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Fuzhou the Buttergolem/Buttermunculus/Hapabutter/Butterboy Toad 08/30/2021 (Mon) 19:24:05 No.117126
Have (you) ever wondered what it would be like when it got to the point that Dominic Vanner of all cows would have his own a-log, a freakish abomination of soy and butter that was worse than him in almost every respect? The pathetic golem of butter, Fuzhou, has finally fulfilled that role and exceeded expectations in every way possible. Fuz is a julaytoasted grifter trying to pick up the crumbs left by Jewsh Moon, his views are fat single ladies into internet drama, those being 95% of his views. Like a lot of drama grifters, Fuz is a lolcow by his own right thanks to his personal life and the humiliation he went online. Being a spineless golem, Fuz make two hours streams reading foxdickfarms threads or wikipedia to get his "cocks" hoping to make some money to buy sex toys to his Onlyfans "girlfriend", more weed and funko pops for himself and finally have money enough to leave his parents house in his middle 20's. But Fuz channel is far from being interesting or the focus to his alogs. Even though he's a black hole of humor, Fuz has become a fun figure to watch and debate bickers of his own dramas, failures and actions, catching the attention of certain groups and even ecelebs. At first glance, Fuzhou appears to be just an unfunny grifter with zero talent and is seen as just one of so many julaytoasted wannabie Mister Metokurs clones that have plagued this side of the internet in recent years. But a deep look, penetrating the layer of fat and boredom that surrounds him reveals a soulless automaton, but able to feel at some level a certain self hate for himself and for the world. In a philosophical way, he is able to become interesting. Do Golems dream of butter sheep? Is Fuz a sample of what the kikes want for the future? Maybe he's the next step of the mankind, the future nu-male, Homo Consumat Butyrum. Vaxxed, cucked, only caring about consooming and extremely submissive. A ruined and terrible form of life, a Butter Golem. Clips of Fuzhou for (you)r consideration: Fuzhou Getting btfo'd by Dominic Vanner: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=e7LSOZ7Rq0w https://yewtu.be/watch?v=9p3HyPXixrE On1yfans Buttercaust: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=W_wJ-0HxBVc https://yewtu.be/watch?v=RjD9bNeCT7o https://yewtu.be/watch?v=fooRUkRPc_M Fuzhou's Whore GF's Onlyfans: https://onlyfans.com/pristineamethyst/media FUZHOU FACTS >tried to get online fame and respect by going after a low hanging fruit aka Britbong, only to be b t f o'd by Mr B T F O instead, giving Britbong/Manlytears his first winning in years >after almost two years, got b t f o'd once again by Britbong, even Britbong alogs had to agree on how pathetic Fuz really is, think for a moment, imagine being humiliated by Britbong in 2021 >he's a welcher, can't pay his debts or keep his promises >and yet whenever he is in a tight situation he proposes a bet to avoid facing the consequences or paying off previous debts >bad loser, in an endless cycle of being unable to act like a man >chronic marijuana addict, thinks WEED LMAO makes him a cool guy, did a whole stream only smoking weed like a teen boy and even his fat fangirls felt embarrassingly by >chronic butter addict to the point of being considered a fetish, popularly known as Butterboy or Buttergolem >circumcised to the point of needing to use butter to masturbate >50% bodyfat, plays Ring Fit Adventure and other girly fitness video games and think this will make him lose 30kg >has a strange obsession with breakfast cereals, can spend hours talking about different brands and rank which ones are the best >already admitted that he eats cereal with cream instead of julay >once ate the equivalent of 2kg of Frosted Mini-Wheats with 3 liters of cream >contracted a $20k debt with uber eats, literally order food through the app five times a week >literally broke the toilet at his house (his parents house) bickers of his diet rich in cheese and junk food, had to fix it the same day he was being de-moded from Empty's server after being humiliated by multiple randoms guests for hours >janny for a community that hates him and does it for free >was homeschooling like Britbong, never learned to have social interactions like a normal man >no friends irl, terrible irl interaction with co-works and family >claim to fame is reading foxdick farms threads on youtube to fat wine aunts on his youtube channel, deserves a thread himself (congratulations, you got it) >self admitted narcissist, think is better than everyone else, including other e-celebs >he unironically thinks he's better than anybody in the server or youtube comment sections, using logical leaps to make excuses about yourself >he really believes that he's not a lolcow, that everyone else, from other ecelebs, to random anons online are the true spergs and cows with sad lifes, not him, never him >shit talk Bryan the KoP, and goes crazy if someone says he's for EmptyHero what KoP used to be to Mister Metokur, hates being compared to Bryan in any way >same about when he's compared to Toad McKinley, even though he claims to be friends with Toad McKinleyGamer >feels envy and fear from P P P, already shit talked P P P on several occasions during EmptyHero's streams, but is scared to death of P P P or anyone outside Empty's circle to notice it >only honest when it comes to self-deprecating, otherwise he lies and uses other mechanisms to got what he wants or avoid responsibilities and confrontations >has no real position about anything, he's soft like his own fat body and his arguments and banter are easily cut like butter >takes pride in being a "friend" of whores from OnlyFans, including trannies
Edited last time by oldestfag on 01/22/2022 (Sat) 23:08:48.
Based anon for making this thread, do you got any of archives of him getting fistfucked by dominic vanner? THREE FUCKING SPERGS ON /cow/!
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=23PC-jSiAe8&autoplay=0 Alright, here is a stream that highlights fuzhous pathetic existence as he gets bullied by Dominic Vanner of all fucking people.
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>like jcaesar187, Fuz seems to have an appreciation for women unable to properly wipe their asses >his "Gf" has a brown starfish maybe bickers she's too fat to be able to clean up properly after shitting >wanted to marry this woman, love her bickers she has a butterface >actually own two google stadias, bought at least FIVE for some reason >simp for CecilMcTroon and other "female" ecelebs like Aydin Paladin who are his "friends", he edits their videos from time to time, for free >his only masculine" friends" in the whole world are EmptyHero and someone from discord called Jack Frost, the last being a gay and weird dude that has an aura of being a fed, people see him as a wannabe Richard Spencer >Fuz planned to life together with Jack Frost as his "roomate" after finally leaving his parents house in his middle 20's >wanted to be a business partner with Jack Frost, the business would be a store where you could buy weed and play video games at the same time >really hate Blaire White bickers "she" is transphobic with other trannies, Fuz appears to have a strange relationship with trannies, claiming to be popular with all types of women >half of the videos on his channel are about him ranting about Nicholas DeOrio >acts like a schizo and banned people from Empty's server when he believed they are part of the people making fun of him on /cow/ and foxdickfarms, tried to dox a few ones >secretly made a butterlist of his alogs and try to dox them >considers himself a good friend of jcaesar187, but The Гунт never even mentioned or invited him to the Killstream bickers he's boring as fuck even by the Killstream standards >was afraid of /cow/ and foxdickfarms to figured out his "friendship" with the Гунт and Toad McKinley >literal said at least once "Toad McKinley is a funny guy, my favorite member of the Killstream" and "Toad McKinley is nice, I appreciate him" >even Toad McKinley probably don't know who Fuzhou is, and yet Fuz brags about being friends with some of the biggest and most influential people on Youtube >won't listen to heroins diss-track out of pure fear >literally shaking at the mere mention of uncle heroin or any other alogs from emptyhero's discord server >lies to Empty's face on stream multiple times >name is MICHEAL >will never have children >will never have a fulfilling career, outside of discord moderation and being a grifter and wannabe and MlLKTOASTED version of Jewsh Moon and Toad McKinley >will probably kill himself, multiple times said in streams that he currently hates himself and life >live in his parents house >has a debt of over 150k dollars even though he is in his mid 20's >family hates him, won't talk to him unless they need him to clean or fix something broken in the house >actual consoomer, don't shut up about products, even with debt he spent an absurd amount of money with things he doesn't need or will never use >his biggest dream in life is to open a store that sells marijuana and where the customers can play video games while they smoke/vape with him, he really thinks this is a super original idea and constantly asks while on livestreams to people to investment in this project >vaxxed twice, read to be vaxxed for a third time >thinks that dating a literal whore makes him a chad >took the pictures for his "gf" to post on OnlyFans, don't see any problem with it >he borrowed money to buy new professional cameras and gave them to her >spineless in various subjects and aspects, think that politics or religions are boring and only spergs care about it >meanwhile has a fascination about making top 10's about Marvel flicks or favorite breakfast cereals and don't shut up about it >looks like the living avatar of what people usually think of when they imagine a redditor and nu-male >shit taste both for vidya and kino >his favorite game is Dead by Daylight >really obsessed with Dead by Daylight, tries to force everyone around to play this with him bickers "it's fun" and never shut up about this game >his vidya waifu are Zoey from L4D2 and Zarya from Overwatch >his favorite film is Captain America: The Winter Soldier >his /tv/ waifus are Tiffany Valentine from Bride of Chucky and Elizabeth Banks from Zack and Miri Make a Porno and Slither >has an obvious fetish for women over 50 and female bodybuilders, once tried to defend and shill Gabi Garcia from MMA as a hot woman and worth waifu >even those who casually meet him realize that he has some kind of humiliation fetish and think he's some kind of hapa >thinks he's different from Britbong, but also report discord users, servers and channels if they are making fun of him >also like KoP and Britbong, Fuz is know for creating socks accounts to protect himself or attack people that he hates >is okay with doxing randoms making fun of him online, but is against if someone post photos of his "gf", even tho he himself doxed her and sell her nude pics and videos >catholic, but never read the Bible or any religious or philosophy books bickers "I don't need it, religion or politic talk are boring" >believe to be infallible like the Pope >literally spoke on a livestream that he would kick Jesus Christ in the face, twice, without giving any hit of trying to be edgy or funny while saying it >accuses all his detractors of being spergs, even tho he repeats the same phrases like some retard autistic (detail, he tried to grifter Chaggot after P P P streamed about him) >in less than an hour will say "I hope all my alogs kill themselves" more than twenty times >KoToad McKinleya and Stephen King are his Gods Fuz shit Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/Fuzhou/videos and his Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/fuzhouyt his views are very low and the comments on his videos are almost like if are bots or only low IQ wine aunts Fuz cried his own Wikitubia page, be sure to never fuck with it https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Fuzhou I DISAVOW Her professional name is Pristine Amethyst, but she is more popularly known as Brown Amethyst, as her nudes show that she is unable to clean her ass properly Fuz "gf" https://onlyfans.com/pristineamethyst/media & https://myteenwebcam.com/cam/pristin
>>117128 Sorry, I was just finishing writing some Fuz facts. Feel free to share anything. I don't have the archive of his first duel against Britbong, but Gassious Clay archived some of the recent Butter drama. Buttergolem being B T F O'D by Britbong in 2021 https://youtu.be/9p3HyPXixrE
Clearly he made some scitzo in discord mad bickers he has a girlfriend, but it's a cow material? Why do we care?
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>>117145 >Why do we care? >we
>>117145 I never watched him before or emptyhero, I only started to pay any attention to him tranks to the thread 9, and so far for me he's really a lolcow. 1-The dude literally simp for a whore, take her own photos and then sperg out on live streams and try to dox people making fun of him. 2-His videos are awful and he's a grifter who deserve to be bullied like the Гунт and Toad McKinley 3-he's a suicidal machild and tell others to kill themselves if they make fun of him or his whore gf. 4-he got destroyed and dabed by Britbong, twice 5-he look like some weird mutt 6-fat
>call himself of a whore and is a proudly grifter >is dating a literal whore who look like she could be his cousin White trash. Not different from the Гунт
ABSOLUTELY NOT A LOLCOW FUZHOU TOTALLY ISN'T HERE DAMAGE CONTROLLING HERE RN This thread is barely of the water, and the buttercuck already seems angry that it exists. almost like he is britbongs own a-log and is his true sucessor
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>>117145 Lmao, wait a minute, it's the buttergolem? Tell me, why did you got homeschooled? Were your parents or private teachers?? Do you believe it's the reason of why you can't interact with normal adults, especially men?
Is he on his 5th or 6th stadia? I think he gave his exgf a stadia too.
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>>117178 Didn't the stadia go the way of onlive?
Anyone here got his doxxx?
Wew, the spergs are now obsessed even with Jack Frost?
>>117192 The spergs never actually doxed him. Plague, Gyros, Big Guy, Heroin, Jadens and Eagle are all incompetent.
>>117182 Did anyone archived his Joker stream? btw what a disgusting creature, no wonder he needs to pay to onlyfans whores to get a crumb of pussy
>>117178 Realistically I think hes bought 3 of them 2 for himself bickers he played on one at work and one for his onlyfans whore.
>>117178 >>117239 Unironically five, five goddamn Google Stadias, one he gave to his whore gf, only God knows what he did with the rest. Maybe he gave one to CecilMcTroon and other Onlyfans whores.
>>117250 >five google stadias Is this man soy incarnate?
