/cow/ - Lolcows

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Nuzach General #2 Unironic Ralphamale 09/26/2024 (Thu) 23:17:39 ID: da576d No.257369
Since the last thread Nuzach has practically made alogs his new home, dramatically increasing the amount of black dicks and cp that is posted on here bickers that's his only response when he gets assblasted on a daily basis. Old OP: Nuzach once enjoyed the prime-time bloodsports even before jcaesar187's downfall at the hands of the Гунт with by far the most stupid reasons to lose one's mind for; a good deal of 8ch veterans kept enjoying his seething about alogs until this day. But not nuzach, he was too much of a trailer trash white G​AMERGATE himself to laugh at a lolcow proper and enjoy the show. But most importantly, he was a ni/gg/er at heart. He didn't luck out with the /cow/ userbase that repeatedly mocked his inclinations to waste time playing cuckeogooms and to want to fuck children. Neither did he luck out with the administration, and his buddy John was ousted and the ni/gg/er-infested cancer known as /v/ removed from my jewish mother. As a result of my jewish mother cracking down on pedos, he lost 90% of his remaining sanity. To get told to "go and make your own site if you want to jack it to children" was the straw that broke this buck's back. As a result all his pedo buddies, those parasitic cliques that had already lost 60% of their numbers when TheTheGatorGamerGamer got rid of /hebe/ and other boards, were left without a host again. Some went to KC, others were scattered in the wind forever. Enter zzzchan, a pretty rulecucked site existing pretty much solely for the ni/gg/er pedos to play smash and jerk off to kids, where the mere suggestion that loli is pedophilic earns the poster a ban. Even the few boards that wanted none of that were eventually infested. Nuzach now spends his days seething on zzzchan about the alogs and tvch, sometimes going to those sites to seethe at the moderation and screech at "/cow/kikes" and Anita. Nuzach is definitely the main individual lolcow of the webring, the juciest one among the collective lolcow that the ni/gg/ers from zzzchan are. Banned from every board that isn't ran by pedos, he says the "/cow/kike moderation" and "feminists" are at fault for him getting banned from every place he goes to. No, it couldn't be the precious Eric, he's too good to be fairly banned.
It's been a while since I visited the cyclical thread, but I hear that Nuzach is desperately spamming G​AMERGATE dicks over there and trying to pretend to be an oldfag, even though he only started frequenting the thread two years ago and only bickers he has nothing else in his life apart from being online, out of spite and in an attempt to gayop and stirshit. Screenshots of Nuzach seething about /cow/ in 2022 before he started to larp as a "/cow/boy" in his autistic crusade against tvch and certain namefags from both sites. Some archives: Nuzach seething and spamming porn on the cyclical thread, anons who never cared about him before are tired of him being an incel asshole who tries to ruin everything. https://archive.ph/5gDfJ#257342 Nuzach in the cyclical in 2023 trying to gaslight the anons but failing since he can't avoid showing his small dick energy. https://archive.ph/KU06s#229967 Just the typical Nuzach moment where he is unable to contain himself and ends up derailing some thread. https://archive.ph/mFHuJ#336373 Jewzach being caught in his web of lies and sinking into an ocean of cope and seethe in /ch3/, with his usual "DAJOOOOS" and acting as an Evangelical faggot, only to later on deny being a Christianfag. https://archive.ph/JIMLc#1833 Thread created by Nuzach, as usual with Gah00le being the subject of his choice since he has this strange homosexual obsession with the Ogre, the last post was him spamming blacked to "own the mods". https://web.archive.org/web/20240623102044/https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/146140.html#147330 https://archive.ph/LpCNN#147330 Nuzach getting butthurt with "Vargcoons" and posting blacked, once again to "own his alogs". https://web.archive.org/web/20240623102156/https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/146815.html#147327 Nuzach spamming interracial threads after being assblasted by some anons. What made him go berserk? An anon talking about being a father. Nuzach can't accept being an unirocally incel and expects all the other anons to be as sad and pathetic as he is. Around the same time he was also starting to get really butthurt about being called Latino/Mexican. https://archive.ph/qgok6 Nuzach mad at his MGTOW threads being deleted and the anons caring more about Israel vs HAMAS, this is a long thread and even after so many months he's still trying to sage it or seething about the anons not being allies of Israel. He spammed blacked in the thread as usual. https://archive.ph/cqWw9#135797 https://archive.ph/cqWw9#135910 https://archive.ph/cqWw9#136397 Casual anons already getting tired of Nuzach in the cyclical and how he gets so many IP's permanently banned for spammaning G​AMERGATE porn and cp. https://archive.ph/H0lhD#252516 Some threads that Nuzach tried to derail now in September 2024. If I had to post them all I'd only finish this post on Friday. https://archive.ph/axfe5#148362 https://archive.ph/BOGNQ#151759 https://archive.ph/FfoUh#340602 https://archive.ph/InnWm#151718 Jewzach larping as nuzach, samefagging and spamming trannyporn to "own" the Ramonposters https://archive.is/LWz0R#130880
Lol, thank you for keeping tabs on this autist. t. an anon who has enjoyed the jewzach saga
I have some Archives of him too https://archive.ph/eTDxK https://archive.ph/RjRGG https://archive.ph/jsr1v seething ALL across the cyclical about jannies https://archive.ph/rpgHz https://archive.ph/lKKL7
I think some Anon baited him and as a result he is butthurt and trying to prove that he definitely doesn't think about Ramon having sex 24/7 like an obsessed gaycel. https://archive.ph/M0HFK https://archive.ph/zhRf0 OP WON
>>257427 It's even the exact same images he was posting on the cyclical today. Kind of funny too, clearly he doesn't have a lot of Ramon porn saved, and probably resents having to have some. But it's the only way he can actually pull off his false flag attacks.
