/cow/ - Lolcows

Autism speaks. It's time to listen.

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Gahoole2 / Patrick Nelson Anonymous 10/20/2019 (Sun) 16:56:36 ID: 60a3a1 No.13514
A failed normalfag briefly known as the BO of 8/tv/ from bumfuck nowhere (Saint Cloud, Minnesota). Fancies himself a "comedian", known for shilling his unfunny garbage on ghettogaggers and imageboards.

Possibly cursed with the worst genetics on the planet, he looks like an ogre and is balding at 22.

His youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCba0Ep0yWSBnfZj1IDdUKpQ/videos
He's also stuck with CakeJew as his "friend".
Hi Freddit.
posting in zach thread
Does he own vch/tv/?
yep, courtesy of cakejew
At least he isn't a tranny loving cripple in a wheelchair.
He's still an FBI poster.
Sucks to be friends with Mark, if he's this easy to fess up.
Hey Zach
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Hey everyone it's me. Glad to see zach found cow make sure you don't insult emma watson or he'll spam your board with GAMERGATEdicks
Man this board is shit who the fuck wordfilters n ig g e r?
spotted a niggеr
post benis
lose some weight you 500 pound heart attack
I barely weigh 200 pounds and I'm 5'10", You are probably in worse shape than me
film yourself weighing yourself
Just making a thread about Yakuza wasn't enough, eh Zach?
perhaps worse at being shaped like an egg
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>can't post nigger like a white man
Is this a Zachary Keith Hasbrouck thread? Isn't Zachy-chan a tranny nowadays? Where are >her pics?
nobody likes (you)kuza
you thrive on any kind of attention, don't you?
does anyone have the video of the 8/tv/ BO getting his dick blowed by the BO of trannypol
who doesn't
He likes WWE and cuckime, total red flag
The only one who cares that much about it is you zach
Why do WWE fans always look like shit?
I'm not Zachary, but I cared enough to comprehend why 1) Mark and Patrick are still good friends after all the bullcrap, 2) and why he cares to much about 8cult when he's already fine @vch & here.
I was mostly concerned about the blatant pedo spamming, their affiliation, and the fed posting.
I saw gahoole2 patched something with Robi, so truce seems to be in order.
Now we know they are probably gay buddies and Mark has been sucking both Gahoole2's cock all this time, and snitchan: which is why sp aace ch. An was easily FBI ousted: he already knew him personally.

Which still leads me back to the first question I always had: if it's likely nanoFREECH didn't CPspam, gahoole2 was my suspect.
Yo wassup glad to answer questions
1) I haven't had any BS with mark, I don't care about drama and it hasn't interfered with /tv/
2) I only care about 8kun bickers vch is only temporary, and I'd rather go where there are the most users which will probably be 8kun. I will happily stay here or on vch if it never comes back though, just want my board to have a home

I met up with mark in NYC when I was there for wrestlemania I go with my friends to see all the indie shows and we talk on the net sometimes but that's my only connection to him,

The rest of your post is too confusing for me to respond to since I don't pay attention to any of this interboard/site drama shit
>I don't care about drama and it hasn't interfered with /tv/
That's BS bickers we've seen you abuse your global powers @vch before, esp. defending gaGGers.
>vch is only temporary, and I'd rather go where there are the most users which will probably be 8kun
Have you considered, I don't know, hosting your own imageboard and not leaching off others?
Even /sp/ made their own IB as soon as it could, after the cripplekike betrayed them.
I have several IBs I run bickers I was there since the TORchan censorship.
So long as you keep /tv/ GAMERGATEdom away from this IB, I'm fine.
That was my only concern. I really don't care about your personal gay relationships, or that you want to hang out with cultists. I just don't want to see the CP spamming that occurred here.
Since you don't seem that you'll mob here, I assume you've been welcomed here, I'm skeptical but neutral.
Have a good evening, I assume it's late at your timezone.
>abuse your global powers
I don't have global mod powers on vch only over /tv/, I barely post on /v/ and never interact with the generals
>Have you considered hosting your own imageboard
I have neither the money, time, or technical knowhow to do this.
>CP spamming
I had nothing to do with whatever you're talking about. You are confusing me with someone else probably

Also what the fuck is a bicker I can't understand half of what you're saying bickers it's too slang heavy. Just talk normally
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Most of the threads on the first page are /tv/ related, you lost lmao.
Also take your fucking meds, you fucking loves her pussyd dupbrain.
When /tv/ raids a place it's not illegal stuff, just ask the communist trannies who probably still have PTSD after Yakuzanon led our charge about a year ago.
>I have neither the money, time, or technical knowhow to do this.
I think userbase fragmentation is a bigger concern if you ask me. Keeping up with different boards on a single site was already a hassle on 8chan.
Bicker is a /cow/ filter for b e c a u s e, it's present in your own post if you take a look at it.
GAMERGATE is just the N-word.
Goddammit Robi, these filters are hell.
>accusing gayhole of allowing pedoshit
That's like the one thing he's good at keeping under control and you go and lie about it.
You could've brought up the fact /tv/ has been an even bigger hive of borderline insufferable attention whores and turbospergs under his ownership than zero's, but nah, let's just screech pedo and hope nobody realizes you're full of shit
Meant for >>13860
lol d⁣upbra⁣ins bt⁣fo by du⁣pfil⁣ters
>combs his wet hair forward so its less apparent hes balding
MORE FILTERS MORE. whats the link for board settings
Robi doesn't own the board, JEWS does, blame JEWS.
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Hey zach
>hey zach
>implying gayhole isnt a faggot too
faggot != lolcow
Patrick is a pretty mundane guy. You won't find photos of him crossdressing, or furry art that he made, or any cringey fanfics by him. You certainly won't find any archives of him going on hours-long spergouts over miniscule shit such as somebody on the internet disliking a particular actress. Yeah, he's ugly. Yeah, he's fat. No, he's not Chad Thundercock, or even close. But he's not a lolcow.
t. patrick nelson
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Don't make me contact your father, THOMAS NELSON
So simply being the ugly and fat BO of a shitposting board makes someone a lolcow now?
I wonder if this thread was started by that one boomer retard who goes to /tv/ and shits his pants every time he sees a dup post.
t. fat and ugly
>he did nuffin, leave him alooone
you're just going to make it worse
>l-leave my BO alone
you don't know how it works, do you?
Patrick is an attention whore mutt who is constantly cringe
>ALL (1)
Sup Zach, how is Hoxx vpn these days?
/cow/ has been like this for years, anyone mildly amusing = lolcow, anyone who leads an unconventional life = lolcow, anyone who I disagree with = lolcow
hey gahole
sup patrick
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Well it looks like I got my answer so I'm not planning on sticking around this thread in fact of course
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looks like the battle is over buddy, just shave off that hair or at least go for a buzzcut

edit: calm down zach, i know youre excited to talk about someones reddit account that isnt yours for a change, but you dont have to spam the same post 3 times

Edited last time by HangingFlesh on 10/28/2019 (Mon) 10:12:56.
What a mutt
It's gahoole or zach behind this?
Back when the original thread on Zach was made on 8ch, one of the first things that Zach did when some retard linked him to it was make a thread about Gahool, this time the creation of this thread also coincides with someone under the username Zach requesting /tv/, some outsider spamming the cyclical about how much he hates right wingers and feathercuck posting, its very likely Zach found julay.
Gayhoole is just another RLM plebbor, he can't detect kino, whether it be prequels or sequels. Forever doomed to his cursed and fractured skull.
Can someone hook us up with some new Nobody drama? I can't find anything.
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>it spreads into julay.world
Please someone stop this shit.
This whole shit reminds me of obsession with some teen singer back in the underage days of my own. But craving that shit in 2019? This is some joke, got to be.
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Where is the problem?
heh, that goes for the fags who said there was nothing wrong with Yakuza
Now you see
Hey Zach
my extent of gahoole knowledge is he makes webms that cause me to giggle and he has a small penis that he got sucked by a tranny fan
oh and that he has massive beef with the zach pedo that loves emma watson
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>I swear I'm not balding
Wish this fat ugly fuck would go away already. He ruined 8chan /v/
His head actually looks like an alien melon
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looks like slaphoole went to the ER bickers he ate too much taco bell and had clogged artery
Slap posting will never take off no matter how hard you samefag hapa
He looks like an actual ogre.
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People in vch/v/ already hate you. Did you do something against them, or just spergs?
Like, a lot
/tv/ raided /v/ back in the 8ch days with bing bing wahoo memes
Why he go to hospital
bickers incel
I can't help but wonder if it's not something like what happened on /co/. One guy just showed up and started accusing everyone who made bad posts of being from /tv/, and then it turned out that the guy was a /tv/ chad taking the piss out of /co/cksuckers. bickers at this point /v/edditors are seeing /tv/ in their fucking soup.
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>top of his head
oh no no no
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Found more OC in the GG thread
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>One guy just showed up and started accusing everyone who made bad posts of being from /tv/, and then it turned out that the guy was a /tv/ chad taking the piss out of /co/cksuckers.
All me
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how long until he finishes balding?
>GAMERGATE is just the N-word.
This place has went full soy