>>117262 > Is this man soy incarnate? What if I told you this guy talks about whatever latest marvel movie while responding "fair enough" to every valid criticism towards them. A guy if you would call him that who thought it would be interesting to make a stream of himself ON WEED. Everytime when he tries to make topic with Empty on his stream he opens up websites where you can list your favorite cereal brands in top ten list, and then your top ten foodchain restaurants. This is so he can have conversations on those streams. He talks about well-known pornhub stars and how he would love to eat their asses, or eat the asses of whatever celebrity from whatever hollywood flick. This is no ordinary soysoy, he is a whore-master consumer.
>>117230 >>117262 >>117268 He also talked about wearing his Joker costume to his cousin's wedding. He probably spent more on that costume than what a regular suit costs.
>get into an autistic bitchfight with a virgin with rage >somehow manage to lose to a 50-year-old that still lives with his parents >consume butter to cope
>>117126 >>117130 Based anon, also if he is fwends with gaytor and jcaesar187, how does he believe in the BeIIa thing? Another thing, did he not use creditcards to buy those funkopop dolls? Also didn't the onlyfans gf leave him bickers of his obsessions with trannies?
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>"P P P IS FAT AND UNFUNNY" Based Fuz, totally not fat and unfunny too! >>117367 Fuz is not much different from Гунт after all, but at least The Гунт hate being called a cuck and tries to prove otherwise, meanwhile Fuz only cope about being in a polyamorous "relationship" and accepts it with "okay, what's your point?". At the same time, Fuz actually says his alogs have never seen a naked woman before as an argument. Oh, bud, you're such a chad dating an onlyfans whore, all your alogs are damn incels!
Fuz is unemployed now and with a debt reaching almost 200k, still, he spends money with Onlyfans subscriptions, Ubereats, Dead By Daylight and Avengers skins and loot boxes and even with Steam Deck. Oof.
>>117404 His future Gamestop/weedshop will make millions
>For almost two years he bragged about destroying Britbong in a gay slap fight when in fact Britbong was playing with him until Empty show up to save him >During all this time Fuz held a grudge against Zeb and bragged that Zeb left bickers he was jealous of him >In a month both things were proven to internet as lies, Britbong B T F O Fuz both times and Fuz was the one feeling threatened and jealous of Zeb hanging out with Empty while Zeb was taking care of his own life the entire time His entire butter reality melted
>>117455 Lmao, I listened again to the debate with Britbong, the only argument Fuz had against Britbong was "I have my own apartment, I make $18 an hour with my job" LMAO Fuz literally lost this job months ago and couldn't find another job. And it's also pretty obvious that he's living with his parents the whole time, but lying about it for shame.
Lmao, even Empty b t fo'd Fuz when Fuz bragged about hanging out with several famous youtubers Fuz admitted that when he says he's friends with these youtubers, he actually paid them superchats. Only that. THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF THIS CLOWN
>>117397 He doesn't only say that about P P P, but about Keemstar and other ecelebs >They are fat and unfunny. Pls ignore the fact that I am also fat and unfunny.
Full stream where Britbong cucked Fuzhou https://youtu.be/23PC-jSiAe8?t=5864 >"I'm not a sperglord, I don't need to kill people. I'm not a sperglord" <spends more than seven hours on the stalker stream wishing the dead of randoms from the internet for making fun of him and his whore "gf" >>117742 Poor bastard, he literally believes that Onlyfans whores that he pays are his friends. Including his gf!
>>117751 >>117752 >>117753 WHAT IS YOUR ACTUAL POINT, SPERGLORD?
>>117756 <look uhhh hey uhhh british people are uhhhhh deformed <they are alll uhhhhh inbred DO YOU EVEN HAVE AN ACTUAL POINT?
>>117751 >>117752 >>117753 Pathetic are guys like you, who are unable to maintain a friendship with their ex-girlfriends. That is, if any of you sperglords ever got a gf before, lol.
Okay, this entire thread just reeks of a personal army post. There’s no consistent reason you guys seem to hate him, and the entire thread is full of contradictions. >is his debt 10k or 150k >why does his girlfriend matter in him being a lolcow >is he really 50% body fat, bickers that seems like a clear exaggeration >smoking weed doesn’t = lolcow A lot of this shit seems like it’s discord drama, and a lot of the posters here seem clearly invested in this, including the OP, with the comment of how he now “has a thread”. Is he retarded and cringy? Yes, but if we made a thread about every cringy Youtuber who we didn’t like, this whole board would be 1000 pages long. You guys haven’t really explained why he deserves a thread. If you got anything that can actually convince people that he’s properly a lolcow, you should post it, image edits of him and his ex are seemingly just spiteful posts and not constructive, this shit honestly wouldn’t pass on foxdickfarms or Lolcow Farms.
>>117740 >LMAO Fuz literally lost this job months ago Doxanon from the britbong thread, I can confirm that he is still working at the Chrysler plant in Kokomo Indiana, also I saw someone else posting that he lives with his parents and I can also confirm that to be false, he lives in a duplex in Fishers Indiana, and has for at least 3 years going by records that I've found. The lease was signed by him and has been renewed 2 times leading to a 3 year stay. To also quell a few other misconceptions, I can confirm that he did at one point have a facebook page in the last month, but as of current searching it seems to be gone. On some sites he goes by Michael and some he goes by Zach or Zacharias. I can also confirm that he has been in multiple different relationships going by the former Facebook page, including with the girl posted here. Can't tell you if they are still dating since he either never used the relationship feature or hid it for non-friends. I'll be back with more later.
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>>117856 LOL Imagine expecting consistency from a bunch of trolls. Talk about missing the point. Fuzhou is a normie-tier dramatuber who has decided to insert himself into the troll community surrounding Emptyhero, and doesn't want to take the hint that his presence is not wanted. Your butterguarding does not help this situation.
>>117863 >Talk about missing the point. Ah, I didn’t realize that we had to lower the standards of the OP bickers you said so. Fuck that, every other OP here is concise and to the point, this whole thread needs both a rework and some actual fucking julay or it’s gonna die off. > Fuzhou is a normie-tier dramatuber who has decided to insert himself into the troll community surrounding Emptyhero, and doesn't want to take the hint that his presence is not wanted. Have you tried talking to him or anything? This part of the post confirmed my suspicion that you guys have no julay to give from Fuzhou. Yeah, he sounds like a fag and his girl did porn, again like I said, if we made a thread about every youtuber who fits that same mold, this board would be 1000 pages long.
>>117864 Again you're expecting far too much given the subject matter. Does it offend your autism, having something stated that might possibly be incorrect or exaggerated, in regards to making fun of a beta normietuber that got lost? Sounds like a personal issue, good luck with that. The julay that can be julayed from Fuzhou is subtle, as he comes off as a sped who is so desperate to sit at the table with the cool kids, he will put up with any abuse. The funny part is that despite this, Fuzhou will positively melt the fuck down in defence of his whore ex girlfriend... to the point he is so triggered, all he can manage is spouting the same four or five different insults that have the effectiveness of wet paper. Its so pathetic and impotent, its really funny. Of course your mileage may vary.
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>>117831 Hi Fuz. You know responding in your own thread is the sign of a lolcow, yeah? It's beyond cringe when Aydin does it in her kiwi thread. Just letting you know.
>>117865 Well yeah, that’s not really strange that he’d be defensive about someone he dated. That’s not julay.
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>>117869 LOL no. There's being defensive and then there is melting the fuck down for hours and hours at a stretch. Just look at Empty's Stalker stream. Fuz was frothing at the mouth for over 5 hours straight bickers the guys from the discord called his ex a whore.. That is prime julay. Besides, she has an onlyfans AND has done camwhore work. Literally, the word whore is in the job description. So getting pissed off at a whore being called a whore is deeply telling of his character.
>>117871 Well yeah, no shit if you are making edits like that and spamming them. I mean, he seems like a quiet dude, so I don’t really think that if you guys didn’t do a lot of the shit it seems you guys do in this thread you guys would probably like him. If you put yourself in his shoes, flipping out about like 30 guys bitching at you that your ex or girlfriend posts nudes wouldn’t seem so strange, right?
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>>117872 The way you're butterguarding suggests you're one of his paypigs or Fuzhou himself. If you are Fuzhou, remember that defending yourself anonymously is something Britbong does. You wouldn't want to become like the little guy, would you? Flipping the fuck out on stream over and over is utterly pointless, and only makes YOU look bad. This situation is entirely of his own making, and Fuz refuses to accept this simple fact. Again, prime Julay. Thinking that the trolls he has set out to provoke wouldn't check his twitter was the biggest galaxybrained take I've seen in a long time. His ex being dunked on is entirely Fuz's fault, any way he tries to spin it. Don't feed the trolls is Internet 101, and that has somehow completely slipped Fuz's understanding. How likable or unlikable he would be in a different situation is irrelevant.
Glad to know the buttergolem himself seems to be on his thread defending his honor against the 3 spergs.
>>117871 Dude, you’ve accused two people in this thread of being him. I think you might be loading the plot man. Taking contexts clues from the thread I can’t understand why he wouldn’t be upset. But that also again, doesn’t make him a lolcow. Now I’m gonna bring up a point that I want you to try to prove to me, bickers I’m really starting to think this OP and thread is full of shit. >20k-250k in debt Okay, so is he e-begging like DSP or Wings? I checked his Twitter and I didn’t see any, if he does, than I’d say that’s a part of being a lolcow.
>>117880 Doxanon again, I really don't think he's here. He would've reacted to the workplace posting I think. I also really don't think that most of this thread is fitting for a thread bickers from what I've looked into he doesn't seem like one but he was really easy to find when I found out he lives in Indiana. I don't understand the drama bickers he's quite boring but you all seem to either like to hype this drama up or this is some strange stunt to make him successful. I don't really know what one would be worse at this point.
>>117881 Fuz has used socks to defend himself before, so its perfectly warranted. He's also quite predictable in his responses. But hey, if you want to be a simp for a simp, you do you.
>>117883 >Fuz has used socks to defend himself before, so its perfectly warranted. Why do I have this strange feeling that you are exaggerating this like the debt thing that you just dodged there to avoid answering my question, very clever. I think what I’ve gathered from this thread is that he banned one or two of you from a discord server, there seems to have been a freak out from both sides bickers someone got banned and now the OP was made to make him look bad, but also contain clearly false truths that invalidate everything you put here that might even slightly help your case. Everything else here seems to be either lies or filler to pad the thread out. It’s a clear case of a nobody who pissed off other nobody’s and that’s really it from my point of view unless you have a smoking gun.
>>117883 I don't really think he's being a simp by asking questions anon. I'll be honest, a lot of these allegations do seem incredibly far fetched, even the ones you've posted.
>three giant essayposts to defend himself >not fuzhou dominic vanner 2 eletric jewgaloo!
>>117887 This is you. Not everyone who posts is fuzhou
>>117887 *electric Either way somone here whether fuz or one of his fans if he has any seems to be arduent on defending his honor.
>>117889 Yeah again, not everyone who disagrees with you is either fuzhou or a fan of his. I
>>117885 Writing an essay to defend the honor of M'lady Fuzhou, very cute. Next you'll be saying that anyone who criticises him is jealous of his success, or calling everyone sperglords. So predictable. If you're too autistic to understand why a group he's been inserting himself into has issues with him, just say so. You've already proven that you can't read or comprehend simple concepts.
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Some extra Fuzhou facts >when asked if he's in favor of young children having their dicks cut off he said "It depends on the child " >he use Nair to be all shaved down there >He hates when someone makes "transphobic" comments, he is friends with onlyfans trannies and foxdickfarms trannies >In certain circles on the internet, he accuses people of being degenerates, but he's totally not a degenerate for smoking weed like some fedora lord from reddit, taking pictures of his naked girlfriend and selling it on the internet or having food fetish >He has already invaded an Amish farm at night to steal the butter and got caught by the Amishes and had his knees beaten until they were swollen
>>117864 You're really invested in this particular thread buddy, look at most of the other threads here, most were made by schizos like Donnylongperg or are webring infight, but you only care about the quality of the threads when it comes about this one in particular. For, me the OP facts are pretty funny, and made you salty! >>117859 People are saying he lost his job and he said it's true, but since Fuz loves to lie it's hard to know the facts. Same about he living with his parents, in certain streams it seems like his mom share the place.
>>117954 as someone familiar with this tedious fag, I can say that the facts in the OP are accurate On the other hand, >>117130 mentions that he tried to dox people, would be weird that Empty cries about some fags attempting to dox Fuz but choosing to ignore him doxing his userbase, would be nice to get some proof on that
>>117192 >>117742 >>117859 >>117954 >>117962 Fuz is literally a compulsive liar and well trained in the arts of being deceitful, he in fact has a very feminine personality, to the point that even Empty's has joked about it, even saying that Fuz is an FtM and that he has a female audience bickers he only knows how to talk about female subjects. The Butterboi in fact for a long time almost doxed himself on streams, giving details about his life, and Empty said it would eventually haunt him, the retard exposed the face of his "girlfriend" in his own virtual store and took pictures of her to sell for coomers, and yet he was pissed that she had been doxed by the "sperlords", when it was entirely his own fault.. BTW when he got doxed in the Stalker stream, he said that Heroin or another alog was wrong about the county he lives in and he said another name, but considering his compulsive liar behavior and the fact that he tried to gaslight Empty it's hard to separate fact from fiction.