>>257427 >archived the coon homo porn lmao the difference between nuzach and I is that nuzach literally cried and got incel shooter levels of depressed over his threads and quit the internet, whereas I honestly enjoy this shit lol. I would have been here for so long tormenting you losers if I didn't get a sadistic kick out of it. That is after all the true origin of all shitposting. You little neonazi incel fags however keep on the great 8chan tradition of second rate redditry. Here's to another 750 posts!
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>>257449 >word filters for Patrick Nelson I will refer to G'ahoole as Patrick Nelson until the jannie seethes harder at me and does a word filter on those too lol.
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I will just post here proof that the Ramon Coons i.e. Moliberry neonazi incels from nuzach's Discord are in fact "prison gay." They really do masturbate to transsexual porn which is why they like the G​AMERGATE so much. When I started really rubbing in the salt on their homosexuality recently they got really pissed off and spitefully spammed Ramon. It's not hard to bait such sensitive and vulnerable losers in society. I mean fatass himself almost jumped off a bridge becuase of the 2023 /meta/ thread lol. You can find a copy of the thread here >>114821 I think it is hilarious that tvtroons seethe so hard that they are constantly archiving and then having a list of all the archives of everything they think came from their tormenter, Nuzach. Like this stuff >>257377 is pure assrage shit lol. It's been 4 years and you haven't doxed Nuzach. The shitposting killed both of your shitty websites. Take the L and seethe on in these threads, I will help you! LMAO
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I can see it's another sad weekend for Nuzach where he'll spend seething with the anons and visiting zzzchan and other sites begging for approval and help.
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>>257460 I see it's another coon who has nothing to do but seethe at nuzach posts on a fourth rate kiwi shithole. Maybe have sex? Gay sex or masturbating to the coon doesn't count.
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>>257449 >>257450 >>257451 >>257462 >Lol! Good to see my favorite lolcow being here to make me laugh after a nice night of fucking prime Italian pussy.
>>257369 >saves copious amounts of G​AMERGATE porn and tranny porn on his computer >im totally not a massive faggot guys im just posting it to piss off le imaginary my loose butthole You tranny faggots are so far back into the closet you’re in fucking narnia. Just kill yourself and end your parents disappointment already you fucking estrogenic faggot.
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I see that that nuzach is happy about his second thread, congrats nuzach.
>>257480 I've known for a long time that he's especially butthurt during the weekends, the incelzito probably feel quite bitter and lonely.
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>>257491 Ramon Coons have nothing to do but rage at nuzach every day and then pretend to not be seething. I love watching you writhe like this. It's wrong, I know, but I can't deny such a pleasure as making you miserable lol.
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He obviously has more than only one mental illness. Out of all the lolcows who used to visit 8chan /cow/ and post in their own threads, he wins the award for most bitter and insane.
>>257528 ">no, u that's pretty much all the coons have left at this point.
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ramon coon being gay again.
>>257590 >>257651 Damn you are butthurt, my spicito friendo.
nuzach is a sweaty gamer.
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>>257687 He is unironically posting lolicon shit bickers he is depressed. Also he is visiting zzzchan again to ask for help against "muh cowkikes zoomers!"
Nuzach is depressed, guys, our little latrinx incel needs some love in his sad life. https://archive.ph/qHhUy He is even coping more than before about his lust for "coon dicks". https://archive.ph/OnL59#152546
>>257783 >gets baited >swallows the hook, line and sinker >seethes the coonmeister cycle >>257743 I have never posted lolicon or sweaty gamer shit. You lie bickers you seethe.
>>257789 You've reposted cp several times nuzach, and that's not even including all the cp that gets posted while youre active but then youre active basically all the time since you have no life or future prospects
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>>257793 you don't know who nuzach is you don't know who anyone is on an anonymous imageboard, you newfaggot imbecile you don't know who posted the G​AMERGATE dicks you don't know who posts the shitty cp ip address traps you're a terminally assmad faggot on the internet
>>257799 You're too much of a schizosperg to have any anonymity, Nuzach. That's why you're run out of any online community you try to get into. Any normal autist would give up at that point and move on, but your schizoid personality disorder doesn't allow you to let go, so you seethe and spam shit every day. If you had anything going for you in your life you might have been able to let go too, but you're here, every day, spamming the same shit with absolutely nothing better to do.
