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Poseidon, former right-winger grifter and Pagan LARPer / Neet shitskin and schizo Brian Holloman 03/19/2022 (Sat) 23:19:42 ID: 90501c No.141211
Poseidon is one of those many grifters who started getting into the "redpill" bus around 2016 by making videos about immigration in Europe. As "greek-sicilian" he was said to have a more European opinion than the average right-wingers from UK, German and USA about all subjects. However, he never became popular in circles like 4chan /pol/, with only 8chan /pol/ paying any attention to him and a few European anons. In 2018 he had his former channel take down, creating a second channel (his actual one). But since 2019 he started to show himself to be a little less mature and socially successful as he claimed. During weekends, he started doing livestreams called "Whitepilled weekend" in which it constituted of him quietly reading news with his heavy accent while free-copyright music played in the background. Note that as a European, he started these streams every weekend around 2am in European time. Over time, these livestreams began to gain a share of trolls, mocking the fact that Poseidon, who was said to be a mature man, of family, spent every weekend awake hoping to get donations and seething about any jokes about him on chat. After 8chan /pol/ notice that Poseidon didn't take criticism well and was openly banning anyone with the slightest criticism of him the views started to drop and more trolls started to show up. Over time, he stopped those livestreams, according to him, the Catholic Church was being responsible for his troll problems, by sending the trolls together with american Daily Stormer trolls. With that, his first signs of schizophrenia and narcissism showed. In 2020 Poseidon has embarked on the covid wave, and started bleeding views and subscribers. His videos about immigration and politics in Europe stopped and he started to make videos saying how Donald Trump is a massive loser retard and same about any people who supported him, to the point of making a sequence of videos proving that Biden won the election legitimately. Interspersed with videos about Biden being a "chad", he made multiple videos about covid restrictions and vaccine. In these videos, he was totally in favor of forced vaccination, use of masks and severe restrictions. With that, his views, which he now denounces as "far-right" and "Crazy Christians" started jumping off the boat and making serious criticisms about him. How Poseidon reacted? He started replying, comment by comment, personally attacking anyone criticizing him. He would look at anyone's Youtube channel criticizing him and find any detail about the person's personal life or their taste in games, music, etc. He also obsessively started attacking any Americans or Christians in the comments of his videos even if some of those didn't show any criticism about him. Some of the videos around this time had their comment section locked. At the same time, he made a video saying that the right-winger movement was being controlled by the Catholic Church, KGB and American elite. That it would be impossible for Europe to prosper as long as Christians lived in Europe or people voted for politics with any connection with Russia or USA, once again attacking any European politics who have met at any time in their lives with Putin or Trump or are against covid restrictions. Even his old opinions about immigration changed, now he denounces "White Genocide" as a conspiracy theory made up by crazy far-right incels and says the Elite is right to want to have more low-cost employees in Europe and North America and Christians are just worried about being replaced with Muslims and don't care about anything else. With that, he lost around 3k subscribers in this year so far, with downvotes being predominant. So he started making videos claiming he was being attacked by NeoNazis and Christians who had the goal of dox him and his family, although there is no evidence that anyone really cared enough about him to do so. How the far-right are the true terrorists when compared to Antifa and he was being unfairly attacked by extremists and genocidal idiots who wish for the end of the world instead of getting a vaccine. From above 25k subscribers, now his channel has less than 6k subs. In more recent times, to hide all the shit show, he deleted all previous videos as well as his old livestreams, claiming he's being flagged by antivaxxers and NeoNazis. New users on the channel may believe his lies, but many speculate that he wants to hide any ties he had in the past with the "alt-right", the streams with him being trolled and the videos where he only received critics and downvotes. He also changed the description of his channel to be "anti-extreme Right's dangerous agenda". Now Poseidon is full Ukraine war, desperately trying to gain views again and attract a new audience by also attacking Nick Fuentes after noticing that grifters talking about Nick usually get views. https://www.youtube.com/c/POSEIDONLIVE/about https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/poseidonlive https://www.patreon.com/poseidon7 https://dlive.tv/REALPOSEIDON
Damn he really does have thin skin, almost sperg of tiamat-tier. I'll see if I can get any good zingers out of him.
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>I have principles
Here some archives from his stuff. https://altcensored.com/watch?v=KKIUrU083n4 Try to figure out the moment he flipped his entire script.
