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Sprate Header / SprateH / Sprate / Sprate@nicecrewdigital / Mister Metokur's New Writer Unironic Ralphamale 06/26/2024 (Wed) 22:54:33 ID: 7facc7 No.252665
Let me introduce you to Sprate Header aka Mister Metokur new writer & the savior of Foxdick Farms! Sprate is a P E D O defender, hypocrite of the highest caliber and a pathological liar. Sprate somehow manages to fuck up EVERYTHING & always boxes his own shadow, revealing his deep insecurity. Sprate vs Torswats Sprate has spent a year on his autistic crusade, looking in every nook and cranny for the Satanic P E D O menace, trying to bolster his cred as Foxdick Farm's finest. However, Sprate's ultimate project also fully revealed Sprate, getting countless details wrong in his thread! REMINDER: Sprate had 0 to do with Alan "Torswats" Filion's arrest, he can''t ever address that Foxdick Farms had no impact on "Torswats" & in fact muddied the waters for the swatters! Soon after Sprate's Torswats thread came out, Sprate not only allowed Kinochet to spread the false rumor Bryan Dunn was the swatter for weeks unquestioned, but Sprate went onto lie to TheTheGatorGamerGamer Metokur directly saying KOP admitted to being the swatter in a now DELETED comment(first screenshot). This directly lead to Bryan Dunn getting swatted, which Sprate encouraged with his actions. Whether or not Bryan Dunn deserved it is another matter, Sprate is anti-swat but encourages BS harassment campaigns leading to swats. Sprate used his Torswats thread to become the "authority" on torswats, only to then falsely accuse Bryan Dunn of being a murderer as a "joke"! Sprate's thread has countless errors, from accusing KOP of being involved solely from the swatter mentioning KOP in a few posts, to saying a "Lizard" character is involved with 0 proof other than the delusional P E D O DJ axle. None of this has been addressed almost a year later, why? Notably, one of Sprate's top sources on the Torswats group is a former swatter & P E D O tranny named "Naught" (https://archive.ph/hJJsH), Sprate works with chomo crossdressers Sprate does everything to appeal to Mister Metokike & TheTheGatorGamerGamer Moon, begging for the attention of and attempting to prove himself to his two e-daddy heroes non-stop. He'll gladly lie, twist and do anything just for a crumb of clout from either of his father figures. One of Sprate's fatal flaws is he considers any association to be endorsement, but never applies that standard to himself. Sprate isn't his own man or a trendsetter, just a stooge looking to fulfill a "lolcow" quota rather than have fun. Sprate vs Lolcows Sprate's entire catalog of "cocks" extends from stalking Elaine Miller, to covering uninteresting twitter nobodies with under 1k followers, to rehashed catboy cocks from 2020! That's neglecting to get into Sprate's incapable, lazy doxing skills, poor taste in cows and trying to force everything into his autistic black/white worldview. Sprate has decided to make his main enemy in the world Elaine Miller aka Trollcow, following her every step, attempting to stalk her everywhere she goes and being generally obsessed. Despite being the expert on the topic of Elaine, Sprate somehow manages to take Elaine Miller seriously and believes she's some superhacker satanist with deep connections to satanic P E D O S! Everyone knowing the one rule with Elaine is "don't take her seriously", Sprate has not only neglected this but instructed his savior Mister Metokur to fully christen her as the satanic superhacker swatter queen of the sektur. Ironically, Sprate called out V-tubers as p e d o bait, but Sprate REFUSES to call out his E-daddy TheTheGatorGamerGamer Metokur for backing blatant kid diddlery! The emperor has no clothes! The actual reason Sprate is obsessed with Elaine is due to her supporting Kirtaner early on, whom Sprate had a beef with. However, instead of attacking the glowie P E D O actually associated with hackers, Sprate goes for the low hanging fruit(a reoccurring theme). Sprate vs catboy Sprate has decided that he's the one who'll take down catboy, taking aim at random