>>117962 Fuz was actively reporting people from Empty's server to discord mods, and maybe he's involved in Empty losing his server. The first thing is a fact, the second is circumstantial. About him trying to dox people aloging him, I've only heard rumors and complaints. Plague, and other people more involved in the shitcord should give their opinions here as they reported it during one of the drama streams. I believe it happened in this stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVKz8bNx7XY and also on the long Call of Pripyat stream. I'm more like a viewer and paypiggie of Empty streams instead of someone from shitcord, so I barely know any of the namefags of course in fact.
>>117856 >>117864 >>117869 >>117872 Are you pretending to be Jews or Humor? Fuz is a lolcow not just bickers of his whore gf, before that he already turned a laughingstock to Empty views and casual posters both from /cow/ and even foxdickfarms. He is the definition of a nu-male and boring grifter, while having a fuck up personality. He literally has a list about his alogs. in which he plans to get revenge, he thinks he is better than Britbong, while in fact he has many similar characteristics to Britbong and other ecelebs and lolcows. He is an embarrassment in human form, and the only reason he hasn't gained much focus among foxdickfarms or people like P P P is bickers he's so boring, the only entertainment he is capable of generating it's when he's being destroyed by his alogs and other ecelebs or when he gets mad at the internet He has no power to deal with his alogs, all he can do is report them and literally repeat over and over that he wishes them dead.
>>117881 >I want you to try to prove to me Fuz, you literally forged false documents as proof of your false stories, you pretend that TommyC paid you, only to end up confessing that you made a fake screenshot from the payment. When in fact, you did all this bickers you were afraid to deal with BRITBONG aka Domonic Vanner on your own. Do you think that just bickers Empty lets you get away with your female behavior from time to time that the rest of the internet won't notice your shit behavior? Even Jarbo is more of an honest man than you are. JARBO AND BRITBONG ARE ABOVE YOU AS MEN! THEY ARE SHIT MEN, MEANWHILE YOU'RE A HOMUNCULUS LIKE OP SAID. YOU HAVE NO SOUL, BUTTERHAPA. THAT'S WHY YOU PRETEND TO BE CATHOLIC, WHILE YOU WORSHIP MARVEL AS YOUR TRUE SACRED TESTAMENT. About the debt, you retard, OP clearly spiced up some things for the humorous effect. The 20k in debt with Uber Eats is a joke imo, but Fuz himself and Empty have already talked several times about the Buttergolem having a debt of over 125k dollars. Fuz refuses to pay his bets, even when he loses at poker or has competitions on his channel in which he promises to buy something for the winners but never keep his word and compromise. He has almost 1000 games in the steam library that he has never played, including paying for two copies of the shit Avengers game. He bought multiple consoles, not just multiple Google Stadias, he spends money like a child, a true consoomer. Only Jesus knows how much he spent on onlyfans, he gave professional cameras for at least one Onlyfans whore and sex toys for trannies. He drives a dilapidated car and lives in a shit G​AMERGATE town apartment. he is constantly asking for money, to the point of saying "I'm a whore, I'm a whore for money" and asking randoms on youtube and discord to help him financially with his project to open a weed/gamer shop. He undoubtedly has financial problems.
Fuz main characteristics are submission, spend money, cope and lie. He's basically a woman. https://youtu.be/gxOzCqKOR6E
>>117992 There's sooo many pearls if you listen to the streams https://youtu.be/e7LSOZ7Rq0w?t=4797 Empty >"do we give a hard time to people bickers of who they put their dick in?" Fuz >"YYYYYYEEESSS" So by this logic, Fuz himself agrees that people should give him a hard time bickers of the onlyfans bitch, lol.
Okay, I've been looking at this thread and It's really clear that there's nothing to this thread. Some anons here are far too invested into this dude personally for it not to be someone he pissed off and they made a thread for him. I can't make heads or tails on any of this, he's called a Hapa but he doesn't look asian at all, there's a bunch of things relating to butter for some reason and I can't tell if he actually eats butter or not, it doesn't seem like it from when I looked him up on google. Can I get an actual quick rundown without the memes or lies?
>>118078 Changing ids once again, but with the same talking points, Butterboy? Pathetic.
>>118083 Not everyone who is critical of you is fuzhou. This is just proving my point.
>>118085 Do you have an actual point?
>>118083 >>118087 calling everyone fuzhou looks really bad on the thread
>>118087 I think it's a valid question.
>>118078 >>118085 >>118089 Literally the same talking points like said above, it's the buttercope or someone trying to larp as him for some retard reason.
>>118091 Maybe it's bickers if you read the thread without knowing a single thing about this like I have, nothing about this thread makes it not seem like just some guy you don't like. You can't give a rundown for people with the truth of what makes this dude an actual cow. This post >>117981 says that shit was spiced up for effect but that doesn't explain inconsistencies in his post? Why would you bring up $20,000 in debt when he's supposedly $150,000 in debt? And then you read the rest of the post and it makes no sense. Like he bought two copies of that avengers game, and also that he bought "stadias" when you don't buy the stadia, it's not like an xbox or a playstation so how does he "own" multiple? Does he own a server farm at google or am I missing something.
>>118096 You for sure don't know how /cow/ or even foxdickfarms works then.
>>118096 not him but yeah this thread is kinda messy in fact of course id bring up how lazy he is and how he never really stays on time the fact that he banned a lot of people from his stream chat and discord mostly emptys fans like myself and that he has a big problem with following thru on videos and patreon rewards i think that stuff is more cow like but i didnt make the thread so its whatever really i dont think hes really in a lot of debt but he is in debt by a decent amount and regarding the stadia thing i think hes got like the controllers and stuff
>>118099 Asking you to actually talk about shit isn't how /cow/ works? >>118102 See, thank you, that actually makes some form of sense. So the people in this thread are mad bickers he bought controllers and banned people from his server? Is there any big things he's done that would actually make the next OP somewhat readable? bickers I'll rewrite the op for the next thread so it's actually coherent.
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>(2) agreeing with the same id using the same talking points from 88f677 The cope is real.
>>118107 This is a thread with less than 35 users man, not every single person who isn't you is fuzhou,
>>118106 thats not the only reason but i can kinda go thru this current op and pick out the stuff thats actually cowish of him real quick >his videos and streams are boring and low effort and he has taken no effort to actually improve them with like a decent mic or editing >the fact that he actually interacts with britbong >britbong making him look like an idiot >narcissicim and ego that can overtake any likeable parts of him >doesnt banter and shuts down often on stream >talks about games and movies so much that it can overtake conversations >has been very harsh to some users of empties like plague and ram ranch recently theres a lot more to make fun of him for but yeah the op is shit and needs to be reworked
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>>118107 im just me man
Anyone have his address I just wanna send him a surprise for him ;)
>>118111 >Same point, once again. Like I said, you're some larping as him for easy lols or him. >>118113 You don't know how imageboards like this work by posting this screenshot.
OP facts are making someone seethe
>>118117 *for those who don’t realize this is clearly a shitpost.
>>118118 I'm not, but you refuse to give a solid answer to me at all.
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>>118117 >>118120 Yes, you're really weak with banter and shitposting.
>hey guys totally not fuzhou here >can >we fellow /cow/boys just stop talking shit about fuz hes actually based guys change IDs and repeat
>>118118 >>118119 >>118121 its clear that everyone here is just butting heads and not getting anything done here yeah the op is a mess but theres always next thread
>>118121 Do you even have an actual point?
>>118124 I mean, if you want, I can always edit the op with a more formal introduction to butterbong with a couple of ACTUAL POINTS. t. janitor and editor-in-chief of theГунтretort.com
>>118126 id cut the memes out and get to brass tacks hes got a lot of cowish stuff but the memes clutter the op up something fearce
>>118125 I honestly think the OP is pretty funny bait, so I won't remove it, but I will write a proper introductory sentence and post some links of the butter golem getting bullied to hell.
Can OP tell me the last fuzhou fact, so I may finish it for him?
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This is not Empty discord server, you don't have the power to edit and delete posts or ban anons, that's why you are resorting to these tactics. 1-/cow/ and foxdickfarms never talk 100% facts about anyone, you have to be extremely autistic and naive to believe this 2-you are clearly uncomfortable with something wrote by OP, I wonder what and why 3-I believe most people posting here are not even part of emptyhero server, >we are anons so you have no leverage against >us 4-there's no rules here about posting doxs of anyone, same about foxdickfarms, good luck trying to make any real information be deleted like you do by reporting people from discord 5-op facts made me laugh and your reaction to them are making me smile at the moment 6-tranks to your own behavior you got yourself and your "gf" doxed 7-as I said, many here are not fans of emptyhero, you attracted the attention of people outside the small circle that is part of emtyhero audiencia, can you understand what this means?
Alright, do any anons here have anything else to add to the OP?
>>118132 Don't edit it, it's what Fuz want, wait OP show up to talk anything else Also, here's an invite to Empty server, there's a section called Fan-art and seems like to be full of Fuz memes https://ghettogaggers.com/evDV8dSD
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This is Gassious Clay, the dude who mirror Empty stuff and clip some of Fuz moments.
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He'll eventually make this server be deleted like the previous one, the old one was full of his informations and cocks
OP here, funny how someone seems to be actually more focused on this thread than I am. Let me explain the FACTS, originally, some server members posted something called "Drop the redpill on fuz" with some facts and memes about him, including the part talking about 50% bodyfat, chronic marijuana addict and chronic butter addict. However, the server was mysteriously deleted after The Stalker: Call of Pripyat stream, fact that happened after Fuz totally lost his rights as moderator and was destroyed by every individual on the Server, Zeb returning after months and his dox being posted and he even lost the rights to drag people out of VC. With that, the original copypasta was lost together with many cocks about him, from memes, videos, audio and information he himself posted about his life. This fact made me decide to create a thread about Fuz here, instead of foxdickfarms, as I have contempt for that place and I'm a regular user from here and I'm talking about Fuz for months in the cyclical. Inspired by Veeh and Gaytors facts I decided to write a more extensive copy of "Drop the redpill on fuz" correcting some exaggerations and actually putting information I got from watching hours of EmptyHero streams as an autistic person, to the point of me saving information with timestamps in notes for later use for months. The 50% bodyfat part that seems to be making anon seethe so much was just that, the original creator just wrote the first sentence and I added the info that Fuz is playing girly games to try to lose weight. It's a fact. Fuz spoke this to Empty several times in streams and Empty made fun of it. I didn't remove some exaggerations out of respect for the people on the server who originally created the copypasta, and the most absurd facts I added were taken from the streams and information about his dox. TL;DR - The "facts" were created by his discord alogs and I've added facts taken from info from the livestreams I've compiled over the months and I have timestamps of several of those facts, same about Gassious and more people.
>>118137 Alright OP, just tell me what you wanted added to the OP and I will add it.
>>118130 Only a part was lost due to text limitation as far as I remember. >proudly says on livestreams that he is still friends with her and that they will watch Suicide Squad together, that for him, all the men who are unable to be friends with their ex-gfs are not real man like him >the first time he dated her, he made a point of showing her to multiple people in multiple streams on different channels almost as if he wanted to show off for finally getting a gf >thanks to this pathetic behavior, he got her doxed >he blame the "spergs" for doxing her, and reports them to discord mods, youtube and even tries to dox who are the people "doxing" her aka sharing her OnlyFans nudes >only dated her for less than 3 weeks in their first "relationship", in which most of the "romantic encounters" he had with her were on EmptyHero's streams in which she and he ate something disgusting while Fuz was bullied by the chat, very romantic >gave a google stadia as gift to his ex-gf >spent 8 months buying her presents and trying to get back together
What about this part? >"dated" the same OnlyFans camwhore two times, recently she break up for a second time, and yet he keeps buying g
Whats the camwhores onlyfans?
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Fuzhou has achieved the feats of making both Britbong and Zeb look better, literally thinks that opening a store that sells Ganja and Games it's a good investment and seems to have a hard time understanding that a community full of trolls and right-wing people would ignore his character flaws. For me, anything coming from him is not absurd or hard to believe at this point. >>118144 The girl of the memes, aka Pristine Amethyst, already had a relationship with him twice, both times she broke the relationship but he kept her around bickers he says he only date girls if he feels they will be friends with him even if the relationship ends LOL CUCK And in the recent RE4 stream Fuz proudly said that even though she broke up with him, he's going to watch some capeshit movie together with her and they'll continue to meet as friends. So from what I understand, Op is insinuating that Fuz is going to try to get back together with her for a third time. >>118146 op posted here >>117130 its https://onlyfans.com/pristineamethyst/media
>>118147 thanks, missed it.
Brw, Fuz hate when people call him half asian, if he's a hapa for real or not I don't know, but it affects him. >>118148 Her cocks is pretty shitty literally in some cases bickers her ass is dirty in most videos and photos. She's a reflection of him, both producing awful and boring cocks.
>>118149 Is there a mega of her shitty asshole cocks?