He always hated Trump and americans as whole since many years ago and was always careful to show his hate for christians, that's why he used to be somewhat popular among certain Europeanfags in 8chan /pol/ and /intl/. But this entire antivaxxer crusade is news to me. He's one hell of a faggot if he's doing it just bickers he was threatened by le evil NatSocs. All I know about him is that he claims to be a DJ, but used to act like a sperg when people commented that he lack of creativity to make good jokes and songs. And supposedly, he's a neet, that's why he hates Salvini and wanted to protect his neet bucks from immigrants.
This is the runescape streamer?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nfiVqxTufs Lmao the guy is for sure very butthurt
wtf crazy how people have changed since 2016
>>141457 grifters move with the grift.
I heard recently that he might be defending himself on /dup/, would be funny if true.
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He posted a video about showing his proofs of Trump being a Russian asset a few days ago, but he deleted the video. Instead, he posted this one talking about how KGB is behind the alt-right and anti-vaxxers https://youtu.be/IRci6cYIzEU as a side now, his dead channel now only have these same dudes commenting, all pagan faggots pretending to be Ukrainians
>>143014 Honestly would not be suprised if they were sock accounts, also he recently shilles himself on /dup/.
what a cringy fag
https://tvch.moe/dup/res/108940.html poseiden /dup/ spotting.
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Poseidon is deserving of a thread, he's caught a lot of attention in right wing circles for the total disinfo and tone change he's had. I remember when I couldn't stop mixing him up with ihypocrite and tolerant fellow bickers they all blend together. He's totally changed in such a short time and I don't even know who he's appealing to, he hates Trump people, but hates white nationalists, "antisemites" and conspiracy theorists. That then begs the question, who is Poseidon actually appealing too? also archive everything, this guy constantly nukes his shit bickers he puts up false info constantly than realizes how gay he looks, so always check the comments and screenshot
>>143476 This faggot likely shadow banned my account bickers I was doing my fair share of baitpost with one of my sock accounts and I didn't see any replies to them, he truly is a shameless little bitch, their is something so insincere and ingenuine of these sorts of alt-kike bandwagoners who just change everything for the next grift. I also love his seething hatred for dup and amerimutts when he is likely less white than the average American.
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Speaking of grifters, there's faggots similar to Goyseidon on cuckchan's /pol/ >https://boards.4chan.org/pol/catalog#s=uhg They seem to get easily asshurt over the slightest thing, and I must say they'd be perfect and ripe for julaying. I wonder how long it will take them to astroturf outside of kikechan/kohlcuck.
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Poseidon has now admitted to working with the New Zealand federal authorities to report Philip Arps who was falsely arrested simply for sharing the Christchurch video for commenting on Poseidon's video and disagreeing. Who knows if it was even the real Philip Arps? Poseidon also changed his profile picture to the kike Zelensky. Poseidon has also declared jihad, saying he has a list of nazis he's going to target, expose and destroy, contacting their employers, families and their local police to arrest them
>>143737 Fucking kike-tier turncoat grifter who never believed in anything.
>>143737 Poseidon 100% confirmed for watching this thread, that gay retard took down the video within 2-3 hours of this post being made. He realizes he fucked up. Here's a reupload of Poseidon admitting to working with the New Zealand federal authorities and bragging about contacting his former donors workplaces so they're fired and can't feed their families anymore bickers "they're nazi duginists". https://youtu.be/-0D-3OllPc8
>>143778 Reminder that if you flag this video down kikesidon it only further proves that you lurk this thread.
He made a video weeks ago showing his proves that Trump is a russian asset, then he deleted the video lol no only that, but now he changed his old profile pic and put the Ukraine (((President))) as his new avatar while almost all his videos has the same five people commenting
PIsseidon made this comment earlier today larping as a Ukrainian / Slav despite being a greek nationalist. Pisseidon deleted the comment after an hour bickers stealing valor for a "genocide" that never occurred is the faggiest and most jewish shit around. it is MY war, Russia is genociding MY people link to post https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkxl09rBWIgLqcVjuyRtxyhDrZBtubenUU1
Greeks are just shitskins. Discount Turks.