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he admitting to posting blacked https://archive.ph/ZYv7F#152577 while all the anons are having fun Nuzach makes a drama about how mentally retarded he is https://archive.ph/TGMAp#152540 >>257783 he is not in a good mental state, which is nothing new he's going on blacked.gov and zzzchan to try to cope since when he wants attention about being depressed every year he just logs on /dunk/
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>>257802 like i've said before with you losers, all you do is "NO, U." I was always the one who preyed on your incel, virgin insecurity bickers you're a bunch of joo obsessed nazis who haven't even seen a pussy in real life, you're porn addicts, and it drove you nuts. That's why you keep mouthing off at every shadow on the wall as being nuzach, bickers I made you cry. It got to the point where literally every fucking thing you say is "NO, U." It's honestly boring now. I was too successfull at making you seethe. and really, you soytrannies need to fuck off back to soyjack.party. You're really nothing more than the proliferation of internet culture into normalfaggot space so that even normalfaggots have become incel virgins now. That's why you hate anonymity so much and are peak Reddit in your behavior. Soyjack.party really is just the normalfaggot failure of the normalfagged 4cuck in the current year. Really pathetic people, and that is why every time you get owned in life you resort to irony to feel like you actually won. That is schizophrenia.
>>257802 >NO U I think you are funny lolcow Essayfag. You'll never dox me, you'll never dox Esoshaggism and you never doxed "Zach" bickers he never existed. You losers had to create a lolcow to seethe and pretend to be smart oldfags when you are zoomer virgins who killed this board. Sterilize yourself since you don't have the courage to kys lol.
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>>257804 >NO U are porn addicts says the the one that spams cp and bbc porn
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The levels of cope and seethe he is reaching are the proof that he is unironically a lolcow. I have a feeling his heart isn't doing so well, he's going to have a heart attack soon.
>>257822 Remember, I enjoy watching you seethe. Ive been terrorizing you for years. I penetrate your spaces and make you little faggots cry, soytranny. >>257820 >NO, U like a broken record, coon.
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>>257828 <Remember, I enjoy watching you seethe. Ive been terrorizing you for years Assmad spic, everyone is laughing at you!
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He can't handle the emotional damage caused by the anons, and keeps giving us pearls of hypocrisy and mental delusion. I wonder if he is related to Gaytor or Bryan Dunn. https://archive.ph/uEV3A https://archive.ph/GdHLg#bottom https://archive.ph/1v8Q7#152660 https://archive.ph/LgLx0#152620
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NUZACH SISTERS, NO LIKE THIS!!! https://archive.ph/YXMk1 https://archive.ph/aRUMM#152713 Our browncel can't stand the alogs and has decided to make a desperate appeal. After being humiliated once again in his own thread. All he's done since then is posting a few posts scattered around the webring, trying very stealthily not to attract the eyes of the anons, afraid and trying to avoid further BTF0's while preaching about everyone being incels and lolicons like himself or talking about wanting more vids of Gah00le showing his naked body. With really low energy and desperately trying to sound less insane and chimp out less, the anons baited him once again and proved how easy Nuzach can be baited and manipulated by ARYAN man. In both ways he proved to have a great sense of inferiority and low emotional control, just like any spic and G​AMERGATE. He's scared and tired. His pederastic obsession with Gah00le is the only thing stopping him from killing himself.
>>257865 >>257938 lol he must have some sort of humiliation fetish to keep doing this to himself
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>>257945 he is a kike lover and a gaycel, ofc he has a big thing for being humiliated and serious self-loathing problems. when he's cornered he tries to pretend he's laughing along with >us, he posts the gay Joker and pretends he actually loves everyone, Gah0ole, Wrist, Essayfag, you, me, etc and post some essay kind of pretending not to be him but with the same typical butthurt cope and faggy talking points. he follows very predictable patterns, his own life and head are hell.
>>257951 He's honestly sad and funny as shit at the same time. <jokes on you guys I was only pretending to be a pedo cuck <a-akually I have some mental issues but don't >we all props to leaving your (you) about as it might bait a hilarious response
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>>257952 other anons have already talked about this even in 2022, it's easy to identify him and the root of his seethe by the fact that he's the typical newfag who started using imageboards bickers he thought he'd find other people as sick and pathetic as him. >Everyone on imageboards is a cuck, closet homo, loser, incel and probably pedo just like me!!! EVERYONE!!! I can't admit that there are anons who don't have the same flaws as me!!! this kind of behavior became very prevalent after 8chan was destroyed and around 2016 with the large migrations of redditors to 4chan, the typical faggot who thinks imageboards are edgy and part of the dark web and that everyone there is some kind of weirdo with gallons of pee all over the basement and a collection of CP on the hard drive and flags with swastikas all over the walls.