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>>118149 >hapa
If you just want some recent and delicious nectar, I recommend this streams, at least check the comment section for timestamps and hot takes from the views. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY6624P1SEg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3DHlPJlYaM These are from six months ago, but it was when it became quite clear that Fuz would become a lolcow, he get really salty and starts to prove to be more than a cuck and boring dude, but also a sperg and shit person. Even regular views begin to hate him, instead of the hate being unique among the discord users. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7LSOZ7Rq0w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJDOIHEyn5M >>118144 >"dated" the same onlyfans camwhore two times, recently she break up for a second time, and yet he keeps buying gifts to her and defends her behavior even today to the point of sperg out on livestreams when someone talk about her Like >>118147 pointed out, two weeks ago Empty did a Resident Evil 4 stream. In this stream, now on the new server, Fuz joined for "only" one hour and half and among the various subjects he talked about, he bragged about having plans to watch Suicide Squad with his ex-gf, some server users took advantage that Fuz no longer has a monopoly on the VC and joined the stream to do some banter about her, he defended her firmly. Even though they aren't dating anymore. Here the full stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16XF1VyIaQg 2:06:27-3:46:23 his time as part of the stream
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>>118154 Oops, here's a version without the black.
>>118153 Thanks for adding the full fact, sadly I cannot add it to the OP due to text limits, feel free to compile a full list of fuzhou facts though.
I'll only say this, since I do not know much about Fuz. The little I've heard from the streams with him so far, what disturbed me the most is his laugh. He makes Corey and the Гунт laugh seem human, now I understand why you say he is a homunculus or golem. Tranks for the thread, bro.
>>118166 by that I mean his laugh fits the definition of uncanny valley perfectly.
>>118166 Is this weakload? And yes, Fuz does make corey and Гунт look human with his weird continuous set of responses to trolls.
>>118168 I'm not weekload, just a very casual poster, jcaesar187 and 3P haven't interested me in a long time so I rarely check here anymore, but Fuz interested me enough to watch some streams and post again.
>>118137 >>118131 Fair enough.
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>>118131 do you have an actual point, sperglord?
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>>118137 Gassious here. I first became aware of Fuz after that one stream he did with Empty and Leftwing Dork where they dunked on Britbong. This was about 2 years ago. Around this point, Fuz decided Empty was his Foreverfriend, and latched on. One of the earliest appearances of Fuz on an Empty stream was when he played Mystic Pillars. You can already see early signs there of how Fuz would behave. I first interacted with Fuz on twitter when he was white knighting M'lady Cecil McTwoon. Ironically he accused me of being a simp then. Projecting much? During that encounter, he proudly boasted that he used creamer in his cereal instead of julay. He would get a lot of grief for this and it eventually morphed into the butter meme. He was clearly oblivious as to how this would appear to other people, and I think it still goes over his head to this day. Up until he got his ex doxed by showing her face on his twitter, Fuz acted like a punching bag on Empty's stream to the chat. After she got exposed and roundly mocked on the discord just to stick it to Fuz, he became much more aggressive and antagonistic with the chat and people on the discord. Empty was already bleeding viewers with Fuz coming on to derail, ruin joke setups and interrupt constantly to talk about boring shit no one was there to listen to. The live viewer loss has greatly increased in the past few months solely bickers of how Fuz has been behaving. To put it into perspective, before Fuz started going on Empty's streams, viewers were around 100-150ish per stream. Now Empty is lucky to get over 50 people watching his streams live. People are there to watch Empty get his ass kicked in video games and be funny, not to listen to Fuz endlessly drone about things that are meaningful to him. Fuz, buddy, I know you read this thread. I don't hate you but you really need to take a step back from all this. You aren't going to win against the trolls. If you don't have the chops to win against someone like Britbong, you might as well hang it up.
>>118183 Thanks for the story, though I believe now that fuz now has a thread here and seeing his past behavior he will most likely just go more crazy, which is a good thing in fact of course.
>>117856 >>118078 >>118102 I agree with these people, and I don't want to be that guy, but I must say that exists real lolcows on the server that are much funnier and pathetic than Fuzhou. Joey JoJo, a genetic failure. He is famous for being a paypiggie and coomer degenerate, literally physically deformed and has a weak memory. Everyone feels sorry for him. Jadens is a jewish zoomer addicted to interracial gay porn, he is really into femboys and sissy. He pretends to be a big black man. Plague is a failed ex janitor in real life and now studying to become a mall cop. He is obese and addicted to eating dog poop. We should focus on their julays instead of some cringy Youtuber.
>>118183 Are you the OP then, Gassious? You seem to have been trying to become an e-celeb for some time now.
>>118244 > addicted to eating dog poop. wait what lol i know that joey is a paypig for fuzhou bickers hes superchatted him in the stream i watched
>>118244 >>118245 Hello fuzhou, even if this is true, they aren't the subject of the thread, the best part is that if it is, that just means that you have helped uncover more potential cows other than yourself to laugh at. Thank you for the service.
>>118244 >>118246 i looked for that joey guy on youtube and the first thing i see is a grown man with goofy thumbs eating a burger king kids meal https://youtu.be/E3Ih7mk9Sws
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>>118245 Nah I only found out this place existed a bit over a week ago. Funny shit. I've been fucking with Fuz for a long time before he attracted the ire of Empty's fanbase. I'm amused that people are finally starting to smell the cow on him. This is all just for fun. If I wanted to become an e-celeb, I would alog someone more well known like jcaesar187 or Chris. Going after someone only a few hundred people give a shit about isn't the best way to become famous, yeah? Anyways, carry on.
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>this entire thread
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Holy crap, I thought this thread would be moving at deadlike pace like the other threads, this place has collected so much momentum thanks to all of fuzhou's or maybe his ex's attempts to damage control. >>118183 I've been visiting Empty's discord for an week now, and it seems everytime fuzhou ever interacts with the people there it is to attack any comment aimed his direction. From what I've seen everyone else on the server would be bantering, but fuz seems to get more vitriolic with his comebacks like "get an real job, you only make 7 dollars an hour" or telling others to go on a shooting spree. Really unhinged shit. How long has been going on like this now.
About 3 days ago the pace really picked up.
>>118246 Plauge keep changing nicknames after being destroyed by Fuzhou and Sargoy. Sargoy discovered that Plauge has a habit of stepping on dog shit on purpose so he can smell the soles of his shoes at home. He's a loser. >>118183 >To put it into perspective, before Fuz started going on Empty's streams, viewers were around 100-150ish per stream. Now Empty is lucky to get over 50 people watching his streams live Bullshit, motherfucker. Post the numbers, the evidence that Empty lost views due to Fuz. >>118247 How stupid are you? According to you, half of this thread is Fuzhou arguing with you and another idiot.
>>118249 Yes, Joey is the definition of ugly and incel. He has a video drinking soylet. He's a paypiggie for a lot of online personalities, and a frequent Toad McKinley fanboy, always on his chat.
>>118263 I mean, PeoplesPopularPress.
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>>118262 >>118263 >>118264 > knowing who's who from empty's discord > uses the same vernacular as fuz > not knowing the cmmon wordfilters here > obsession with P p p > all posts in a row with only couple hour difference Fuz you're not even smart enough to be subtle here.
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>how do you do fellow /cow/boys can >we all stop talking about fuz?
Fuz paypiggied to the recent Mister Reddikur stream >>118274 >Obsession with P P P of course in fact, Fuz hating P P P is one of the few things he and the rest of the people here share in common. And as far as I know, every time the Butterboy talked about the big Dyke were limited to one or two sentences like "The P P P guy is a sperg, that P P P guy is fat and unfunny, at least I'm not P P P"
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>>118276 So pic related is unironically fuz?
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>>118262 It's self-evident that Fuz has had a direct impact on Empty's live views with his constant derailing to drone about shit that nobody wants to hear. Sorry if You, I mean, FUZ can't accept that. You may think his fans are dumb incel sperglords but they are his fans, not yours. Also, demanding proof on a /cow/ thread... LOL WOW YOU SUCK
>>118260 ever since his ex got doxed bickers Fuz didn't take 5 seconds to blank out her face on his twitter. He was so delusional, he thought that none of the trolls he was provoking would ever check his official twitter for anything to use on him. Bless his heart.
Op recommended to me a certain stream so far I saw that Fuz contradicted his height several times, apparently other times he admitted he's 5'7ft but after reveal that he was weighing at least 200lbs "bc of corona" he changed the story and says he's 5'11ft confirmed that he purchased at least three Google Stadias controls also confirmed the fact that he plays women's games to lose weight https://youtu.be/o4mXYQ4Jq0g?t=4255
>>118263 Joey is a literal retard incel but I would still rather watch his streams than yours fuz
>>118284 fuz's only achievement is having sex with a 2/10 onlyfans whore with an overly poopy asshole please don't take that away from him you'll hurt his feelings
>>118284 joey is the man only faggots don't like him
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>>118244 >>118283 only manlets lie about their age. guess that's another thing he shares with britbong
>>118285 well on this stream >>118283 he said he had sex with another girl and her bf punched his face, he said it was the only time in his life he was involved in a fight >>118294 he's 25 or 26 at this point
I don't use dicksword but I've been consistently shitting on Fuz from his first appearances as a consoomer with shit taste that has consistently ruined Empty's streams. I hope this stupid faggot leaves once and for all now.
>>118249 >>118284 >>118291 I'll be honest, my instincts hated fuz the first time I listened to him and the same happened to me when I saw joey commenting on youtube, he's a paypiggie to everyone including fuz and even p p p and pass an aura of being a soulless being just like fuz
>>118360 fuz seems to be entirely controlled by his carnal instincts, but in a sort of twisted bugman like way.
>>118368 He's a consoomer, fully and truthfully. As OP said, he is what the Jews want for the future. A cuck, spineless and untalented robot.
>>118244 Plague is the real lolcow, don't forget his dead brother.
>>118514 Why do you think changing IDs will work fuz? I thank you for digging up more crazy discord trannies for >us though.
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>>118514 Fuz, lashing out at a literal nobody like Plague is a dead giveaway that it's you, bickers no one else gives a shit about him but you. It's really cute how asshurt you are. Please, continue on.
>>118260 plague actually is a mental case that has to be on meds or else he hurts himself or others
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>>118565 That's not really entertaining nor funny, that's just sad. You're a sad person Fuz.
>>118565 You make it so obvious that it's you Fuzhou, god this is pathetic
This is a bit off topic but does the butter construct coming to the ass end of the internet to cry about a tiny image board laughing at his ridiculous behavior reminds anyone else of that fat turkroach that there was a thread about back on 8cow that was in love with an underage cartoon boy from some shitty anime?
>>118581 >This is a bit off topic but does the butter construct coming to the ass end of the internet to cry about a tiny image board laughing at his ridiculous behavior He can't help but want to defend his honor to the three spergs on this thread making fun of him, that is just how things are and always have been, the fact that he continues to do this shows how much asshurt talking shit about him and his whore gf do to his brain.
Hilarious to see Fuz asking for evidence and veritable facts when he is well known for fake up facts and evidence or not caring about it when talking about others while reading foxdickfarms pages.
For anyone wondering who the hell Plague is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjH0GWlDTMk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJl3iZwGSnY Also a good part of this stream had hm as a guest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVKz8bNx7XY He's just one of the many randoms from Empty server who "doxed" Fuz gf by that I mean posted her onlyfans pics to shitpost on chat and also banter a little bit with him on vc.
the coping only goes so far Fuz
>>118244 probably his worst spiral in awhile
>>118989 >doxxxed some onlyfans whore Based discordspic.
>>119213 Lmao nobody actually doxed her, Fuz was retard enough to make it happen. He made her public and some random coomer joined the server and share her onlyfans with everyone. The same coomer also said that Fuzhou appeared in some of the videos and photos
>no go after this nobody that every discord spic is pretending to go after so I don't rage quit altogether! Fuz the Buttergoylem really has a deep in the negatives IQ, does it? Falling for such obvious gayfabe is sad! Not only is he on a pattern >1 you're a sperg >2 you're gay >3 back to 1 but the discord spics on Empty's server have somehow found a way to edit it to develop new gayer patterns by going after this discord spic to keep him coping
Will Fuz be dumb and needy enough to keep inviting himself as a guest on streams or will he finally notice how this is stupid and walk away from Empty space? >>119229 He likes to claim to be a genius, bud. He's the true king of banter, not Manlytears!
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>>119317 Fuz loves to claim that he's smart, until something dumb he does blows up in his face, in which case he says "I never claimed to be a smart man." LOL
>>119340 Do you have any clips of him saying that after being b t f o'd?
>>119523 I'll see if I can dig some up. I know its happened on Empty streams a couple times.
>>119592 From what I noticed, he try to avoid confrontations, not bickers he is a peaceful person, but bickers he is coward and has no ability to win fights by his own, that's why he tries to be mod from discords servers so he can ban people if they made jokes about him. If he cant ban people, he will act the way you described, he will backpedal and accept being humiliated the notable exception is when someone is talking about Butterlady, he get really mad whe shes the subject lol
FuzhouYT was once again right about P P P and Surfer, I hope he can make a good video about the schizo neonazi.
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>>119771 Hi Fuz. Everyone was right about FuzhouYT and his camwhore ex.
Anyone has interesting screenshots of Fuz posting on foxdickfarms? As far as I know, he gets mad when someone accuses him of having socks accs.