Please do not downrate Sschizo Shitskin's videos https://youtu.be/uMjVBbZUhEY
he will probably delete this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz5dsXWXp2M&ab_channel=POSEIDON "if you voted for Trump, you deserve cancer! Trump would be invading Ukraine with Putin right now!" lmao what a fucking retard, all this bickers people made fun of him for being a pro mask faggot
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lmfao he's been claiming for almost 24 hours that CRP died and coping hard as possible posting fake new he's begging for NATO to invade Ukraine and getting schizophrenic as fuck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugApWos6YQA https://youtu.be/7DTBGawIVI8
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>>146270 I come here to post this. Check his entire community section and his retard takes and fans posts. The dude is honestly like a retard mix of blackpill LARPagan, radical centrist, vapid socialist and boomer Remember to archive all his shit, bickers he deletes it Also he has a telegram now
>>143702 <clicks link Jesus Christ, the absolute cringe.
None of his fans are even real they are sock accounts.
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He's making those shitty shorty videos with "evidences" of why X-person is a russian asset. He made two or three about Trump being a KBI minion, but he deleted bickers he's a coward grifter after all. Instead, he's once again trying to grift toward Spic Fuentes or other figures. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdbYFl3gxdw&ab_channel=POSEIDON THE TRUE REDPILLED AND ILLUMINATED GRIFTER IN POLICIES! Since all the Ukraine shit is barely getting views now from anyone trying to make money with it let's see what's next. Maybe will be another cry about anti-vaxxers.
wtf is this guy problem? he keeps deleting videos and seems to take his youtube life very serious
>He's now trying to copy Memeology 101 style of videos
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He hasn't posted any videos in the last two weeks, instead he posts retard stuff on his community tab. One of the post (now deleted) was about "russian tourists" with Pepe t-shirts walking in his neighborhood. Or he make it up or he's indeed schizo as fuck. Other than that, he's still an addicted covid vax and now anti-gun guy. The retard is literally using The Wall Street Journall as his source!
The faggot made some video on white identity a couple of weeks ago, decide the grift kikesideon.
>>157743 Link?
https://youtu.be/Bdc3IdRBkxw After weeks he's back, now once again seething on Dup. He will probably delete the video like he did with the other vids about Trump, I wonder if he's bipolar or something like that
>>159794 Whys he always gets around 11 likes, 11 comments, etc? Is channel is this dead and artificial?
>>159799 Probably are some sock acconts among those.
>>159799 >>159817 He uses socks acconts for sure, but he also has a small crew of ukrainian tards and pagans (probably canadians larping as slavs) and some guy pretending to be based Persian warriors
Are you guys ready to some DJ Pozseidon tracks? https://youtu.be/eMw231CdypA From failed DJ to failed political grifter!
>>161999 crange
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>>162000 C'mon, man, he's inspired by the muses!!! https://youtu.be/sPIw4K7FCZU I remember when he actually used to had views with his Whitepills streams he really sperg out when people wrote any other criticism on chat, one night he banned at least twenty of his 50 views. Unfortunately he doesn't livestreams anymore, it makes hard to get a reaction.
>>162005 megacrange
Kikedom literally has become a hikikomori bickers of his panic about covid, he said it's almost three years since he leave his family house.
Holy fuck He changed his YouTube channel and profile picture, he's definitely lurking and trying to delete anything about his past as alt-right grifter. Also, absolutely obsessed with covid vaccines. https://youtu.be/EzZfKfovSBI
>>165769 >>165806 Good, I hope he croaks stinking and disheveled in his house, wearing a cuckmuzzle.
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>>165806 >also obsessed with Putin >n-noo, he can't win! kek, what a pathetic cuck. Reminds me of Trout
>>165806 the guy is having a mental collapse for a long time now, he's maybe in his 50's now and spent his days locked in his room hating everyone
>check channel description >vidoes abput the idiocracy and evil of humans NICE SPELLING FAGGOT Also, the seething is real with kikesidon.
if not for this thread i would have forgotten who this faggot is maybe 'tis better this way
What did he mean by this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0LAIexeu6o He's trying to get more immigrants to move to Greece now? Just going full schizo? The vaccine damaged his boomer brain so damn much?
>>167091 Funny thing is he isn't even greek.