>>257955 >I never really gave much of a shit about cp Well that is not surprising with all the cp you spam
>>257956 Yeah he posted cp of some underage Ukrainian twat getting fucked by a G​AMERGATE and tried to claim bickers this video existed all white women were whores and it was their fault that white people were being wiped out, all this while carrying water for the Jews. >>257955 <I arrived at 8chan in 2014 from reddit with the rest of Gamergate I fixed that for you nuzach. Honestly I don't even think your old enough to have been a gamergay veteran in fact of course. Nuzach probably discovered imageboards in 2018 with the advent of internet bloodsports themselves, its why he always obsessively comes back to it. Not sure if hes even a 2016fag. Talk about new. >The only pathetic thing in all of this is guys whose only enjoyment in life is the "sektur" pretending to be well adjusted "chads." <I'm not internet people Okay Donga, does that take you back, are you really above it all? You aren't. You want to act like half the people who use imageboards aren't high IQ autist that don't just want a nice outlet for their hobbies. Not everyone is a loser sweaty gamer cuck like you. There are NEETs and what (((society))) would call losers that use imageboards, but is that even necessarily a bad thing? Not at all, many of these people have talents and hobbies and just wanted a group of fellow autists to share them with. You really do just come across as a failed normalG​AMERGATE who thinks your above it all. If you're that afraid of yourself then you deserve >us bullying (you). I think his want to try and ruin the hobby of lolcows and that anyone who likes them is a foxdick farmer is funny considering the fact that he himself is a lolcow and his constant attempt to scream schizo when proper oldfags catch him in his tracks combined with his semi-fake yet recent posts basically being buckbrocken show what a giant faggot sweaty gamer cuck that he is. His dislike of /pol/acks and the soyjak.party trolls shows his asshurt, as both have better political opinions and trolling skills than him.
>>257955 He can't handle the pressure! Besides depression, all he has is projection and passive aggressive coping! You're an incel and a closet homo, Nuzach, that's the truth. Not everyone is a failed nornalfag who took the blackpill and drowned in bitterness and coping like you. You can cry all you want, I'm happily the father of two young children, kikes and golems like you will never bring me down. But me and other anons are bringing you down. Not that you could sink any lower, considering how genuinely broken you are.
>>257963 Based Ramonfag saving the aryan race.
In all these years I've never seen one of the lolcows who visit /cow/ become so cowardly and assblasted. Not even the Indian Incel back in 8chan, even he was less of a butthurt loser than Nuzach. Even the original Zach was more creative and chill too.
>>258027 >Not even the Indian Incel back in 8chan You mean fake ross? Yeah he was way more chill and broke character several times on internet Гунт sports streams, he eventually became an okay troll himself. >Even the original Zach was more creative and chill too Zach was at least honest about what he was and did, and when he didn't even if he was really bad at it he would try his very best to pretend to be a ebin ebil nazi to make anons hate on humble harv. At least these two would never break down and cry like pussies pretend they were gonna leave and than come back the next day doing the same thing. Oh yeah and they never posted cp.
>>258027 He is definitely mentally affected and trying to act more cowardly and lazy, still saying to others “kys”, seething about “Gayhoole and Wrist” etc. But he's really destroyed. He's probably retreating into his zzzchan /b/ for fear that the anons will continue to humiliate and undermine him.
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Lmao he is once again seething about Gah0ole and soyjakparty.
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He is saging his own thread, after being ASSBLASTED But guess what, in such a lazy and faggy way he is samefagging in another shitty thread created by him. https://archive.ph/2tAnR
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For someone who loves to call others losers and faggots, imagine being the guy going into this childish, homosexual fantasy about being the Joker and Gah00le being Batman. After two days as a salty slug, Nuzach is happy to have had a little interaction with Gah00le, just like a loser with his favorite twitch whore. And still coping hard about being an incel and totally not a lolcow being BTF0'D hard by everyone else. https://archive.ph/hQbJa Second thread is him trying to emulate Yakuza and Weakload, "please give me attention, I'm leaving!" of course he never left, his life is tvch, alogs and zzzchan and who knows what other imageboards where he is seen as a cockroach. https://archive.ph/37ljq#153166
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Hey look, our hypocrite gaycel can't avoid being a retarded. <in the cyclical, crying about filters and the mods "trollshilding" Gah00le, even calculator-kun dabbed on him and called Nuzach a newfag And le joker who is known for being the most repetitive and boring idiot in the webring can't take a simple mexicanmutt meme, seethe about it and shows again what a hypocrite he is. The guy who spam blacked, coon, etc for two years or more is already buckbroken with a simple meme about Mexicans.
>>258227 I know you won't believe me, but that guy in the meta thread was not me. You're delusional and need to take your meds. You also need to leave your faggy.shitty cultural attitude at that soytranny site and lurk moar.
Certainly hypocrisy and the lack self awareness are fundamental parts of being a great lolcow that keeps delivering. From what I see he keeps repeating the same shit and seems to be unable to understand how he is so easy to be spotted and baited.
>>258236 Why do you always try to pretend it isn't you? Whats the point in lying? Is it just a part of being a jew?
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>>258236 You should accept that you are not smart, Nuzach. You're a midwit at best, but I honestly doubt you can score triple digits on an IQ test.
