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The eurasian tiger drama Anonymous 12/22/2019 (Sun) 16:08:33 ID: 9dfb1e No.24206
>>24206 Tendie is still alive?
damn zach's brother makes that hapa look tame
Fuck you, fuck your spammy OP and fuck your retarded youtube channel. Stop LARPing as a 19th Century explorer you cheeto-covered monger.
>tfw you have a hapa son wtf am i gonna do bro's hes even trying to convince us to get him height pills bickers he doesnt wanna be short like mom
>>24569 >Send kid to Asia to live with distant Asian relatives and forget about him. >Find white girl donor egg and have your Asian wife do in vitro fertilization. >Have white child.
>>24571 harsh but.... his grandparents do love it when he visits
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>People on /cow/ are actually reproducing Mail order brides were a mistake.
>>24586 The Incel Revolution and its consequences have been a tragedy for the human race
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