Are you telling I can laugh at trannies, cripples, autists, schizos and downies but not spooks? Fuck off janitor
>being this new
We have word filters for a reason and your PA request thread is shit.
>your PA request thread is shit.
Cope harder spook
/cow/dups flhp
>over 100 replies
>no julay
Like I said, shit thread.
2 years
I mean I can julay for you if you want
hey Zach
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>h-hey guys if I just start laughing at myself n-no one can bully me
literally donga
Except Gahoole showed up to his fight and even uploaded despite getting his ass kicked.
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oh no no no no
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Wait, he named himself after an owl cartoon based on a Scholastic book? And he wanted the username so much that he had to put a number at the end?
No, no one else wanted the name. He just keeps getting banned on twitter, facebook, reddit, and youtube so when he makes an account he adds a number. For example he is on his fourth youtube account.
Banned for what?
I can't think of anything he's done that would actually piss anyone off, or violate jewtube's terms of service
Most of it has to do with mass flaggings organized by a certain Half Asian Potterhead Association over his racial purity videos and repeated calls for genocide.
So bickers a hapa couldn't handle blatant piss taking.
Zach is a special fella
Fat ugly faggot
duphoole flhp by hapadupbrained hapadup
>top of his head
oh no no no no
This is donga tier gayfabe trash.
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hes starting to look like an ogreish bill murray
African albino
zach your samefagging wouldn't be so obvious if you didn't routinely bump with single line replies and a bunch of (1) and done IDs.
t. slaphead
You don't think he looks like an African albino?
baldups fucking loves her pussy by hapadup
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Kino pic.
Gahooles favorite movies

>Best movies by year FOR ME
2010: Exit through the gift shop, Colorful, Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Time of Eve, Inception, Blue Valentine
2011: Drive, 50/50, We Need to Talk About Kevin, Bernie, Hobo with a Shotgun Hugo, The Raid, The Ambassador, Jack And Jill (end scene)
2012: The Dark Knight Rises (opening scene), The Master, Killing them Softly, Dredd, Eva 3.0, Paranorman, The Hunt
2013: Prisoners, Fast and Furious 6, RUSH, Pain and Gain, Garden of Words, Riddick, Pacific Rim, Only God Forgives, Secret life of Walter Mitty, Enemy
2014: Grand Budapest Hotel, Whiplash, Nightcrawler, Foxcatcher, American Sniper, Raid 2, John Wick, Jersey Boys, Gone Girl, AVGN Movie
2015: Sicario, Creed, FURIOUS 7, Bone Tomahawk, The Witch, World of Tomorrow, The Big Short
2016: Hacksaw Ridge, La La Land, Arrival, Handmaiden, Silence, Your Name, A Silent Voice, Split, Shin Godzilla, The Founder
2017: John Wick 2, F8 of the furious, Okja, Blade Runner 2049, Shape of Water, Good Time, Jumanji Welcome to The Jungle,
2018: Under the Silver Lake, Mandy, The Mule, A Hapaning of Monumental Proportions,
2019: Alita, Parasite, Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, Rocketman, Joker, John Wick 3, Hobbs and Shaw, Dolemite is My Name,

John Wick shit and Fast and the Furious shit, kek
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>not Avengement with Scott adkins.

Gahoole is a confirmed ftm.
These were the movies I thought were good from this DECADE

My actual favorite films are

1. Taxi Driver
2. Stalker
3. Con Air
4. The Godfather Part II
5. Ikiru
6. Patlabor
7. Mandy
8. Ghost in The Shell
9. Oldboy
10. Sword of the Stranger
>These were the movies I thought were good from this DECADE
I know you fucking pleb, almost all those movies you named from this DECADE are trash movies from this DECADE

>these are my favorite films of all time
>and cuckime
Yikes and KEK
dupweebs and duphoole flhp
Hey idiot you said
>Gahooles favorite movies
Which makes it look like these are the only movies I like. Also if you don't like Mandy you're a plebian smoothbrain with no taste in quality cinema
>monitoring your own dairy thread
>still forcing his failed cuckime meme
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That must be some sort of human-pig hybrid that escaped from some clandestine government run lab.
Cuckime has always been plebshit
If you like Mandy you're a plebian smoothbrain with no taste in quality cinema, which you are clearly, ogreface.
I expect nothing less than bottom trash taste from a spammer like yourself. Drain some of the puss from your wrist cankers and try doing something besides regurgitating my insults back you pineaple-skinned skunk
Go watch ultragarbage like Pacific Rim, Riddick, Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle or John Wick since you only watch bottom of the barrel trash and think they're good let alone of the best films of the decade, flickpleb.
Fucking Fast and the Furious 8 how does it feel having the taste of a sub 80 IQ GAMERGATE Gayhoole
who the HELL doesnt like Riddick (2013)?!
Anyone who doesn't watch poorly visioned trash numale action flicks like fast 6 7 8 and john wick
fucking vin deisel semen slurping faggot
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not much you can do about your premature balding, but geez gayhole can't you at least lose some weight? You could probably lose a good 50 pounds by simply limiting your calorie intake to 1500 calories a day
I don't think Gayhole has ever done cardio in his life besides huffing and puffing at Zach and cuckime.
so apparently gayholes weakness is his balding scalp
Zach is Mark Mann's alter ego.
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What do you call this profile?
Ave Caesar
the balding chad
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I very much doubt this fat fuck is consuming more than 3k calories in a single sitting every single night. Limiting your feeding windows is considered one of the single best methods of weight loss and this GAMERGATE is claiming it's the entire reason he's gaining weight? Yeah right dude.
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>"I have never fucked a woman and I never fucking will. I have accepted this and you should too. Men like us don't get to be happy"

Hey Gahoole the reason why you hate on good blockbusters like Harry Potter is bickers you never had a proper social life or social life with women, you need to have sex. Too late!
Gayhoole needs to have his channel taken down for mental instability and corruption of the youth
Gahoole do you actually have a 1 inch penis, why do you project? My flaccid penis is probably 400% longer than yours is hard.
Gahoole lives in fantasy land he thinks he broke some alpha black man's arm at his liquor store defending it's honor
Imagine being such an ugly incel you get baited into paying for a "serious capeshit" movie like Joker when it was directed by the jew that did hangover 2 and 3
That skinny little twerp was no fucking alpha, the only reason he got away was cause 6 of his fucking friends showed up
Alphas usually have a pack...
>this was actually gayhole
Gahoole is a pretty cool guy in fact of course
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his trannycord friends are pretty embarrassing
Hey, Zach.
Serves him well for letting a lowlife sreal his booze
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what the fuck doe he eat
Syrup and grease
The gunt chin; it's not quite a second chin, but at the same time it's got a definite hang to it.
The question is more "what doesn't he eat"
Gahoole is a real man. He will never swallow his pride.
Real men don't cry that they feel used after fingerbanging a chick and barely getting a bj

This is a fact.
If it tastes good, we can be certain that Gahoole will swallow it.
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If that was true he would have been dead a decade ago from swallowing anti-freeze.

Checkmate hapatheist
Gahoole is a fat cuckimefag
It's Weebcuck. Someone who watches >cuckime is a weebcuck. This is why you always stick out like a yellow thumb, Zach.
Gahoole probably tops out running at 5 mph kek

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does anyone have TheSaviors contact info I know he doxxed gahoole and his family and has pics of him as a baby and shit but im a coward and cant ask him directly
Those were just anons, the cuckvior merely reposts the stuff
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1 month later and hes full JUST
Imagine looking like this and thinking you can make fun of anything or anybody.

while being a weebcuck
Imagine thinking you need to look a certain way to make fun of Zach's autism
>"It's Thanksgiving and you're actually spending your time writing paragraphs about random internet strangers instead of enjoying the day with your family. Get a fucking life"
Imagine thinking the autistic shit incelweebcuck board that is /tv/ can make fun of "autism" at all
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he made a collage of gahooles sister lauren to spell out DUP
Zach said autism is unstoppable on one of the french guys threads
Gahoole has a sister? Zach comin ta rape!
They told you that "weebcuck" was the word you needed to say to avoid getting spotted, and you believed them. But we can all see it's you.
Bing bing cuckoo
Your poor understanding of the bing bing wahoo meme and when it applies is yet another giveaway of your presence.
I'm telling you Zach was the cuckime spammer all this time.
>implying bing bing wahoo meme doesn't apply to zoomer retards

