never had so much fun gonking a pathetic loser like you bahahahah youre a failure and your shitboard is dead lolololololol
>>259329 Checking in trying to understand the mind of the retarded: if the board is already dead how does you "killing" it matter?
>>259333 huh are you disabled or whatt, dont answer i came to rub iit in your face what a colossal failure you and your pretend job are lololololol still samefagging the same retarded loser cringe on a dead shitboard lmao get a life oh wait too hard isnt it hahahah can only larp as an internet-chad-on-the-internet and defend it at all cost looooooooooool being a retarded loser on a dead shitboard is one thing but being a janny and coping this hard with a fake alterego and imaginary strawman foooooooooking loooooooooooool hahahahah :banneed: exactly hahahaha how much does it hurt
You notice how almost all his posts are very similar? It's quite interesting, probably another sign of a stunted mind. First you get some vague attempt at answering the question that's being posed, often times very poorly since he seems to misunderstand the questions constantly, followed by a long list of all these projections from his own life. There's also this constant usage of hahaha, lol or such, in fact about half his posts start that way. He really really wants you to believe he's laughing, in fact most posts have at least a handful of uses of it. Combined with the inability to use punctuation probably the most juvenile of his verbal expressions. It would probably be fairly easy to write a bot that does the exact same thing, I'm not sure that beyond the initial attempt at doxing himself he's shown any real sign of life or sentient thought.
hahahahahahaha bitch you think im reading this lmaooooo sweat harder to restore your fake strawman janny hahahaha go samefag on other shitboards while your at it lmao what a loser
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>>259335 He tends to give up information he doesn't mean to, such as that his Indian parents couldn't convince another Indian family to accept dowry for him leading me to believe his obsession with giant dicks is bickers he believes that is why he cannot get a woman
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>i am smart posting now bahahahahaha total low iq loser board
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>>259340 Yes it makes sense, really severe autistics can often have trouble internalizing their own problems. He just sees the issue that he can't get a woman, so he has to find some external factor for it, bickers his ego can't handle the thought of his autistic personality being the problem. So he comes up with these reasons outside of his control, his inferior little brown penis, that all women are whores etc. He might derive a little benefit from therapy, but unfortunately autism isn't really treatable, and I imagine he will just quickly abandon it the moment it clashes with his fragile adolescent ego.
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<i am smart posting now mom haaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahha *tips fedora* lmaooooooooooooooooo :banned: haaaaaaaaa *tip* *tip* hahahahahahhaha
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>>259349 Thought you had a degree thought aren't you smart Nuz?
>>259370 exactly hahahahahaha i dont need to 'thought' with fedora pics of educated men loooooool <i am not stupid.jpg hahahahahahahaha unrealllllll hahahahaha
>>259373 They are men involved in the field of psychoanalysis Nuz. Come on you can do this. Why did we pick those men?
>>259374 hahahahaha you think i read your cringe posts faggot >i posted a physiologist so now i have a psychologist degree, please read my larp lolololololololo
Is he coping and seething this hard for almost five days now? The little dude wasted his weekend.
>another (1) >unquoted >+['coping and seething'] +[#days] hahahahaha every time e3b992 total fucking loser hahahahahaha lololololol :banned: hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>>259379 I think he believes that as long as he responds to every single post in his thread, he "wins". So he has to hang around here all day every day to make sure that he posts hahahahahahaha at everything or his ego collapses. Likely a combination of his inferiority complex and his inability to deal with authority, likely bickers of a absent father figure.
>still trying to samefag hahahahahahahahahahaha total low iq loser board hahahahahaha
>>259394 His primary concern is linked to the rejection by women, perhaps resulting in convincing himself he can defeat what he perceives as the spirit of the incel
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ultimate cringe hahahahahaha
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>>259398 Of course this assumes that he identifies himself as an incel. I suspect that despite his complete lack of any ability with women, no dating history or anything of the sorts, he doesn't see himself as an incel. This is common with autistics, despite all the obvious signs being there they're very slow to accept these labels that are humiliating, it's their inability to reflect on themselves that's the biggest culprit.
>>259379 >>259382 >>259394 hahahahahahahahahaha
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>>259400 You see when the lad was pushed his parents will discuss him with other desi, or Indian, families yet for all his discussions of degrees he makes no mention of a woman as he doesn't have this highlighting the importance of it to him. He uses terms like Chad as well even though there's little here that should cause one to indulge in those terms
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*tip* hahahahahahahah
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>>259402 Yeah women are clearly a painful subject for him, and being autistic he's not inclined to lie about it bickers he'd be so far out of his depth. With his phallic obsession combined with the autism it's also very likely that he's a homosexual, which is unacceptable in south asian cultures. He has probably been severy shamed over the course of his life for this, creating the twisted sexuality he displays today. On the subject of autists lying, they do of course, but it's usually very incompetent, as you can see here: >>259375 >hahahahaha you think i read your cringe posts faggot He simultaneously pretends he thinks the posts about him are great entertainment while also not reading them? This is highly contradictory but his social retardation can't pick up on this obvious fact. There's likely some trauma from being psychologically analyzed too many times in his childhood. You can also see that the more he's pressed this way the more he reverts to the expressions of laughter, like a sad child trying to poorly emulate smugness to hide the pain he's going through.
>>259379 >>259382 >>259394 hahahahahahahahahaha try samefagging again before fedora posting *tip* *tip* totally not crying lolololololololol
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>>259405 >all this projection prison gay ramon coon is doing some serious mental gymnastics.
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>>259405 Autists are notorious for fae-style lying, where they won't lie to you by telling an untruth but rather they lie via omissions. He doesn't read your posts in this case, but what he leaves out is he tried to and was unable to.
Ive never seen seethe like this from anyone, the way you coons seethe. I must have REALLY got under your skin by making fun of your nazi virginity.
>>259410 Of course, the dichotomy the poor lad has to face is either reading it and exposing himself to a far too accurate analysis for his ego to handle, or admit that the reading hurts him too much to make it all the way through. So the autistic mind grasps for a half truth, admit you won't read the post, but blame it on laziness, this of course coming from a man who has previously admitted he has nothing to do for 2 weeks and who checks into this thread enough to respond to every single post before anybody else can.
>>259379 >>259382 >>259394 >>259438 hahahahahahahahahaha try samefagging again before fedora posting *tip* *tip* totally not crying lolololololololol
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>>259438 You see to the general observer, my esteemed colleague, its apparent we are gleeful and return here due to the fascination of a mind under a magnifying glass and we need not state if we are laughing. The Nuzach is not at all laughing. He has not laughed once opening this thread, and in fact I'd wager to say we are going to get a huge dick spam before too long as the realization he hasn't impacted anything begins to creep in.
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>>259442 >>259438 >I made the nazi virgins seethe so goddamn hard that this one faggot is pretending to be a psychologist in a samefaggot dialogue with himself I think I'm going to decrease my presence here bickers I am getting scared at how hard you guys are seething. I don't want you to go on an incel rampage with all this rage I built up inside of you so I am going to stop the bbc porn that I know makes you nazi virgins seethe. don't forget to vote for the Orange Moron either. Nazi virgins gotta vote for the most pro-Jewish president ever to own the blacks and Jewish or some stupid nazi bullshit.
Now he is back in pretending to be "really based" while doing is repetitive "muh nazi virgins". No only that, but also still being baited and defending BNWO. https://archive.ph/tHkKW#149768 https://archive.ph/YxYdL#144753
>>259447 notice how its always a (1) posting these links and screenshots, the whole thread is just a butthurt loser samefagging (e3b992), the whole board actually is just these two jannies astroturfing to cope with the fact theres no one here hahahahahaha
>>259450 Yes, yes. And is the janny in the room with us now?