>>167091 this faggot needs internet insanity on him
>I LOVE VACCINES https://archive.ph/RngaX
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>>167725 Lmao, I come here to post this. I wonder if Kikedon is a fat version of Gino DiGiannantonio at this point.
>>167728 >check about >vaccines save lives
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>Guys, I'm losing subs, but it's bickers I want it, h-hahahah-haha https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxXNLguZud8DvCM5rJe-S4zL7pJZzDB02X
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>>168234 https://archive.ph/RSo0D He's profile pic atm is (((Albert Bourla))), the CEO of Pfizer. Also, he deleted his comments on recent videos where he was where he was complaining that Youtube shadow banned him, but at the same time, the boomer greek genius seems to be proud to be "purging" his viewers. no doubt knows that /cow/ is paying attention to him, otherwise, he's just a schizo egocentric, bickers nobody else online care about him anymore.
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>Coach is American Also, what did he mean by this?
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KIKEDON IS DEPRESSED AND WANT TO KILL ALL ANTIVAXXERS INSTEAD OF AFRICAN IMMIGRANTS! >>168234 >>168235 WRFM PaRaDoX is a Kikedon socks account. This is clear as day. Same writing patterns, use of emojis, channel with shitty remixes of music, making fully covenient comments to Kikedon reply to expose what's going on to his small audience. Really lonely people often do this, simulate conversations with each other, even online.
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>>168240 Pozeidon has multiple socks accs, it's pathetic as fuck of course in fact mang. Look at this channel, majority of comments use the same emojis as him and the same writing patterns.
someone linked the thread to NuZach on tvch and he sperg out about people here making fun of Poseidon. He (nuzach) was in a thread also praising Ukraine and advocating vaccines.
>>168861 nuzach is truly owning the /cow/tists anon, SUPPORTING sweaty gamerS AND PRO VACCINE GRIFTERS TO OWN THEM EPIC STYLE!
>>168865 He also spam the Asston gifs on the cyclical, the guy is simping for TheGatorGamer to "own" the "/cow/kikes".
https://www.youtube.com/c/POSEIDONLIVE/community >Hating on Christians and Americans in the same post >Being happy about unvaxed people dying of covid
>>148802 >>151993 >>170389 Neo-paganism is the right-wing version of New Atheism. A fad of Larpers with huge egos thinking they'll change the world by bitching online.
>>157717 >2nd pic God I hate that kind of disingenuous pilpul so much. When you remove the meaningless "school" qualifier and look at mass shootings in general (3+ people dead in any public space) the EU actually has a way higher casualty count than the U.S. in the last 20 years. The U.S. only accounts for 2% of mass shooting incidents worldwide and 1% of casualties, and out of the 97 countries which keep track of mass shootings is ranked 64. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3289010
>>170772 Pozeidon doesn't care about the truth, the guy has a deep hatred for the USA, and since he became a covid boomer he is religiously reading mainstream media sites and taking all of them as solid facts. If the NY Times publishes an article that covid makes a man's dick drop like a rotten fruit he will believe it. In fact, the guy hasn't set foot outside the house for two years.
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Check his playlists. https://www.youtube.com/c/POSEIDONLIVE/playlists Also, his channel now boils down to 1-Hate US, 2-Covid, 3-Ukraine 4-Schizoposting
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Pisseidoin is back and still obsessed with covid, Trump, Putin, America and Russia. I posted on his channel "When was the last time you left the house and touched the grass? Or covid hasn't let you out of the house in the last two years", on my phone hours late I checked my youtube and he apparently had answered me like a lunatic with lots of emojis, but when I clicked both my post and his are gone and now I'm banned from his channel. Last pic, Pisseidoin happy about unvaxxed americans dying second BIG MAINSTREAM NEWS. Also this Dany Varna who looks like some kind of slav/spic is the only one who writes these long essays on Pisseidon, all the rest only post "lmao" "lol" and emojis.
https://archive.ph/UWtHd faggot defends himself on /dup/ https://archive.ph/6QXGP video that was posted to /dup/ https://archive.ph/xFqUv video than was coincidentally posted to his jewtube, faggot is stealing cocks from ol' imageboards even now.
>>177656 The first link is me talking about him, but the rest is "big if true" like Dup himself says
Trump will cure this man
>>178393 Pisseidon is wishing for Dup death and the death of americans as a good turk.
