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Kwame Brown Unironic Ralphamale 05/29/2023 (Mon) 22:53:16 ID: 84eb15 No.210203
Failed NBA player turned ebeggar kwame brown is a youtuber who makes a living fucking with other people, most notably fellow youtuber Tommy Sotomayor for donations from his army of weens who also screw with his targets. He calls tommy "a mistake down by the lake" and calls people he doesnt like weak weasels on multi hour long livestreams. Recently he posted nude photographs of tommy on his instagram page amongst other equally hilarious antics. Below are some of Kwame and Tommys livestreams which are quite enjoyable to watch https://rumble.com/v2n2r1o-kwame-brown-put-lipstick-a-wig-and-call-tommy-sotomayor-tammy-bickers-hes-u.html https://rumble.com/v2bqy4s-failed-nba-player-and-youtuber-kwame-brown-goes-live-to-lie-on-tommy-sotoma.html https://rumble.com/v10y6h7-kwame-brown-is-an-insecure-failure-in-real-life-tho-lets-talk-about-it.html https://rumble.com/vke385-kwame-brown-decided-to-show-nvde-photos-of-tommy-sotomayor-on-his-instagram.html https://rumble.com/v1zqgc7-harassing-kwame-brown-tommy-sotomayor-stalker-true-freeman-looking-for-clou.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOD0ctNOC-s
Isn't sotomayer the race-mixer who wishes he was white?
>>210208 nta but have you seen black women?
>>210203 Nïggers can’t be real cows bickers they fail to make it over the first hurdle, which is being entertaining on some level. They’re all worthless piles of retardation and poor genetics who can only produce something worthwhile through their own deaths like St. Floyd.
>>210203 Fuck kwame "pro blackity black brown" tommy is pure kino like wedjene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1vXZKr2cAQ

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