>>259451 always stay in character next time, idiot
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>>259442 Well of course, the need to tell your imagined adversaries that you are in fact laughing, on an imageboard, is by it's essence pointless, and missing the much more elegant route of using visual media to demonstrate the same emotional state. Having to write it out on it's own is juvenile, but when half of your posts are expressions of laughter, it's hard to discount serious mental issues at fault for the poor understanding of social interactions. And now that his "master" has left him to his own devices, the chances of a mental crisis unfolding for our Dravidic friend are ever increasing, I'd be on the lookout for the amount of times he uses expressions of laughter, as they seem to inversely correlate with his mental stability.
>still typing fedora posts thats how you know theres no one here lmao
That's why you are incel, Nuzach, you are uncreative and annoying as fuck. No, isn't "seething", but the true, your personality is awful and I have to bet you look awful too, people have zero reason to be around you IRL. And you get especially butthurt about even someone as ugly and "manchild-like" as Gahoogre can get some pussy while all you have in your life is the past and seething on multiple "dying" imageboards. Don't forget the fact you are a big manchild too but in the emotional sense, not bickers you have toys or shit like that.
>>259268 >>259315 >seethes about )))/pol/((( >defends (((/intl/))) >seethes about site admins for banning him for being a literal sweaty gamer/interracial cuck spammer >massive drama queen that is always lying Nuzach really is jewzach. He is also a newfag, all of 4chan were redpilled on kikes by 2012. Daily reminder after all of 8ch united to raid /intl/ off the site they made freech. Before its death you can already guess it was host to a fair share of cp, and fringe lolicon material. It really is just to wanting to rape kids and hating whitey.
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>>259455 >nuzach gets pussy >>259457 Manchild detected
>>259467 >so much of an incel he can't comprehend Patrick getting pussy Really you have no excuse at this point, but instead of getting one yourself you will just seethe and post your favorite fetish porn.
> all these (1)s hahahahahahahahha
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>>259469 >just lies bare faced and doubles down on it bickers he is so angry Maybe Adam's bussy lmao. You nazi virgins and your Trump shilling can only fuck dress socks. You will NEVER see a pussy!
>>259471 Last pussy willing to have you Nuz was your mother's when you passed out as a blight unto the rest of us
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This place is such a crab bucket. You guys obviously have miserable lives.
>>259476 Don't fool yourself Nuzach, you're the shitty incel crab all the way at the bottom of the bucket.
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>>259486 Quite frankly, that is not true. I've always been a good guy, and I've been wrongfully attacked. However I will play the Christ figure. I half expect you to call me a Jew bickers of that lol.
>>259486 >the most limp dick comeback imaginable
>>259487 Dude this is gayer than the dick spam somehow
>>259489 I really can't tell if this is his idea of trolling or he's having a schizo moment.
>>259491 The mania driving this is ending so reality is coming back and he's realizing he spent the last two weeks spamming dicks to slightly annoy some people and that's all he accomplished
>>259492 >he's realizing he spent the last two weeks spamming dicks Probably more like 4 years, accomplished nothing, while Patrick Nelson got himself a gf.
>>259494 Ol Patty is still one of us, keep your panties on.
Nuzach lusting for black dicks again, it's pretty funny how he'll announce he's going to quit it, but then gets right back to it, like he has an actual addiction to black man penis.
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He's just posting penis measuring photographs with diagrams and shit now? He really is getting this from some homosexual penis obsessive subreddit isn't he?
>back to heterosexual negro dicks Makes you wonder why he's so self conscious about being called gay he will change up his spamming for it.
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jewzach is fucking tired and more coward than ever thanks to all the bullying ITT, thank you guys, all the imageboards across the webring are better now since he is barely having the energy and balls to show up to fuck up random threads. also remember, he simped for 3P and watched blacked to "own" you guys
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>>259588 bring more to fight with.
>>259588 you're just boring, buddy. I never simpled for 3p bickers first of all I never paid attention to your faggot ass basement dwelling "sektur." shit. If you expect me to reply to you constantly, then you need ot get a life and quit letting me rent free in your head. It's not fair for you lol.
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>>259600 >if i post le joker nobody will smell my asshurt Replying constantly is what you always do, Nuzach, bickers the webring is the only thing you have in your life. Go back to reddit, maybe they won't bully you as hard.
Take a look at /dunk/ and see the threads he made. Either they're about him being depressed, or they're threads complaining about white people, zoomers, or women. Behold the kind of quality he brings https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/153993
>>259617 I bet you fags assume every post you see is potentially nuzach. Did Nuzach give you PTSD? Battered wife syndrome? Talk about buckbroken. Your asshole is prolapsed, and I mean for real, not in the homosexual Ramon Trans500 memetic way you would like lmao.
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>>259630 >guys please stop bullying nuzach >[every nuzach buzzword] >totally not nuzach btw
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>>259639 Like I said, everything is nuzach for you idiots.
>>259617 Since the "nazi incels" live rent free in his golem head he decided to larp as a "nazi" in recent days. Shitty falseflagging or a retarded attempt to pretend to be based and not a faggot who love jewish noses and black dicks. And as usual, he fails. Nuzach should accept he is a midwit and a really bad shitposter. He always fuck up his own gimmicks and no matter how much he tries, all his posts have this massive small dick energy and bitterness. If you throw in a small bait he'll swallow it whole and bleed like an idiot, since he has no emotional control or discipline. (see the screenshot from /dup/, a anon acting as kike got called out, Nuzach awkwardly slipped behind the curtain to reveal himself without anyone mentioning him.) Btw is 2am in central Europe right now, and yet he will instant reply, totally not a neet or having the anons living rent free in his golem head! Archive of the thread on /dunk/ https://archive.ph/lmuSp#154064
>>259640 Nuzach it doesn't matter how much you try to muddy the waters, at this point anyone can see which post is by you. >>259652 At this point he has deluded himself into thinking hes some master baiter when ramonfag has so mentally broken him hes beyond repair.
>>259652 >>259656 Another day in which he barely slept and will only samefag, project and cope, bickers that is his real job, looking for blacked to post and seethe. He is unable to stay offline for a day, even from the websites he hates so much. He is certainly enjoying the juice of life. https://archive.ph/BN1Cs#154168
Now he is butthurt and obsessed with Assad and Essayfag. Friday night https://archive.ph/I2EzZ Today https://archive.ph/wlhah & https://archive.ph/J2l6V
>>259718 He also spammed a new array of G​AMERGATE dicks.
I think someone already mentioned this, but he's also dick riding Cakekike aka MarkMann. >>259721 I doubt there is any logic behind this, as he has quite feminine behavior as well as being insane, but imagine how retarded you have to be to think that it's not gay or stupid to post black dicks, when he's the supposed straight guy who hates "coons".
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>>259726 He's done that for at least a year, just being more explicit about it.
he got so fucking bullied that now he is even avoiding this site. now he is just across the webring trying to get some /intl/osers like himself to be his buddies since he is so fucking lonely and needing allies in his jihad to promote blacked.
Hahahaha he is spamming Ramon and blacked, meanwhile on tvch he is pathetically out of energy and just seething and sagging like a loser who recognizes that he lost. I'm actually laughing in wonder at how broken he is. After a solitary lunch he devotes his mind to thinking about black dicks, including Ramon's.
