/cow/ - Lolcows

Autism speaks. It's time to listen.

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Nate Brown/Nate the Chipmunk/Nathan Brown/WSLCaptainNate Anonymous 12/13/2019 (Fri) 06:23:09 ID: e6cf4f No.23065
Oh boy, you guys will fucking love this one.

>lolcow I came across on twitter
>eRPs in the Sonic/Alvin fandoms
>obsessed with organs and guns
>believes he is the apex of masculinity and that women are below him
>kicked off deviantart, is literally an autistic furry pedo stalker
>see image dump for more lulz
Dude's a total nutcase. His haven is on twitter and he seems to be into a lot of futa accounts.

He also looks exactly how you think he would look
>wearing shoes with no socks
That alone is bad enough.
>satAM fag
>chipmunk fag
Sonmanic 2.0?
>>23065 e begger
This is the problem created when a society doesn't use mental institutions anymore.

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