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Koncorde, JustARandommer, Analog Devolved, FROG, Smug Freiza, StreetGangsta and NerdShamer Unironic Ralphamale 06/20/2022 (Mon) 08:35:04 ID: 780b88 No.157524
Oh no guys I think I made a mistake. Bryan is posting pictures of me on 4chan and GAB so now everyone knows what I look like. I guess the cats out of the bag now everyone knows what I actually look like. Damn that Bryan for posting my picture. Here is another photo of me aboard my space station. Chrischan.jpg. Winner; Feels; Informative. You sure make some strange friends online @Analog Devolved :lol: He should be unbanned so the julay can flow once more. MODS OF foxdick farms, TEAR DOWN THIS BAN. Agree; Feels. Russell has already been doxxed. Everyone is doxxxed. Someday, hand in hand, we'll crush those dirty faggots. Together 4ever. :semperfidelis: Feels; Optimistic. Dox me you SE Asian Nigger! Bryan is calling for your hero, the leader of the Red-Brown coalition, far-left socialist and space station occupant Analog Devolved to be doxed! Agent @Randall Fragg has been doxxxed by Bryan! His secret email has been published on 4chan and there is a good change our maga enemies and the Q conspiritards will see it. "We need Pamela Swain NOW" -Bryan This time he's doxing myself, @JuanActimel @DisobedientLupus @NerdShamer and @Begemot Bryan has been requesting help from Pamela Swain and Hillary Clinton. Oh Sigs, you poor bastard. You so ironically predictive shitposting magnificent bastard. If it were any other poster, i would laugh my balls off at the massive irony of you saying this only to shitpost in such a legendary manner you got v&'d by the Feds as well as force n00l to feed you the banhammer only 2 months later. But it this case, it warrants a :semperfidelis:instead. Carry on my wayward son. Good god this thread was a helluva ride. One thing it convinced me of... There is a Red-Brown Alliance. I am sorry that I failed in this task. I did not succeed in taking down the site nor was I able to infiltrate their hidden lab in the Himalayas ran by @NerdShamer. Perhaps our other ally will succeed where I failed. I was captured by @Analog Devolved and only recently escaped their capture thanks to the work of another agent... they did unspeakable things to me including force feeding me Dextroamphetamine-Amphetamine and Chlorpromazine and various other medical experimentation. They may give you the same concoctions if you are not careful. Hopefully I can continue to evade their capture... I believe I’m safe, for now. I am currently hiding behind 7 proxies and posting from an undisclosed safe house. I do not believe they know of this location. Stay safe in the continued resistance against the coalition. Perhaps we will find other allies who understand the importance of the Mortal Engine books and the travesty of the movie. I knew I should’ve used 8 proxies... Bryan you're back,praise the resistance. Please to god help me, Analog Devolved's agents have been sending unmarked packages to my home. I fear they may have an inside man or woman. I suspect this woman is the sauce of the leaks. There is a picture below showing her alongside @Analog Devolved. I believe she is responsible for compromising us. If only we knew sooner... It is the only explanation for the capture of my self and the entire cell. It also explains how those of us who oppose the red brown coalition have been receiving unmarked packages as well as pineapple and anchovy pizza. I need to tell you of the most dangerous agent of noted Red-Brown Leader @Analog Devolved. Her name is @Ashley Jankowski and she's worst than even @SIGSEGV. She's been stalking your greatest ally @Karl_der_Grosse. Just look what she says to him: I don't know how far she is on the hierarchy of the Red-Brown,but she's dangerous so look out. Remember my face when you take this site down. Mad at jcaesar187 Van Sciver.
Just here to remind everyone that I will kill Koncorde if Brian posts his penis OR a picture of his house. Informative; Winner. Yes I will kill Koncorde for free but first I need proof that you really are you. For that I need pictures of your penis. Why your penis?
I will murder Koncorde for free if you post pictures of your penis. Horrifying; Thunk-Provoking; Deviant. What have you faggots done to my sweet little brown man? Feels. Reactions: Robert Sanvagene , JeanActimel , Autistic and 3 others ...