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>>259798 Your projections, lack of self-awareness and woman tier "logic" is what makes you such a good lolcow. Just today you made me laugh more than any comedy movie I've watched recently. So please keep posting, who doesn't need a good laugh on a Monday?
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New Jewzach kino! Ramonfags made him butthurt enough for him to go after porn pics of Ramon and post them like he has done in the past. He didn't even have the mental energy to try to falseflag this time around. Meanwhile, on tvch, is seethe, typos and hypocrisy continue to be hilarious. https://archive.ph/4FNrT
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At this point hes to buckbroken to post in his own thread, hes resorted to posting gay interracial porn and whiny quips on tvch.
This is the most astroturfed thread I've ever seen in my entire life. Contrived, joyless, seething, propped up by comped moderation. It's obvious that someone caused the handful of soyteen spics in here serious asspain.
>>259869 Welcome back Nuzach, I knew you never left.
>>259870 The reason why this thread sucks so hard is bickers you have no idea who nuzach is or if it is one guy. So all the posts degenerate into the same repetitive insults that you fling into the darkness hoping something sticks. It's futile trying to alog anonymous shitposters. The Patrick threads were hilarious bickers Patrick is doxxed, he has a long history, he participated in his doxing, he is a known figure, and everyone hated his moderation. He had skeletons in the closet. There is actual history to work with, like with all cows. Here is you seeing a G​AMERGATE dick or someone makes you mad somewhere and badabing, it's nuzach! Like OP says nuzach blamed feminists for getting banned? It's just pure made up bullshit that does not exist.
>>259869 Astroturfed by (you) since you respond to it so much on different ips? >>259871 >after a new volly of G​AMERGATE dicks hes back to posting essays No not muh G​AMERGATE dicks! This is an outrage how dare the jannies!
>>259871 >no idea who nuzach is or if it is one guy lol you don't know who we are either, Nuzach, even on a good day you're throwing a bunch of names around, while at the same time your writing style is super easy to spot. >The Patrick threads were hilarious It was literally just you losing your shit about Pat and that one guy that made a bunch of ai edits of him. >OP says nuzach blamed feminists for getting banned? It's just pure made up bullshit that does not exist. lol how would you know that unless you are Nuzach? You're so fucking stupid holy shit.
>>259873 Many, many guys were banned over the years but I've never seen someone blame feminism for being banned by Patrick. Total schizo shit right there from OP. It's quite obvious who you are. You're a tvch idiot, I've seen your nazi gif posted there many times. You know the nazis lost, right? They were all shot to death and bombed into oblivion by Russians and Americans. Germany has been run by Jews ever since, and thats a good thing.
Really starting to think that Jewzach is actually a jeet.
>>259875 How can you be this retarded, on the one hand you're accusing me of being some tvch regular, while at the same time saying that over the years of browsing tvch you've never seen anyone complain about a particular type of banning. I've never seen anyone complain about being banned on there for any reason whatsoever, but I'm not a nolife schizo who is on there literally 24/7 like you, Nuzach. >da nazooooos lol you're so fucking buckbroken, holy shit. Where did your dutch buttbuddy with the fake degree go by the way? He still had another week of vacation left when he dissapeared, and it was so terribly cold there at 20 degrees celsius he said he had nothing to do but hang out with us here. >>259881 bickers of his weird obsession with Nazi's? It's possible, although they have more of a tendency to look up to whites. Its the spics and muds that have this envious inferiority complex problem that Nuzach seems to have.
>>259885 you're a typical 4cuck nazi /pol/tard. That's really not hard to figure out. The only places for those losers outside of 4cuck these days is the sharty. So, that narrows it down. Foxdicks comes with the turf here these days since no true /cow/ is left, so maybe you do your faggot shit over there too. Regardless, you're definitely a virgin, bickers you're a nazi. No woman is going to come near you with a 10 foot pole.
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>>259887 >4cuck nazi /pol/tard lol no matter what retarded persona you're trying to play you can never get away from the classic Nuzach buzzwords. You're also very bad at psychoanalysis, but it's not surprising when you keep calling me a different zleb everytime you lose your marbles bickers of my brilliant gaslighting. And while you, the self admitted incel has never had sex, and most likely never will I have with a handful of women im even in a relationship right now while youre just looking at women fucking groids while seething about whites lmao at your life little guy
>>259885 >bickers of his obsession with nazi's No, bickers when the boys bully him too hard he starts ESLing really badly. He's also self conscious about his spelling, like most jeets. Plus, most wetbacks hate kikes, this one clearly likes them a lot and that reeks of curry and "yes sar please sar"
Just checking in, I see nuzcel is still tarding out lmao
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it's funny how nuzach made nazis rally around a gay G​AMERGATE who gets paid to sodomize white men by jews, and then actually go gay themselves.
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The gaycel aka this faggot here >>259940 who is so fucking "straight" to the point of talking and thinking about dicks all the time is about to "OWN" you guys by seething and spamming more black dicks.
Damn bro, the evidences in these screenshots really show how much gay Nuzach is, the dude wants to give rimjobs to Cakekike!
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4am in central Europe right now and Nuzach is seething on a "dead" imageboard
>>259951 Nazi virgin is awake at 4am in mitteleuropa hand wringing over his nuzach obsession. RENT FREE. YOU ARE NUZACH'S BITCH
Nuzach is so retarded and spergy that he didn't understand that Anon was saying that it was 4am in Europe and Nuzach was online seething, either Nuzach is just showing again that he is a hypocritical idiot or he is failing with his larp as a European
>>259974 I think he was sleep deprived or just highly unstable when he wrote this >>259958 Note how he says >mitteleuropa German for central europe, really weird slip up, could he be some seething turkroach from germany or something? If nothing else it would explain his obsession with nazi's.
2am at Central European Time right now and Jewzach is on tvch crying about essayfag, /pol/tards and pretending to be someone else, even tho have the same small dick energy and talking points. let's take a look at Nuzach's new hypocritical behavior. 1- Cries about "muh coomers" and says everyone else is gay. Gets butthurt bickers he can't post blacked and want to have his rights to post his kind of porn, but how dare you post Ramon or waifus!!! 2- Unfunny faggot who is always miserable and wants all the other anons to be miserable. Now he's complaining about everyone being serious. Two weeks ago he was seething about everyone being “ironic”. 3- He always tried to impersonate any “namefag” he hated, Z3R0, nuzach, nuzach, essayfag, MEDBVLL, Yakuza, Emoji, Wrist, etc. But if an anon does the same to him he gets really butthurt.
>>259976 <German for central europe, really weird slip up, could he be some seething turkroach from germany or something? If nothing else it would explain his obsession with nazi's. Dunno and don't care, but you're Jewish.
There is interracial pornography on tvch right now featuring Abigail Johnson and Mandingo.
>>259887 Wenn es dir egal ist, warum antwortest du dann?
He has a pathetically childish and feminine personality for a man who will soon be forty years old. From what I've seen he's so malleable and uncreative that he is now posting shitty midwit essays about being a failed normalfag incel and soyjakparty memes after having spent the last few weeks seething about Essayfag and soyjak memes. Oh, and bickers he's so lonely he's desperate to lick the feet of calculator and weakload, again demonstrating that he is a bipolar gay who is only capable of having a love-hate relationship, since he has been hating both of them for a long time but now he is eager to be loved by them. GAY!!!
>>260031 where did this 40 years old shit come from?
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I knew I could be offline Saturday and Sunday that Nuzach would at least be on tvch proving to be a limp-wrist faggot with the mentally of a shitskin incel. And I was right. Remember, for Nuzach, being a “good right-winger” is about posting blacked and hating women. https://archive.ph/07gZr#154977
>>260124 Just fyi I am not white.