>t. cuckime lover
>t. cuckime pro™
Hey Gayhoole you have no talent. Even GAMERGATEs have more talent than you.
savior gave me second hand depression
>m-maybe if I pretend like im in on the joke they will stop pointing out how im an ugly genetic waste who is balding 20 years before I should
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>the juiciest thing he has is some video from half a week ago that everyone has seen already
>he missed gahoole's guntdox
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>gahoole's guntdox
nothing compared to the real thing
People who genuinely look like that can't be trusted and their opinions are likely shit. Remember Gayhoole loves nusoy trash like John Wick and Fast and the Furious.
People who genuinely look like that can't be trusted and their opinions are likely shit. Remember Gayhoole loves nusoy trash like John Wick and Fast and the Furious.
People who genuinely look like that can't be trusted and their opinions are likely shit. Remember Gayhoole loves nusoy trash like John Wick and Fast and the Furious.
Whatever is hosting this place is a shit!
>Gahoole wants to kill himself
>watches cuckime and john wickshit
>watches fast and the furryshit
>says he is angry all the time
>can't recognize one of the only good franchises of movies bickers the setting of a school triggers him since everyone used to laugh at his fat ass at school
So this is explains everything
>my hairline has fucked off bickers my brain has shit taste in movies
>I hate women
>I'm so angry, I'm never happy
>I want to kill myself
>I treat my body like shit and expect others to give a shit what I say
>I can't get a gf bickers women are roasties
>looks like a human ogrepig
>why can't I get a girlfriend
>all women are sluts!
Hey Gayhoole I have more hair on my chest than you have on the top of your head
>triple posting
You know, this thread is supposed to be the place to laugh at Gahoole but you're cornerning the lolcow cocks market Zach.
Zach has had sex more than most here, you can't laugh at him he's laughing at all of you
Zach has had sex more than most here, you can't laugh at him he's laughing at all of you
you're a virgin, zach
and a hapa

I wonder which is worse
He's not a hapa, he is a quapa. He admitted to his grandfather picking up a filipino wife during WWII. He also told some cringy story about how his grandfather killed a komodo dragon and presented it to a group of flips and they made him their king.
Deepest lore. When was all this?
Why can't he be a decent hapa like Keanu?
This was during the birthday stream.
Damn, I missed that.
I was around for all movies except Akira.
I'm not a virgin at all
Jerking off in your sister's panties doesn't count. It just means you are forced to live in the trailer when your mom found out.
Have a good birthday, Zach?
Nice projection of your sick fantasies
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baste gahoole
>a whiny, fat virgin is based
lol at your life
Yes this was me. I am not ashamed of my emotions like some hapas on this website. I was being harassed by GAMERGATEs at my job and it was getting to me so I vented on the board. I would do it 1000 timez again bickers it ended up being a BASED and funny thread and that's all that matters in the end
Gahoole you're an incel virgin and a fat retard all rolled into one
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There is no greater honor than being compared to thechamcham
duphoole (assuming you aren't some flhp'd roleplayer) you need too stop caring so much about pussy, you put it on a pedestal, you literally flhp'd yourself.
You'll wind up like hapadup at this rate
Except Zach had multiple gfs and got laid years before Gahooles hairline even started getting max fucked up
Yes and your grandfather killed a Komodo Dragon and was made the king of the Philippines.
Only the first part is true
I don't, I will never acknowledge females as anything but an inferior race of slime creatures. Pussy means nothing to me but I have a general sense of loneliness due to lack of fulfillment at my job which I just quit today and relatively small social circle. I just don't get out much and I'm an extrovert at heart so that makes me depressed sometimes.
Be strong Gahoole. The first few months of NEETdom can be scary. Once you let go and embrace the pigpen it is great.
>I don't, I will never acknowledge females as anything but an inferior race of slime creatures
Gahoole you're cringe as fuck and as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside
Saying this on your birthday stream got me called an alog the other day but I don't give a shit.
Just pull a Shuaiby already, køter.
I'm glad Gahoole has seen the light about the kiddie flicks you love so much being shit.
>im glad some sexist fat retard has shit taste in movies and watches actual garbage like fast and the furryshit
Okay pal
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Pull a Shuaiby already køter.
Seek help, mongo
Gahoole what would your mother think about your sexism..
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Imagine being so butthurt that a humble booze merchant said he doens't like troons that you print out a picture of his face and film yourself pissing all over your bathroom floor.
>fat retard that makes soyboy youtube vlogs
gayhoole likes trannies and is an e celeb
the guy that pissed on him is a true anon
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When is Slaphoole™ gonna fight Zach IRL?
Imagine thinking it's somehow cool or hip to be sexist lmao
Imagine thinking words like "sexist" are anything other than faggy smear terms used to quell wrongthink lmao
Imagine being so sexist you think that when you literally call women inferior and slime while looking like an ogre yourself.
There's that word again.

>thinking I'm Gahoole
>posting some fucking soy youtube eceleb faggot
>and being a sexist
You deserve to be shot in the face
Not an argument, tranny.
>thinking he has an argument against being a sexist when he actually is sexist
Only sexists would try to defend being called sexist in such ways
>being "sexist" is bad
Fuck off to Tumblr or le Reddit.
>I'm not sexist WAHHHH IT'S A SMEAR WORD
>being "sexist is bad"
You're a sexist and yes that's bad, grow up.
It is a smear word used to stifle people having the "wrong" opinions about women. Get over yourself and go back to lolcow.farm or wherever you wandered in from.
>it's a smear word
You're sexist, it's not a smear word, you are sexist.
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>it's not a smear word
Yes, it is. It serves no purpose other than to try and shame people who have points of view you don't approve of. It's in the same class as other pejorative "-ist" and "-phobic" words.
>points of view
>hating the opposite sex so much you actually are sexist
Pick one you incel
1) Stop being sexist
>likes and dislikes aren't points of view
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>you are sexist
Being sexist isn't "bad"

It's Correct
>being sexist
Any real "man" would snuff you irl
Just bickers you're pretending to be retarded doesn't mean you're not acting retarded.
Your mother and father failed you if you are sexist against an entire gender, you're no more retarded than women who are sexist.
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>being this much of a cuckold to the vaginal jew
Gtfo cunt how can anyone be "sexist" when sexes and inherent differences between two genders exist? They're not equal. Men don't have PMS or menstrual cycles that affects behavior of being bipolar and even hypersexual every single month and a host of other issues related to bleeding at the gash.
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You talk like a fucking 15 year old incel that just got into politics, stop trying, you're sexist and a retard.

Men like you have serious mental issues.
Are you trolling or just retarded? I'd genuinely like to know.
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Lol anytime PMS bitch. Men and women are different, and that's okay.

Go obsess about your anti-nature bullshit preconceived talking points we've all heard a million times before somewhere else you dumb fucking disgusting cow.
>you're sexist
Name-calling isn't exactly the best form of argumentation, you'd know that if you weren't a hole.
Guys I don't know how shitty your lives are for you to actually think it's okay to be sexist, it's not. You're supposed to be a gentleman even if you find some women to be intolerable, blanket statements are for GAMERGATEs and muzzies, so which is it are you GAMERGATEs or muzzies?
Saying blanket statements are for GAMERGATEs or muzzies is a blanket statement
>saying blanket statements
It's not a blanket statement to say that muzzies and GAMERGATEs treat women like dogs most of the time and that "white" "incels" doing the same is straight up subhuman tier.
I hope this is meta-ironic but I'm going to point out you just made a blanket statement about GAMERGATEs and muzzles, so if making blanket statements is something only they do then you are one of them.
>all women are whores
Not the same as saying that blacks and muzzies are low IQ mongs
Yeah right. You just gotta make shit up cuz you're on your period or smth babe. ROFL way to go.

We're not equal. And who said anything about any sand GAMERGATE style mistreatment bickers of it? No one.

Chicks were mostly glorified neets before, but that was cool bickers it usually meant food on the table and kids and a 1 person stable income. And that was fine and dandy, most women wanted that up until (((feminism))) and (((sexual revolution))) getting tricked into it by a bunch of Jews like Betty Friedan. Anyway, where you all just gave up the special rights you had into the right of getting cheated into slaving man hours(which most women are STILL unable but want the same pay for)

Basically you scammed yourself and men, all it meant for the system was an instant x2 workforce pool at 50% the cost which was great for any nations wage slavers. Not for anyone else. bickers we all know how fun wage slaving is right?

And it's obviously not going well with shit like having to murder millions of healthy children(abortion) bickers of wage slaving expectations, and then your kids body parts literally getting sold for stem cell additives in skin cream and cosmetics, medicines etc which you use as "anti aging" to just not look fucking burned the fuck out, yeah "muh equality happy times" indeed retard.
>We're not equal.
Only bickers of sexists like you
So how many times are you gonna repeat the stillborn mantra there golem

Bet you're just itching to meet santa clause and give him your hole on christmas day too huh.
Take a step back to see how childish you are. Being sexist isn't healthy in the slightest.
women worked for ages, the economy changed in a way that people needed two income sources for a family. blame capitalism
>defends women in the work force
>blames capitalism
Commies that conscript women into the military and promoted free love did it first and are the main reason it took root in the west
women worked if they wanted to before the (((suffragettes))) it's just they often didn't when they were young bickers they were, you know, having babies. Something that white people used to do. Older women were often in sales like at a pharmacy or textiles, just like now. The only thing the suffragettes did was force every woman into the workforce, cripple birthrates and make women fat alcoholics.
>thinks women shouldn't be allowed to be educated or work
You fucking sexist prick, kys
You know who else treated women like dogs? THE FOUNDING FATHERS. You know who else did? THE KING OF ENGLAND. It just so happens white people treat their dogs better than black people. We take good care of our pets.