>>178463 Turk Genocide now, rape all Turks, kill all Turks, crush Turkish fetishes into a grinder, feed all Turks into a woodchipper. Then put Trump in after them.
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>>141237 Probably won't find anything in there. The breakpoint was in some deleted livestream on dlive. There was some drama between him and the mods of one of the underling dlive channels he had taken under his wing and they broke him. "Papa" Godfather Poseidon couldn't believe someone had the audacity to make fun of him. He just spiraled from there. Multiple streams threatening to dox them, calling on everyone to ban them on site in any chat they see them in. He would even appear in chats they were in and start demanding the streamer ban them immediately or they were also on his shitlist. Full meltdown. It was pretty hilarious.
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His schizo behavior is getting worse. And he's obviously depressed that his channel died, now he's throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.
Some faggy clip-channel tried to become an e-celeb using this thread, i wonder who... oh no no no no no no no, eso faggyism bros!
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Since the beginning of February Pissdoin magically gained 990 subscribers when before he was bleeding like a pig. And yes, he keeps crying about the algorithm. His telegram group remains pretty dead and is losing more users than gaining new ones, Pissdoin is banning anyone there for being american or "anti-science". I feel like every social interaction he's had in the last two years has been entirely on his youtube channel and telegram. >>191975 What a faggot. His ego is getting out of hand like all the clip channels under the sun.
>>192000 >cries about americans being mutts <actually I'm greek-german with some slav blood, my dead grandparents told me after I got covid vaxed for the hundredth time
>>192000 >>192191 lmao, imagine being a boomer with your entire personality being hating america, hating anti-vaxxers and Ukraine War.
>>192000 I must admit, other people and I are gaslighting him, we made new 3k accounts subscribe to his channel in the last days. We want to see what will happened if he reach 15k subs again. Half of the new "subscribers" we are pretending to be alt-right users while the other half are "boomer coomers" like Poseison himself. Let's see which cocks will he choice, my bet is he will try to grift right-wingers again.
huh, was wondering if anyone was documenting this faggot and his shenanigans. I'd like to describe what he has as "nemets syndrome", it's where you basically repeat the official narrative on literally everything and try to give it a "based" paintjob so people forget that you're just a shill faggot and nothing you say is profound
>>195022 Pissdoin doesn't have a mind of his own. He is the typical grifter. These days he's just throwing shit at the wall and trying to see what sticks. For nearly four years he has streamed weekly trying to cash in on the alt-right, after 2020 america election and covid he changed completely. Unfortunately, as others have said, much about him was lost, nobody cared enough to mirror every stream he made, especially with chat included.
>>195026 >the left, who hold all institutions of power, are bad but the FAR RIGHT, who make fun of me online sometimes, are the REAL threat
>>195026 how does this fucking imbecile reconcile the contradiction in his hatred for america and his undying support for Ukraine. He DOES realize that without American support hohols are fish food for the Russians right?
One of the few things I know about about nu-Poseidon is that he hasn't left his house in almost three years. The guy used to be a dj at shitty clubs three decades ago, staying at home, afraid of covid only pushed him further into madness. >>195035 He is tolerating USA atm bickers of the aid, Biden helping Ukraine just made him hate Trump and "MAGATARDS" even more.
>>195030 >>195035 >>195037 The funny thing is, no one on the right ever gave a shit about him, especially about doxing him, it was pure schizophrenia. Neither antifa or stormfront cared about him. He barely had any collaboration with other youtubers. I only remember one channel doing anything together with Poseidon, that same shitty channel that sometimes invites Britanny TheGatorGamer. Still, I remember that in 2017 he used to reach 150 views in his live streams about "Whitepill", being all "alt-right" people watching his show. He played his shitty music and spoke in his thick accent about news and "whitepills" about Europe.