Damn, you're just as bad as Bryan's disciplinarian parents. You've been doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed. Bryan has realized that my evil is all-encompassing and has secretly been plotting to dox all of us and put our information on 4chan. It was him lmao. Doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed Not really big news, but this clown tried to reset my password 4 hours ago on KF. How do you know it was him? They seem utterly obsessed. Change your email you've been doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed by Bryan. Bryan knows my true identity. If any of you are having trouble accessing the Red-Brown alliance north korean web portal DM me here and I'll provide you my email and addresses in Pyongyang and Moscow. Be careful comrades. Bryan knows who we are. We've been doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed. Bryan is back online and posting our doxes on 4chan again. He's still trying to crack @NerdShamer's email account and claims to have succeeded. Bryan knows ill be the president of the United States thanks to foxdick farms and Wikipedia. He's trying to take down the farms and has created another sock account "Assdiamond69" in honor of agent @StreetGangsta. He's also keeping close tabs on @Adamska, @randallfragg, and @JamalActimel. "ANALOG DEVOLVED DOXXED" -Bryan Not today Bryan, not today. My power over the internet is absolute and I have Antifa guards and far left socialists like Putin and North Korea's Kim Jong Un protecting me. On GAB. And 4chan. For the now banned and burned dox of Ali. Even IF you managed to dox me, known homosexual and possible troon faggot would come flying in a hail of extinction which I would be safe from in my private Phobos-Grunt space station. I told you that my Red-Brown coalition agents were on GAB. And 4chan. You tried to tag my agent Scottish republican guard against me. That clearly will never work. Bryan you WILL accept information on 4chan regarding my division soldiers in the VN-4 APCs absolutely pwning the pro-democrat anti-socialist anti-Mortal Engines Movie protesters in Venezuela:. Bryan has figured out that we were secretly behind the capitol riots. He claims Null orchestrated the riots on my behalf and sent the global moderators along with @Battlecruiser3000ad to Washington DC to liberate the capitol and establish a socialist utopia. Bryan links a bunch of kiwi profiles and DOXXXXXXXXXXXX information on 4chan. Beware frens, he knows who we are. Too late. You're doxxxxxxxxxxed. He knows you were there and is exposing it. @Adamska @Randall Fragg @NerdShamer @Battlecruiser3000ad @JamalActimel @Large (who will surely kill for penis pictures!) And @LoverofPi (Pamela swain hates them!) Are all doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed by Bryan! Beware! Bryan is trying to get a photo of you to dox you to his western democracy friends. Agent @Randall Fragg has been DOXXXXXXXXED by Bryan! His secret email has been published on 4chan and there is a good change our maga enemies and the Q conspiritards will see it.
I think I'll have to leave the Red-Brown Coalition in shame after being doxxxxxxxxed by Bryan. I'm really desperate and destroyed, a broken man. I still have an arranged marriage ahead of me, and if my bride's father finds out about my involvement in R-B C he could call it off and I'll have to go back fishing on social media. So the resistance against the Red-Brown Alliance did it's first blow? Which is why I had the foresight to switch to another email address. Just as planned. Lol, that's not going to happen. Bryan loves me, I'm the final defense against all of you godless faggots and all your sinful faggotry. Especially @NerdShamer, he's a most shameful faggot. after reading your article on how we the half-life community should unite and rise up I have been moved. When I was a wee child I still remember till this day as my stepfather would tell me about the great heroes of #Gaymergate after his shift at apple bees. The epic tales of how their thumbs hurt after tweeting #Gaymergate at Anita and Zoey Quinn all day or how they would own the alt-right. Unfortunately for me Analog Devolved got to him and he has now he has lost his mind and supports Trump betraying #Gaymergate. fwefefwefw.jpg To honor who my stepfather used to be I have decided to come out and give you some vital information on Analog Devolved or Secret Agent Chris. I never thought I would release this out to the public but here it is: You must find Julaaay for that is the only hope to defeat the red-brown coalition.shit! Goodbye, I hear them at the door so this all I can give you. Make my stepfather proud and defeat the Red-Brown Coalition!!!! Resist!!!!! :semperfidelis: #TheResistence #Julaaay #WhereisJulaaay#DrumpfPutinCollusion foxdick farms delenda est. @NerdShamer isn't Rusell Greer. We met up so he could suck my dick (that's what dirty faggots do) and can confirm he doesn't have Moebius Syndrome, he's got big pouty lips and a firm, Ladyboy jawline.