02:40 AM of a Monday, and >our winner totally not a loser and a lolcow is actively posting in tvch. Not only that, but he also continues to idiotically try to slide this thread by bumping others using the same seething screenshot. Right now on tvch https://archive.ph/g8BLf /dup/ https://archive.ph/Hnojj /dunk/ NSFW or in general
>>260139 Yeah >we know you are a shitskin.
>>260151 You don't understand, his job is to be a Jewish Golem. Trying to kill imageboards and being an incel (always butthurt), those are his functions.
Jewzach is cowed, but still pathetically always online. I think the only reason he hasn't killed himself yet is bickers he's a coward and bickers he expects Mark to bless him like he did with the/trannypol/ BO
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1:26 AM in central europe to Nuzach, the hard worker! <Someone bumps an old thread <Nuzach show ups to seethe He should be honest about being a neet. And as usual, the lack of self-awareness, projection and the usual small dick energy are always present.
Nuzach goes on to show that despite being a proud Incel shitskin, he behaves like a Jewish woman. The anons posted a compilation of reddit freaks seething about Dup, and >our bitter little lolcow shows up to seethe and have a little rant not unlike all these narcissistic and hysterical women. https://archive.ph/BTD1e#151154 >>260322 He has no friends, no wife, and if he had a job he was probably fired. All he has is hypocrisy, bitterness, and memories of the past. He desperately clings to what he did 18 years ago, what everyone here did too, and worse yet, he desperately denies that others live as he seethe. Nuzach is unironically a low testosterone retarded and failed normalfag.
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>>260345 >He has no friends, no wife, and if he had a job he was probably fired. All he has is hypocrisy, bitterness, and memories of the past. He desperately clings to what he did 18 years ago, what everyone here did too, and worse yet, he desperately denies that others live as he seethe. Nuzach is unironically a low testosterone retarded and failed normalfag.
>>260346 See how he tried to pretend to be better than everyone here only to fail miserably. He can't deal with the fact that he's gay and bitter, so he lives in the past and with a false sense of pride. Basically he's a faggot and can't stand the idea of other anons not being gay and lonely like him, a guy who will soon turn forty years old and is proud to be an incel who posts blacked on imageboards.
>>260347 He doesn't even bother with the I'm better than you LARP anymore bickers hes a jilted pussy and he has zero energy.
Good to see the asshurt still flows here. Have sex, virgins.
>Good to see the asshurt still flows here. Have sex, virgins.
>>260364 Maybe you wouldn't be so sore in the ass if you didn't spend so much time sitting in front of a notebook seething and posting black dicks, Mr Reddit.
I have posted on tvch in weeks but you coons flip out nonetheless. I am rent free in your gay brains.
>>260393 >I have posted on tvch in years ftfy >your gay brains Nice projection there for a man who oscillates between posting gay, tranny or blacked porn.
>>260393 You wanted to lie that you haven't posted there in weeks, but you're so retarded and confused that you messed up badly. And you're the biggest closet homo I've ever seen. And as usual, another weekend where you'll spend the night seething.
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So Jewzach abandoned his cope about being some badass Belgium normalfag? bickers as other anons have noted, he spends the early hours of the morning (2am, 3am, 4am Central European Time) seething, especially on weekdays. Is he still on “vacation”? Even if so, I don't think being a butthurt sperg is a good way to spend your free time. Update in the thread (I'm sorry I broke Nuzach) https://archive.ph/4Q9Hg#155612 The anons are also noticing that CP being spammed on tvch always coincide with Nuzach sperging out. After the anons commented on this strange coincidence Nuzach who was trying to keep a low profile (by avoiding posting in this thread for example) magically appeared from his month-long absence from the internet (even tho he was seething at Detective Conan two nights ago among other things). It seems to me that >our criminal isn't the smartest or the most careful, he's rather sloppy and has low emotional control. Case closed.
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And he's been whining about “essayfag” more than usual, especially while spamming Mark, but hey! Totally is several people posting the same webm and seething against essayfag! In fact I've seen him create at least three different seething threads about having had his Markspamming deleted.
in fact of course, I'm pretty sure tvch at this point is just one guy, alternating between pretending to be "Nuzach", and then complaining about "Nuzach". It's completely fucking deranged, and it just goes around and around in circles, and drowns out every other thread, and every other poster, which is the actual point. Well, if it's not nuzach himself who is doing this, I just want to tell him he's a stupid faggot, and he blew it. Is this what you wanted your website to be? Genuinely? Why don't you just delete it at this point?
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>>260417 Garbage gimmick, my dear incel, you already tried this one a few hours ago, including with some seethe about "Muh essayfag" and even replying month old threads.
>>260411 >the cp spams appears exactly when nuzach appears that's bickers you're accusing multiple people of being nuzach, bickers you're an assmad retard and nuzach lives rent free in your head. Go watch your manchild cuckime and then jerk off to Trans500, faggot. >>260417 the nuzach seethers have become nuzach. They are the only thing keeping nuzach alive. They are so buck broken that a handful of guys false flag as nuzach and it sends these dumb virgin manchildren into such a rage, bickers they have nothing else in their life, that they immediately go into a nuzach-accusing frenzy where anything that seems slightly out of touch with the group think such as it is on tvch is nuzach. If that was the original nuzach's intention, then he absolutely won.
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>>260417 Also as usual, Jewzach, the filter PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'D you in your attempt to seethe at Gahoogre. >Well, if it's not nuzach (Gahoogre) himself who is doing this, I just want to tell him he's a stupid faggot, and he blew it. Is this what you wanted your website to be? Genuinely? Why don't you just delete it at this point? Is 5am for you and once again you spend your friday night alone and seething. >>260419 SAGEFAGGOT! =SEETHECOON== That's why you are solitary sperg, Jewzach! There's zero hope for you, so you try to make the others lost their joy and hope too.
>hey guys not nuzach here but he totally PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'd you losers and is a heckin winner for posting bestiality, cp, and G​AMERGATE dicks
>>260421 >screencaps shit bickers he is so obsessed >gets word filtered >fucks up the text I smell a lot of seethe on you! Dumb manchild.
>>260417 Goolio will not delete tvch bickers not deleting it is the last thing he has against nuzach. Nuzach has won eveything else and destroyed everything else except the fact of the website still being online. So it is Patrick's spiteful last stand.
Why does nuzach always spam the same reaction images and videos? You would think he would try to be more creative with his anomulus LARP.
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Now this is quite interesting, here >>260426 Nuzach seems to believe the only reason tvch operates is due to spite for him in particular. This is possibly the most interesting projection he's ever committed to a post. Nuzachs entire reason for operating is out of spite, against Patrick, the "nazis", the administration here and various other zlebs he's formed a personal grudge against. The problem is his worldview is so narrow that he can only imagine these enemies of his must be as obsessed with him as much as the other way around, otherwise his understanding of reality and his ego collapses. It's a sad admission of not having anything else to do in his life, and pretty much his entire existence being dedicated to spamming here and tvch in a seething hatred that has consumed his mind completely.
>>260441 >wall of text >weird larp bickers of his seethe 4reddit nazi confirmed
Lil bro is spending another weekend crying, seething and coping about being an incel, 2am if he really lives in Belgium, and he acts a G​AMERGATE teenager.
>>260440 Mentally ill uncreative closet homo, that's why.