The buttercaust is a kino stream, fuz unironically is exactly like the OP says about him.
>>120011 did you watched only that stream or other streams with Fuz? I haven't watched anything just with him, his streams are boring as fuck, but I'm sure there are some julay moments and more information about him on his channel. On EmptyHero streams even the most irrelevant streams have some pearl and information about him being a retard consoomer or just weird. Honestly, it seems to me that he never had any irl friends, especially contact and friendship with men/boys that's why he doesn't know how to interact with males, only with fat and sad women from the farms. Also watching the streams it is notable how pathetically he holds EmptyHero as his only ""friend"" in the world lol
>>120027 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgPG5UOfn3I listening to fuz right now, his stream, he actively talks to the chat if you don't just spam, he's actually quite entertaining in the sense that he actually does respond. ALRIGHT NO WAY ГунтRETORT YOUR GETTING TIMED OUT FOR THAT ONE MAN NO SAYING BELLA DINDU NUFFIN!
>>120027 I also listened to a couple other clips of his spergouts, and one of the britbong streams, either way the buttergolem never ceases to entertain me with his blandness.
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>>118244 Hmmmm
In the last EmptyHero stream around 16 minutes he talks about this thread and how he enjoyed it, but he disabow the anon shit talking Joey. But he doesn't seem to have connected the dots and have rationalized that it was Fuz shit talking Joey and others to try diverge attention lol
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>>120083 perhaps, my stripling young lad, some people just know how to say something directly, without making things awkward ;)
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>>120089 lol hi, Empty. Get Zeb on stream again for some chill time with the old boys, the dude can be a literal jew furfag, but for some reason you have a chemistry and people do enjoy him in small doses. Or Derrick after he stop being pegged by his gf.
>>120089 >still lee is fuzhou More like his father or older brother, the resemblance is certainly uncanny.
>>120078 >butter boy pays money to insult people that hurt his feefees on trannycord
Hi fuz you're a G​AMERGATE and your girlfriend is a fat whore
fuzs girlfriend sucks black cocks.
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>>120212 Well, she's a whore and do anything for money, including pretent to be gf of pathetic dudes like Fuz lmao
Yeah fuz won, voice changer guy failed
Fuz is thinking that Brown Amethyst will date him again (for a third time) after they watching capeshit films and he paying to her more sex toys, that's why he is so sassy at the moment. Also, essayfag, well you tried, buddy, drop the voice changer next time and try other tactics instead of just using the same talk points from >us, it don't work around those people.
>>120258 >can't capitalize >can't punctuate >"gee fuz won" Wonder who could possibly be behind this post.
>>120264 I got him to sperg a couple of times but what I realized was he only truly responds if you push his buttons. He got extremely angry when I attacked mister redditor, cecil mctroon, his tranny friends/gf. I tried to sort of be friendly towards him but he actually responded to my friendliness with disdain, wasn't even being ironic I think fuz is a fresh of breath air as a cow, I think that he had listened to empty earlier and was already on the defensive though. I should have waited until fuz was on stream at some point if I wanted a direct ambush
Fuz once again pretended he was busy to run away from VC, but is on youtube chat right now being b t f o'd by britbong once again
>>120266 No, Fuz won. You have that faggot essayfag from stream to thank for ruining it. >>120274 < h-h-hey guys I did sumthing amiright haha The only thing you accomplished was making me and others think better of butterboy. The whole crowning jewel of Fuz being a lolcow was that he could be felted by anyone including britbong, even with Empty shielding him. Now there is someone lower on the shit totem pole, and that is you. That is what you've accomplished. There was so much momentum here until you came to fuck it up, fag. Well done.
>>120298 >The only thing you accomplished was making me and others think better of butterboy I wouldn't say anyone would "think better" of the butter golem. But yeah, the faggot with a voice changer somehow even more retarded then fuz.
>>120298 >>120305 No one will think better of him now that he posted his own dick pic I'm not saving that shit to my computer to post it here
Fuz is lying about his height again. For months, before alogs started to go after him, he claimed to be 5.7ft while talking with Empty on streams. After a few months, with alogs from Empty server making jokes about him being fat he started saying he was 5´11ft. Now while arguing with Britbong he is claiming to be 6ft. Who else is fat and sensitive about their height?
>>120307 I'm sorry dude but you have to unleash the beast for everyone to see.
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>>120310 The things I do for some people
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>>120312 >bent duck >kiked
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why did he post his schlong to own the short british midget
>>120308 I believe OP showed before with stream audios Fuz lying about his height before, and now he's adding another fifty centimeters He said to be 200 pounds before and 5'7ft, Isn't that obesity and plus manlet status? Maybe he's even more fatter.
>>120307 > I'm not saving that shit to my computer to post it here Same sentiment I have when it comes to saving pics of Fuz's ex gf's dirty butthole pic. Or any picture of her for the matter.
>>120312 >>120315 He will eventually cope and say it's fake and not really him, like the usual. >I posted someone else cock bickers it's funny and everyone else believed at it bickers they are stupid!
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>>120315 So this is the "eggplant" that empty's discord refers to.
Britbong left or got kicked from the call and Empty and Fuz are circle jerking Fuz is bragging about how he destroyed the manlet and essayfag while the entire chat is asking to Fuz be kicked
Imagine being ESSAYFAG, he accomplished the feat of being destroyed in a short time by Fuz, P P P and foxdickfarmers namefags. Not even that stupid streamer anon who once tried to win favors with the board by calling jcaesar187 show back in 2018 played such a pathetic role. Even worse, this idiot kept saying "we" "us" "we from /cow/" "us from /cow". No wonder you've become the most hated and most desperate anon for approval this place has had since 2020.
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>>120402 Essayfag failed so hard during the Empty stream that it’s almost impressive.
Fuzhou is obviously sensitive about his height, like the Гунт. He over the months grew 4 inches, eventually from admitting he's 5.7ft it will say he's 6.3ft while gaslighting DSPHero and the chat. Even about his dick size he claimed to be 6inches, after the whole Onlyfans shit he started telling to his alogs he was 7.5 inches. Take into account his real height and the dick pic, I doubt he's above average. >You're gay by talking about his dick Man, he literally paid trannies onlyfans.
>>120469 I don’t think he paid for anyone on onlyfans. At least nothing I’ve seen has shown me so far.
>>120471 >I don’t think he paid for anyone on onlyfans Hahahahaa, his "gf" and others for sure. He even tried to gaslight Empty about it, just listen to the old streams, for a long time he bragged about being friends with many onlyfans "people" instead of saying girls and Empty used to joke "how the fuck do you have onlyfans friends, do you pay to them, Fuz?". It was months before everyone found out about his ex. Also he used to brag about it to randoms on discord, be from his own server and Empty's server. He for some reason thought it was a good idea to say he had "friendships" with people who had onlyfans around conservative people, only God knows why. He himself made it easier for his alogs by doxing various aspects of his life just to try to disprove it after the bomb exploded and shit was spread all over the place.
>>120472 Now this I gotta ask as well, why put the girlfriend in quotes? I actually think they dated bickers of the way that he sounds when he’s talked about her. Implying that he paid for her to fuck him is kinda strange when nobody’s found anything like an escort listing for her. This seems like a cut and dry thing, he dated a girl who happened to have an onlyfans, that’s not uncommon in CURRENT YEAR
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>>120471 >>120479 Weird how those posts have the same vibe from fuz previous posts on this thread. It's him coping once again or someone larping as him for the lols.
>>120490 >everyone who isn’t me is fuzhou! Is fuzhou the superhound of the thread? Is this fuzhou in the room with us right now?
Little update on our pal, he's claiming that's not really his dick pic
>>120471 >>120479 >>120493 Once again with this dance, bud? Good luck reporting Gassious and EmptyStreams to get rid of audio evidence. >>120495 That was expected, look at >>120325
Anyone got the timestamps for the exact time he admitted it was his buttercock?
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>>117363 >future_mclovin FUZHOU FUCKING LOVES HER PUSSY https://www.reddit.com/user/future_mclovin/comments/ https://archive.is/1ovgV BONUS Fuz is an essayposter himself. https://archive.is/UFUpx Another reference to first name Mike. Dob January 30, 1996 Anderson, Indiana (circa 2012) https://archive.is/MDlol https://archive.is/ZoPcG https://archive.is/3HW25 https://archive.is/zHXQ8
>>120537 OH NO NO NO NO NO Fuz posted his cock dox to own the sperglords and Dominic Vanner the manlet and now hes about to get the full doxxx?
>>118244 Hello Fuzhou you have a very funny looking wee wee
>>118244 Do you have an actual point? Do you have an actual point? Do you have an actual point? People have skeletons in their closets - cool story bro, why don't you make a thread on them? They would probably still manage to handle it better than Fuz. Fuzhou is a funny lolcow bickers he would try to be a metokur wannabe covering autistic retards and creeps pretending not to be one himself. He is so beyond delusional thinking he's above it all - even these people you bring up - but in reality he's just a fat beta simp creep too stubborn to deal with any of the shit he caused himself. He It's entertaining to watch him ree and cope in every stream he joins empty on. Instead of taking on and going with the (truthful) jokes thrown at him - he got salty. That's why it developed into this. Haven't seen much else in fact of course - his streams are boring just reading shit and giving his terrible opinions. So we will keep talking about him bickers he's a retard. Dude posted his cock to own britbong/people told him to.. Getting real close to JMAA levels.
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>>120537 >Planetary Annihilation >the failed kikestarter Total Annihilation/SupCom successor Fuz is too much of a plebe for the RTS genre, all he does is play mediocre shooters and dead by daylight Then again, how much would he paypig to that game? >that fucking reddit So he's a fucking redditor >weed >vagina >pussy >usedpanties4u >asshole >thiccchixx DEGENERATES LIKE YOU BELONG ON A CROSS
>>120537 I'm not sure that the reddit account is him, although that planetary annihilation one links back to him for sure. Superbad was a famous film so a lot of people stole the mclovin thing.
>>120619 I thought of that, but it's a thread of only 6 posts for his girlfriend. It would be compounding a limited audience with a stale reference for 2020, making it an even bigger coincidence to be someone else. If there was a wider pool of people talking there, or if the comment/account age was more recent (it's within 20 mins of her OP), I'd be second guessing it a lot more.
>>120537 >y-you have zero evidence, s-perglord!
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Well it looks like Fuz had another spergout on empty's discord with his fanbase again, and then his reddit account got leaked there, and that's when he stopped commenting. Also I wasn't fully convinced yet until I saw this
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>>120691 I don't use shitcord anymore, what happened? Empty was retard enough to make him a mod again or something like that?
>>120691 Someone found his reddit account commenting on his whore GF's pictures, and it linked back to an account on another forum with his birthday and more personal information about himself >>120537. Now Fuz is very afraid bickers clearly now there is some sort of rabbit trail that will now get him fucked, so he is trying to be quiet now.
>>120858 I come here to post this, lmao. The saltiness never ends, and the buttergolem must to protect his whore "gf".
>>120885 man this new knight of blacked adam sure looks like he sucks dicks in alleyways for a single dollar
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>>120308 >>120312 >>120858 >>120495 >>120325 Fuz is proving to be a gift that keeps giving, when I created the thread I just had hopes that it would help push him further and further to the ranch, but I certainly didn't expect it to happen so quickly. In a week he did what it took the Гунт months to do. By that I mean showing how sensitive he's about being a cuck, being an manlet and dicklet. >>120889 He'll back stab Adam for Asston.
>>120858 >>120895 8 minutes in the video and I'm already laughing at how stupid and soulless Fuz really is, tranks for the lols even britbong ignoring the fact of him being autistic manlet seems to me more like a human being worth hanging out compared to the buttergolem
>>120858 >do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point do you even have an actual point
>>120901 >recuses to be part of the weight lost competition and shit talk P P P only to talk about shooting random people on discord for making fun of him in a matter of seconds Wow, even the Гунт is less sperg than that
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>>120858 >>120901 >>120903 He acts VC in the same way it does in this thread <constantly tries to gaslight <Simps for the trannies from his discord server and at the same time tries to deflect that he knows or relates to trannies <try to shift the focus from the group to Plague and any other individuals who've made jokes about him and his ex <ignores any attempts to talk about his whore ex, especially about her dirty ass <wishes the death of randoms online <more cope and gaslight about his physical traits Now he is trying to push the story that the dick pic is of someone from twitter, but he refuses to post any proof that the photo belongs to someone using twitter. Months ago he said he is uncut, only to go back and say he is in fact circumcised. Same gaslight about his height and whether or not he has connections to onlyfans whores/trannies.
>>120537 >>120691 >>120858 >>120906 Confirmed that he was posting on this forum. He also let slip that he post here then proceed to cope >t-they accuse all posters of being m-meeee, that's a-ddorableee But I want to point out a fact that everyone is ignoring and showing again how much of a liar he really is. For a long time while people banter with him about his reddit personality, he denied using reddit, he said he only used reddit once or twice for shill is videos. It is now proven that he lied about it in addition to many other facts. Including the fact that he reports people to discord staff and gets them banned for making jokes about him or Brown Amethyst
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What is also weird is that, just like jcaesar187, he held a personal grudge against the guy who called him Jewish above all else, really makes me think.
