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Toad 01/23/2022 (Sun) 18:38:28 ID: 78f831 No.131631
Pedocord leaks from fat clips discord server where they have fox dick tranny jannies planning gay ops
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Based leak anon, post more if you can.
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The post that was featured they edited was this one here. It took them over an hour to fix it and when they fixed it originally it nearly broke the site https://archive.vn/K613z
Which one is GUNТ?
>>131641 >foxdick gay tranny fanfic about the jcaesar187acuck
It's the people who suck Jewsh dick and point the fingers saying that others are pedos and sociopaths hurting animals? Post more shit.
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>>131644 Jewsh's eyes do linger about. Begs the question on whether he would have jannied it if not to cover up his fuckup.
Toad McKinley isn't a lolcow, fat, bisexual, an egg tranny neither a pedo, guys. Stop, please! Y'all are projecting your own problems onto him!
scrape the server nig­ger otherwise I'm optimistic but not buying it.
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Holy shit these niggas doing gay shit on discord I knew it!
Post the whole shit, fag, or share the invite to one or two fags from here like essayfag.
Bryan? Why keep comming back? I know I will shit up foxdicks and when they call me out I will shit up /nucow/
Scrape the server if you can anon.
>>131746 Take your meds, pedo. I know it's you, PO.
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>>131763 OK Bryan
Wait you are Corey Barnhill pedophile?
wrong one
>>131764 >>131765 >>131766 Pathetic, KoP won.
they keep getting busted over and over fucking seeeethe foxdick farms trannies
I posted the caps and got instantly banned lmao
>>131903 Says the discord tranny
>>132016 It's Aqua from animemafia?
>>132017 Maybe. Are they back? Would not surprise me
>>132018 I believe they are back in some level, didn't AnalVape used to be a close friend of Gahoole? Do you know about a fag with the nick "BasedLoli"?
>>132019 first I know little about ghgool, Second I noe noting about "Basedloli"
Not even a screenshot of their userID's? Just shameful!
>>132598 This, OP is faggot, >we're not asking for a perfect service, a dossier, but at least get some ID's and more than just two phone screenshots.
>>132598 >>132608 what would discord IDs even prove? the foxdicks trannies claim to never use discord when everyone knows it's not true.
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>>132626 even if one tranny janny truly does not use pedocord, the live chat that jewsh's forum has is the exact same thing. It even has a clique.

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