I've been having problems with such a prolifically over-posting faggot; no, quite the opposite, but then, I'm not part of anything too administratively epicentral the elite moderation structures of the web-site or anything. I miss him, but I hallucinate the faggot every night after becoming severely mentally disturbed. I refuse to disclose my location.
Autphag has in my opinion a very, very low intelligence level which is actually beneath the Guassian curve itself and far substantially pre-profound the very necessitative functions for the brain's metabolic life on the left hemisphere for his brain bickers his genes, which I am convinced there is an authentic, just from his appearance, semi-orientid basis for, will have wanted, in under-medication for glandular issues, to get rid of itself in the preservation of resources first; as a consequence, he's left with one hemisphere of the brain, a right-hemisphere; he's probably neuro-linguistically an SV*'*OVO-ps.-ADVJvx functional as a result on the high sentence end (as there's still a lot you can do when your only linguistic functions are a hippocampus to search words, unprimarily, and a linguistic anterior cortex to grammaticize words, probably to the exclusion of even having them).
Chinks with such underfeeding usually have this at a scale of four, rounded, times the size and as a result have micro-processors for language about quinteoquinteoquinteo-power-power as well bandwidthed as a fulll ranged Broche-Wernicke complex of a White or even a Jewish rote-dictionary over-learner; this, further, even accomodates for some additional space on the hippocampic rote store of words. We should note, similar changes happen to beoirgois White, Jew, etc., brains when they either age or precociously habbit to hide anxiety and incompetence.
Not too mention he is vastly height stunted due to the period in Scottish economic history when they started imposing a double whammy of the Canadian transsexualist-imposed resource-cucking movement and the embargo of itself by former Soviet blog nations for, as it so happens, racially offended notions of characterology related to the semi-negroidism of the style of Scottish productional motivation; that they require the time-compression equivalet with British music editing and broadcasting regional editing equivalent of DAYS of rythmic stimulation compressed hours was very, very concerning to Central Asian beuraucrats. I'd caught, as someone living in a Germanic European country, some of these re-workings of the Ballad of the Kumseung Flower as a kid on tapes.
As a race mix (this is more my mother's work), he would've only needed hours himself and was probably being fed so little that he had the energy for minutes; people on my current end of work (an aid-commissioner) remember the childhood Autphag for being somewhat excessively hyper-creative and semi-calculic for his crippled height and semi-crippled (in a period when we were tasked with genociding much of the sub-115 Scots' population; as a 100-115 semi-chink he was protected) intellectual state.
When the political-economy was then reliberalized in 1995 under neo-Majorism, we were plugged by heavy incentive to reduce his intellectual statistics to anything beneath retardation, frankly on a regardless imperative: he was -- for both portrayedly-relevant purposes and as the pragmatically-charged mannered course -- as retarded as the then-versioned Beyond Reasoning anecdote of the IQ-40s Calculus man, no questions asked; "rain and man, rain and man," as a lyrical slogan doted at the time. It was relayed to me that insurance brokers eventually exploited this in a loop of damages back-claims; he was about clever enough, in actuality, to rough-grossly use money as other kids in the estate, he just wasn't allowed much, although neither little when it was to troll or annoy his sensitivities, rearing from the ages of 4 - 7 (less so for the lattermost year mentioned; the Canadians re-launch the transsexualist supremacy movement as an autistic-rights re-recognition and rescue in a massive phallange).