The Red-Brown Alliance will install the truist form of Socialism: Posadism. We will liberate Area 51 from the Capitalist Jew, free our Xenos brothers, and unleash The Great Trial, in which the degenerates and untermesch of the bourgeoisie will perish in nuclear flame, while the liberated Aryan workers shall rise to the stars! What the hell happened in this thread? Were we attacked by glowies for real? Yes. Bryan If I come off as Inconsistent in this thread,like I keep switching positions on you,then its bickers I need help. The Red-Brown Coalition is slowly tampering with my mind. Here is my photo: Help me Bryan, you're are my only hope. Bryan prays to president Trump to smite @Randall Fragg. He doesnt realize Trump works with us and supports our space station and the dream of the situation he attacks @NerdShamer for some reason. Will update post as Bryan continues his inevitable chimpout online. Semper Fidelis; Informative. Bryan pleads with the enemies of the immortal red-brown alliance to take action against this glorious forum and its users, as well as our dear allies on wiki, know your meme, Twitter, and other websites. ALERT! ALERT! ATTENTION! We have a spy in our midst who appears to be helping. This spy is using Twitter to communicate with Bryan and share unauthorized photos of myself on the Internet. This is a major operational security breach and I am very angry that these photos have been shared. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. @Randall Fragg send in the biker gangs ASAP Bryan must be dealt with. 20200925_102357.jpg 20200925_102318.jpg I think the spy may be @SIGSEGV here is a photo of SIGSEGV in case he is the culprit behind these heinous leaks about me. wtf dude, how did you find a picture of me? He sperged about @DisobedientLupus and @Randall Fragg to Ron Paul on /pol/ asking him to intercede with Trump to destroy us. He blocked @Just A Butt on Twitter. Called on Trump to smite me, @NerdShamer, @Randall Fragg and @DisobedientLupis. Bryan's sperging. Knows No Bounds. Congratulations on rescuing agent @SIGSEGV from the gulag. It's good to have him back after we thought he had been killed by Bryan.
Its a strand of Nazism that includes the anti-capitalist/populist parts of communist ideology. Praise the GlowG​AMERGATEs. He should have worn the hat with a propeller on top lined with tinfoil! Launch all of our kittens and commence the "cure" the COVID-19 program on Bryan's computer. Bryan has lost and suffered a humiliating defeat in his battle against foxdick farms. We can finally advance our plans to further destroy any chance of a pathetic Mortal Engines TV show and celebrate the movie. We can dance on the grave of his Unforseen Consequences. Today is a great day agents! I love this post. I really, really do. There's just so much going on. I mean, Trump is going to have a second term as the President of the United States to get this guy, specifically, off the internet. And his mom and dad are in on it! wow, reality sure kicks fiction's ass. What about Baba Vanga, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus? Did they predict Mortal Engines, Koncorde, Fobos-Grunt, and me? Yes, Nostradamus predicted you. Here: From the rising sun cometh one day The world's smallest violin Infatuated with literature Of the lowest form Broken Playing a symphony Unarranged, unhinged Quite the accomplishment, dear Sir. Not just anyone can say they've been predicted by Nostradamus. This union is, according to him, dedicated to the destruction of the Mortal Engines books, doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un. I told you the great nation of North Korea, the socialist faggots paradise, would practice launching nukes at Kuala Lumpur. I talked with Philip Reeve and he agreed to give me the original manuscripts and first copies of the Mortal Engines books to burn. The autists will pay for the insurrection. I'll mail your medal from Pyongyang north korea. Prepare the NUKES!!! I talked with Philip Reeve and he agreed to give me the original manuscripts and first copies of the Mortal Engines books to burn. The autists will pay for the insurrection. The cultural enrichment brought about by burning these books is important to all the people. Looks like somebody skipped neck day. The White House is censoring you now! The White House has censored him for us.
>>157532 https://www.foxdickfarms.net/ > Koncorde, Large's target https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q98456393 > Why did Analog Devloved do this? https://foxdickfarms.net/threads/why-did-analog-devloved-do-this.105272/ Source: @Analog Devolved is cheering the COVID-19 pandemic which shut down TV production for good. @Analog Devolved are you going to infect my computer with your "Analog Devolved Virus?" What about Trump's friend Leo Varadkar? Will he ask Leo about me?! Then he could turn into a red-brown allied populist. @Analog Devolved how did you gain power over the Internet? When you joined here last March, you seem to be young. Do you think your presence is felt ever since the Internet is born in the 1990s?! @Analog Devolved, was it worth it upending human civilization with COVID-19?! Was it worth it endorsing a global lockdown unlike Trump and Putin?! Was it worth it turning the entire world, not just the Internet, against me with your disinformation? Was it worth it influencing the Western elections and Brexit referendum with your power and your silent majority? Was it worth it imposing a search suggestion / search ban on a Twitter account?
