/cow/ - Lolcows

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Kalea Summer Little / Lav / Lavlune / phemoid / Lavenderlunee / bratmitzvah / deeplyunpopularwoman / goatgirl666 Unironic Ralphamale 04/06/2023 (Thu) 05:16:54 ID: 6d34a6 No.201302
Kalea Summer Little / Lav is a 24 year old, born 21 July 1998, former prostitute, OnlyFans whore & streamer who'll do anything for attention, has no morals or principles and a body mostly consisting of drugs, makeup, scars, Dollar Store-tattoos and lip filler. With all that said, she is cute ngl, I'd fuck her and expect her to show up to /cow/ shortly and peel off a few simps like the harlot she is.
How salty and seething do you have to be over some qt (racist?) Jewess to make a thread to shit on her?
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>>201303 its probably nuzach or blaine crying that lav is a based qt racist TERF that b t f oes trannys https://www.instagram.com/lavlune/
>>201302 Post her asshole I want to compare it smell Delphines
>>201304 Why the fuck would I care you fucking retard, I bet you're the faggot who killed himself in my town bickers I'm channeling your level of schizophrenia right now. >>201303 Fucking beyond salty this one is, love that your posts right at the top to let even newfags know what a shit thread this is.
>>201303 >>201309 >t. Lav kike
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>>201318 Am I Schrodinger's Spook now?
>>201319 ya know, people before in a distant age what now seems like a millennia would make a thread on just a lolcow.
>>201320 Yeah I know but the OP is far too short, there are no links and how can anyone gain interest in a cow with it? It's shittly made and I can say this without hating OP or wanting to White Knight the cow outright bickers it comes down to an assessment of the craft itself.
I'd shoot a cum load in it. Why the fuck is this a lolcow anyway? Just some hoe talking about G​AMERGATEs.
>>201302 any nudes on this whore?
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>>201302 >>201305 >>201306 >>201402 There's a bunch out there if you look this whore up
>>201420 Post more
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cow crossover with john walker flynt
>>203435 You mean the John Flynt that harassed his university newspaper so severely that they had him banned from the premises? The John Flynt with a history of stalking harassment against women who then transitioned MTF, took the name Brianna Wu, developed a hilariously sexist videogame, and started a relationship with Frank Wu, an artist with rumors of sexually harassing behaviour towards young female colleagues?
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When is this whore going back on the whatever podcast?
If she wasn't a whore, she would be perfectly marriagable

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