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Am I an offline cow? 01/25/2020 (Sat) 18:37:45 ID: 3b807c No.29354
How does someone's life end up like this?
>>35692 Is it cold camping where you are? Do you have enough to keep warm?
>>35696 I'm a big boy fren
Do you still have a job? How do you clean yourself so you don't smell like shit in public?
>>38768 YMCA membership Coronachan infected my workplace in WA. I was put on basically a self imposed quarantine for 14 days. I don't think I'll be going back. I should have got a fuckin apartment in fall 2019 lmfao. Stop eating bat ass chinks
>>40106 >Stop eating bat ass chinks It got leaked via the river, it's a W.H.O. bioweapon level 4.
>>40124 I know but the bat ass meme is way funnier, it's like hating Brazil for eating monkey face
>>40290 You can meme and still be correct.
>>40298 >G​AMERGATE running away OH SHIT!11 topkek.
>>35640 Needs more goon. t. Unna Technical College graduate
>>40298 >what do you think, should they face criminal charges? This is where we are now.
don't forget to update us on when you start coughing up blood and shit, we definitely want to hear about that
>>40532 For some reason I can't upload pics anymore (phoneposting, hitting upload button shits his pants and does nothing) but I got a full face mask with lots of p100 cartridges How does it feel? Knowing a homeless is better prepared?
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There we go
>>40907 Can you do one while looking down at the camera? Could use another "Pathetic" reaction image.
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>>40907 Well done anon
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>>40937 Here you go fren, can you add the text to it and share? >>41053 Kek
>>41224 fabulous
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>>29354 looks pretty comfy desu
>>40902 >How does it feel? IMO it's alright taking in consideration it's a dude who has managed to survive in ruthless conditions for quite a while.
>>41253 he's in a park near a college and main road G​AMERGATE
>>41254 I'm fully aware of exif data >>41248 Kek thanks
>>29354 Step 1: get JUST'd >>29781 >homeless but still wagecucking >>31273 This niggas camping in the middle of a fucking swamp.
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>>41224 powerful
>Not clearing your metadata in the year of our lord 2020 C'mon man.
>>41452 How do I clear exif data?
>>41400 So this nigga is living in the middle of a city park?
>>42344 yeah pretty much, every photo he has posted in this thread shows from the gps data that he is in that park.
>>40338 This >buy a dozen bags of goon >get wasted >once they're empty blow them up and duct tape them together >instant airbed
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>>42375 >>42344 Homeless anon here, I relocated most of the belongings to another place, I had wanted to do it since chink aids broke out and the fear of one of you calling cops pretty much settled it. new place is more forestry and out of a major city, only noise I hear is occasional ambulance Hope you guys stay safe, I can give WA updates while America burns down but it will just be text and very infrequent
>>42446 >fear of one of you calling cops considered but it the local council likely knows you're there and don't give a fuck. Especially with corona chan going around they probably prefer you're innawoods.
>>42446 Or you could just quickly download an image editing app that removes exif data and keep posting pictures if you're going to blogpost - you dumb, tech-illiterate faggot.
>>42450 >Calling the cops on a fellow anon /cow/ officially a busta board
>>42450 Appreciate that you didn't. For what it's worth the old location had about 6 other groups of homeless which was the main reason for relocating, I'm expecting people to get desperate soon >>42459 I'll look into it but my new location doesn't have easy access to electricity so I've been charging with solar powerbank, usually just get updated on chink aids and use rest for music
Homeless fren any tips for homeless living? I was already well on the way to winding up without a permanent residence before this chinkshit virus, and things aren't looking any better despite the supposed federal block on evicting people.
probably by being an incel on /cow/
>>42526 Get a cast iron skillet and stove, keep bed off ground if possible, lots of tarps and Paracord, avoid fast food/unhealthy food, mummy bag > sleeping bag
>>42526 Also I'd squat as long as you can and hope this somehow blows over (I don't think it will anytime soon). Exception would be if you're cityfag and rioting starts happening, I dunno man chink aids made any decision suicidal. Do you keep working and get sick? Do you pay rent and eventually get robbed? Do you go innawoods and die? Only thing for sure I can recommend is buy a fullface respirator now even if it means you have to cut out vices
Get a fleece sleeping bag liner, it's way easier to clean.
Seems very based IMO, OP.
>>40907 You have cute eyes
Is OP still alive?
>>96299 maybe. he was in some /k/ threads last year but since has gone all but silent.
>>29354 Based as fuck. Where are you anon?
>>29354 god willing i will end there myself, no bills and no work only care is where to get food and water
>>29354 I seriously hope you at least know how to make knots, ropes and work the wood, else you are little more than a hobo... i mean you even made your tent in a goddamn puddle.

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