>>260493 I knew he wouldn't disappoint and would show up to seethe frantically over the weekend, he's been doing it for years, pressing f5 non-stop on a site he hates. And if all the cope about him living in Europe was true, that's even sadder, bickers it's obvious that he's usually up from 2am to 5am crying.
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>>260492 he's always online every day of the week, but he's more frequent in his spiteful bitterness at the weekends
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CET time now 05:51:50 Sunday, 10 November 2024 and Nuzach is online, seething! Also CP posted at the same time seethe'd in at least three boards. Now that's why I call a weirdo pattern! And I really fucking love when some anon uses his own gimmicks against him and that makes he butthurt, what a hypocrite piece of shit he is, for a man in his 30's he for sure acts as teenager girl.
I half regret not screenshotting and censoring it, but the retard forgot to switch proxies when posting cp and his autistic infograph in the emoji thread yesterday, so it showed the same ID. No doubt in my mind anymore that Nuzach posts cp, either bickers he is the cp spammer or he saves and reposts their spam to "own the nazi virgins".
>>260733 Nuzach has posted cp before so its nothing new, more confirnation of what we already know that hes a pedofork.
>>260733 >finds incriminating evidence >doesnt archive it im sure what you said happened really did vol7 (^:
>>260745 >why didn't you screenshot and archive the cp bickers I'm not a sweaty gamer like you, Nuzach.
>>260752 you could censor the cp and post it, i did it but the mods still banned me for posting child porn anyways even though it was a brick blue wall (^:
>>260753 Yeah exactly, you're the sort of completely retarded degenerate that actually saves child porn to his computer, thank you for agreeing that you save and post cp.
>>260756 Jeez Nuzach, you don't have to keep on proving my point but thanks I guess. So to summarize what you just admitted to: <you regularly screenshot cp <you open the cp in ms paint or whatever editing software child molesters like you use <you make a couple scribbles over it, carefully inspecting the child porn to make sure there's no more naked children visible that can get you banned <you then post said image probably while still leaving the screenshot in your clipboard and possible archives of such And that's in addition to the child porn you post regularly. You know if you ever needed proof that the ogre isn't a fed, it's that you're not in jail yet.
Nuzach has to get off to this shit, he has a humilation fetish but he is also obsessed with telling you how much of a pedofaggot he is.
>>260759 >Theres CP on tvch for twelve hours <Post proof or its fake >Posts proof with the CP removed <Fucking Pedo. Not really that bright are you?
>>260759 It's genuinely amazing the levels of cognitive dissonance he's capable of. It also just really goes to show how desensitized or attracted he is to cp, it's just another weapon to wield against his arch nemesis.
>>260754 btw i only bothered to save it bickers i got banned for posting it and the janny accused me of posting child porn, as you clearly saw here >>260757 it doesn't contain any child porn
>>260768 >the cognitive dissonance that's bickers you're takling about different people. Obviously if you have different people then you have difference conizance. B O O G E Y M A N lives rent free in your head though so whatever triggers you becomes nuzach.
>>260777 >>260778 lol you're so shit at samefagging. And since you can't refute even a single part of the nuzach cp process I outlined here >>260757 I'm not sure why you're even bothering to respond, you really think if you just keep digging that whole further and further you're gonna end up in China and they'll declare you their king and give you a harem of little boys to diddle?
>>260785 I never posted cp. I seriously doubt any anon is posting the "cp" which is just some shitty image with an obvious ip address dragnet. it's the cops. Think about it. If some dude is angry at Patrick, why is he posting it on every single altchan in existence? The shit is on Endchan. Kohlchan. It's everywhere. You're a stupid fucker but that should be obvious from how you think everyone you don't like is your b o o g e y m a n you are literal Reddit mindset.
>>260787 Hey nuzach your new shtick sucks cock, the idea that you would never save those posts and cp and repost them to own anons and also bickers you yourself are a pedo is retarded. You have already posted CP before so why bothet trying to lie about it anymore?
>>260787 Then why was it posted with your ID? Also, I'm pretty sure in the old thread you had a back and forth about to what extent you even needed to censor that shit, bickers your cp loving ass would post unedited screenshots and after that not even bothered to censor the cp link they post with it. Look at your track record, you are such a pathetic little schizoptypical butthurt retard that you will post blacked shit while constantly flip flopping on whether or not you did. Then the ramonfag shows up, and you start spamming tranny porn in some pathetic attempt to get him banned bickers for some reason Ramon hurts your little drugged up brain. Why would anyone take your word for it that you're not a cp spammer when you lie constantly?
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>>260794 Quit frankly you have no idea who I am or whose IP belongs ot whom. You're a stupid buttmad fucker seething with rage bickers I troll'd you with G​AMERGATE dicks like years ago and now you think a few other shitposters like me who did the smae thing are one anon and not a few different ones, and now you're so mad you attribute everything bad in the world to LE NUZACH You are mentally raped. It's over for you.
>>260803 lol you get exposed so now you're back to the "there's a whole army of retards like me shtick" while doing the joker posting which for some reason you only seem to do if you're really buckbroken. Maybe we should move on from the Nuzach name though, how about Pedozach?
>>260812 Pedozach, poozach, nuzach, Zach Lots of zachs living in there, buddy.
>>260820 Oh yeah, jewzach So jewzach, pedoach, poozach, nuzach, Zach. There's probably other zachs I'm missing. But they're definitely all one diabolical guy lol stupidass coons.
>>260822 Just bickers we call you different names doesn't mean you're different people, Cuckzach.
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>>260952 Wouldn't be the first time I've seen/suspected nuzach has his sock accounts.
I haven't been on the webring for three weeks but I bet >our little lolcow is still online and seething every single day and night. Here some archives of >our gaycel https://archive.ph/eWURs https://archive.ph/5KYu2#343251 https://archive.ph/Lt0uW#bottom https://archive.ph/qLf4H https://archive.ph/Xouuy
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reminder that the nazi virgins seething about "nuzach" fantasizing about having anal sex with nonwhite males. Their pushed their nazism and thus their virginity so hard to the extreme that their dopamine receptors can only get off to their internalized resentment and hatred of other males they see as competition, and thereby they went prison gay! They of course could never have sex with women anyway bickers imagine the type of male this must be, to be a nazi virgin fantasizing about tranny sex on a fringe imageboard whose only purpose is chronicling the lives of stale sektur bums. Truly the definition of no life loser is here with these coons.
>>261007 Why are you posting yourself jewzach?
>>261008 >everything I don't like is nuzach rent free.
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>>261008 I'm self posting now, I triggered him yesterday and am pleased to see he's here now sperging. Wish he'd get some help though, his spamming of dicks is really abnormal and as a fall out of society I think he should get help :(
>>261012 Hes a pathetic sad sack whos literally insane, hope you have fub anon.
>>261016 fun >Wish he'd get some help though, his spamming of dicks is really abnormal Yeah it is, but what do you expect from a cuck?
Didn't he posted some blacked again in the cyclical and some seethe ITT just a few days ago again?
>>261482 He's been spamming the thread for hours now complaining about the patrick thread getting deleted, but keeps triggering the wordfilters so its become a hilarious comedy routine. lol hes gonna be seething for hours.
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>>261608 >>261627 Rent free, kys. Anyway Yakuza killed gaynuzach site for me.
>>261666 Sounds like a great excuse to improve your life and stop seething on imageboards all day and night.
>>261677 >I'm not a virgin dropout loser who stays online every day.
