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Sean "ShinGoji/SCGodzillaGuy" McGuinness Toad 05/19/2021 (Wed) 22:55:26 ID: c44690 No.103205
Just your average talentless 2000s webcomic creator suffering from TDS, or is he? His old webcomic, Twisted Kaiju Theatre, was created by playing with giant monster dolls action figures and consisted primarily of poop and sex jokes, of which he doubtlessly has no first hand experience outside of lizard shaped sex toys. Sometime in the middle of Trump's presidency, he decided that this highbrow humor didn't reflect the person he was and he no longer had a black roommate to shield himself from criticism, so he bawwleted all the old comics and replaced them with even less funny SJW pandering. He supplements his disability by selling bootleg Godzilla merchandise, posters, and even recast toys. For all of which there is no doubt that he does not have a license to produce. He really likes godzilla, and it is undeniably sexual in nature bickers he used to host full breasted pinup "Kaiju Girls" drawn by furfags on his website. Somehow this faggot has a wikipedia article (which he contributed to) about his comic, and it has escaped deletion for its complete irrelevancy. Most of it is outdated since it pertains to the deleted comics. Amazingly he has gotten worse at producing a webcomic, even lazy photo "comics", with over two decades of experience. The timing does not even resemble that of comedy and you have to scroll down a massive page to read the whole thing. His "art" can be found on the internet archive, and his homepage: https://www.neomonsterisland.com
I used to read this faggot's stuff when I was in middle school, after the start of the character's second hibernation beginning in 2004 and when there was fuck all going on in the western kaiju fandom. I don't remember a single thing about this comic aside from the guy being an elitist prick who had a serious hatred for the more popular niche of sprite comics, with his sperg rationale being that his "photography" was real art. More importantly, where is the funny part? How easily triggered is this soycuck, what are his social media accounts, and what is the best way to get a rise out of him? You can't just make a thread about a loser and not have a game plan.
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>>103270 His active social media is his twitter (https://twitter.com/neomonsterisle) where he retweets movieblob. He have had a now defunct SCGodzillaGuy twitter. He is also on facebook where he is the moderator of a "Godzilla and Kaiju Fanpage" which he uses as a political soapbox. The easiest way to get a rise out of him is to voice conservative opinions or opposition to the insertion of politics into a children's movie fandom, let him know Godzilla 1998 is your favorite and try to get him into an argument about its merits, explain that sprite comics take more effort than photocomics, or just tell him that he is not an artist for making shitty shoops and playing with dolls. Perhaps someone could let Toho and Legendary know an American who can easily be made an example of, in their kangaroo copyright courts, is profiting off of bootleg Godzilla merchandise. He doesn't even have a parody fair use defense for a lot of it. Apparently he's worn his politics on his sleeve for almost as long as he's been spewing visual diarrhea on the internet, but somehow still needed to delete his old comics for being politically incorrect. Could it be his newfound SJW buddies took a look at his past?
>>103275 Don't forget to bring up the fact that Monster Island Buddies is just a guy filming himself playing with toys and that he still found more success and respect. Looking at those flat, glassy eyes and skinny arms, this boy has been dead inside for a long while.
So did this guy hide the furry art out of shame or did his new fwends tell him he's literally raping fictional dinosaur women? I mean he's stupid either way, furfag artists with no scruples make bank on fetish commissions.

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