/cow/ - Lolcows

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/cowrevolt/ victory thread PissDrizzle#Ic7/rT 10/24/2019 (Thu) 21:26:46 ID: a8a172 No.14492
Sup retards?
I see you're already enjoying my amazing triangular filter, I can already feel the confusion which can only lead to everyone moving over to >>/cowrevolt/.

For anyone that missed it, here is my glorious victory over naziJEWS https://mega.nz/#!r01W3aIC!WjnhcB7lUuHONPlmpXSAgPlhTmBN3WMHC7YX96pLYuY

Clearly GAMERGATE has won again, will never be beaten and is eternally better then /cow/.

Now I hope we can move on from /cow/s racist past and move into a beautiful future full of inclusivity and to fucking loves her pussy the SJW's, and let's leave some based ecelebs like SARGON alone allright?

Try not to be too butthurt /cow/ got officially beaten, maybe one day I will allow a rematch ;^).

ps: Yes it took a while for me to set this all up, turns out my friend who was selling me thc gummybears was just selling me regular ones and making me pay $3 a piece, he has now also been added to the list of NOTFRIENDS and I've started just smoking regular weed for now from my based black friend.
So that took some time, but at least my dad is being less of a dick bickers he thinks smoking is less "faggy" then vaping hes a stupid bigot i know but don't worry another friend says he might have a hookup for some thc to vape that isn't full of poison, so fingers crossed guys.
Go be a fag some where else. No one cares about your stupid circle jerks and just wants a board to post shit on.
This is my board now bitch XD you go be salty about your loss somewhere else
Go be a NlGGER somewhere else.
I don't understand
Gay LARPing that outstayed it's welcome when it started.
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OP is a attention whoring faggot. /cow/ is eternal. The right people knows this.

OP IS nothing but a fad loving GAMERGATEfaggot.
ROFL the discord is loving all this salt being mined KEK, you guys are so triggered you sound like SJWs right now XDDD
You vs Mark for vch ownership when?
No one gives a shit. You're just shitting up our board and we want you to take your tranny drama else where.
What dicksword?
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I miss the 8/cow. Only eceleb drama and designated shitting thread #9 here. Why is this IB called julaychan when CWC thread is totally dead? It should be renamed to guntchan.
Eceleb drama and the fallout from 8ch dying are what's popular right now. It's like the early days of 8/cow/ where it was almost all GG stuff.

I'm betting things are going to be more back to normal in a few months as more people find their way here and the 8ch drama gets played out.
8/cow/ died to the same stuff posted here. It stilled being about cows and became a political circle jerk for stream kiddies.
>8cow died
How new are you? That political circlejerk is what turned it into major board, and people cant directly continue their discussions about more classic cows since the only place that had any kind of backup is dead.
Blame the people that voted for the name.
8/cow/ had a really good thread on mark :^)
I think the important thing to keep in mind is

How fucking new are you? The board died, it lost it's original purpose and cocks and became something entirely different. Just bickers it's called /cow/ and hosted the same place doesn't make it the same board.

It's like saying /r9k/ is still /r9k/ even though it's full of trannies and GAMERGATE fuckers now.
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>listen to me, the one /cow/ oldfag!
ok retard
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Theme of the board for good 2-3 months from now on.
Why won't susucoin on lokinet come fast enough?!?
Cool dude wow, what a swag!
Reminder that even if everything is bad, at least you can pray to Jesus.
>It's like saying /r9k/ is still /r9k/ even though it's full of trannies and GAMERGATE fuckers now.
You know, people always forget that there are /r9k/s besides the one on cuckchan. The one that came from 8chan is still what /r9k/ is supposed to be.
I also know there are still several ROBOT9000 IBs, some more improved than Randall Munroe's, and people still select to pray for James to restore theirs.
But whatever, the dedicate create cocks, the COPErs mourn.
I would accept.
If you want a board free of all this shitposting, consider >>>/cowrevolt/ where we only talk seriously about lolcows. Ethically.
Yes exactly my friend, we need to stop focussing on all these GAMERGATE celebrities who arnt real lolcows and pretty based and get back to talking about the real lolcows.

-Drizz out
Honestly, let's make a proper invite match. Make a Twitter or something, and make the challenge and thread.
Gunt/Nelson will be the arbiter, whomever wins, wins the GPG keys to root the server.
But what's your stake than that board?
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Incel /r9k/ is also a zombie board. Moot killed /r9k/ and then brought it back and it got filled with virgins whining.

This man looks like a lolcow. The type who only pretends to be retarded but actually is retarded.
>Since 8chan got sniped, imageboards are just bunkers with no traffic run by trannies pulling off 24 hour discord gay ops against each other.
The absolute GAMERGATEness of it all.
Anime feet
be careful you might someone kiwifarms poster owo wahts this?
doesn't soy farms hate both anime and loli? they did takedown sad panda
>8/cow/ died to the same stuff
>stream kiddies
cant fathom how anyone can manage to sit through that many hours of literal retards yelling over each other on skype calls
losers want their virtual friends
Ha, found them again:
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How will /cow/ ever recover?
Anime braps > Anime feet
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remove brapfags with extreme prejudice
You'll need to challenge PissDrizzle for that right.
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gas them with the brap
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Get barped on
mark slipped his fingers while eating cakes and deleted whole draw thread anon post and banned him, truly a niGGer board owner
>>>/o/ekaki board when?
What's the matter jannie? Does that word hit too close to home?
Perhaps you should be picking cotton instead of moding this place you faggot.
Go be a spook somewhere ekse
>Now I hope we can move on from /cow/s racist past and move into a beautiful future full of inclusivity
Consider suicide.
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>8chan gold™
I cried laughing at this, 6k of these were paypigging him.
Nicky Lim has to be laughing his way to the bank.
That'll be a big fat no from me. If Jim wants those shekels he's going to need to court the Q crowd hard.
He was talking against the idea of 8chan gold and mentioned it bickers people were getting assblasted about Jim wanting to sell merch
bickers he suggest selling OC /v/irgins made, monetizing their copyrights.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and cockss thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the julay world's administration.
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The absolute state of /v/eddit
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>That'll be a big fat no from me. If Jim wants those shekels he's going to need to court the Q crowd hard.
Same, especially when you know that most of it goes to the 2k a month the board kike gets for providing the worst moderation 8ch has to offer. "Errands" my ass.
Make a good thread then. Show us newfags that we're just stupid NIGGERs. I'll wait.
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>banned for disagreeing with Mark
We tried to warn you, but you didn't listen.
keep seetheing more you /tv/ pedos

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