>>261691 No, you never attended any meaningful education to drop out from, spamming tranny and negro porn is literally the only thing you've ever done with your life.
lol so buckbroken by the wordfilters he's back to spamming black dicks. How does it feel to have me sticking my dick into your brain and giving it a good fucking every day, Nuzach?
As someone has noticed before, Nuzach always appears on the weekends more bitter and desperate than usual. It's been like this for years, the best time to notice him in despair and angrily seething and coping. If yesterday he was spamming blacked and zoofag shit, today he is at dawn spamming porn with Ramon, for own you guys, the "gays" ones who can't stop thinking about anal sex and dicks... Totally not him. https://archive.ph/diIXd https://archive.ph/sZVNg
3:30 AM from a Saturday in central Europe, for our "successful" civil engineer & gaycel. And as usual he's unable to stop being obsessed with Nazis and dicks and other people's sex lives. He probably dreams about Ramon and Gahools wearing Nazi uniforms and raping him. https://archive.ph/ic3FM#156524
>>260794 >trust me i saw your id posting cp nice lie bro. >>260785 the "cp process" is me taking a screenshot of cp on tievechan up for 12 hours and having the gull to censor it, which the people there obviously couldnt be assed to do so, back when this place wasnt deader than roadkill people would make fun of t.v.c.h and one of the main points was the slow ass time it took to get rid of cp, i looked at a thread there now complaining about having it up for 24 hours. Seeing as you moderate both t.v.c.h and g.a.y.l.o.g.s Ramon i see why youre so hurt about it.
>Ramon is w-e-a-s-e-l now.
>>262178 >I'm going to post the screenshot of cp I censored to prove I didn't post any uncensored cp lol you're so fucking stupid
>>262182 there isnt any cp in the image bro.
>>262182 you yoursef admitted it btw. >>260757 <you make a couple scribbles over it, carefully inspecting the child porn to make sure there's no more naked children visible that can get you banned
>>262183 I didn't say there was, weird strawman. >>262185 <you make a couple scribbles over it, carefully inspecting the child porn to make sure there's no more naked children visible that can get you banned That's a description of the process you go through to produce images like >>262178 not sure what you think you're proving here.
>>262191 Yea you said i posted cp right here btw >>260757 >And that's in addition to the child porn you post regularly. >You know if you ever needed proof that the nuzach isn't a fed, it's that you're not in jail yet.
>>262192 Is your brain just fried from watching too much blacked and cp? If someone says you posted cp and your big comeback is "LOOK AT THIS SCREENSHOT OF A POST THAT I MADE THAT ISNT CP THEREFORE IM INNOCENT" you have to have down syndrome or some shit.
>>262194 >>262195 You would have a point if you where accused of posting cp in that very specific post, otherwise it proves nothing, bickers you post all fucking day every day, and why would you post a screenshot of yourself posting cp? I'm not sure why I'm even having to explain this, do your parents still have to feed you bickers you're too fucking retarded to understand how a fork works?
>>262198 Is this some esl thing or are you actually incapable of processing any kind of logic? If you accused me of posting Ramon, and my defense was a screenshot where I wasn't posting Ramon, would that be evidence that I never posted Ramon? If you still don't get it after that, I give up, I'm not qualified to teach brain damaged pajeets.
>he forgot to switch proxies before spamming lol
>>260733 Here bro i got accused of posting cp in this very specific post
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>nuzach still desperately trying to prove he's not a sweaty gamer but too stupid to form a coherent thought
What do we have here, buddy? Let me guess 1-He's going to deny it was him and make a fool of himself. 2-He will finally admit it and say he did it for shitposting and irony even though he claims to hate irony. https://archive.ph/ic3FM https://archive.ph/Z879D
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Not sure why Nuzach keeps trying with his stale pastas well after every piece of them has been wordfiltered by jannyGODs but it does make for an interesting read.
>>262366 Is amazing how clueless and a hypocrite he is, the biggest case of closet homo ever. >>262530 I think he did this retarded spamming while being fucked by the worldfilters again a few days ago, the gods could post it.
>>262366 Keep archiving, just today he was sperging out, is fucking hilarious
>>263026 What is the purpose of archiving this guy, or guys? You're not in an argument. You'll never dox him.
>>263076 >how do you do fellow anons
>>263076 You are so easy to be baited and proven as a thinskinned hypocrite, you even love to screenshot and spam your "arguments" over and over again, I see a new one in the thread about Emojitroon for example, that long screenshot you've been posting on the site daily for months. Plus your screenshots of Gahonuzach twitter posts, since you have a gay obsession with him. Not to mention your "Ramoncoon" screenshots that you post over and over again in pure desperation. Your recent sperging in my Varg thread is already giving me some good laughs, my little monkey. As usual your small dick energy and pure envy and desperation are a trademark. Apart from the heavy doses of irony and hypocrisy. For someone who hates zoomers so much, you sure can only communicate as one. https://archive.ph/CrBdN (Jewzach seething in the thread about Varg that I created months ago from bait him) https://archive.ph/BtGN3 (Nuzach bragging about spamming blacked only to be cucked in his own thread) https://archive.ph/e8jo0 https://archive.ph/mYRGn (His usual seethe through /dunk/, including another gay meta thread of his in which he cries about esssyfag, his personal "my loose butthole". Oh, and him posting some "coons" dicks that he definitely doesn't love)
>>263106 You did not answer the question, retard. What is the point? Your wish fulfillment over proving some "hypocrisy?" Why do you think a shitposter cares about hypocrisy? Muh hypocrisy assumes you're in an argument. Who do you think you are arguing with? Nuzach?
>>263106 Based archivist and baitking making Jewzach seethe. Thanks to you he will have a panic attack again.
>>263114 >nuzach thinks the point of a /cow/ thread is to dox someone Way to show your newfag, maybe stick to nuzachchan with all the other easily identifiable schizos like yakuza and emojitroon.
>>263184 >calling nuzach a newfag thats schizophrenic on the level of yakuza or emoji triggered him enough to start spamming black dicks You would'nt be sperging about it if you didn't know it was true.
Another weekend with the Nuzach weather forecast: seething as usual. >posting his Mark's reaction webm while seething about his personal "my loose butthole" being Esssaychad! >Frantically scouring what Gahonuzach is posting on twitter only to have a contrary opinion and try to share his heartbreak with anons and failing miserably at your goal of making them hate Gahonuzach opinions. >Spamming his usual interracial, including porn with Ramon, since Nuzach really lust for his "coon dick" and was so buckbroken by the Ramonposters to the point of actively seeking out porn with Ramon >Posting zoofag porn that he probably spent hours eagerly searching for. Everyone here knows how he is especially bitter and butthurt during the weekends, but I imagine something the anons said must have really touched a nerve. https://archive.ph/LXD90 (As a simp rejected by a Twitch thot, Jewzach stalkers Gahonuzach's twitter.) https://archive.ph/3fGtO#152894 (Jewzach absolutely buckbroken by Ramonposters, you made him search for porn with Ramon!) https://archive.ph/z3aao (Some anon baited Jewzach and he did deep throat on the bait) https://archive.ph/vpxMx#157640 (Helpless rage and obsession with essaybuddy)
>>263217 Nuzach probably has actually been jerking it to Trans500 and only hands mudsharks.
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>>263217 >Nuzach acted as twitch zoomer paypiggie when Gah0oIe interacted a little bit with him months ago >Now he is spending his weekend night looking at Gah0oIe's twitter Man, even Zach was less retarded and gay. Nuzach unironically have some really deep homosexuality trama and repression. >>263114 bickers you are a faggot who sometimes tries to mojcaesar187ag, and as a true retarded you make excuses for posting zoofag/interracial and acting as a sperg as you being a "le epic oldqueer", but gets butthurt when other anons shitpost and you take their shiposting way too serious lmao!
