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Michael Does Life, the incel avatar of /v/ Pollythefrog69 04/18/2022 (Mon) 14:43:46 ID: 56a880 No.144416
Michael also knew as Mikael or Mickal by is fans is a almost 40 years old incel vidya critic best known to normies for being the man behind the early criticisms of Cyberpunk 2077 when everyone was still hyping the game. Michael constantly cries about not being credited for this and has a personal crusade versus CD RED Projekt. Michael also has a vendetta with ReviewTechUSA when Michael used to be a fan of the show he got inviteded for a live stream, only to be disavowed by ReviewTechUSA on account of the fans of Michael being 4chan neo-Nazis. Michael is known for being one of the few left youtubers who let anyone call his show, including yelling "NlGGERS, KILL ALL NlGGERS" while trying to talk about vidya. Only to have mental breakdowns live about not being taken seriously and having useless fans from /v/. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O23_h1bF7V4 Michael used to had a bf named Dillon in the Details, they both streamed together reviewing games until they had a fight about whether or not they liked a certain game, separating them both https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Michael_Does_Life Channel> https://www.youtube.com/c/MichaelDoesLife/videos Channels who mirror some of his deleted videos and streams>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFFbeisumgom2Mz1LRfTOSw/videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDl1Lb8EU58rzVa0ihItM6SJTHcx118e1 His twitter> https://twitter.com/michaeldoeslife
>normies go back to cuckchan
From time to time I watch Michael, if before he just played role mixing it with irony and self hatred now he's getting a bit crazy, he's doing these weird streams at night singing or just staring at the cam without saying anything for hours a d changing his personal opinions >>144786 >torpedo from zzzchan being butthurt and pretentious Nothing new under the sun
Mickael is getting old with his gimmick always being the same, and he's feeling it and getting more and more depressed and angy with random people. Also, even him is feeling like it's fuck up that his main fan atm is a boy in his teenager years calling to the show and sucking his dick.
Michel will have his first date in his incel life and it will be online to everyone to watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH7JYJgvYK8
I got banned from posting on his channel, Mickael is having a mental breakdown bickers of Starfild and his e-date
>>148801 His "dated" failed, since then Michael is having an emotional crisis. 1-The exciting new cocks he promised comes down to him eating mcnuggets or other garbage fastfood. 2-Got a new haircut and decided to backstab xbox fanboys while having rants about incels 3-Deleted more livestreams 4-Now he's saying he's going to become an SJW and only stream on twich bickers he's tired of edgy fans.
https://youtu.be/ShBDbR1qYw0 Michaels is living as a destitute man in L.A for the last month. he's doing daily long videos just walking around L.A shitty streets and eating fast food whenever he gets some superchat. He and his audience seem totally oblivious to IP2, it's he, walking around, being silent or just talking with chat, never playing any songs, never getting into fights, etc.
Former best friend irl of Michael https://www.youtube.com/c/DillonintheDetails/videos Dylan The Brass aka Dillon the cringe, both used to be really close friends, but over time Michael audience started to hate Dillon for being a cringelord, then something big happened, when Michael figured out about Dillon being involved with Child Porn, after that both had a massive fight and avoid each other, especially Dillon, whatever someone make any reference about Michael on Dillon channel he will delete the post and ban the person. As matter of fact, Michael posted on Dillon channel today only to have his post deleted.
Maybe the peak of Michael https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KY5FY2qgHM noticed someone paying superchats calling him a pedo, back then he used to be best friends with Dylan
why the faggot always delete his streams? it's the best thing about his channel
>normies World Class is kino https://youtu.be/rbofkTmnY-U
Michael calling out Gahoole, being attacked by his schizo bugs, talking about wanting to be a wrestling figther and banning randoms from his chat for being "bots" while complaining about not being a big youtuber . https://youtu.be/3K3gaUQKvMU?t=8492 as a plus, also talking about Paulyfrog64 his paypiggie
>>176872 Gahool goons, what a pathetic waste of an existence Paulyfrog really must be desperate to fit in somewhere
>>176875 Michaels is above any of those fags, he's World Class https://youtu.be/5sWI9zjxtnU
Michael is becoming popular now. Once again nu/cow/ wasted an opportunity

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