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>Still posting interracial porn >Still seething about the jannies and just having a "massive" small dick energy all across time and space Also he was in some thread spitting his blackpill about how only black guys or guys over 6,5ft can get pussy, and preached about his BWNO philosophy before a vol deleted his posts. But hey, he isn't a faggot lusting for black guys, that's for sure!!! The ramon"coons" are the ones obsessed with black dicks!!! Not him, the gaycel!!!
he is now falseflagging as a ramonposter again, while keep up with his pathetic joker cope and BBC worship, but sure isn't the porn addicted gaycel >>258227 his manchild "le joker" fantasy is pretty pathetic, the dude is in his 30s
https://archive.ph/jkAEt#153334 Another lonely and pathetic weekend to Nuzach where he preach his gospel about black dick supremacy and love for his jewish masters.
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>>258364 Oh boy, the new cope about him posting black dicks and even CP.
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>>258366 you forgot to post this one concerning you nazi virgin retards bitching about jews nonstop for your own fucked up lives.
>>258368 C'mon now, Nuzach. Lmao!
Some years old screenshots. Same usual shit, he larping as Essayfag for some time and the anons called out him for it, he defending blacked and usual attempts to stir shit and larping as some badass edgy oldfag. >>258373 He really have some massive humiliation fetish, no wonder, the guy love the kikes so fucking much.
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And he doesn't even have the same energy level anymore, he's totally broken by the anons, the most he does these days is astroturf about being “cool & edgy” or seethe about soyjak memes. https://archive.ph/Z3jpB#153519 Also he keeps with this weird love/hate for nuzach and "stealth" war against the "mojcaesar187ags" who hate cp and lolishit. After all, all the true "oldfags" are pedos losers like himself.
>>258458 >look mom go pick up trash you sad loser, holly fucking shit get a life you worthless cockroach
>>258459 >>258462 Nuzach it still will never change the fact that you suck jewish-G​AMERGATE dick.
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I remember the TRSperg, Nuzach's idol admitted that he was a weedlmao loser who fried his brain with drugs during his 20s, I wonder if Nuzach is just really dumb or his brain was also ruined by drugs. >>258459 >>258462 Jumping IP's to seethe and cope, buddy, pretty pathetic as usual.
>>258464 keep projecting insect, youre a 2 iq loser who lives on a dead shitboard with only 3 posters, none of which went to school have a job or have/had any social life, lmao youre the most pathetic and low iq cringe losers ive ever seen nad the mentally ill mod (You) is the biggest faggot of all holy shit you dont even have an iq, you have no life kys
>>258470 >you are this in my imagination no education no job no friends prove me wrong, you cant youre a fucking loser like the 3(three) other posters on thie loser shitboard spending 17 hourse a day doing nothing, youre life is a joke you worthless faggot
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Hey guy, Nuzach is seething no only here but on tvch too, so easy to be spotted, pure butthurt energy even tho he is a gaycel.
>>258469 >>258470 >>258472 Good to see you seething and coping so fucking hard as usual, my gaycel friend. Cope and seethe more so >we can LOL at (You). You will never stop being an unironically incel loser who have some weird obsession for dicks.
>>258474 >muh lol bitch you have no degree, you have no salary, you have no friends, thats why youre a janny on a dead shitboard, retard, youre not only a loser on the internet youre a loser in real life and will always be a fucking loser so lmao on your pathetic life lol, fucking loser
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>>258477 So you're a proud wage cuck and incel. >We get it. Nuzach, nothing you say touches any of your alogs, you are a massive hypocrite and retard so easily baited. You have proven time and time again that you have legitimate mental and moral problems. Everything you accuse others of has already been proven to be a projection of yours, you're literally chimp out on about your own problems. You're an incel who's online every day and almost 24 hours, seething, being butthurt, lying and posting blacked out. You must have almost cried with joy at a little level interaction with Gah0ole a few days ago. That in itself showed how lonely and dependent you are on >us. You know you're incapable of going two or three days without frequenting the webring bickers you have nothing else in your life apart from your mental illness and shitty job.
>>258479 >you are my imaginary bully fucking loser, i dont even bother reading your cringe faggot, im a civil engineer what are you, a janny on a dead shitboard talking to yourself about imaginary people what a fucking no life cringe loser you are, seriously kill yourself, youre so transparently retarded and cringe you single-handedly drove everyone away, loser, youre so fucking pathetic its unreal, the biggest loser ive ever fucking seen
>>258473 He has a personality of a child rejected by everyone or a Jewish woman, look how butthurt he got by you using “lol” when he himself sometimes uses “lol” to cope with his situation. >>258477 >>258483 You're literally shaking and almost crying, Discount Zach, while telling harsh realities about your own life to strangers online. It's funny that you're happy to have graduated from something with a large number of spics who never actually accomplish anything. From "le joker badass" to now fully admitting to be a loser failed normalcattle.
>>258484 >muh spic i have a belgian and dutch passport loser, youre the dumbest most cringe, mentally ill faggot ive ever seen, you have no education you have no job you have no friends you have no life, youre a fucking loser on a shitboard for losers, kys
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>>258483 >>258486 You're more desperate and repetitive than usual, my lolcow. Are you having a pillstream night?