>all this coon seethe You will never dox Nuzach, coons. Just give up already, it's been 4 years. You lost lol.
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>>263280 Yes, my little gaycel coon lover, you are seething for 4 years, you lost in the game of life. But at least you made >us have some fun time, good and old lolcows are always welcome.
>>263818 >NO, U same old pathetic comebacks. You troons really got PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD hard. It's funny how I leave this website for a month, come back, and it's filled with gay G​AMERGATE pornstar spam. I am overjoyed that you nazi virgins literally and seriouslly idolized a gay G​AMERGATE who fucks white men and women in the asshole as your internet hero lol. You took the easiest bait imaginable and ended up looking like the bumfuck, flyover country retards you are.
>>264183 nuzach you are a gay homo
>>264184 >NO, U you did it again! You weirds love tranny porn and then call everyone else gay! You cry out in pain like the Jew! Stupid coons lol. Ho beat your virgin dicks to Ramon.
>>264183 >I leave this website for a month How can you leave for a month when you're spamming your schizo infograph in the emojitroon thread every day, having slapfights with weakload and goblinfag in the cyclical over christmas and spamming tranny porn when you get buttblasted?
>>264197 bickers it's not the same guy, retard.
>>264206 That just happens to use the same lingo as you, nuzach?
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Let's see what Jewzach is doing during this weekend <First attacking emoji and yakuza, only to simp for them after so they go after "Moliberry/Essay/WeaseI" so he can finally get someone by is side again, he is feeling very lonely, all the samefagging and astroturf must be really sad at some certain point <Spamming zoofag shit while shilling for 8chan.moe, no only his "epic and funny blacked", but actual zoofag shit to own the "nazi and white women". >Its the real nuzach here! No! No such thing as nuzach! Stop talking about me, I mean, about nuzach! Stop pretending to be me! Even tho I pretend to be everyone else. Actually there's no such thing as nuzach! I'm the real nuzach in this post, but not in all the others doing something bad! Wew, 2025 will be another year with this loser being a nectar provider.
Nuzach is assblasted bickers of the fact that mods keep filtering his cuck shit.
>>264250 >dumb loser is still seething at Nuzach and still imagines every post he doesn't like to be the Nuzach you are so assmad at "nuzach" that you will never recover, and you most certainly will die as a nazi virgin that you are today. Pussy free, dumb nazi!
>>264197 >having slapfights with weakload and goblinwho Hey i didn't have a slapfight with weakload i didn't even alienate him a little bit, he asked me to fill him in and i briefed him on the best i could. Where the fuck i had a slapfight with goblinwhere though?
Nuzach typing out "DIE" when he spams tranny porn always gives me a good chuckle. He hates Ramon, but also thinks he can use posting his porn as a weapon, and all these conflicting emotions manifest, as he's looking at the tranny porn of the man he hates so much, as him feeling the need to type DIE. Like a child screaming at his videogame, bickers they lose track of fantasy and reality at times.
>>264389 jannies filtered so many of his cuckposts that hes reduced to posting the same kys and coon over and over again on eternal asshurt.
>>264389 >he also thinks posting his porn is a weapon. Apparently it is bickers the coon's gay porno makes you seethe hard.
>>264479 >Apparently it is bickers the coon's gay porno makes you seethe hard.
>>264511 You image failed.
Soon he would take Zach's crown. It's amazing how Nuzach is the most severe case of loneliness turning someone into a closet homo cuck who projects his flaws onto others.
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>>264810 Nuzach makes me realize how funny zach really was.
>>264810 >projects his bum ass deadbeat life on others You even posted da jooos, coon. >>264801 >>264803 >posts got stuck lol
>>264801 the fucking coon dicks reappeared lmao.
Quick write up for posterity on Nuzachs meltdown yesterday: He was spamming black dicks like usual, redtexting DIE like he normally does when he's raging hard, both on here and /tv/. Maybe something set him off before, but in retrospect I should have realized he was already having a bad day. I decided punitive measures where necessary, so I grabbed a few obvious posts on the ogre's website he made and indiscriminately wiped every post he made from the same proxies, maybe 20 or 30 posts over the span of a few days. His usual stuff, crying coon at everything and low IQ opinions on movies, even a low effort thread or two that got minimal traction. It was fairly quickly followed by a crying post, accusing the gods of deleting his perfectly innocent posts, even while admitting he spams black dicks, but in his pea brain he thinks it makes sense that he only be judged on a post by post basis. This made him absolutely lose it especially after I also deleted his post crying about being unfairly treated lol and go into some kind of schizophrenic meltdown. He started dumping more black dicks while crying about the ogre in the cyclical, and after seeing they got deleted too, screencapping them and spamming those screencaps. That latter part was truly a sight to behold, this was probably over the span of 5 hours or something, I'd check in every half hour or so and noting some of the timestamps, I don't think over the entire night it took him more then 2 minutes to ever repost them, and that obviously includes filling out the captcha and reencoding and uploading all the images. The poor lad must have been refreshing the cylical every 30 seconds or so the entire night, even going as far as to write custom text for every post bickers of how completely addicted he is to a even a little drop of moderator attention right into his little cumslut mouth. As I'm typing this out he's already started spamming his black dicks again, so he's probably going to spend another day doing nothing but obsessing over imageboards as he slowly spirals into deeper and deeper paranoid obsession. But such is the life of our terminally obsessed cuckcel.
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>>265168 >gigantic breathless wall of seethe text Looks to me like jannie is very very mad. It's all a lie of course. Therapy for your assrage. You'd like to imagine someone here with as nothing of a life as you, jannie.
>>265170 How can you have a life when you will spend entire nights doing nothing but spamming, cuckzach? And that's not even taking into account the sheer volume of regular posts you make on the ogres boards every day. May as well live there. You really can't pull off this larp when you're clearly a miserable basement dweller with absolutely nothing going on in his life.
>>265168 He's going absolutely crazy right now, deleting his posts on my prolapsed butthole must have really broken him.
>>265267 lol t-vch
I can only imagine what nuzach's parents think of him in their favela dwelling
>>265290 You gotta feel for them, he's stopped posting on t-vch entirely, too traumatized by the deletion of his posts and is now just seething and screaming while frantically mashing f5 to see if his schizo screencaps got deleted.
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>he couldnt figure out how to get around the wordfilters so hes just spamming cuck porn again
>>265290 They don't
Attention Nuzach You where posting on ogre chan today, when I have not given you my permission to do so. Don't worry I've already deleted them, but just remember that until further notice you are the alog jannies teams personal spamslut. You are only allowed to post and spam here, you've been too naughty of a little girl to have any priviliges beyond that. So get back to filling in captchas and copypasting walls of text like a slave, quivering you'll trip another wordfilter, you dirty little cumdumpster.
>>265480 bro >we already know the mods in both sites are the same its the same thing at the end of the day
>>265487 Well not really, since you have a long history of posting on there and seem to really enjoy talking to people about tv shows and even are one of the rare users of the ch3 board. Whereas on here you've only ever really spent much time in the ogres threads, but now you're our obedient little spamslave, not allowed to make any real posts, just grueling spamming that's gotten so effort intensive it's a wonder you havn't killed yourself out of boredom.
>>265505 lol that made him flip out so hard he's spamming black dicks again, absolutely mindbroken.
And now he's writing fanfics about how white women want to be impregnated by negroes, you guys really did a number on him.