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I don't care about your twistted plan to bring trump to power again and make a tv show out of mortal engine. I just want to own nazi bullies like you Stop saying the n word Yeah you're right I am just a troll :) I didn't just doxx JeanActimel right now :) sorry for the double post but just a reminder Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/JeanActimel Forum: https://avenoel.org/profil/JeanActimel (strong evidences here) Ask fm : https://ask.fm/JeanActimel Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/alain.sourate.1 Twitter: https://tw.tinf.io/ToutsaufSJW Facebook alt https://www.facebook.com/jean.actimel Twitter alt: https://tw.tinf.io/jean_actimel Pokemon shit: https://www.smogon.com/forums/search/5488585/ Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000669326 Jvc: https://www.jeuxvideo.com/profil/jeanactimel?mode=infos JamusActimus is JamalActimel is JuanActimel is JeanActimel Keep on messing with JeanActimel, you know you are pissing off Ali! Since his near visit to Bryan's home was derailed by our glowG​AMERGATEs, he's been training with them and learning additional arts to complement his already lethal mastery of Savate. His hard work has paid off, and he has earned his own Glow-in-the-dark CIA G​AMERGATE robe. He looks like this now, when he actually chooses to be visible. Lay off of @JeanActimel , or we cannot be responsible for the consequences. They will never be the same. I may quit kiwifarm . com for a bit but I will lurk don't worry NerdShamer​ International GlowG​AMERGATE Commander Messages3,458Reaction score16,771Points225 Joined Aug 22, 2018 Last seen 1 minute ago · Searching https://foxdickfarms.net/members/nerdshamer.26970/follow Trying to doxx me? :) Trust me it's a lost cause. You should be doxxing Alain Ali Actimel so he doesn't denounce the re-brown coalition :) Or to doxx his more private infos before I do so myself :) Just here to remind everyone that I will kill Koncorde if Brian posts his penis OR a picture of his house.
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He should be unbanned so the julay can flow once more. MODS OF foxdick farms, TEAR DOWN THIS BAN. Agree; Feels. Dox me you SE Asian G​AMERGATE! Has @AntiRedBrown started revenge rating any of you yet? Dude, you almost had me, but then you laid it on too thick. But credit where credit is due, this is exceptionally well-made trolling. I never would've imagined to bring in Putin to a mild drama about a childrens book. Oh, how I miss good old-fashioned schizo-trolling. Just in case you're serious though: oh, how I miss the times when internet forums and their ownership were scattered around the place. You could literally run into a different schizo like this every week. I fucking despise how Facebook and the likes have sanitised the net from unadulterated crazy. I love me some crazy people to entertain me. edit: ok, yeah, read further. This guy's the real deal. I salute you, crazy dude! Lol, that's not going to happen. Bryan loves me, I'm the final defense against all of you godless faggots and all your sinful faggotry. Especially @NerdShamer, he's a most shameful faggot. You stand up for Bryan in defiance of the Red-Brown coalition! Why do you reject the tenets of the faggots paradise of Socialism, Putin, and North Korea? Helping Bryan violates everything we stand for. Bryan refuses to accept his censorship and you are aiding him in putting our members in precarious situations. Russell has already been doxed by Bryan and he's trying to get my info. Bryan, surely you have confirmed the widespread book burnings of the Mortal Engines series by now. Antifa agents loyal to me are signaling my space station with book fires all over the world. Cultural enrichment! Bryan created a sock account on the foxdick farms under the user name "Kickburn" in an attempt to impersonate and dox him. He did not authenticate the account bickers it does not show up in search results.