For the last few weeks Kikedon is trying to get the MGTOW/lacking dad figures audience. his personality is shifting again and like a good grifter he plans to make money with the "far-right" audience since nobody else was watching him https://www.youtube.com/live/gzvio_6-qwI?feature=share And yet he keeps trying to pin jcaesar187 as "the king of right-wingers" https://youtu.be/Y3LRx-r_qDM kikedon you're a literal boomer bipolar cunt, make your fucking mind
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Poseidon just dropped the Mask, Vax, and Ukraine emojis from his twitter name yesterday. Looks like he doesn't have any covid videos left on his channel either. Might be trying to re-ingratiate himself with the online right, and cash in on the anti-Гунт machine. He's also been playing Гунт clips in his livestreams which he has started back up again. Would be a shame if he got DMCAd
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>>204802 >>205651 He deleted my post when I mentioned "trying to grift the nationalists again, buddy?" He also acted like a passive aggressive woman when someone else mentioned covid. two months ago he posted two video clips from underage actresses and got 2 millions of views to his channel, he changed his bio proudly proclaiming this conquest, when the videos made by himself barely get 1k views. I reported those vid clips, they got deleted, and the fag removed that from his bio kek
ops, I forgot to mention, Poseidon admitted to being 52 years old
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>>208239 Yeah I used to catch some of this whitepill parties bickers mutual friends would hang out in the DLive chat. He said he was unironically MGTOW until he finally met a woman at like 38 and now he has a couple kids - one of whom was 12 at the time - making him about 50 and that was a few years aback. Sounds about right.
>>208238 >>208239 He's a gen x who acts like some boomer fag also see >>192000 for some reason he's now dying being greek and saying he's ukraine/germany, he even made a video saying "Greece is a shithole"
lmao did he already give up of streaming again?
>>209141 Jewciden believes in nothing anon.
>>210822 The only people showing up in his chat to "support" him are the same seven guys who always post on his videos, one is a thot and the other are fags larping as slavs. Nobody was actually giving him any money and he was banning people talking about covid.
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Poseidon got drunk and filmed a beach he was at and doxed his fat silhouette, his hand and his feet for his viewers. Proceeds to yell at plants https://youtu.be/uGpB9ztCodk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t32VfAey55s https://youtu.be/H7V7TTeiup0 https://youtu.be/ANu8joQtiOA
>>218450 C'mon, ofc he's chubby, he's a later gen x who got nihilistic... those either become fats or go full AIDS like Mister Reddikur anyway, for over a year Pissdoin is throwing shit at the wall and see what sticks. Covid, vids about his cold takes about dating and being manly, vids about immigration trying to fish back his hated "alt-right" fans his two vids with the biggest view count (clips with an underage Jennifer Connelly) got deleted i reported them now he's coping hard
WOW He is now trying to grift as a "far-right" dude, again. Dropped the entire Ukraine and Vax shit, but still seethe about Trump.
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>>227909 a true grifter, what a shame eso faggism is gone, maybe shamoo (the superior eso faggism) can expose Pisszion
>>228472 Reminder this man did a 180 bickers people trolled him in a jewtube chat.
>>227909 >>228472 >>228507 I honestly wonder how mentally ill he is. There is certainly an element of being a grifter, but he seems to be very prone to mood swings and sensitive to other people's opinions, at the same time being very easily influenced. If he wasn't old, but was a millennial or zoomer, I bet he would have turned into a tranny. The only immutable thing about him seems to be his hatred for Christians and Americans. He is still preaching science and attacking Trump at every opportunity. He deletes any posts about covid or responds with his usual emojis.
And he is back, making lazy videos to attract the "alt-right" to his channel and streaming weekly asking for money. And be on his channel or telegram, he will get really mad if you talk about the vax and will ban you in seconds. https://youtu.be/Fgdxg0CLROY?si=O3f4-CFtdh1MdWE9
>>245023 Wow, he is dabbing on jcaesar187 and EsoFaggism while making big money!
Pissdon is back and no only trying to make money as grifter but also coping about being a a middle-aged nihilistic manchild from gen x (Just like mister metokur and so many others) https://youtu.be/cfAHU44QLp4?si=uz6v01YhO5KJPoML
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Lol this is the only place of the internet exposing this piece of shit. Plus he is a mutt.
I got banned from his telegram group for talking about him promoting the VAX. I guess he doesn't want anyone knowing that since he is grifting "far-right" dudes again.
This faggot is still around, sad.
He gave up on the grift, finally got a job again after more than ten years of being unemployed. He deleted the main channel https://m.youtube.com/c/POSEIDON7
>>264908 Lol, this guy was always such a pathetic faggot. Imagine being le based alt-right jewtuber and than you heelturn bickers muh vaccine.

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