>>265536 >>265512 w-easel little bro less talking about nuzach and more sweeping the cp on the catty, you even bumped this thread over it retard
>>265552 If you posted your cp in the cyclical it would be easier to spot.
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>>265168 Hes still at it. Nuzach has been doing the same thing over and over for 3 days with the same result
Looks like I missed the latest on our psychotic sissy incel. However I have some archives of him as it always shows how broken he is mentally from not getting sex. The sad truth that Nuzach denies about himself is that being an incel has made him have a fetish for black men, he has more than once ranted that only black guys or guys over 6'3ft are having sex. But it's getting worse. Given how much he's been simping for MarkMann I have no doubt that Nuzach is frequenting the degens boards of the site, probably with the excuse of just shitposting and collecting material to make everyone "seethe". https://archive.ph/4N1yg#158109 Nuzach seething at word filters https://archive.ph/lILdX#158118 https://archive.ph/wNCUh Nuzach totally assblasted bickers of word and image filters, again! https://archive.ph/UJCl5#346583 Nuzach lover for really black dicks and his hatred for Ramon.
>>265783 Why is nuzach obsessed with calling ramon a G​AMERGATE? Hes obviously some latino but he doesn't even look remotely African, seems like an average Injun-Spaniard mutt. I think hes obssesed with Ramon bickers he can't get the idea out of his head that anons could post him and not be some odd tranny chaser or cuck like he is.
Glad I saved this one before it got deleted, he's currently going back into his Joker persona, usually he only does that when he's extremely unhinged, probably from all the time he has to spend spamming now that he committed to his tilting at windmills.
i see you guys enabled captchas for every post for another epic nuzach denial
Nuzach just confess that you have a homosexual desire for Gahoogre and that you saw him as your personal jesus for being the messiah of the incels and were deeply betrayed that he got a girlfriend and didn't wanted to spend his time online talking with you a guy one decade older than him. >>265783 He is indeed actively on cakekike site, remembering that he tried unsuccessfully to make zzzchan /b/ help him but everyone there also thought he was a boring blackpilled sperg
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>>265966 >I know the ogre is a virgin but I am going to say he isn't even though everyone and myself knows it is a lie, just saying it will magically make it so you're just seething at me. get a life, you dumbass virgin.
>>265966 oh and zzzchan helped me for a long time. They let my screenshots of your bums and my prolapsed butthole stay up for years. The bo understandably got bored with it and I don't blame him for that. zzzchan still despises the ogre, ogrechan, and /cow/ though /cow/ does not exist, it's just the ogres henchmen virgins here now. kys
>>266015 >LOOK AT MY G​AMERGATE DICKS <the fellow cucks supported This is actualy how nuzach's mind works.
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>>266015 >i was such a raging sperg even the stunted pedo's at zzzchan got sick of me
I was told to come to this thread to "negotiate." I didn't have terms, just complaints about the fat fucking orgre bringing his bullshit here and ruining the eternal cylindrical in the exact same way that Imkamfy ruined 8ch/pol/ which made me moved to /cow/ and thread 3 at the time to begin with. And fuck you for deleting an in depth analogous post bickers the fat stretched you so far your skin is thin. Forcing by gods the bullshit endless bait culture from the fat fuck retard's site to override the culture that used to be in the cylindrical was a retarded move.
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<He is chimp out again! He usually becomes more depressed and bitter at weekends, but Tuesday too? I think >our little gaycel isn't doing very well, bros... And let's make it clear: For someone totally "not gay or a cuck", Nuzach being an active user and simp of cakekike.moe is a bit funny. I bet he is "unironically" browsing /interracial/ and even /zoo/ around there since he is posting zoofag porn and gay interracial porn to "own the fags". https://archive.ph/3ggct#347805
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>>266570 Keep dying on your gay nigher hill, bro. Ramon will stick it in your guts any day now. Just a few more Trans500 scenes.
>>266570 He lives for seethe, but cope to survive. Without his cope he would kill himself already for being a closet homo.
>>266878 Nuzach recently posted a new barrage of cuckold porn on my prolapsed butthole, I guess the anger never ends. I will never for the life of me understand why Ramon and Balvinposters cause such an intense derangement in his head.
>>266889 >I will never for the life of me understand why Ramon and Balvinposters cause such an intense derangement in his head. bickers it does not cause derangement. It causes him joy. It's fun. He is a shitposter. You got played, bro. >Nuzach recently posted a new barrage of cuckold porn on my prolapsed butthole lol word filters can be funny
>>266890 >I was only pretending to not be an insane cuckold faggot Okay nuzach
Our poor little closet homo isn't coping very well Valentine's Day and being assblasted by everyone during the my prolapsed butthole awards.
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Nuzach confirmed as a DISCORFAGGOT Nuzach confirmed as a /zoo/ and /interracial/ user of the cakekike site Nuzach confirmed as a depressed almost suicidal faggot
Let's take a little peek at what Nuzach was up to this Saturday. Incelfilled speeches about his own flawed sex life and projecting this onto the anons? We've got that covered. https://archive.ph/TbWix#349093 Crying about his my lose butthole and posting porn bickers it's part of "oldfag" culture? Yep. https://archive.ph/6DNnc#bottom Getting assblasted in his own garbage thread? Fucking yeah! https://archive.ph/M7D6k
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>>267818 >oldfags spam G​AMERGATE dicks bickers its shitposting yeah there were so many cuck threads back in 2005... >admits to being in blacked discords Discord tranny confirmed >seething about super ramon for the 50th time NUZACH LISTEN TO ME BRO YOU ARE ALREADY OFF THE DEEP END!
>>267818 >>267819 It's embarrassing to see him constantly go from “there is no nuzach!” to “there are actually dozens of nuzach's” as soon as he tries to fool someone or is really afraid of being caught with his pants down by the alogs. As well as the classic “posting blacked is shitposting, I'm not gay or a cuck for doing it” but “posting Ramon makes you a gay coon lover!”, even though he's the only one who's actually posted Ramon's nudes/porn, apart from emoji in the past.
Bumping random threads doesn't work, Jewzach, you used to pretend to be happy about your thread, but it seems like you actually very unhappy... A recent post of his was purged, since he probably used the same IP to post his beloved coondicks, but it was basically the same reddit “nice guy” rant about how no woman would date an anon bickers “we hate G​AMERGATEs and kikes, and that automatically turns us into incels”. This reveals a lot about the psychology of Nuzach, a supposedly proud incel, who is obsessed with sex and everyone's sex life and sex organs. Perhaps Nuzach thinks that if he defends the Jews and blacks in imageboars so much, he will magically come out of his loneliness and be accepted again in the society that rejected him for being a sperg autistic faggot. Where are the psychologist anons who made him so butthurt in the past? What do you think about Nuzach, who calls himself an oldfag, having a mind that profusely reflects the spirit of Reddit?
>>267891 He just comes across as a massive pussy with double digit IQ and serious mental issues. Perhaps he hates Ramon and Jbalvin bickers some MedBVLL raped him in the ass when he was young. Although Hispanic, the Faustian Aryan Spirit is alive and well in both Ramon and Jbalvin, hence his intense hatred for both. Nuzach has also been doing his usual seethefest about dup even though he used to support dup in the past further proving that nuzach's mind is made up of 80 percent cuckoldry, 10 percent excessive sweating, and 10 percent pereptual asshurt.
>>267898 >the G​AMERGATE who looks like Obama and the dumb spic works for McDonalds are "Aryan Faustian Spirit" Found the virgin

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