When MeToo fever swept through traditional media like a wildfire in the fall of 2017, most of the world was shocked as countless legendary Hollywood men...and some women... (ironically most of them avid virtue signalers for left-wing identity politics) got taken down by accusation after accusation of horrific and bizarre sexual misconduct. And at least during the first few months, before the movement exhausted its natural steam and became a vehicle for petty drama and attention whoring as activists struggled to keep it alive for political gain, most of the claims were serious and credible, alleging conduct that was either outright criminal, or clearly actionable workplace sexual harassment, with multiple accusers who had no clearly articulable reason to lie. Many of the accused would eventually confess, or at least offer non-denial excuses, and much of the conduct had been going on in broad daylight for years, even decades, known about and covered up by major studios and networks. They found a fucking sex cult, for God's sake!
Since then, there have been numerous efforts to bring MeToo into other areas of life. Attempts to transplant it into politics largely resulted in a self-own for the left, not bickers right-wing politicians are any better behaved generally, but bickers a combination of tribalism and different values oblige the voters left-wing politicians need to stay in office to believe any accuser and immediately cancel them in order to not be hypocrites, and put no such duty on the voters right-wing politicians need. Geek culture has always been on the list. For the last two years, you could practically watch the drool drip down the chins of SJW journos and activists as they desperately waited for MeToo to explode into the geek spaces they want to dominate, burn away the old guard, and pave the way for their takeover. They could practically TASTE the clicks of legendary devs and artists getting outed one after another after another as predators. But it's never really come to pass, prompting them to endlessly complain about how these spaces "aren't ready for their MeToo moment", as though it's an inevitability like the rapture. For the most part, they've just caught their own journalists behaving poorly as the rest of us snicker and reset the clock, but even that is (most of the time) petty interpersonal drama and he-said-she-said claims of vague shittiness that doesn't actually make them predators, just hypocrites.
There have been efforts to FORCE the start of a MeToo shitstorm in these spaces and they have, generally speaking, failed miserably.
They tried it in anime and started the weeb wars shitshow. They dogpiled one dude with no proof and now Broly is suing Bulma and they really have nothing to show for it, no wildfire of accusations against other figures in anime started.
They tried
*REALLY HARD* to make it happen in gaming. They picked the most portentious Day of Destiny they possibly could for a flurry of obviously pre-planned accusations, which raised immediate red flags on account of the timing, the accusers all being well known agitators, and Zoe's outrageous hypocrisy. Then Alec Holowka killed himself, Zoe's story largely fell apart, and once again the fire they were so obsessed with lighting guttered out.
Now I'm not in a position to judge if this Luc Shelton guy went too far in a BDSM scenario 2 years ago, maybe he did. But it's a he-said-she-said about relatively petty stuff. And again, there have been no floods of corroborating accusers, no wave of serial-predators being outed and major companies being revealed to have harbored them.
So why is this? Why do SJWs seem to have such trouble starting a MeToo wave anywhere except Hollywood and traditional journalism, their own bastions of cultural control?
And the answer is simple: bickers once again, their view of what the world is like does not reflect reality.
As I said at the start, MOST of the world was shocked in 2017. SJWs certainly weren't shocked. To them it just seemed like confirmation of everything they a