Do not lose heart red-brown alliance! Bryan may be doxing us to conspiritards and conspiriturds and he MAY even have the help of Pamela Swain and he knows about "Tony Robbins" but we WILL be victorious. He's posting pictures of myself and @Adamska to twitter tagging the proud boys. ALERT ALERT Bryan has doxed photos of myself and @Adamska on twitter. He thinks you're on his side and posts about you a lot. He found an army alright, unfortunately for him it was the Red-Brown alliance. Alain/Ali is a man of terrible violence and insidious influence within the Red/Brown coalition. He is a skilled master of French martial arts, and has been known to violently and brutally silence criticism of the Alliance in personal ways with his hands of stone. When you see the clip posted by our Red/Brown French brother you are witnessing how quickly he destroyed one who dared declare the Mortal Engines movie was shite. The fat Syrian apostate in question is currently in the hospital having his shattered jaw wired back together, and a steady supply of meds dripped into his bloodstream so that when he wakes up, he'll think it was all just a dream, and want to get out of the hospital so he can go home and take his meds and stream his favourite movie. I hope you are prepared to reap what you have just sewn. Ali has been reading your statements and getting angrier and angrier. So far, we have managed to keep his rage and blood-lust in check with Christian virgin girls, but it's no longer possible to distract him. He has been reading certain suras of the French Koran repeatedly louder and louder, and when i went to his office to bring him his nightly appeasement an hour ago, he was gone. As was his passport, Koran, and a couple of wickedly hooked ceramic blades which are not detected by airport or airliner metal detectors. I ran his credit cards, and he's purchased a one-way flight to KUL, Kuala Lumpur International airport. If I were you, i'd hide. You have gone too far this time, and unleashed the fury. The Red-Brown cannot save you. I am not certain how we will even be able to extract Ali after what he is going to have done to you if he finds you. @JeanActimel is only the messenger. He would never harm the poor sperg. It's Ali who is nearly beyond control, fortunately our glow-in-the-dark CIA G​AMERGATEs managed to restrain Ali before he boarded his flight to Kuala Lumpur, and have brought him back to the Red-Brown Alliance bunker and calmed him down. Bryan will not be harmed physically by Ali. Keep on messing with JeanActimel, you know you are pissing off Ali! Since his near visit to Bryan's home was derailed by our glowG​AMERGATEs, he's been training with them and learning additional arts to complement his already lethal mastery of Savate. His hard work has paid off, and he has earned his own Glow-in-the-dark CIA G​AMERGATE robe. He looks like this now, when he actually chooses to be visible. Lay off of @JeanActimel , or we cannot be responsible for the consequences. They will never be the same.
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What hell is all this schizo posting about?
About Bryan's parents who work with the alt-right G​AMERGATEs. Another foxdickfarms success story. Then who are the heroes? Bryan's parents? this dude keeps fucking emailing me saying his tiger parents have him locked in the basement bickers of this thread Then I wonder how his parents found his thread. Hell, typing "Bryan Dunn foxdickfarms" doesn't show KoP's thread too! So you mean to tell me that his parents use Yandex, Yahoo, Baidu and other search engines to look up their son's name? If you are reading this, Bryan, jangan risau lah! Semuanya akan baik-baik saja! You didn't see anything. This area is being irradiated by SEA monkeys. Move along, citizen. Yes, yes we know. Bryan is also shitting up the CG thread, with a nonsensical triple post, using this @Assdiamond69 account. Wtf bros.... I've been caught...... Damnit foiled again! Ooh, ooh, dox me next Bryan, who do you think I am? This game is fun. Tard wrangling him. ETA: It doesn't help matters he's been going around claiming Bryan's parents are evil and abusive to him. LOL. ETA #2: LOL! As an aside, I do kinda wonder what happened to @Analog Devolved though. Hope he's okay. Hopefully it was the password reset shit, and he now sees that he can log back in. Yeah okay, @Spectre_06, calm down. Why not just let the decent people here discuss the gay comic book movement/grift in peace? Sheesh.
Another foxdickfarms success story. Then who are the heroes? Bryan's parents? this dude keeps fucking emailing me saying his tiger parents have him locked in the basement bickers of this thread Then I wonder how his parents found his thread. Hell, typing "Bryan Dunn foxdickfarms" doesn't show KoP's thread too! So you mean to tell me that his parents use Yandex, Yahoo, Baidu and other search engines to look up their son's name? If you are reading this, Bryan, jangan risau lah! Semuanya akan baik-baik saja! You didn't see anything. This area is being irradiated by SEA monkeys. Move along, citizen. Yes, yes we know. Bryan is also shitting up the CG thread, with a nonsensical triple post, using this @Assdiamond69 account. Wtf bros.... I've been caught...... Damnit foiled again! Ooh, ooh, dox me next Bryan, who do you think I am? This game is fun. Tard wrangling him. ETA: It doesn't help matters he's been going around claiming Bryan's parents are evil and abusive to him. LOL. ETA #2: LOL! As an aside, I do kinda wonder what happened to @Analog Devolved though. Hope he's okay. Hopefully it was the password reset shit, and he now sees that he can log back in. Yeah okay, @Spectre_06, calm down. Why not just let the decent people here discuss the gay comic book movement/grift in peace? Sheesh.
https://ghettogaggers.com/69BEvQz3r2 Get in the veeh discord retads, we are about get us some my jewish mother

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