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The Great Reddit Hotpocket Civil War Unironic Ralphamale 06/22/2023 (Thu) 01:29:25 ID: dd13b3 No.212765
Bad moderators and Lolcows are like my jewish mother and cookies. They are quite a force when seperate, Reddit mods are not only famously, Lolcowy, the supermods are infamously-lazy, my jewish motherable, and very easy to piss off. Well, the hand that fed Reddit's moderators (with imaginary food, and corporate inside deals, nonetheless) just bitch-slapped them. And now the hotpockets are being thrown across the meeting room. It started with a blackout for two days. On the surface this looked like a push by the users to support third party apps that were basically being banned bickers of the high costs. Beneath that surface however, the janitoral staff of Reddit was seething with rage that their easy-access lazy automod tools were being threatened, so they organized in the most-reddit-way possible. Anyone with even just a spare few braincells knew that you can't just do a protest for a mere two days and expect admins to bend over for you. Well that time came and went, the talking heads acted like the blackout was a failure. But now that the Supermods have been betrayed, they're going on a full-on-revolt. I don't know about you guys, but I think Reddit might actually implode this time. Various Archive links Posted here bickers rdrama.net is kinda cancerous, and Reddit is terribly-easy to censor. https://archive.ph/obwn6 - rdrama.net jannycide thread (source of most of the links). https://archive.is/ygry4 - Reddit's biggest karma farm for bots had it's jannies removed. https://archive.is/ztTy6 - /r/ModCoord threads they openly-discuss their revolt on Reddit. https://archive.is/njRTt - An Hero-Complex in action. https://archive.ph/rxhC6 - rdrama.net thread about ex-janny who moderated /r/celebrities for FOURTEEN YEARS! (FOR FREE!) https://archive.ph/evUAT - /r/SquaredCircle janny whining (and considering suicide) about how he got demodded after a banning spree of people who called his hypocrisy out. https://archive.ph/EyGo8 - rdrama.net thread on /r/animetittles (replacement for /r/worldnews) regarding switching to porn, and then unswitching again. https://archive.is/YAGhn - /r/MoodCoord thread on /u/ModCodeofConduct reverse-unoing porn-subs SFW status. Notable Events >Reddit announces the Fuck-You-Tax for API users. >Spez (Reddit CEO) lied about the conversation he had with the lead dev of third-party app Apollo. He also has edited posts that are critical to him, to be supporting of him. >Hotpockets don't like paying for their API access, call for a two-day blackout of all major subs. Anyone with half a brain called out the "two-day" part as being fucking stupid, and that it should be indefinite, other subs actually are still trying to stay disabled. >Talking heads and noisemakers talked about the blackout until it came and left, then immediately declared it as a failure, completely ignoring the smoldering and chaos that started afterwards. >Subs that stayed private were force-unprivated by Reddit admins, hotpockets instead changed rules that essentially functionally-destroy what the sub originally was. >Someone with access to /u/ModCodeofConduct started reverse-unoing the NSFW settings on various subreddits. SFW subs, became NSFW, which makes them inelgible for Reddit ads. NSFW subs became SFW, which shows non-advertisers-friendly and not-child-safe cocks on Reddit. Reddit mods respond by nuking NSFW subs, effectively banning porn. >/u/AwkwardTheTurtle, Reddit's premier Supermod and Lolcow extraordinaire, is suspended. That means there are thousands of subreddits out there that are currently unmoderated, and the turtle is fuming in it's shell. >Spez is deleting posts that feature his face in an ugly light, especially ones made by the revolting hotpockets. TL;DR The shitty, abusive, tyrannical "super"mods are getting a taste of their own medicine, and they're choking on it. Spez is hardly any better, wants reddit to go public, and is currently fucking it up in the worst/best way possible. Popcorn for the ages. If this truly ends Reddit, then the death will be in the most poetically-reddit-way-possible.
>>212765 <Feddit faggots are retarded and killing their own gay site Imagine my shock. Not threadworthy.
Good. The blackout was a classic gay jannie move, and was annoying for users. I am glad the mods got their shit fucked up and if Reddit goes down over this, it will be nothing short of miraculous.
>>212765 >got locked out of Reddit account >spent $5,000+ on Reddit's Collectible Avatars >Reddit plz respond
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Who's up for Turtle Soup?
Some more Janitor/Admin slapfights
>>212828 >>212830 >the mods are all shit eating leftists God bless the admins and Spez. May they eradicate every last bit of this vermin.
Leaks of employee talks show that Reddit is not looking good as a place of employment. A sockpuppet (or shill) of Spez is still trying to damage control. AwkwardTheTurtle continues to rage, finally feeling the pain of falling off it's high horse after ten years of riding the powermod powertrip.
Hotpockets are starting to finally realize that the media isn't their friend, and they don't hold the power they thought they had when they were disposed of. (also, listed part of turtle's modded subs, so you can get an idea of just the kind of power-high it got from being on a high-horse.) https://archive.ph/J7kaJ - Reddit mods fuming about shit everyone else realized about the media last decade, and even earlier than that. https://archive.ph/iTpya - A primer on AwkwardTheTurtle, not much of a read, but a decent-enough primer for anyone here that doesn't know. https://archive.ph/mimbv - What the fuck, The Verge is actually somewhat unbiased here. https://archive.is/85Gba - A how-to-fuck-with-reddit guide bickers it's database is held-together with duct tape and wishful thinking.
So the hotpocket temper-tantrum and resulting holopocketcaust has indeed caused more damage than the talking heads have let-on... Except it's actually search engines that have taken the damage (redditors say it's mostly google) bickers of course shitty search engines will take a hit when they use biased algos and social media as search results. Other than that, the holopocketcaust continues, more subs fall, jannies rage, opportunistic users get mod positions, oust the old jannies, and reddit turns a blind eye acting like nothing's happening... Oh and scammers are now on reddit hoping to steal moderator accounts too. Hotpockets were surprisingly-smart on calling this out, but there will always be someone dumb-enough to click the link, there always is one of them that dumb. https://archive.ph/uFTGZ -- Hotpockets rejoice at the damage they've done... To Google. https://archive.fo/IAk84 -- Developer and Reddit guy for the world's most famous block game is leaving Reddit.
>>212925 >>213406 Good. Seriously, fuck Reddit moderators. They seal clapped when r/coontown and all the other right wing subreddits were closed by Spez, and now they are getting their just deserts. and yes, I know Spez is a scummy leftist, but he knows where the bread is buttered and has no qualms about being a hypocrite as all leftists are hypocrites. Smug Reddit mods still want to pretend to be true believers. May they all burn.
Got a spicy niblet of drama for you guys - hotpockets are salty that a fight against a tranny got onto the front page. Pics related are the thread of salt, and the thread it's coming from. In addition, reddit's biggest casual-views-source has it's hotpockets quitting. You know. that one board where celebrities- actual celebrities, not E-celebs, post their "ask anything" bullshit, while the hotpockets shadowban people who ask the REAL questions. Get fucked Reddit. This was ten years coming for being part of the cancer that killed forum rings. https://archive.ph/xdSDh - /u/ModCodeofConduct sends out messages that boil down to "we're done playing nice, unprivate your shit in two days or we will fuck you" https://archive.fo/4bBAA - Hotpockets discuss their plan to disconnect from reddit... I wonder if it'll take this time. https://archive.ph/mWN1n - Reddit's biggest source of organic off-site traffic is shutting down. Hotpockets suspect that spez is throwing a shitfit and it's actually a reasonable estimate if Spez is anything like a typical frat/techbro.
>>213637 shit, I chose the wrong images for hotpocket salt. sorry.

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