/cow/ - Lolcows

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Open file (525.49 KB 2746x1086 NULLTRANNY.png)
NULL (possibly(hopefully)) OUTED AS TRANS Toad 08/18/2021 (Wed) 01:13:50 ID: ab0c6b No.115132
NULL POSTING AS TRANS ON /LGBT/ i dont care if its real or not really i just find it insanely funny https://archived.moe/lgbt/thread/21737762/#21743825
I don't think jewsh ever denied being a tranny, over half your fucking site is trannies, so it would make a lot of sense.
>Being trans is bad Lol, kys G​AMERGATE. There's nothing wrong with being a trad trans. NULL AND GAHOOLE SAY TRANS RIGHTS
It's fake, but tranny Toad McKinley could rule with Гунт as the lolcow king and queen.
>>115179 Beautiful vision, but both Bryan and P P P would be jealous.
>>115132 >2:10 AM >UTC+2 Time zone checks out.
>>115132 fucking faggot
>>115132 I always knew (((Toad McKinley Moon))) was a lying fucking kike. Rand and Pond are going to love this, you guys are going to see this on the Petrol Hour soon.
>>115132 posting in a Gayda thread

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