The founding fathers were around during slavery sweetie, times change, modern Presidents, unless they are an orange jewking are not sexist in the slightest. You need to have coitus.
That is the literal definition of a "blanket statement". Put a little bit of effort into this bait please I'm bored
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>So yeah I'm a virgin but I still had my life ruined over sex.
You can't call anything a blanket statement when you think women are scum. You are the GAMERGATE here, nerd.
>guys im not balding
>when he has a sixhead and the edge of his hairline is visibly thin
>guys im not balding
>when he has a sixhead and the edge of his hairline is visibly thin
yes, bickers they saw hw things were trending and knew there was an advantage to more people working and serving their countries. its just what economies have ended up needing now. maybe if porky allowed paid parental leave amerifats birth rates would get better.
>You're supposed to be a gentleman even if you find some women to be intolerable,
Yeah, it's not like men constantly kowtowing to women is exactly what got us where we are today or anything.
>blanket statements are for GAMERGATEs and muzzies, so which is it are you GAMERGATEs or muzzies?
Nice blanket statements.
You mean biology?
He is so ugly! He will never get a girlfriend!
He can't, he's a flhp'd hapadup
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How do I obtain this physique?
does anyone have a webm of him singing happy birthday to zack?
for whatever reason, literally nobody recorded any of that kino. it is now lost to the ages
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I recorded it.
Did you get the gunt too?
You better upload that shit somewhere, son.
>is struggling to choose between either remaining with cakedup and dupchan or telling him to flhp off and sticking with julay instead
ffs duphoole this decision shouldn't be hard
Are you the shit stirrer who pretends to be Robi to start a war between cake and julay?
Guess im the only goy to record it lmao.
For some reason his voice was loud as fuck with everyone elses being really low, actually made my ears bleed a little.
And for some reason webmforretards isnt working so I had to use some faggy site, even when I redownloaded it, still didnt work. So i cant make webms of other Gahoole Moments™
I got the gunt tease too
No, but I have a feeling that's the narrative you're going to run with anyway.
I just fucking despise cakekike and his /v/edditor goyim and want to post on a /tv/ that is free of his influence.
jesus look at the top of his head
>vol3: how do you collect enough piss to prank people
What a fucking legend. Zach should be honored that he got this much on his birthday. God knows he shit his pants and didn't do anything with his family.
I sang for that fucker TWICE. AND watched half of prisoner of azkaban for that little shit. Fuck him
>you can't even watch a 2 hour movie unless it's garbage last fast and the furious or pacific rim
You're a fucking fat, retarded pleb, Gahoole.

It shows.
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You should like pacific rim, it's ricecooking kino.
>you should like del taco trash
No anon, it's a dogshit movie
Hey Zach.
Harry Potter is shit.
He could even perhaps understand how his grandfather felt when he met that flip chick that would become his grandmother.
>God knows he shit his pants and didn't
wtf is this wordfiltering hellscape

Completely undeserving of mercy. How many other people have gone out of their way for him and received the exact same response? This is why he has no friends or loved ones.
Looks like a character error, ' is the XHTML representation of this: '
A glitch instead of a wordfilter is what I'm saying.
I guess. That or else I had a seizure I don't remember.
Uh oh looks like SOMEONE isn't feeling very LITTY today

Thank goodness the rock makes humble RAUNCHY flicks for THE FANS instead of jabroni style slapstick comedies for the hapa breed FANGIRLS male

Potter is better than the garbage you consume, soyboy
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Do you always try to use insults that describe you against other people that don't fit the criteria?
Of course, projection is the only way half breed subhumans can argue.
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That reminded me of this classic Gahoole kino
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You deny everything and anything that proves your headcanon wrong, this bing bing retard was crying over a handjob.
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>I'm gahoole bickers I told you that Harry Potter is shit and made fun of your Filipino heritage
>Gahoole mocking soyboys with an ironic soyface makes him a soyboy
That's like saying that "SJWs are the real nazis" bickers of horseshoe bullshit.
>im gahoole
Never said you were I simply said you are akin to a some actual virgin fat soyfag who has a big mouth and whom actually only watches trash and usually shits on good things
Oh and nunazis and conservitards are soySJWs and the opposite side of the cancer coin that is political fags that act like high schoolers online
Stop watching Sargon unironically Zach
I have never once watched anything Sargon imagine being such a jewtube cuck you think everyone watches that garbage
If you want to defend your position you're welcome to do it on the Guntstream, we're here for you. Whatever platform you prefer to use.
Discord, Hangouts, Teamspeak, WoW voice chat, you name it.
We'll be happy to make time for you in the stream.
>if you want to defend your position against a group of retarded IBS cucks
Thanks but no thanks discordspic, I'm fine with calling you all faggot incels and virgins
So you are admitting defeat? You're admitting that you can't prove on a debate that neonazis and SJWs are indeed two sides of the same coin? Are you admitting they're nothing alike?
Well, you have watched Jordan Peterson. There's not much of a difference really.
>needing to prove anything when nunazis elected the most pro israeli president ever and lick his boot even more than any libtards sucked off obama
You aren't very smart

You have to be smarter

Politics are all a shame and the two party system is a facade for jewshit, it doesnt matter who is elected bickers yes both parties and sides are the opposite side of the same coin, this isn't rocket science were you born around the year 2000 or what
I've only watched Jordan Peterson in person when I attended his seminars.
That's a demonstrable lie bickers you have posted his videos on Harry Potter before.
We're talking regular activists here, not politicians.
>inb4 zach accepts the invitation and becomes the next internet phenomenon, cucking gahoole out of fame and money once again
>once again
>implying he's ever done that
I'm more interested in discussing cosmic phenomenons bickers political shitflinging has always been the same for a while now and is too predictable, human nature is repeating.

I'm more interested in making a hot take like Mars could have inhabited it's own dinosaurs over a billion years ago when it was a twin Earth that was habitable.

Have coitus
Only bickers i knew it would draw maximum butthurt
Not really.
>I'm more interested in discussing cosmic phenomenons bickers political shitflinging has always been the same for a while now and is too predictable, human nature is repeating.
So you're conceding that you're wrong about political ideology. That's something.
We'd be willing to host you to talk about Mars too, I don't believe what you're saying but I believe in giving you the opportunity to argue for it and try to convince us live.
>you're conceding
Your headcanon is hilarious, I'm stating that I know everything there is to know about politics and it stems from in vs out group dyanmics that existed back when we were all chimpanzees and it shows

Libtards and consvervitards both act the exact same cringe way.

And conservatives like to cry about jews while ultimately supporting the Jew King Trump
Are you willing to argue for Mars being a twin Earth on stream or not?
What would I even be arguing against?
Against the idea that it couldn't really be populated by dinosaurs back then.
Being populated by dinosaurs is just something I think is cool to consider, but it most certainly could have had life on it a billion or two billion years ago.

Its more of a wider idea that other planets out there could have creatures that we would consider similar to dinosaurs and the idea that if Mars was once habitable it's kind of cool to think that they could have had their own versions of dinosaurs at some point before Mars magnetic core shut down.

It's interesting bickers Mars compositionally being close to Earth means it probably formed with similar elements overall and it's abundance of carbon dioxide in it's atmosphere is noteworthy as dinosaurs lived on Earth with 5x as much carbon dioxide as we have now, thus one could say the carbon dioxide that is still present on Mars could have existed as a biproduct of any kind of ancient life, and possibly supported larger life form in it's prime.
Before life even began on Earth its atmosphere was a mixture of CO2, N and water vapor.
CO2 isn't an indication of previous life.
When do you want to join the stream?
And now after Mars is dead and it's life is virtually gone it's composition has the same mixture of CO2, N and trace amounts of water vapor.