Soon Fuz will be wearing that ugly yellow vest from the Joker (which he will unironically use during his cousin's wedding) and will be dancing at our graves. He'll kill >us? Nope. He will just strongly wish daily that we kill ourselves.
>>120885 Joey is such a failure as a human being.
>>120911 Would you say that other insults roll off him like water off a duck's back?
>>120911 Based Uncleheroin, the few times he was part of the livestreams he was much funnier than Fuz and even Derrick. Also Fuz made sure to ban him from discord.
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>He once again present a half baked and insincere sorry, just to proceed with his simp crusade against all who offend the honor of his whore ex "girlfriend" including reporting them to discord staff and trying to push them as the true lolcows
He didn't make an extremely cringe video two weeks ago seething bickers Youtube strick his account bickers he was smoking weed on a livestream? Even tho it's also illegal on his state.
Fuz really can't help himself, once again felted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36o8PcrhBb0
>>121945 >I doxed myself bickers you were taking too long to dox me! haha i win! How long until he starts claiming that it was all a ruse and that's not his real name?
>>121992 I think he should post his credit card info and SSN to really OWN the AYYLOGS
Hey Empty, on the off chance you're reading this, I wanted to offer some constructive criticism. I don't use Discord and YouTube keeps deleting my comments, everywhere not just on your channel. Your recent videos, and by recent I mean the last few years, are too verbose. When you make comparison jokes (i.e. "This monster is even uglier than Kamala Harris before she drinks the blood of a Christian child on twelfth night of the of the fourth month of the year of the pig after discretely shedding her human skin in the pale moonlight while singing one of the unreleased George Harrison songs off the Beatles Anthology Volume 3") or go off on tangents, you go on for so long that it really hurts the pace of the videos. You still put out good cocks but remember that good videos don't flow the same way that words on a page do.
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>>122158 thanks bae
>>122147 Good thing he doesn't go onto even tiny image boards with low traffic like this one to do damage control or he'd find this amazing idea and totally PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD everyone who doesn't like him.
>Barely can get 900 views after days That's why Fuz is so fucking jealous of P P P, fuck, even Britbong is getting more live views on youtube while also streaming on odysee
After doxing his own weird dick, now the buttboy doxed his own name to own the alogs! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlDKoh9gndE Detail, he's planning to do once again a special Halloween stream while cosplaying as some cringe characte. After publicly humiliating himself he will probably delete the stream forever.
Toad McKinley is such a retard for not making a video about Fuzhou, the dude is like a julaytoasted version of KoP mixed with the Гунт.
>>123574 I mean, to be fair, Fuz has a lot of dicklet and manlet problems like jcaesar187 and love to "own the alogs" by doing something retard as fuck.
Friendly remember, even Manletears b t f o'd Fuzhou! https://youtu.be/uuXNMMfWsOU
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Fuzhou desperately denying the existence of this thread to his views. >>118106 Pic related
I got banned from his chat a few minutes ago only for asking about future Brown Amethyst cocks...
>>124715 >future Brown Amethyst cocks all of them except his I'm assuming
>>124715 We called the mods after a few anons started join his dead chat full of low IQ fat "girls", I got banned with a light banter.
Buttergolem reporting more and more people to furfags from discord while Empty's is peaking with 40 live views, sad!!!
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>>124977 Unfunny discount DSP, the re8 videos are trash lmao.
Empty is pathetic keeping fuz around at this point though he will cling to him bickers fuz is more successful of an z-celeb.
>>124980 I honestly feel that Empty's keep Fuz around bickers Empty doesn't have many irl friends and the ones he has are also manchild like Fuz. And Fuz is literally the only person who seems to respect him. Meanwhile, for Fuz, the peak at his life is having some power as a janny. Being a mod on Empty's server is something really important in his life, for real! When he lost that position, mysteriously the old server was deleted and even Empty got banned. And mysteriously for the last months a lot of people who frequented the server and made jokes about Fuz or his ex-"gf" were also banned by the furfags of discord for being "evil nazis" or other silly reasons. Now he's officially (again) in a position of power and we'll have the same shitshow from before. 1-More people "leaving" the server 2-Less and less patreons to Empty and less views as well 3-Fuz having the monopoly as a "guest" 4-Probably more shitshow dramas The last one is just my hope, but looking at the numbers of views and donations, youtube chat, the discord server I feel that a lot of people who were part of Empty's community are simply moving away. The old audience core is waning, and five years from now Empty's will be streaming to 10 views talking about Britbong, Brianna Wu, how he started GamerGate and invented trolling on twitter with Fuz as his only fren.
>>124986 That is sad, emptyfag used to get a lot more shekels before as well, he destroyed his minimal z-celeb e-career for one faggot to sort of look up to him and be his own gaytor.
>>124978 Let me explain the backstory about this BBC audio. It's Brown Amethyst aka Fuzhou onlyfans "girlfriend" saying that, someone, payed literally ONE DOLAR for her to say that and other phrases, since she is a whore she did it with no problems, not knowing that Jaydens is one of the many people who bully her "butter daddy". >>124986 >>124995 Smh, I expected good games to Spookytuber but we didn't have anything, the best of the last streams was the other guests. Then so I expected a good banter night, but nope, just Empty being incopenent and shielding Fuz. As far as I know, most of the funny guys from his shitcord server and audience were banned by Fuz or just got tired of it.
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I honestly don't know what's going through Empty's mind right now. I thought the purpose of his streams was to entertain his fans, not to subject them to hours of him awkwardly flirting with butterboy. Guess that explains the butterguarding. By far the most entertaining he was last stream was seeing how absolutely salty he is over being clipped. For someone who has based his entire internet presence on making fun of people, he really can't take it back at all. One would think Empty of all people would understand how that works.
>>124978 RE8 is trash so the videos are equally trash >>125040 probably reminded him of that time the rabbit clipped off his foreskin with his teeth
https://youtu.be/XtP_ZPeNCK4 Fuzhou trying to lie about his massive debt, only to self own once again. After the Гунт dies, ButterГунт will take his place as the golden Гунт and biggest lolcow. Mark my words.
>>125040 I also noticed this fact, he's kinda salty about being clipped Discont DSP and also about people being more attracted to gassious videos about Fuz. I mean let's be honest, other fans and I don't really respect Empty or buy his bullshit stories. For one year he's getting excuses to not show himself at cam, while saying he's handsome as fuck etc.
>Even Empty's fans are getting tired of his shit, especially the eternal "Muh Britbong" cocks lol lmao. Also, where's the kino Spooktuber streams??? Half the shitty games he played last month he gave up before he finished.
What a bizarre world >we are living, Гунтlemen. Britbong, yes the MANLETEARS is having way more Youtubue live-views than Emptyhero in his two channels at the same time and also more views than JF and many other ecelebs who used to be big before. Also yes. more views than Fuz too. Recover arc for the manlet neet?
>>125937 Kinds funny situation, like Rekieta and The Гунт. I checked Britbong stream and he had around 80 views while watching retard videos and actually having donations. Empty streamed dark souls 3 tonight to 30 views, but I still need to watch the only stream to check for cocks and if any drama or funny guests show up. Weird situation, but Zoom being part of one dark souls stream long time ago was funny.
While Fuzhou is spending extra cash giving gift cards to his ex-gf, the manlet neet is unironically delivering good cocks https://youtu.be/0Nuh1Ox0Lhw
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>>127010 hi britbong
I'm not sure about all the details, but weeks ago Fuzhou was really mad at Jadens just bickers our favorite korean sissy said something about Fuzhou looking like someone called Jessy Russel, apparently this being a porn actor >>127138 >Empty is here just to seethe about britbong Oh no no no no no no, sorry to say it, pal, but the manlet is really having way more views than you even if you ignore his bots and multiple accs, I wonder why
Butterboy did a awful stream about the Game Awards and only got 138 views, majority of chat are mods banning anyone making jokes about him or Brown Amethyst https://youtu.be/7qHHadEAHTk >>127138 I didn't expected much from the RE8 review, but almost 8 months to be this unfunny and without any real criticism? Wew, bud. Wtf happened? Buttergolem reall affected you or something like that? Your review of Dead Rising is way superior to that, Empty. Also fuck the people voting what games you should stream, make your own choices.
>>127314 not watching it but I'm assuming he's soyfacing the whole way through at the idea of more basic bitch garbage to consoom
>>127138 hi empty, sorry to say it, but the manlet is actually doing some okay streams and at least one funny one """trolling""" last week, meanwhile your shit is becoming really low energy try to have nice guests for once or stream decent games >>127315 i mean, he love shit like avengers game and Death by daylight, so he probably loved all the garbage showed and tried to ignore the few trolls in the chat
>>127314 This years VGA was shit, and it made me realize that there are not much vidya anymore. >>127331 >avengers game and Death by daylight, So in other words he is a soy-gaymer that loves cooperative multiplayer gaymes, also ain't he into marvel so the Avenger game makes sense that he loves bickers it is a live-service game with heavy focus on Co-op. and like other soy abusing junkies he loves Death by Dayligh bickers scawy horror icons is hunting me. I mean, he must really look forward to The Evil Dead game and that Texas Chainsaw massacre game bickers they are co-op and live service, how low can somebody go?
>>127306 Based Jadens, he used to be more popular and beloved by the people in Empty's server than Empty himself and for good reason! Jadens, the Halo BBC King. >>127358 one of the anons here is right, i listened to one of the old streams and fuzhou literally bought two copies at the avengers game in the pre sale and tried to make Empty play it with him. LOL
>>127306 Based Jadens, he used to be more popular and beloved by the people in Empty's server than Empty himself and for good reason! Jadens, the Halo BBC King. >>127358 one of the anons here is right, i listened to one of the old streams and fuzhou literally bought two copies at the avengers game in the pre sale and tried to make Empty play it with him. LOL
>>127306 Based Jadens, he used to be more popular and beloved by the people in Empty's server than Empty himself and for good reason! Jadens, the Halo BBC King. >>127358 one of the anons here is right, i listened to one of the old streams and fuzhou literally bought two copies at the avengers game in the pre sale and tried to make Empty play it with him. LOL
>>127739 that is rather really sad. But then again, he should've known that superhero movies have been done to death bickers Disney have fucking julayed it like no other franchise. So most people are not really interested in it even when it comes to video games.
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Even though nothing is happening at the moment, I've seen a few kiwifarm faggots suggesting that a thread could be created about the Butterboy. And supposedly, some ecelebs haven't been too happy recently when they hear that Fuz is self-styled as their "friend" when they barely interacted in the past. Meanwhile, the manlet crossdress is actually getting a "good" number of views in the jewtube and Fuz is butthurt and embarrassed about it to the point of deleting some of his less popular videos, like the Game Awards Stream.
Last night both EmptyHero and Britbong streamed. The manlet had more views, but Empty did a comfy stream playing DS3. In fact, he was giving "gifts" to the audience, like Batman games and his audiobooks. At some point, he started giving away games that would be a Fuz gift to the community.
Fuzhou once again spent at least 20$ with superchats with Mister Metokur, for 20 bucks he believes this makes him a friend of Mister Metokur's and that it would somehow attract some of the public to his shitty channel. Wow! Meanwhile, later on, he desperately tried to be part of Empty's Dark Souls 3 stream to ruin everyone fun. First he started begging in chat to be invited to the stream, after being ignored for almost forty minutes he started sending superchats requesting Empty to drag him to VC. That didn't happen, and Fuz in his helpless revolt began attacking random people on chat. >>128218 lmao, Fuz's "gifts" were game codes he originally gave to Empty, but Empty was never interested in taking those games for himself, and without noticing, all the codes had already been used. Either Fuz got back his own presents without Empty's knowing it a long time ago, or when he saw Empty giving it to his views the Butterfaggot took the codes for himself to deny the audience from such gifts.
>>127876 remember to archive and make a jewtube channel for archival purposes so that one can enjoy this fuzhou character. >>128218 >he started giving away games that would be a Fuz gift to the community. Please elaborate on this. >>128220 >Gym is Fuzhou's favorite fwend simulator >fuzhou gave supergibs for networking purposes only for the stream to be taken down topkek >desperately tried to be part of Empty's Dark Souls 3 stream to ruin everyone fun woot, what is the stream this sounds really funny and desperate.
>>128220 >for 20 bucks he believes this makes him a friend of Mister Metokur's He thought giving money to a fat onlyfan's slut made him her boyfriend too. What kind of childhood did the butter construct have where he thinks giving money to someone means he's their friend?
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>>128255 that is called fwend simulation or the in real life social-link system from Persona 3,4 and 5 but instead of lets say giving a gift to a virtual fwend they give supergibs and then they can hear how special they are. But giving money to a whore is a bad idea no matter how you cut and slice it. Also did he not chat with trannies on onlyfans while using his ex gf account or something disturbing? There needs to be more lore about this butterboy.
What do you guys think would be the effect of this with the likes of jcaesar187 and Warski?