>>258486 Oh ja, en wat doe je daarmee? Naar Afrika vliegen om negers te pijpen?
holy shit anons really riled up the jewzach today lmao
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>>258496 Now he is posting blacked to make "the losers" "seethe". Congratulations to Nuzach, the big winner aka incel who is always online. Becoming the new Zach is the only real achievement in his sad little life. He is well known for being the most repetitive idiot ever seen on an imageboard. And yet he hypocritically accuses others of being “salty” and repetitive. Obviously these soyjak memes got under his skin. And to make his hypocrisy even greater, he used to spam soyjak memes back in the day. Archive the cyclical thread, with the anons talking about Jewzach and his mental problems and some deep lore, only to Nuzach show up to spam some blacked gifs. https://archive.ph/W0Ggs#258498
>>258499 who gives a shit loser youre all (total=3 users + ultra-loser mod) fucking losers that never went to school never had a job never had a girlfriend never had a life lmaoing at your non-life so hard, larping clowns
>>258496 >nazi virgin posts his club footed dysgenic retard that killed his own children Well at least Goebbels did one thing right LOL. Look, I'm the one who started the gaycel thing off by calling you prison gay first. Then, predictably, coons seethed hard, so hard in fact that all they could think of was literally regurgitating my own diss. You lazy bum ass nazi virgin Zoomers are the most unoriginal, shiftless, smooth brained idiots ever seen. You are essentially G​AMERGATEs. You are COONS.
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yep, he is mentally ill and a prison gay.
>>258502 >nazi I knew posting that gif would get a response, thanks for playing :)
>>258499 >Nuzach seems to have some memory problems apart from the emotional ones and I've never seen someone so hurt by Freudian slips as him. He projects and cope like no one else. i noticed how he projects to fucking hard to cope about the reality, even schizos are more in touch with reality than him, and at least them are more creative and funny to have around
I think you guys broke him.
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>>258515 he probably broke his own mirror for sure
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Found him posting on zzzchan looks like he was spamming tranny/blacked porn there, most of his post have been jannied now. https://archive.is/LIne5
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>>258517 yep he posts there, is kinda easy to spot him in any imageboard since he is such a spergy retarded
>>258519 >john's monster turned on him And here I thought he was a hardcore /japan/G​AMERGATE too, ouch nuzach has truly become the ultimate lolcow/cuck spammer of the webring.
>>258483 >civil engineer So what do you do post cuck porn and cp all day? You autistically spam shitty infographs over and over again in your older thread and on that mudshark's thread.
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did i mention every poster (3) here never went to school never had a job never had a girlfriend never accomplished anything in their pathetic life, you have no friends you have no life you talk like the social rejects lmao youre all fucking failures and losers no one could care less about cataloging a fucking nobody coming up with made up stories about the guy that bullied you as a child, you lot are the most pathetic cringe retard losers ive ever seen a dead shitboard for losers where only 3 low iq losers post and a retarded no life janny that spends 16 hours a day pressing f5, what a life, fucking failures
>>258524 he probably work as an uber driver, most of civil engineers never actually works in the profession since they don't have good qualification
>>258526 nuzach, you are seething and talking like a G​AMERGATE chimping out, you are a proud incel, why are you now talking about girlfriends and friends when you don't have any of it? you are just showing how much you care about a normalfag life style which you don't have and also being baited and deep-throating the bait
>>258526 A dutch passport for sex tourism and a belgium passport for easy bbc access, sweet!
>>258526 And what college did you attend to earn a PhD in acting like an incel shitskin sperg? bickers your legitimate seething combined with this photo is not the victory you think it is, it just proves more how hurt you are and that education is failing, bickers you are legitimately dumb.
>>258532 Groningen you stupid bitch
Come to the concertebouw in amsterdam we are going to watch a bbc fill in a glorious snow bunny while listening to mozart.
>>258532 a doctorate is only at universities you fucking loser, did you even finish highschool or did you drop out cuz you were getting bullied to much by the guys that went on the university, like me, fucking loser youre a joke, every (3) loser on cow is a joke and an obvious failure and social reject its hilarious how oblivious you are to how transparent you are you faggot little no life loser
>>258526 Unless you write a date and timestamp on one hand while holding it up with another, this means nothing.
>>258537 not really, the hand writing already proves it, if you can doctor a hand writing you can doctor a timestamp. i kneel sir nuzach the educated.
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>>258538 That is a very jewish answer jewzach
>>258536 You're more butthurt and G​AMERGATEfield than usual, is it just the anons dabbing on you or is something going on irl?
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>>258543 want me to post it again you never went to school you never earned shit you never interacted with a physical person youre low iq youre a social reject youre a loser, a loser whos only pride is calling yourself an "old-homosexual", what a worthless subhuman you are, and you think you talk shit you fucking loser, literally all the posters on cow (3 lmao dead shitboard for losers), get a life, cockroach, and even thats beyond you, larping virgin failure
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>>258545 Another nuzach copypasta embarrassment of a post for the ages.
>>258546 what a comeback, do you even own a car loser youre a joke
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>>258547 >do you even own a car?