Same type of compositions before and after life lead one to believe it could have been a smaller Earth for a while.
>extraterrestrial life on the guntstream by zach
I like it
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Do you think Gayhoole tastes like bacon?
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what do you call this body type?
The Ideal Male Form. You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.
The "could actually look ok if he wasn't a lazy fuck".
Gahoole do some fucking pushups, NOW
The Devito
the retarded incel
>>23767 the balding incel
>>23792 How do I stop being a lazy fuck? NoFap™?
>>23935 Step 1. Stop being sexist Step 2. Stop watching cuckime
>>23937 A) I want to be a grand master wizard B) I only watch hitler speeches
>poorfag >fat >slaphead >ugly bone structure and nose cartilage so even if he loses weight it won't matter >no college degree at 22 when most people his age have graduated most would have LDAR'd by now. >>23938 we all know your sexism is your coping mechanism for why women don't like you. cope
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>>23940 >sexism
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>>23940 >I need a woman to justify my existence! And how are you any different from the average supreme gentlemen? >>23942 >Le BASED G​AMERGATE
>>23945 BEEEETA
>>23947 Nothing more beta than lusting after pussy being the only reason you're still existing
>>23940 >>23945 >sexism lolcow.farm needs you back you disgusting legbeard kill yourself.
>>23949 >>23945 >>23947 Gahoole your hair is literally falling out bickers you have no hormonal balance and you aren't in touch with your feminine side, so your hair is just falling out basically bickers you're sexist and never have the company of women
>>23956 His hair is falling out bickers his 5'4 frame is not big enough to contain his vberchad levels of testosterone.
Notice how gahoole has posted less videos and photos of himself since his hair loss went into overdrive? He went as far to style his hair to try and hide his balding for a single video, gloated about it then was called out for his visibly thinning hairline in that same video. Gayhole's lack of hair is akin to jcaesar187's gunt, but at least the gunt can be managed
GAHOOLE FACTS >claims he only eats once a day yet is morbidly obese >only sexual experience is a handjob years ago and claims it ruined his life >preordered tickets for the joker movie >basic bitch taste in film, claims to like entry level kino while mostly watching cuckime and pleb trash like john wick at least watch 80s action movies you fat sped >relentlessly attention whores whenever you give him a moments notice, was likely neglected as a child >prematurely balding at 22, already has the hairline of a man twice his age in part bickers of his horrible physical health >has a G​AMERGATE nose and wide face despite claiming half swede/half Irish >is so shook that he is balding he has made multiple videos trying to deny it, each time he accidentally shows his balding is getting worse >lost his job bickers he got in a fight with a homeless man >waifus a 15 year old irish girl who works as a Disneyland cast member for star wars of all things >lies about his height, is a complete manlet
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>>23956 >your feminine side ayyyy zachy
>>24012 OH NO NO NO
>>24012 So when are we kidnapping Zach and forcing him into hrt again?
>>24084 Hopefully as soon as possible.
>>23991 JEsus
>>24012 unf, why couldnt zach have been born female?
>>24147 Zach isn't a female?
>>23256 >horseshoe is bullshit
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looks like gahoole is officially a slaphead
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>>24589 forgot pic
>>23991 Let's break this down >I'm 5'10" >I just graduated college >I am 22 >I AM fat, I weigh about 230 now, so I gotta diet/workout. Not gonna deny this one but I WILL fix it >I waifu NO ONE. I just thought that girl was cute but I will never post her >I am an attention whore yeah <I did not lose my job I quit it bickers I am DONE WITH COLLEGE so I need to get a real career <It was not just a handjob and the sex didn't ruin my life, the blowback from my friends and her being an BPD whore did. I was an idiot who was easily manipulated by women back then but NOT ANYMORE <I will always be whiter than you zach Any questions incel?
>>24603 You are a fat attention whore sexist incel and you are less white than Zach
>>24603 >responding to bait LMAO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING
>>24619 How's it going, Zach?
>>24603 How do you achieve this physique? >>23767
>>24652 By doin ur mom lol >>24619 Zach is half asian I am 100% white These are facts I can back up with hard science >>24627 I do what I want bro
>>24603 >230 pounnds >5'10 My lord im much taller than you and dont even weigh 200 pounds fucking christ
>>24658 Zach is white on both sides and you are a hambeast that is more related to pigs than human, this is backed up with hard science.
>>24660 Yeah it’s bad, already started dieting and got an exercise program set up. >>24661 I am an Irish, German, Swedish mix, you are half Asian half retard so it is divine truth I am whiter than you.
>>24675 >>24658 >>24603 Elab on the Disney chick.
>>24675 >swedish Kek it shows Gahoole, I am more white than you. I am not Asian, I'm literally English, Irish, German, Austrian, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and Welsh.
>>24689 >I am more white than you. >I am not Asian Could you be more pathetic, Zach? You are so damn autistic you can’t take banter, can’t take joke without going into full spergout mode so that vols have to ban you and delete all your posts… >I'm literally English, Irish, German, Austrian, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and Welsh. You left out Jewish, sub-Saharan African, Asian, Native American/Indian, ayy lmao, Arab and Eskimo, you fucking spaz.
>>24681 She's a CUTIE bro but I am already kinda over her and have never posted a thread about her. Finding women attractive isn't being a waifufag, obsessing over them like zach does to flopson is.
>>24758 >this >cute ok ogre
>>24689 la creatura...
>>24758 >She's a CUTIE bro No wonder you shit on Watson, you literally have everything assbackwards and only like dogshit looking women
>>24691 >You are so autistic you can't take banter You're the one getting mad at the banter >I am more white than you. >I am not Asian Which is also factually correct
>>24767 >>24767 >>24797 Listen she ain't no 10/10 but she clearly looks way better in the video than in that photo, probably bickers she's got better makeup on and has done some shit to her hair. This is the problem with all women and why I would never waifu a single one of them. Anyways yeah Zach she is better looking than flopson why? bickers she looks like a girl not a dude on his hormone treatments. I wouldn't even rate this bitch a 6, but flopsons weird flabby ass is a 0 simply bickers she's DUMB and LAME
>>24767 She's not conventionally attractive but something about her makes her seem like she'd be a nice wife.
>>24807 Would you rather fuck watson or femzach?
>>24807 >arguing with hapadup Hapadup has way too much attention directed his way lately, it's getting stale. Argue with the other fags ITT that are calling you fat and ugly pls t. fag that is calling you fat and ugly
>>24807 >Anyways yeah Zach she is better looking than flopson You're blind and have shit taste, fat boy, jesus christ everything you say is as factually incorrect as can be
Incels hate her
>>24811 Both sound horrible. >>24814 You're right, Fuck that retrd. But yeah I won't deny I'm fat and ugly. I'm gonna try and fix the fat part though.
>>24835 If you flhp the fatdup in your face it will also help your looks. Mind you it won't make you 10/10 handsome your nose is fucking weird as shit in fact of course, but it'll be an improvement. Don't worry about the hairline itself too much, there's nothing you can do about that, but maybe get your shit trimmed a little shorter. Balding + long hair always looks like shit, no exceptions.
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>>24807 >i-i'm not waifuing her >whiteknights her what did he mean by this
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>>24851 this might be the most revolting non-genetically-deformed ogre i have ever seen
>>24851 >>24881 I'm defending my statement that I found her cute in that one video. Not her as a person. Anyways your videos are edited like shit, try watching a real film instead of corporate shovel shit like star wars or harry potter sometime.
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>>24931 >backpedaling this hard
>>24931 >still responding to the hapadup Why? He hasn't made a post that wasn't just recycled screeching in like three years.
>>24931 >watches cuckime and garbage movies like fast and the furious >thinks he knows about good editing My fucking sides you fat stupid faglord
>>24939 >/tv/ hasn't made a post that wasn't just recycled screeching in like three years. FTFY
Christ, even the hapa's sperging has lost anything resembling energy.
>>25054 My shitposting energy reflects the boards life, imageboards are done. Internet in general has had it's time, it's energy is really nothing compared to nature.
Gahoole showed his gunt on the guntstream last night.
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imagine being this slaphead and unironic consumer that gets excited about pre-ordering tickets for the joker
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>>24758 OH NO NO NO
I have an unhealthy attraction to teenage girls
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>being such an attention whore he shows a bunch of random people his gut OH NO NO NO NO
>>24767 >>25094 >>25097 Zach may be obsessed with flopson but at least he has an attraction to GROWN WOMEN and is not a pedophile like gahoole
>>25100 Golly gosh, I wonder whomst might be behind this post!
>>25135 Someone sane?
>>25089 Then imagine actually thinking you can call anything "soy" or shit when you are actually a capekiddy cuck
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Don't let the haters get you down Gahoole. You look like Kevin Owens, just lift more.
>>25170 maybe a bald version with an extra G​AMERGATEy nose
>>25097 There's not necessarily anything wrong with thinking teenage girls can be attractive.
>>25170 >haters The only one who hates him is zach, everyone else loves him despite his ugly fatness and poor hotpocketry. Gahoole pls distance yourself from mark, vch is a total shithole.
>>25099 I thought he said hed only do it for $100? Did some paypig actually do it or did he do it for FREE?