>>128247 >>128255 Not the first time, Fuzhou already paid superchats to Gym multiple times, same about other ecelebs, in my accounts, he's already spent about 200 bucks on superchats with Mister Metokur, and that's just from the streams that I endured watching the paypig part, and I didn't wasted my time watching the last three Gym streams. So probably it's around 400$ by now. Also, he's a patreon to multiple faggots, including the usual ones beloved by redditors and only God know how much he spent with Onlyfans. He might seethe and deny it, but he actually has massive debate for someone with his age bickers of his nature as a consoomer, he buy multiple copies of the same game, spent with ifood/ubereats all the time since he don't cook and not to mention the drugs.
What is the evidence that Fuz has posted in this thread? Empty himself already said that Fuz never posted here attacking Joey JoJo, you damn idiots. And for almost a year you guys keep blaming him for it, always bringing this subject up.
>>128841 t. fuzhou he was here at some point trying to get people here to talk about the other various discord trannies that were making fun of him instead of him.
>>128856 Don't bother. Reason and logic will slid off his back like water off the back of a buttered up duck.
>>128841 >Empty himself already said that Fuz never posted here Does Empty have a parental control extension on his browser or something? And if so, does that also include tor browser? Appreciate the Yooka Laylee code btw. The camera was a bit wonky during flight and the sex jokes were a bit out of place in a childrens' game, but it was a fun collectathon.
>>128869 I mean, what would he have to gain by posting here? Better to ignore it for him. His fans don't give that much of a shit either.
>>128902 what would he have to gain to be the moderator of a gay discord where everybody hates him? what would he have to gain humiliating himself on stream again and again? Fuz is a retard and makes nothing but bad decisions
>>128856 You just proved my point, fucking idiot. You have paranoid delusions, I'm the OP of this thread and as a promise for the new year I promised to come here to repair my actions, I overreacted and made up most things in this thread bickers I got butthurt with Fuzhou and Empty for dumb reasons and I know for a fact that someone pretended to be Fuz here to attack Joey Jojo, probably Britbong or the dog poop eater. Empty know it.
>>128255 >>128866 Again, it's you guys who are overreacting and acting like emotional girls without any logic or arguments. Yes, his girlfriend had an onlyfans, but he never paid her any penny. He already knew her even before she created an onlyfans, dumbass. I lied about him being friend with any transgirls from onlyfans. It's pretty obvious that most of Fuzhou haters are actually fags, in the literal sense. To the point of making edits involving black cocks and searching all over internet for his dick pics.
>>129003 >>129004 Fuz, get off the internet for a while, have a stick of butter and calm down. You're going to have a heart attack if you keep getting so worked up every time people on the internet laugh at you.
>>129033 Dude he's actually the OP, you can tell by the fact he doesn't have an ID at all. Stop being retared.
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>>129038 >you can tell by the fact he doesn't have an ID at all Not how ids work.
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>>118244 >>128841 >>129003 >>129004 Holy fuck Fuz, just admit your hate for Joeyjojo. Admit your mistakes instead of trying to gaslight or trying to deviate from the subject, you always do this shit! Only if Emptyhero second channel is deleted all evidence of you trying to gaslight him and audience will be gone, and you've spent way too much effort reporting his discord server over and over, stop acting like the Manlet or Гунт and try to become a better person.
>>129038 >>129058 No sure if the first post is bait or not, but Fuz is retard enough to know how things work around here, especially ID's, for example >>129033 share the same ID, but we are using same VPN, not the same person. Fuz probably spent months thinking of a way to try and pretend to be the OP so he can try to make the thread be deleted.
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Back to posting on Brits foxdickfarms again I see Fuz.
>>128813 NO, way that is fucking pathethic spending money on fwend simulators like Gym and other notable fwend simulation while also giving them Patreon gibs. Also instead of going to free pornography sites where onlyfans leak, leaks all the time, he subscribes to onlyfans whores and pay them money for being whores. I can get buying multiple copies of a game if you forget that you had that game preordered or buy one at a bargain bin or sale only to realize you actually had that game before hand. Also no being able to cook a simple meal, that is what I would expect from a social retard but what kinda drugs are we talking about like illicit market or legal prescription? >>128841 This thread has not even been up for a year, you retarded downsyndrome faggot. >>128856 what discord trannies are making fun of him? My negro you need to bring those stuff into the thread. Along with random jewtube clips, streams and other things of interests. >>129003 Now tell us about this Empty character, why is this Fuz fella so interested in this guy, is it like his only somewhat real fwend bickers he is a social retard or what? I am confused, also what in the fuck is a Joey jojo? >>129004 >acting like gurls without logic, reasoning and arguments negro what? >his gurlfwend was a onlyfans whore. >he did not stop her from becoming a whore. that says quite allot about his character, he might become a cuck murphy unironically. >I lied about him being friend with any transgirls from onlyfans. Obviously bickers you cannot become a fwends with people via onlyfans that is like befriending ones favorite escort whore, are like retarded? >>129083 pretending to be op so he can get the thread deleted, that sounds retarded. I just want to know more about him and a thread is a good start to convince fellow /cow/boys if this individual is worth paying attention to. That is why, one should always archive, share jewtube clips, streams and screencap stuff he says that is retarded or funny, even schizo. >>129210 wait, so some pretended to be Fuz in a game and then he reported the account, bickers people would believe that he is bad at games. That's retarded if you are not in a clan or something.
Anyone here remember how many liveviews EmptyHero used to had around Zeb times? >>129210 Funny how fuzhou has the typical reddit taste, including for avatars also he's fucking mad at Britbong bc for some reason the manlet is having good number of views on youtube, im pretty sure that Britbong is using a few socks accs to watch his own streams, but yet, he's putting four times more live views than fuz
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Brit had 156 viewers last stream
>>129579 Meanwhile the butterkid is deleting some of his old streams or more recent ones with few views... But, maybe he's deleting some of those old streams for some spicy reasons.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN1cklIJWN0 When the hell started, the first time that Buttergolem joined a Emptyhero stream.
>>129800 Fuzhou felt the cold sweat come down his fat back with the prospect of him becoming a well-known lolcow and being talked by people like P P P. Since then, he's been trying to remove as much of his embarrassing moments online as possible. No only that, but he's still reporting everyone who's ever talked to him on dms on discord or made jokes about his ex-gf. Emptyhero had his discord deleted once again, Gassious Clay also once again had his discord deleted, same about many others.
Fuzhou here, I want to make it clear that I have never reported EmptyHero or anyone else on discord. I have never had any involvement with transgirls, either on onlyfans or other sites and social media. My girlfriend and I are best friends and bitter or insecure people will never be able to understand our relationship. I never wasted time attacking Joey Jojo, he's a goofball, just that, we all banter with him, it's natural. And Brits are subhuman, so anything I do to them doesn't deserve any consequences.
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>>130131 >I want to make it clear that I have never reported EmptyHero or anyone else on discord. that sounds suspicious >I have never had any involvement with transgirls, either on onlyfans or other sites and social media. you are just pulling our legs now, faggot. Now you are going to tell us how you did not give a blowjob to a tranny? >My girlfriend and I are best friends and bitter or insecure people will never be able to understand our relationship. That is something someone with no fwend would say, and that is something someone would say when they got caught sucking off a tranny. >I never wasted time attacking Joey Jojo, he's a goofball, just that, we all banter with him, it's natural. I dunno what the fuck that is. >Brits are subhuman, so anything I do to them doesn't deserve any consequences just like sucking off a tranny?
>>130163 You're projecting your own gay desires once again, Jaydens.
>>130214 sheeit I heard for Fuzhou himself that he as into trannies and he told someone that he had a porno addiction to laddyboy porn on pornhub then it just escalated from there.
>>130216 You're talking about trsperg, not Fuzhou.
>>130221 No, I am talking about Fuzhou. He was at discord then he started to talk about trannies but called them transgirls, and then he started to be a pervert and say how a tranny is different from a ladyboy bickers a ladyboy is a boy but pretends to be a lady, and it made Fuzhou kinda horny for some reason bickers he meant that the thai ladyboys had a really feminine penis. That is when I called him a fag and ragequit the discord call, he did also talk about how he was collecting these pictures of the feminine penis as baseball cards, that blew my mind wide open. That's when I deleted my discord account and fucked off from that service and software.
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>>130385 > Guess we know now why Empty has taken such an interest in butterboy.
>>130163 >>130214 >>130216 >>130221 >>130385 >>130396 God, you are idiots and you have schizophrenia. It's you, Britbong?
>>130396 I don't know to be quite honest mang, but what happened was that there was a super duper secrete discord server called T-girl haram. I was so confused what in the fuck that was, so I had to check it out. Fuzhou was the admin and he had a bunch of tranny mods, and that is where I saw his deranged mind and his obsession onto ladyboy pornography, he would make poetry of the ladyboy pornography with marvel avengers and twist it up with marvel horror on Halloween. It was so confusing! But when I asked the buttergolem if he was a Muslim, he said no, the server is called transgirls harem bickers he wanted to experience a harem.
>>130385 I've see at least two trannies from OnlyFans trying to defend Fuz before when we was really being bullied by Empty's fans months ago, and he hang around and treat trannies with a lot of respect in certain circles. Also, I got banned only after making fun of him in very weird circumstances. I guess he really is a thin skin faggot.
Another girl to add connected to Fuzhou RaiinBowRave#4733
>>130385 He follows a dozen of them on twitter
>>130589 >RaiinBowRave#4733 Just the nickname by itself already have a big tranny vibe, what about her? Any details?
More fakes news about someone who barely streams, lol. Get someone more funny to talk about, lol.
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>>130692 Hi, Fuz. After pretending to me be while using tor now you're also trying different vpns to pretend to be other anons?
>>130673 He started freaking out when we trolled her last week.
>>130695 Schizo, take your meds. >>130699 Pure bullshit, you probably lied about that discord person being real.
>>130589 Hello Britbong, or should I say Gregholden#2925
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Is Fuz simping for the onlyfans butterface girl with a dirty ass after all this time and drama? He already "dated" her twice so far, wtf, just move on, you love to larp as a chad, Fuz, get another fat chick instead and try to not dox her this time lol >>118565 >>130761 Hi, pal, let me ask something, are you a bi pothead?
you're all just jealous that fuz gets the bussy and all you can do is dream to one day become fuz's personal bussy boy
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Fuz still hate P P P and want him out of his own stream. Imagine if P P P had paid attention and made a video or stream about the butterboy months ago. Would have been Chaggot tier of kino.
>>131185 Louie Anderson died today, would be the perfect opportunity for them to at least make a little joke about Fuzhou, as the buttergolem looks so much like him, but without any talent. I think even a little joke about Fuzhou being a cuck and lolcow would be enough to make he go full ballistic again and people pay attention for our Buttboy.
>>131185 >>131236 I guess that Fuzhou is right about JoeyJoJo, the genetic failure paid superchats to P P P and Andy in the Kino Casino! Toad McKinleyATHETIC
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>>131236 I think Louie would approve of Fuzward of Butterina.
>>131322 I noticed him once again trying to get attention and online friends by paying superchats, lmao. He and Fuz were made in the same mold of needy thicc ugly bois!
>>131716 Good oc, but disgusting. >>131322 >>131724 I wouldn't be surprised if Joe also pays for onlyfans subscriptions.
>>131322 Is that the 3rd party site that allows any name to be entered? Don't know the guy, so I can't say, but there is room for doubt. I did notice that Fuz had a [Message Deleted] in the chat. Thought it was odd. Does a P​PP janny have it out for him, or did he get banned?
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Fuzhou, the uncreative grifter. After years sucking jcaesar187 Гунт greasy and hating P P P he's now trying to get clout and money by attacking the Гунт when there's nothing to lose, only to gain. I hope that P P P never listen to all the times that Fuzhou shit talked him on EmptyHero streams or him his own twitch streams...
>>132182 >The Ballad of [lolcow] Why do people do this? Is it just bickers it's the title of basically Gabe's last edited video maybe second last after Carl/UKIP or do they think it's classy or eye-catching regardless of the subject?
>>132182 Me and some alogs here tried to leave comments on his video which by the way is extremely boring, but he preemptively banned some of >us and others had their comments deleted after a few minutes.
He's really obsessed with Britbong despite it being emptys fans being the ones doxing him, pretty weird honestly.
Just some deep lore,JoeyJoJo spent around 20 dollars with Kino Casino already and no only that, but he already paypiggied Fuzhou. No only that, but he's a literal member of Fuzhou patreon. PEAK PAYPIGGIE!
>>134560 how much of a faggot do you have to be to have a grudge again toe thumb joey?
>>134560 Now I get why he and Butterkid hang around together, but at least Butter had a "girlfriend" lol.
>>134911 >Only I, emptyanhero, have rights to make jokes about Joey
JoeyJojo fingers are thicker than Fuzhou tiny dick, but both are retards, simple as
>>134560 Joey is a paypiggie, nothing now about it, I really find it funny that he gives money to Fuzhou while Fuzhou tried to make the board go after him and shit talked him over and over again on multiple streams, lol. >>134911 how much of a faggot do you have to be to have fuzhou as your main friend and crying about Anita Sarkeesian for the last years?