>>258548 like a baby, are you going to cry, bitch, your shit board is dead and youre the only loser left, the biggest of the losers like holy shit, king loser over here,, biggest fucking failure ive ever seen, go start a new conversation with yourself you 0 iq retard theres no one here anymore, faggot
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Imagine taking all that time and effort to get an apparent degree and than spend most of your waking life spamming cuckold porn and cp. Talk about being a STEMcel as the newfags would say. Nuzach is probably one of the most pathetic losers I've ever seen on an imageboard, bar none hes the most insane retard I've ever seen on the internet in the last four years. >>258549 The only one crying is you, I think all of >us collectivist are gonna have a continued smuckle at your existence. You will always be a blacked spamming sweaty gamer cuckold nuzach, and also an unfunny samefag. I don't get why you hate Ramon so much, hes a successful Hispanic man, why not strive to be like him?
>>258550 >muh no u >muh imaginary stories oh yeah you must be a janitor-engineer then, did 8 years of /cow/ school and training did you, got a public tender for your "old-homosexual" skills on shitboards did you, what a winner you are fucking loser, go back to cleaning toilets you absolute retard lifeless subhuman, let me say it again for your stupid peabrain, you are the most obvious and pathetic failure ive ever seen, this whole board is nothing but larping losers, youre a joke its hilarious you even open your low iq mouths, worthless dregs
>>258552 t. Hispanic man who printed out a fake degree in a language he can't even speak I can't take a word you say seriously poser. maybe try using some google translate next time you try to lie like that. Ramon was an actual radiologist, a true man of science unlike your lying ass. LISTEN TO ME BRO!
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>>258553 lmao fucking loser i hav the transcripts and still have the student card to get through the gate that keeps retard losers like you away, youre presence is a tarnish on even a dog turd /cow/ is for fucking low iq retards and losers lmaoooooooooo, total failures you are, your lives are a joke , subhuman faeces, you dont deserve to open your mouth for even a fly nothing but low iq virgins
lol what the fuck happened, who broke nuzach so hard he started posting his school grades?
>>258557 lol weres your mop loser you get payed to f5, cockroach lololololol fucking failure
>>258558 I wasn't talking to you, Nuzach. But now that you're here anyway, why are you schizophrenically seething on an imageboard in the middle of a workday if you're supposedly a civil engineer? What was it, schizophrenic breakdown? Molested a black man or some children and now you're ostrasized from society so this is your life now?
>>258559 oh sorry i meant "wheres your mop, loser? do you get payed to f5, cockroach? lololololol fucking failure." you gonna watch another nobody loser stream now like a fat pig or a no-eared pseud lmao what a sad circus of losers you all lmfao
>>258526 I knew my partner in crime was a German. Germans make the best anons, as any true oldfag knows.
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>>258535 Lmfao. My apprentice will become more powerful than us all, /cow/kikes! /cow/kikes utterly blown the fuck out by well educated Nuzachads while the only thing they have in life is gay G​AMERGATEs and stale Gamergate sektur drama, and all Patrick Nelson has is faggot ass wrestling watching sweaty steroid abusers in tights truly you bums are the biggest laughing stock in history bullying you was a pleasure and continues to be so as you wring your hands and spit in rage at the impossibility of doing me ahahahahahagahahaha! Eat shit forever, and you're not even true /cow/tards, they're all long gone the only thing here is newfaggot soytrannies and foxdicks, a pathetic substitute for the old /cow/ board that was something besides a neonazi virgin bitch center about who makes your virgin neonazi ass seethe the most, which is to say this is nothing more than a foxdick bunker for seethe cope. YOU WILL NEVER DOX ME AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
>>258563 oh is "old-homosexual" a legal title, do you even have a title you loser cuz i do and youll get arrested by interpol for using it without a degree, useless mollusc, how old are you even, and still a loser failure on a shitboard no one knows about with 3(three) posters posting about cringe incel loser retard shit, wow what a winner you are
>>258562 Nuzach, you're literally on here f5ing all day bickers you need to for your spamming. Weird projection, buddy. What the fuck went wrong with your life that you spend every waking hour losing your shit at 2 imageboards? I keep trying to wrap my mind around what could have broken a dutch/belgian schizo so hard that he ended up becoming a professional bbc spammer, especially if I'm actually willing to believe you used to be relatively sane. Since you finished your road design class in 2011, 2014 or 2016, you're already about a decade post graduation, so probably 35-40. Yet you have no job, no wife, no kids, just a thread on an imageboard about how much of a schizo you are. What happened, buddy? >>258564 Nobody believes your multiple Nuzach theory.