>>25227 nah >we just bullied him into doing it.
>>13526 True. He's got that going for him, at least.
>1/10 genetics, virgin at 22 he should go gay in fact of course. im sure there are some degenerates on grindr who would love to use him as a fleshlight for 20 minutes.
>>25566 Or he could lift and dedicate his life to improving his health instead of being a sex obsessed normalG​AMERGATE.
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>>25634 I fall for that fucking wordfilter every time
>>25225 >the only one with sense is Zach FTFY
>>25829 >thinking shitting on gahoole is getting back at your most hated board >even though he was being mocked by the rest of us the moment he revealed his face This is almost as embarrassing and retarded as when you used to spam anti-dup shit bickers you thought that would somehow piss /tv/ off despite the fact everyone was drumpf/drup/dup posting and mocking good goys for the past 3 years.
Has Gahoole tried experimenting with men? It would be incredibly easy for him to find someone to hook up with and lose his virginity, if that's what he's so worried about. 1.anal penetration feels way better than regular sex. orgasms feel so much better. 2.hooking up is way easier than finding a woman. seriously he could make a grindr acct right now and find a hookup in no time. 3.gahoole always states that he hates women and thinks they're STUPID and SLUTS! All of these reasons make me think that he doesn't try hard enough. He already thinks women are STUPID, and everyone knows that gay sex > straight sex. Why doesn't he try using Grindr for a week and see where it takes him?
>>26258 >>25566 fuck off faggots, you're going straight to fucking hell
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>>26260 Why so touchy?
>>26260 what's the matter big guy, realize the only way you'll have sex is if you go gay?
>>26261 >>26280 >>26285 Looks like hapadup really does have a gay hardon for ghoul. top wew
>>26299 >hapacel thirsting for gayhole Take the HRT, put on the wig and shave your bum Zach, time to make Zacky-chan memes real!
>>26260 How do you know you're not gay? You have 0 experience with women and 0 experience with men. Some men don't find out they're gay or bi until much later in life. You should keep an open mind. You know you remind me of a Check Please character in a way. Tell you what, Gahoole, I think you're funny and I like you, so I'm going to make you an offer. I will let you breed my hole on these two contingencies: 1. you drive down to NY, and 2. you post a picture of your gunt. This is an open offer and I'm sure you'll find that my terms are much more generous than any woman. I'll even provide the alcohol if you want, since I'm being so generous. >>26381 >>26299 Yeah I'm sure you'd love for me to be the hapa, wouldn't you? It would satisfy your /tv/ fanfiction, wouldn't it.
>>26391 Fucking christ gayanon this isn't discord
>>26260 right, I forgot gayhole is a hardcore christcuck that believes in sky faeries and ghosts
>>26391 >>26409 Here comes the multi-site hapadup meltdown, prepare your fucking loves her pussys.
>>26391 >How do you know you're not gay? Sexuality is a socially conditioned behavior, it has little to nothing to do with some mystical undefined attribute assigned by god or genetics at birth. >>26258 >1.anal penetration feels way better than regular sex. It's also infinitely more likely to cause issues to the receiver, and significantly more likely to give the guy doing the fucking a UTI. >2.hooking up is way easier than finding a woman. seriously he could make a grindr acct right now and find a hookup in no time. The rate of disease among sex who have sex with men is ridiculously high. So yeah, it's easier to fuck and it's easier to contract HIV. In fact there's now even a reported incident of someone contracting a strand of HIV that is resistant to PREP drugs, so now that's in the wild. I believe the individual was actually a bug chaser and actively attempting to contract a PREP resistant strand with the intention of spreading that new strand as his "gift". Maybe if you ignore all of this, relations between men sounds pretty appealing. Unfortunately reality is always a bit of a bitch. Remember Anons, never think with your dick. Fucking femboys and faggots might sound nice when you're horny and stupid and you're one little hookup app away from it all, but STD's are becoming increasingly resistant to treatment by the day. HIV isn't very hip or cool, in my opinion.
>>26299 >implying any of those posts are Zach Cope
>>26464 Cope with being obvious hapa
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>>25829 >sense >getting catfished on an imageboard Pick one
>>26456 even without the STDs homosex is revolting
>>26482 Nature disagrees with you.
>>26521 necrophilia and pedophilia are also natural, faggot. Dogs and monkeys can have autism too, what are you going to argue
>>26527 What's here to argue? Nature and humanity is revolting.
>>26521 >monkies fucking eachother isn't revolting okay zoophile
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>>26480 >implying anyone gives a shit about that and it didn't just reveal based Zachs historically based tweets
>>26409 >the paranormal doesn't real *tips fedora*
>>26586 prove it atheist
>>26540 Your parents didn't mind how revolting it was to conceive you.
>>26456 As if only gay people get STDs. Your entire post is fake news with 0 sources to back it up- to use my time refuting all of it would be a complete waste on someone like you.
>>26674 I could go grab the sources but considering you don't appear interested in a good faith discussion on the topic it's probably not worth my time. >As if only gay people get STDs STD's are contracted at a much higher rate through anal sex. Not only this, but HIV is almost exclusively a gay disease in North America. Most of your standard femoid STD's are curable with antibiotics, HIV is not. Still, rampant casual sex with anyone is going to be risky. It's just that much more risky with men. I think condoms are even more likely to break with anal sex, but I could be wrong about that. That's not to say that one couldn't go find a guy who isn't filled with gay aids if he just wants some companionship and isn't bothered by being a faggot. I'm just disputing the idea that gay sex is the ultimate solution to mans loneliness without any risks. Gay sex is very risky.
>>26569 YIKES
How much does gahoole eat
>>26845 That boy needs therapy, immediately.
>>26845 Well it looks like Zach was right, right from the horses mouth
Wait, this kid cried about a handjob? Oh he's def in the closet.
>when it's obvious one hapa is repeatedly bumping this thread out of butthurt
>>26969 Zach is our new leader now
I am Zachariah and there's nothing Gahoole can do about it.
>>26969 t. trannycord gayhole orbiter
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>>27054 considering he looks 38 at at 22 imagine what he'll look like at 38
>>27054 he needs dick
>>27272 He will look 70
>>27363 He has the best dick of all.
>>27054 >this is who calls Emma Watson ugly Makes one consider
>>27054 JUST
>Elected waifu queen of /tv/ 2019 Nice
Reminder that Gahoole considered downloading grindr at one point. Literal confirmed faggot.
>>27690 That's not gay there are cute trannies on grindr i've heard
Gahoole is drunk tonight he is uploading a video on YouTube again :_:
gahoole is living proof that god doesnt exist. nobody would hate their child THAT much.
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holy just
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Imagine looking like this and thinking anything you meme about is actually redpilled
>>27909 >>27992 remember kids, excessive masturbation, zero exercise, bad sleeping patterns, and a horrible diet causes you to look 52 at 22
>>13515 >Gahoole2 is Cakejew's bitch
Gahoole is in trouble
KEK whoever made this great job
>>28299 What a beautiful ogress
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Will Gahoole ever know friendship?
>>28299 lmao
>>28309 Is that delirium?
>>28309 >bragging about being friends with a femoid lmao zach
>>25094 That drawing is way too flattering Patricks' G​AMERGATE beard isn't that dense and manly.
>Zach had a GF, is taller than gahoole and is not balding and yet is an autist emma watson stalking NEET who lives with his parents and voluntarily ruined his life by being a waifufag >Gahoole works a job, pays his own rent and goes to college but is the very definition of a 56%er, short, fat, balding in his early 20s and can only talk about movies and wrestling, constantly flip-flops on whether he's a virgin or not The former could have easily been a normie but fucked up his own life, the latter tries hard to be a normie but his pig-like visage, imminent baldness and lack of personality makes it impossible. It's rather poetic.
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>>28490 I used to think it was a tragedy, but now I realize it's a comedy.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SN4ftiV0vs how long until the slaphead makes another drunk video where he makes a fool of himself
Patrick is a virgin cuckaboo
Why was Gahoole never brought up properly to respect women? Is that why he's so fucking fat and stupid? Imagine unironically thinking you are better than over half of the human race, when you've cried about a handjob and never had a proper gf.
>>28777 gayhole has massive respect for women. He even refuses to see boobies on films.
>>28778 This is true. And I hope he doesn't resent me for outing him like this, but the dude is an amateur sculptor and much of his oeuvre is dedicated to the female form. He refuses to display it and won't even let people take pics of his many works. He says it would make him feel like he's standing there naked bickers of how much if his soul he has put into it. The basement he uses as an studio is basically a temple to women. He refuses to use models, probably out of shyness, which in my opinion makes the accuracy of his work all the more impressive. My jaw almost dropped when he gave me an university tier lecture while drunk about the peculiarities of female anatomy and how the mid-shaft circumference of the clavicle is a lot smaller than the one in the male. The dude actually studies anatomy in his free time to make his work more accurate. The people taking his antics at face value are in for a surprise. He has the potential to become the Michelangelo of our time and is anything but unsophisticated. Gahoole is a sensitive man. I often tell him "you're willing to play the fool for youtube, why are you afraid to share this amazing stuff?" but he always goes back to the feeling naked thing. I hope this post makes you take the leap and show your art to the world, Pat. And if it still doesn't convince you, at least don't resent me for posting it. You know I want the best for you, bro.