I checked Patreon, Joey is not giving money to Fuz but he is giving money to Aydin Paladin, Emptyhero and Martina Markota .>>136740
>>136873 JoeyDwarfingers used to be one of Fuzhou paypiggies, it looks like Fuzhou lost one of his sponsors after trying to get the board to go after him. Congratulations Joey, you've learned that Fuz is not one of your friends online! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf1DkBQRQj4
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Local butter addicted retard loses to Britbong once more! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qO1sY5-bAQ
>>140741 It is like fuz's main point in existence is to be the one punching bag that Dominic Vanner can win against.
I don't have a lot of free time to spend online following boring faggots that nobody cares about, but from what I know, Fuzhou is putting up a facade on foxdickfarms, trying to act more "manly" while doing his best to erase from the internet anything that could be used against him, especially now that P P P is a big dog. Emptyhero keep defending fuzhou even when fuz keep making his discord server be deleted or attacking his patreons/fans like JoeyJojo.
>>143830 Fuz turned on Гунт, last I checked he was trying to get on a stream with flamenco to shittalk the Гунт.
Lmao, after all this time Fuz didn't changed >still want to date brownamy >he and his trannies from discord still mad at Joey and other former namefags from smegma community >trying to grift hard The Гунт, when before he used to lick the greasy >trying to delete any evidence about his hatred for P P P
King of /poz/ wanted to have EmptyHero on to talk about the lore of Fuz, it's almost like asking to Gator in 2018 to talk about the shit stories of jcaesar187. Fuz as always continues gaslighiting and acting like a cheap grifter.
>>147299 what are the odds of a kop vs fuz undercard for the Гунт boxing tourney? fuz is a whore for money i bet he'd do 3 rounds for 1k
>>147338 he'll pretend to want to do 3 rounds and then no show like the welching butterbitch he is. Also KoP acting like he is any better than Fuz is pathetic since HE STILL DID NOT PROVIDE THE PATERNITY TEST, YOU ARE A CUCKOLD RAISING ANOTHER MAN'S CHILD BRYAN!
>>147405 NAAAAAAAAWWWW TRUEEEE! BRYAN IS A KING AND DESERVE OUR ADMIRATION AND RESPECT! HE IS NOT AN INTERNET PEOPLE NEITHER HE'S THE BAD KIND OF GAY!!! as a side note, after all this time, anyone who bullied Fuz just a little bit keep having their discord accs being reported for spooky mysterious reason for some entity beyond our imagination. I'm sure it's Britbong or just a coincidence, it's certainly not a fat butter creature still butthurt about him doxing his own ugly "gf" and people making fun of it.
What happened with the Butter other than him back stabbing the Гунт and trying to delete his past? he still reporting emptyhero discord server or being part of the streams?
>>148804 Fuzzy talked about how he was okay about diddling as long as the diddler was a woman.
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>>149604 >it depends on the gender
>>148804 I honestly don't even watch Empty anymore, I thought he stopped streaming to dedicate himself to his job and shitty books. It's amazing how he's had a massive drop in quality and performance since Fuz came into his life. I hope Fuzhou does good titsjobs with his butter mantits... otherwise this friendship is inexplicable.
CHAD ALPHA MALE B T F O'D BUTTERBOY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQlizEl0xoc
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>>159137 Fuzhou is always behind the curve. When it was cool and risky to alog jcaesar187 he Гунтguarded, now that it's cool to be a jcaesar187male Fuzhou is desperately trying to gain relevance and money aloging jcaesar187 together with legions of other shitty low tier grifters. jcaesar187MALES LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>159137 >>159235 Butterkid never learn. <Keep getting humiliated, keep simping for the same ex ex-gf, keep making awful streams and keep bailing out of the promises he made. Has anything changed since this thread was created? I bet to this day he still reports people to discord staff if they make fun of him.
>>159235 >>159266 He also keeps reporting his bullies to the furfags from discord staff. Also he keeps coping about his dick pic. The last time someone commented on this matter he accused one of his alogs of being the one who took the picture of their own cock and posted on discord pretending to be him with a discord acc with the same name as him. Literally WTF?!?!? It reminds me of Fagmenco and Kero the Wolf excuses.
Anyone in fuz's discord? Scrape it. https://dht.chylex.com/
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>>159755 I saw him trying to create a false narrative full of cope about the dick pic story just a few weeks ago. Maybe someone talked about it to his youtube chat and he's afraid about people find out about this thread and everything it did on smegma sphere. No ideia why he's seething once again about this old story. >I've a 8 inches fat cock guys! <You're lying as always, Butterboy >post dick pic to own alogs, it's a 14cm thin rod >people make fun of it >cope about not being really your cock and "own" accuses his alogs from being gay and for falling for his epic" trick".
>>117126 >>117130 AMAZIN lore, it's strange that we live in a time where lolcows have created youtube channels and make money talking about other lolcows.
>>159785 NAWWWWH TRUE, ALL THE FACTS IN THIS THREAD ARE LIES, I'M 6FT TALL AND MY DICK IS THICC AND IS 8 INCHES LONG!!! also, emptyh if you're here drop your discord server invite. It's over one year since I checked it
https://youtu.be/hEeCaYQOkVM What a weird thing to say Fuz..
>>159785 Who is she?
>>160642 Does Fuz keep trying to win against Britbong only to be PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'd over and over again? It's also weird how some people hate Britbong bickers he called out some pedos a few years ago. The guy is a sperg, but at least he did something good for once and certain people seethe at him for it for some reason.
>>160642 NOW WAIT A MINUTE FUZ NOOOOO That is about the dumbest most suspect thing he ever could have said, depends on the child-tier quote from the butterboy, I also expected him to be doing better by now, but he gets less than 20 viewers now.
>>161029 I know this sounds forced and silly compared to everything we know about Fuz, but the idiot will end up framed as pedo soon or later by his own actions and words. It's not the first time he's said things like that. Also, after all, he's the retarded who doxed himself and his "gf" and got extra butthurt accusing others of doing this.
Fuzhou is trying to get closer to JoeyJojo after trying to sacrifice Joey for the harvest in the hope that Joey will forgive him and everyone will forget about the event.. Meanwhile, there is a trans who has appeared in the past and defend Fuz. Apparently she said that some ecelebs from the drama community are some of her most loyal customers on manyvids/onlyfans. So it's realistic to think that Fuz is actually paying for trannies for their nudes, no only fat cows like Pristine Amethyst.
>>161594 Well that joey guy is one of the last people watching fuz at this point, so it makes sense.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUVdKoqKSxk Fuzhou will always be more funny and successful than the spergs here.
Another boring Fuzhou stream, as usual he banned from chat anyone making jokes about him. Especially about his incest roleplay from onlyfans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHO6xoeD1Uw
>>165120 Honestly something funny about the same song and dance with fuz empty. <I AM A W H O R E <yep...just another sped <oh don't get me wrong...this is funny
>>165134 Do you think Fuzhou is willing to lick the toilet for P P P? He used to had a fucking hate boner for P P P, but since he's a whore wanting clout, maybe he would do it now.
>>165770 Without any doubt, taking into account how he is a whore, a grifter and his kinks. As a matter of fact, more and more it is becoming evident that Fuz has some fetish for furry porn and he desperately preventing others from discovering his kinks and connections with discord furfag mods.
>>164859 The value of my liquid assets far exceeds butter boy's debt.
>>171270 do you have the equivalent of 158k dolars in liquor?
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For God's sake, Fuz, learn a lesson. I won't make it public (yet), but move the wheels, you keep acting like an autistic and repeating the same behavior for years.
>>172332 He's once giving money and sex toys to pristine amethyst otherwise known as michelle jason zacharia stevenson???
Fuz is seething on KoP comment section right now over posts from four months ago. No only that, last night he was really angry and attacking anyone bantering with him. The Butterkid is not coping well with the loss of foxdickfarms, he gets really nervous and mad if someone says "without the site you have zero cocks, Fuz". His last stream was a total disaster as proof of that. >>172332 It's about him having a past story with Keffals?
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>>174050 >the lolcow grifter economy collapses after KF is pushed into some obscure corner of the internet. That's something great to come out of this that I did not consider, not gonna lie. Also it's probably him simping to some mediocre hoe buying her 6 Stadias. >KoP PATERNITY TEST WHERE BRY BRY?
>>174050 <past story with Keffals? lmao, i knew about Fuzhou hanging out with lots of ecelebs trannies, but i thought he was playing when he talked about chatting with Keffals back in 2020, did the butterfag gave money to her or helped her for free?
>>174050 >>175122 fuz banned me from his server when I asked about Keffals and now he's jannying his entire server deleting anything related to "her"
>>175498 >ButterGolem kneeling to the troon
>>175501 fuz kneel to lots of trannies before, especially eceleb ones, he's probably mad about his dear Keffals stealing his cocks and also afraid about people figured out about he simping for her years ago
>>172332 >>174050 >>174829 >>175122 >>175498 >>175501 Fuz is still afraid that more people will find out about the existence of this thread, the lad sperg out whatever this place is mentioned or about anything negative about it, two years ago the Butterboy was less aggressive and angry and yes, he used to be "close" to Keffals, in the same way that he has always been "close" to other e-celebs, by that I mean Fuz has tried to get closer with different degrees of success and recognition, it keeps cleaning up as much as possible anything about the past on discord, reporting accs, servers, etc.
After several multiple "mysterious" bans and exclusions going on in discord while Fuz was around in Emptyhero server, I'm happy to report that since Fuzhou is no longer part of the server these events have stopped happening. However, Fuzhou is still mad about the entire shitshow and especially about the existence of this thread. No only that, but he's shitting bricks afraid of TheGatorGamer discovering the ties he previously had with Keffels and other trannies z-celebs.
literally who
>>179114 >>179115 Oh god, emojitroon and nuzach will try to destroy one of the best threads... At least it would be funny if was fuzhou once again seething here.
Fuzhou humiliated TheГунтRetort ama essayfag and other loser members from TheGuntstream. Fuzhou won KOP won Eso Shaggyism won
>>179113 I buy the theory of Fuzhou reporting some of empty streams and also being the faggy who hate JoeJojo.
Shout out to Gassious Clay for archiving Empty streams, someone (yep, britbong, but fuzhou probably flagged Emptystreams) made both channels be deleted. With that, all the Buttkino was lost. But >we have it back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQdcBz3xzmk
Is the butterboy still self-inserting on jcaesar187 drama or Empty's streams?
Fuz now has a podcast with deadwing dork, it sucks
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>>210854 He apparently sent the Гунт a gay email recently https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhsDn5UE31o DEAR jcaesar187 YOU DO NOT WANT ME TO UPLOAD THIS VIDEO
>>219506 based archiver i just found out about this guy from jcaesar187 foxdickfarms thread i'm like who the fuck is this guy big dogging the Гунт in his own show
https://youtu.be/rhsDn5UE31o Fuz sent an email to jcaesar187, jcaesar187 precedes to dunk on fuz and say fuzs email out loud. Someone should of told jcaesar187 about Pristine Amethyst
C'mon now, mods, why did you guys deleted Fuzhou recent post? The best part of 8chan /cow/ used to be the lolcows posting in their own threads!
>>219890 Probably essayfag, the same guy who got humiliated by empty, jesus and fuzhou
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Why does Fuzhou hate JoeyJoJo so much ?
>>222562 Joey is based
>>222562 Both are subhumans, losers usually hate other losers
>>222562 both are reflexes of each other, but Fuzhou tried to fly too high for his own good, while JoeyJojo accept his destiny as a maggot
Emptyhero has been trying to set up a debate between Fuzhou and JoeJoJo, Fuz refuses to do it and according to Jojo fuz has him blocked on discord
>>226293 >Fuz being bitch
So in the end Fuz won. Everyone else from Empty's discord server are incels, while Fuz keep dating a cute aryan girl and making a lot of money. He PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'd one of the vols of /cow/ and Britbong, among many other ecelebs. His channel still alive despise all the reports and now he is a power-lifter. Seems like /cow/ is the real lolcow after all.
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>>222833 Fucking kek, that's brutal and yet true.
>>232716 Fuz unirocally b t f o'd Esoteric Shaggyism during his Gaytor phase.
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JoeJoJo on suicide watch
>>235945 He is on suicide watch for decades now.
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>>222562 Fuzhou has a massive inferiority complex, so he likes to dunk on people that in his mind he is superior to, such as Britbong and Joey. Reality does not factor into the thought process. Sad really.
>>236900 I mean, anyone is superior to Britbong and Joey.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjf_X7gWsKc&t=5404s Fuzhou had his first stream in almost a year, just him talking about Fishtank and jcaesar187
Fuzhou hasn't changed at all. Just the other day I came across his name appearing as patreon of other ecelebs. I don't doubt that he still gives money to onlyfans trannies and fatwhales. Apart from that, he tried to distance himself from Empty's community, but he's still addicted to foxdickfarms and butter.
>>249356 last I saw him he was being a janny in DeadwingDork's chat, I can't imagine letting that disgusting slob who stole all his mom's disability money after putting himself in debt investing in a shitty dudeweedlmao store to spend it on Stadias and hoes with unwashed assholes anywhere near you, but then again he does it for free.
>>237035 Even Fuzhou??? >>241957 Since simping for jcaesar187 is now popular again, did he change his mind again and now like Raph?

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