no-name groypers to finally destroy America First this time! Sprate will pay ANY price and side with ANYONE to reach his parasocial goal. This ranges from TheTheGatorGamerGamer, to BAP, to P E D O trannies, Sprate's opportunism knows no bounds. Problem is, in Sprate's crusade to take down AF for being a "p e d o cult", he sided with Martin aka TheCaptiveDream7 aka Russian_Cosmist aka Bronze Age Pervert's righthand man(https://x.com/captivedreamer7). Even ignoring being BAP the boy groomer affiliated, Martin/CD7/RC was openly celebrating Mr.Disrespect SEXTING a minor, said he did it himself and then Martin started ranting for hours about his desire to date/sext14yo girls unprompted! All the time Maritn boosts BAP, and BAP boosts him back, yet Sprate pretends to be neutral despite refusing to ever say any meaningful criticism towards BAP/Martin! Sprate turns a blind eye or directly endorses their message, "making a deal with the devil" to take down catboy & AF. Normally, you'd need a stronger standard of evidence to connect people, but this is the same standard SprateH applies to everyone else. Not only that, SPRATE REFUSES TO CALL OUT P E D O VICTOR "ULTROS668" SHARP simply cause it would benefit catboy or something. Sprate has only posted about Ultros once on twitter, only to dismiss evidence and never engaged again. Ultros & TheTheGatorGamerGamer even met with and attempted to influence congresswoman Elise Stefanik by their own admission, Sprate will never acknowledge this! Sprate defends TheTheGatorGamerGamer endlessly, considering himself "TheTheGatorGamerGamer Gang". This is in-spite of TheTheGatorGamerGamer covering up for Vtubers & sweeping for Gabe Hoffman. Where does Sprate have any room to cast aspersions when he's complicit in much more damning things? tl;dr Sprate is a pedo shielding hypocrite and liar who's achieved nothing, has no credibility and shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone. ACCOUNTS Foxdick farms https://foxdickfarms.st/members/sprate-header.78103/ Twitter https
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The word limit lied and cut off the ending thanks Robi: ACCOUNTS Foxdick farms https://foxdickfarms.st/members/sprate-header.78103/ Twitter https://x.com/SprateH Fediverse honeypot https://nicecrew.digital/@Sprate Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCldy-0_zjyM7oCTCbZAH8LA
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This happened when TheTheGatorGamerGamer just went at Hujan on Sprate Header's behalf, and Sprate is wanking himself to it Sprate would hangout in the same chats as TheGatorGamer, never called him out until the vtuber drama imploded
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Sprate is already watching this thread CONFIRMED , he's running damage control and trying to disavow Martin / Russian Cosmist! Too late Sprate, you spent months shilling a sweaty gamer just cause he was anti AF! When are you going to disavow your P E D O e-daddys, Metokur, TheTheGatorGamerGamer Moon and TheTheGatorGamerGamer McJudas?
<imagine being this pathetic
idk what ur all seething about but sprates a total snake lol he slid in my twitter dms, asked me a buncha questions about elaine (he kept accusing me of lying when i answered too, it was weird), then leaked it all to foxdick now he ignores all my dms... sad!!! i never even wanted beef sprate, come back to rdrama, carp misses you
All people who post on kf are losers.
>>252665 Hey op are you mentally retarded? Easiest thing to notice about Martin, he's American. He isn't actually an Italian nor is he actually celebrating fucking 14 yos, if it wasn't obvious with him using "prudish Americans" or "christofascist", did you want him to do the "/s" plebbit thing? The reason Sprate needs to get fried in a comically large frying pan is bickers he's a mental retard who spends most of his free time on a gossip forum. You do that too so promptly end your life
>>256376 bickers* And you dont spend most of your time in a gossip forum, it's actually a gossip imageboard
>>256377 Nigger bickers bickers bickers bickers

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