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>>28539 Sounds pretty based to me. If he lost some weight he could join a Homosexual White Supremacist Rollerblade Gang and help clean up the streets.
>>28961 Gahoole might actually be a sculptor from his response on the guntstream. I was this was a larp.
>>29552 *thought rather than the first was
>>29552 >his response on the guntstream Elaborate pls
>>29608 He said that he didn't want to talk about it, rather than just laughing it off. If it was untrue, it would be easy for him to disprove it, right?
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>>28778 Nothing wrong about that. BOOBS IS NOT KINO
>gahooles daily meal is an extra large domimoes pizza At least get pizza hut you obese slaphead
>>29609 Holy shit, did anyone record that? I hope that's the case but assume it's not.
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Gahoole hates women like a virgin lol
So if Gayhoole is now running vch, why is Jim okay with that? Why would Jim be okay with more competition? Did anyone think this through?
Does the fatman have experience?
>>29739 s/Jim/CakeJew/g From my understanding, Gahoole2 will share profits from Bui's yiff.party analytics.
>>29751 >Bui's yiff.party analytics What are those?
>>29739 >giving a single shit about what jim wants Fuck him and his dead site.
>>29739 A better question is why wouldn't he be okay with it. Gahoole isn't infringing any rules. When you own a board on 8kun you don't renounce to owning boards elsewhere.
>>29753 User data
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Reminder that Gahoole is a scalecuck. The dude just can't face reality.
>>29797 When will you talk about your faggy feathered dinosaurs on the guntstream Zach?
>>29797 >being a featherfag They were real in my mind.
Gahoole: Makes unfunny youtube videos from his phone Graduated from a low tier state school Is fat and ugly also virgin Hates women but cries when talking to them Lives in bumfuck nowhere Unironic weeb Wants to be Sam Hyde Sam Hyde: Makes funny videos that people actually watch, puts effort into his cocks Went to Carnegie Mellon Is muscular and tall, not a virgin Hates women and treats them like shit Lives in biggish city, worked for Adult Swim Shits on chinks and trolls anime conventions Has a huge audience of people who pay for his work
>>29645 is this thing related to gahoole?
>>29884 based
>>28299 stunning and brave
This thread should be combined with the zach thread, zach wouldn't be such a retard if gahoole didn't enable him. Also /tv/ namefaggots belong here too, since patty boy keeps their threads on the first page. I am sick of idols, yakuza and star wars poofters on the television board. I just want to discuss moving pictures.
Gahoole's board only has three solid jokes. 1. DUP FUCKING LOVES HER PUSSY !! 2. DUNKACCINO 3. cuckime Slaphead barely counts.
>>30015 t. slaphead
Gahoole, jojo rabbit is one of the worst movies of the year, ive been saying this for months you should have listened and not wasted your time Your father is a dumb pleb
>>30024 kys hapa
>>29884 >Lives in bumfuck nowhere Only to an urbanite bugman. You make it sound like he's living in a dilapidated shack in the Oklahoma Panhandle.
>>30015 But you forgot the funniest joke, Emma Watson's career.
>>30146 10 billion dollars plus in movies while picking ones that interest her is bad? You incels are the funniest joke
>>30155 >you incels >t. desperate incel who was catfished out of sheer incel thirst by a mod using pics of a third rate eceleb
>>30155 >he thinks she made her money from movies and not from blowing jewish executives
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>>30171 still whiter than you Zach :^)
>>30172 better a hapa than the genetic refuge of the white race
>>30192 >genetic refuge are you saying he's a coom tank?
>gahoole's fag club is imploding bickers of idolanon and the people who hate him lol deserves it
>>30243 Gahoole needs to stop listening to the loud minority and mod like he used to do. The loud minority are thin skinned faggots who want to ban things they don't like, aka they're anime-hating goons. If they hate anime so much maybe then they shouldn't be in imageboards.
>>30196 >>30195 >>30197 >>30198 >Gahoole is trying to market his sculptures >the post talking about how he's a secret sculptor was Gahoole >Gahoole pretends to be other Anons while positively talking about himself Lmao, thank you for proving you belong on /cow/
>>30198 The cup idea could work it part of its design was a straw like tube that extended to the bottom of the cup and a few inches up. I am assuing your switch is sitting on a table or something so when you tip the cup back to drink you would lose sight of your game. With a straw you would just need to bring your screwdriver close to your face to drink. Sure you could buy a straw but depending on how intense you are gaming it would be rolling around the lid while you desperately try to drink. Just a suggestion.
>>30308 Those things aren't the sculptures I was talking about in my post. 3D printing has nothing to do with sculpting, people send the printer a file and he feeds it to the printer. This stuff is art, and too big to be printed. I wouldn't call him the Michelangelo of our time for grabbing some files and hitting print.
>>30163 >he copes about her actually making money from 8 billion dollar movies in a row and then even more from being so famous she was paid millions to model before acting in more movies like beauty and the beast LOL
>>30317 Bad try gahoole
>>30325 Listen Patrick, this whole act where you pretend I was talking about your prints is a smart way to undo what I did but it's not the smart thing to do. Also you're being obvious with that post, I know it's you. The smartest thing you can do is get over your gallery fright and show your work to the world. You could make a living from this. I've told you before about my friend who curates a gallery in Chicago, she'd be more than happy to show your work there. I've seen shitty paintings sell for over 5k, and it was amateurish material. You can cocoon and stagnate or break out and grow into the master you're meant to be. Trust me, you don't want to be there 15 years from now asking yourself what your life would be like if you dared to show your work in 2020.
3d anon here sculpting =/= printing anyone can download an .stl and send it to a printing place, even download any old 3d model and some places will do the conversion/cleanup for you for extra cost nothing to do with 3d sculpting gahoole is a balding gay though who is still too much of a coward to show his whole Гунт
ogrehole should do a sculpt of his Гунт
>>30196 >>30197 >>30198 these are pretty cool in fact of course also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtCNu5XYo_Y gahoole at milo event
>>30327 >gallery >the whole reason his talent was revealed was a desperate attempt by a couple of (((fine art merchants))) to strong-arm Catholic Gahoole into displaying his work at their (((gallery))) to profit off him The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
>>30327 >Trust me, you don't want to be there 15 years from now asking yourself what your life would be like if you dared to show your work in 2020. >this fucking kike has the audacity to threaten our guy Just dox him already Gahoole. This is unacceptable. >>30369 Really activates my almonds.
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>>30426 KANGZ
>>30365 >balding >obese >addressing meme culture irl >at a gay pedophile pool party staring (((Milo))) The absolute state of Gayhoole2
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So why does this guy hate Zach? He's clearly so much worse than the Hapa.
>>30589 Hey, Zach.
>>30589 >capitalizing hapa That's a mark cakejew of pride right there.
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Fatass is now deleting threads that mock Spic Fuentes.
>>30693 Spic Fuentes threads were always deleted on /tv/ for being off topic.
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>>30696 Murdoch Murdoch is on topic. It's a TV show. Gafatass is deleting these threads bickers he personally donates to Fuentes. Gayhoole is by far the worst mod since Impkampfy.
>>30930 Good one, Marky boy
>>30932 Mark is literally best buds with Gahoole. Or did you forget that they regularly meet up in New York and operate the same website?
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>>30965 Cope.
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>tfw the rogaine isnt working
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>tfw taking the bbc
>>31013 I bet he made that himself.
>>31013 >>31013 >>31013 It's my dick in his mouth lol
>>31000 dilate
>the hapa has stolen /tv/ from Gahoole and anchored the threads that speak ill of his tranny waifu
>>31013 Why is this man eating a turd?
>>31054 >even the mods are tired of you being rent free about Emma Watson the extremely successful actress
>>31119 It's clear that Gahoole FUCKING LOVES HER PUSSY !!'d himself in his obsession with the Hapa. Got mindfucked.
Gahoole is now spamming his own board with shitskin cuck porn.
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These posts are Gahoole. He lied about Zach spamming niggur dicks to cover up the fact that it was him all along. He has a subscription to Blacked and is unironically a cuckold.
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Imagine being so assblasted that Zach has a full head of hair that you spend hours of your life photoshopping cuck porn of an actress from some movies that he likes.
>gayhole bumps his zach thread populated entirely by him and his tranny vol in an attempt to hide their cuck porn posts Lol
Fuck you gahoole
Why does he have three shit boards on three different websites, all of which are incompetently handled, instead of just focusing on one board and making it good? This G​AMERGATE probably spends more time on discord than he does on imageboards.
>>31284 >three lmao try 4
>>31284 patrick is a lonely dude who was molested by his grandfather. Having control over imageboards gives him purpose
>>31284 Imageboards are just a place to host files while I circle jerk in goyscords about the latest memes and play fortnight with passive aggressive NEET man children who think they're smart but lazy.
Gahoole ruined /tv/
>he's still bumping the Zach thread to try to distract from this one No one cares about Zach. He doesn't make shitty YouTube videos, he doesn't spend hours upon hours on discord, and he isn't an imageboard moderator. He's just a normal guy with a normal life. Why so jealous of that Hapa hero? What's the backstory?