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>>258569 >w-w-what happened???? I got a life, make money and live in my own home while you dumb nazi virgins still live with mommy. Thats what happened AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! DUMB VURHINS WHO CAN ONLY POINT AND SPUTTER AT AN INTERNET GHOST AAAAAAAHAHAHAGAGAHA KEEP COPING YOU DUMB INCELS!!!!! KEEP DOUNG DA JOOOOOS YOU DUMB NAZIS!!!!! AAAAAHAHAHAHA
>>258569 >muh deranged loser shit blablabla yeah see youre too uneducated to even know what S1 stands for lmaoooo pathetic peabrain, i grauduated 4 years ago loser and got a job before i ever graduated at the company i did my thesis at but you wouldnt know how higher ed works or what im talking about would you, urinal cleaner and i have 2 weeks holiday loser its just cold, im gonna rub it in your pathetic loser face what a colossal fuck up you and youre pathetic non-life are, "old-homosexual" lol what a loser are you a losergate veteran too did you fight for the right of virtual booba on your looser board, fucking cow, the world spits on you
>>258570 Nah, if you made money you wouldn't be here spamming all day. I can see how this is the root of why you hate Patrick though, he's younger, less educated, probably uglier. But somehow people like him, he's got a job, a girlfriend, the things you've always wanted but could never have. And that then ties into the whole bbc obsession, calling white women whores and all that, further jealousy bickers you're too much of an autistic schizoid to get a woman, and bickers you can't process you're the problem, you blame the white women and turn them into the enemy. You should'nt share so much about your personal life, it's really depressing and it's much more fun to imagine you as screeching manchild then a 40 year old schizophrenic that's probably gonna kill himself in a decade or so.
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>>258571 >i have 2 weeks holiday loser its just cold I see, like your last year of 2 week holidays? You're here every single day at most times of the day Zach, you've repeated this cycle with tvch for years before this. Good job ruining your shitty larp, retard.
>>258573 >you are eberyone and everywhere >but i wouldnt know that cuz im not a loser f5ing every shitboard no one knows about with 2 posters get a life loser, youre a fuck up that wasted decades doing fucking nothing lol kys old-homosexual, what a loser
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>>258574 lol calm down Nuzach, you can tell me again how you're a white christian nationalist that loves bbc with a successful job that still finds time to seethe on imageboards at all times of the day and night.
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>>258575 >indirectly admits he is a broke basement dwelling loser incel with a porn addiction. Keep owning yourselves, coons.
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>>258572 >da white winmin r good I'm gonna defend them from my virgin goon chamber in my mom's house. U posted a G​AMERGATE dick at me therefore ur gay. nuzach had sex. LMAO YOU ARE SO TRANSPARENTLY FUCKED IN LIFE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!
>>258575 lol get a mop, cockroach how many years loser, and nothing to show for it lmao, fucking cow posters are the biggest loserss in the world fucking proud of posting the same retard incel trash for >2x the amount of time it took me to become an engineer losers losers losers, i cant say it enough, fk it feels so right , fucking losers all of you losers, 'uh look at me im a loser' hahaha thats right you fucking loser
>he is still tarding out kek look at what you guys have done to him
>>258581 WHY do you have to be so RUDE
>>258584 lmfao not even rude, just done sugar coating for you stupid no life failures if youre shocked its cuz you losers have never interacted with a normal fucking person before cuz youre retards, they just shoo you away into your little shitholes and ignore you, youre the rejects of world, like hello, the losers of even the losers ( your loser circus you worship, yeah even they are closer to normal than you 'uh muh normal muh normie uh im a fucking loser so that makes me cool' haha yeah thats right you little retard, youre so cool being a fucking retard ) lmao no one gives a shit about you, no will even bother to tell you plain and simple youre fucking losers like holy shit, big losers, so big, the biggest, wow big big losers here watch out, so here let the adult come into your retard little corner with your retard legos and whatever that lump of shit youve been squeezing in your hand for the past 5 years accomplishing nothing ( a waste of time, like you hehe ), and let me tell you that your a bunch of fucking losers, in a retard corner, for loser, and that fucking lump of shit youve been squeezing fucking stinks you stupid retard, like whats wrong with you, can you not function you stupid shit, no of course not otherwise you wouldnt be in the retard corner of the internet put on some loser streams now like a retarded child and laugh at yourself
Ramonfag buckbroke nuzach really badly.
He writes and seethe the likes of one of those pajeets and hapas incels gone crazy bickers of lack of affection and pussy.
>>258618 heh, got a degree bitch? didnt think so clean my toilet janny loser lmaooooooooo >b-b-b-b-but i pressed f5 for 16 hours a day for 10 years lolololololol total fucking failure, your life is a joke loser
>>258618 Yeah that's the schizophrenia, it might look like a seething wall of text to anyone else but it's a profound message in his mind.
>>258629 >it must be profond thnx haha i only give you low lifes low effort shitposts for a shitboard full of low iq uneducated shits lmaoing at your loser life so hard right noe did you finish your dishwasher shift, ooof, fking tell us what a totally normal non-loser with a normal life you are by laughing at a cringe stream looool, losers
>>258630 I guess it doesn't even need to be a wall for your text to look like it was written by a more angry and unhinged Elliot Rogers.
>>258640 >i guess keep your guesses bitch nothing out of your head is over 10 iq, no life unschooled loser
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>>258632 >>258634 oh no no no no tardcel is gonna chimpout
janny started with trollshielding Patty Gay and then ended up trollshielding the whole fucking website. Nuzach CUCKED YOU. I think Nuzach really is black bickers of how hard he CUCKED you. You little white nazi incels can't penetrate shit lol.

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