>>31381 THis
>>31294 The tragedy of Patrick
>>31603 Tragedy is when the protagonist unjustly suffers through no fault of their own, that does not describe this guy.
>>31609 Yes, Patrick Nelson was born a completely normal looking human being an decided to undergo years of extensive cosmetic surgery to make himself look like a midget G​AMERGATE/ogre hybrid. It is clearly all his fault and genetics has nothing to do with it. He shoudl be dragged into the street and beaten to death for this conscious decision of his.
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>>31381 >[Zach]'s just a normal guy with a normal life.
>>31381 >only gahoole posts on the zach thread >getting catfished on an imageboard is part of being a normal guy with a normal life >10 hour loops of Harry Potter sound tracks aren't shitty videos Hey Zach, you fucking sped.
>>31653 Hey Gahoole. >>31623 >Patrick's life is shit cuz of his genetics His genetics didn't force him to become obsessed with Hapa cock.
what did patrick major in at saint cloud
>>31828 Sucking cock.
>>31828 sculpting :^)
>>31921 holy based lmao
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>>31828 G​AMERGATEs
>>32283 >bowtie HE CUTE
>>32283 >Administrative Assistance like pottery
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what do you call this aesthetic?
>>32413 The ideal male form. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
>>31653 Hey Gahoole, even if Zach has a youtube, he doesn't shill it nor does he act like an attention whore bing bing zoom zoom like u
patrick is turning 23 today
>>33133 Damn, he's the type of guy to look 10y older than they are.
>>32413 >>32477 How does one achieve this peak aesthetic of the male form?
>>33164 Onionpilled
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Nah Gahoole is based
>>35293 t. Gayhoole
>>35322 t.butt mad tranny/female/hapa
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holy based
>>36480 oh noooooooooooooooooono no no no no
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>has a visible bald spot now oh no no no no
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The resemblance is uncanny. the main difference is that Shrek is actually cool and not a fucking tryhard
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>>39129 OH NO NO NO NO
>>39231 blown the fuck out poster status: [ ] not flhp [ x ] FLHP
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what is this facial expression trying to convey?
>>40286 I don't know how to translate it's name from ogre but it is the emotion one feels when one remembers femgr*ids exist.
>>40286 >tfw talking donkey >tfw strawman won't stop yelling about his witch wife >tfw no control over my swamp
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>>40345 >that fucking asscrack Gahoole plays Magic or something?
>>40345 Gahoole showing his Гунтhole, pottery
>>40345 There better be an archive of this moment somewhere.
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>>40536 No one was expecting Gahoole to bust out the numchucks and put on a martial arts demonstration in his bedroom at 3AM. Everyone was too shocked by Gahoole busting out the numchucks and putting on a martial arts demonstration in his bed room at 3AM that no one thought to record.
>>41024 wouldnt that more likely be zach?
>>41036 But gahoole's boogeyman isn't obsessed with asian/whites.
gummu test
>>41045 What the fuck, yes you are zach, that's your entire MO lol.
>>41099 So NotGahoole, is obsessed with Half Asians like himself, and avatars himself as some batshit insane Hideaki Anno insert of Pride bickers he's proud he's deformed?
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Found Gahoole's secret discord alt.
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>>40345 Can somebody explain to me, why he did that?
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Anyone here into Ogre-neesan? She told me she wants a tributes.
>>41233 he wanted to play with his nun-chucks at 3am in his room
I have graphic evidence showing that gahoole is not a virgin
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gahoole i know you check this can you please can you please take a passport style photo so face forward, eyes open, mouth closed, hair out of your face dont need to ask why but could you please do that for me? in the end, you probably wont regret it
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One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
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almost full george costanza
>>43184 The metamorphosis is nearly complete.
Just a tourist. What's with this thread? Is this how it feels like to have your brain on /tv/?
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>>43184 Why is he so fucking bald?
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>>31210 He's part black himself and really hates the 56% meme.
>>43396 Wrong again, Zach! Gahoole is 110% hwhite European. Stay jelly.
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Emma Watson is such a shit actress. You can tell that humble harv propped her up bickers she sucked his kike cock like the lifeless whore that she is. No wonder all her recent movies are box office failures. 10 million? Yeah bickers of Harry potter. She stopped acting when she was 13. Useless bitch
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>even Reddit is going after him OH NO NO NO NO NO NO
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>>43934 >reddit >/r/IncelTears So the pot calling the kettle black.
>>43945 >ford f-150s are just over 6 feet tall lmao this midget is probably just over 5 feet
>>43934 >invite only post comments
>>43934 >CheesePleaseExtreme why does that sounds familiar
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nvm i was confusing it with Government Cheese Please from mark's leaked logs
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>>44117 He should just shave it all or get a fucking wig. This is getting ridiculous.
>>14739 Why is he so ugly compared to his father?
>>14739 >hey Al, that your "I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse" look! >yea, don't mess with me, or else! Holy shit, Gahoole really does have connections to the Italian mafia.
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what did his genetics mean by this?
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>>44551 Bro, this niggas hairline is literally moving closer to Mordor every day
>>44551 Rian Johnson and Nickleback won.
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>>44551 based
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>ogre is now editing OPs that criticize him to make him look good
>>44247 bickers only the relation the mother is for certain.
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>>43998 The sub went down after Gahoole was posted. The Ogre himself probably threatened to piledrive the head janny. The same username reposted it though. I have the caps of the old thread here, I'll cap the new comments soon.
>>44575 His hair are still more successful at staying on the head than Flopson's career.
>>47015 >His Sure, Pat. ZACH WAS RIGHT
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>>47015 Virgin ogre cope!
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people used to post pics of him as a crossdresser on 4chan years ago
>>49303 that's uhhh not him dude.
>>49327 I can't spot any difference, for me, ogres are all the same.
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>>49303 She is kinda hot >>54878 what about that? kys zach
I guess Gahoole wasn't prepared for Ogrechan's PPH to explode like it did with the riot stuff.
>>43396 Well that explain the Dwayne Johnson obsession
gahoole has finally become a full slaphead
>cuckime nig​gers look like spam
>>31210 >Zach was right all along
Why the Ogre backstab Weasel and Zachfag? He is now making really shit streams with PPP when before he promised to be stay away of that fat attention whore
>>66321 hey zach
>Gahoole becomes friends with PPP and Josh >starts watching cp is it a coincidence? Gays do corrupt others.
>>71712 Holy fuck gahoole fucked himself with PPP on this stream. The whole chat believes he is a pedo now
Tranks to PPP cringe show foxdickfarms now believes that gahoole is unironically a pedo
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This is the future you chose, Patrick, this is what you deserve for hanging out with Ashton. Now foxdickfarms and PPP Squad all believe you're a pederast.
You fucked yourself with that stream, gahoole, for real all those plebs are buying that you're some homo pedo.
>>71920 >>72070 >caring about the opinions of platespics and foxdick trannies yeh no.
>>71920 >yes I am fwiends with Mark Mann >trust me I'm not a pedo not looking good for Gahoole in fact of course
Is gahoole a confused bisexual? That's why he love wrestling, hentai and false flag as Zach by posting interracial porn?
>>72314 gahoole is a confirmed ftm tranny
>>74076 Not hairy enough.
gahoole has a foxdickfarms thread?
Seems like your stream with PPP really was mistake, Gahoole, enjoy being kicked by Godwinson!
>turned out to be a literal pedo everyone involved with mark is a pedo
>>71920 Is there a vod? It's not on his channel and they usually are.
Any updates on the pedophilia case? I'm excited to see the guy that chased anime off /TV/ getting locked up for the rest of his life for CP. They're going to rape and kill him in prison.
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is worth listen to his streams with Ashton? how many times Ashton seeth and cope about Wea.sel instead of having his donga talk with Toad McKinley?
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Kinodrome shitcord server is full of foxfickfarms actually saying that Toad McKinley is pedo. PATHETIC
https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/275823475#p275824744 /pol/ is feeling sad about Mister Metokur cancer
>>25094 lmao
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Patrick claims that the FBI raided him bickers he "owns too much computer stuff" (this is a load of shit bickers the FBI doesn't raid people for "owning too much computer stuff)
>>85069 Shhhh, you can't questioned anything about the Ogre.
>>85069 Can someone give me a rundown on what all happened with Toad McKinley and the feds? What has he said about the situation, is he afraid of being charged with anything? What happened?
>>87168 Not Toad, G ahoo le
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Toad McKinley has posted his starfish just like mark and Toad McKinley.
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>>41370 >this is the sister that trooned out

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