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DSP Anonymous 02/01/2020 (Sat) 17:48:35 ID: d31846 No.30181
Surprised there is no thread already. Yup his scam was boring for quite a while and not worthy of much attention but he finally is declaring bankruptcy. 500k$ in debt. Pay your last respects to DSP he is finally going down.
>>30181 Isn't he filing for bankruptcy? Are Phil's days finally numbered?
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Press F for our Gout-cow
>>30193 F his streams are really boring though
sage yeah no, you SoKG​AMERGATEs made it pretty apparent that the real lolcows are the guys following him around.
>>30181 >>30184 >500k dollarydoos in dept I don't pay much attention to DSP so I'm rather curious on how he managed that.
>>30225 I know he kept spending money on things he couldn't afford, like trips to expensive hotels, cars, a big house, on top of the metric fuckton of games and merchandise. I guess not even scamming his viewers for the e-beg money was enough to cover that.
Is it time to donate another water tank to Africa?
>>30271 >>30225 He was also a whale for a WWE mobile game. No one's sure exactly how much money he's spent, but it was at least 10k.
>>30271 >I know he kept spending money on things he couldn't afford You'd think after hitting a few thousand in dept it would click to stop doing that. >>30329 >He was also a whale for a WWE mobile game >it was at least 10k. Okay this is legitimate brain damage territory.
>>30225 >>30271 >>30329 >>30465 He also only paid the bare minimum on payments; when his viewers told him that's a dumb thing to do he called them idiots.
>$500 thousand dollars in debt How is it possible for someone to be this stupid with money and not be barred from taking out loans or opening credit cards before it gets to this point? There's no way he isn't genuinely retarded, someone who is close to him should have caught on and stopped him by the time he reached 30k in debt.
>>30485 the credit card companies sell the debt piecemeal to debt collectors who get paid by estate sales and insurance companies when retards like dsp kill themselves. Since most of the stuff he's spending money on doesn't even really exist in the first place or is sold for insanely inflated prices (cheap chinese crap, virtual goods, gambling, etc.) the economics of it all are really weird
>>30485 >someone who is close to him should have caught on and stopped him by the time he reached 30k Does he even have anyone like that? Didn't he move across the country away from his family or something?
>>30514 Isn't he married? Or is she just gf? bickers if he's married his retarded money antics can also destroy his wife's credit rating, but if it's just gf then I guess it doesn't matter as long as her name isn't on anything associated with it.
>>30225 Owning a not-paid-off condo and buying a house on the other side of the country will do that.
>>30184 the faggot just sits there and plays games all day, and children throw shekels at him constantly how in the flying fuck could he manage to be half a mill in debt? did he just buy everything house/car etc on credit and then just never make any payments on them at all? or was he just buying take-out food all day, every day? or maybe panda ran off with the shit he had stashed in his mattress? half a million is a fucking lot, and considering he used to make a ton more money when he was partnered with machinima, most of this must have happened in the last couple years. idk how anyone could manage something like that. maybe if he had a less sedentary, and more degenerate lifestyle, and a healthy cocaine habit, i could see him racking this much up. but for a dude with a totally sedentary lifestyle, who has been """""employed""""" the whole time, this is downright unfathomable
>>30608 >buying a house on the other side of the country lol oh shit what a fucking retard
>>31058 >did he just buy everything house/car etc on credit and then just never make any payments on them at all? Basically. When he begs his fans he always says he's having trouble paying electricity bills and buying food, but he literally only pays the bare minimum on his debts while the interest piles up, and views the rest of the donations as profit to be spent on recreation. >was he just buying take-out food all day, every day? There's a video where Phil teaches his audience how to make a fresh garden salad. His ingredients are a bag of pre chopped lettuce, a bag of pre cooked and pre chopped bacon, and a bag of pre grated parmesan. If anyone has lived on a budget, they know that pre made shit is ridiculously marked up, and taking the two minutes to grate cheese yourself can save you a lot. He also bitched about his tax attorney recently bickers after learning he filed for bankruptcy, the tax attorney wanted his fee upfront. He's just a child with no foresight when it comes to money and despite bitching about it every day on every stream, seems to have no clue how to handle his own assets. >>30578 Married.
>>31143 >Married. That poor mail-order bride didn't know what she was getting herself into.
>>31058 Supposedly he spent thousands on a mobile game. People that dumb don't just make one bad decision like that, they make many. Those bad decisions compound into a bad situation. >>31143 >Pre made shit Really that's probably one of the least egregious things he's done. I mean, food is ultimately not going to put you in debt, unless you are eating at expensive restaurants every day or something. I think you hit the nail on the head with burning money on recreation and pretending credit is unlimited money.
>>31059 It's sad how people want to bring this guy back up when there's nothing lolcow worthy, so long after all the anti-DSP groups got proven to be more of a lolcow than he ever was, and they don't even know anything about him. You don't know that he was making big money from Machinima, he decided to move from Connecticut to Seattle, Washington? Or that he cited stupid things like "no job market" in CT for why he left? Or even that his moving cross-country cut him off from his family and any friends that didn't try to capitalize on drama?
DSP was recently asked why does he beg his underage fans for money while he has multiple streaming service subscriptions and eats out for every meal. DSP says in the past month he's watched two shows on WWE network, so he's considering cancelling it and then says "mind your own fucking business". This is what his paypiggies pay for. Taco bell and tv he doesn't watch. Gotta respect that hustle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08YXoFcqK2M
>>31143 >Married HA Well she really fucked up. She probably picked him when he was making lodsemone and was planning on divorcing him when he hit peak income, but TOO BAD HE SQUANDERED IT FASTER THAN SHE COULD FIND A LAWYER HAHAHAHA.
>>36012 Fuck off with your moralfagging. >>36023 This is SOK-tier retardation. The time he was making lodsamone was when he first moved out to Seattle, with pandalee. The level of desperation in this thread is proof it's not worth having.
>>36069 >moralfagging. Learn to read, retard. I respect his ability to take money from paypigs.
>>36084 Midfirst Bank takes the money, not DSP.
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DarkSydePhil - 341 Bankruptcy Hearing & Meeting 3/26/2020 (Full) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgJ63hwmCRM >you have a playstation 4 pro system? <that's correct. that is uhh business related and i do still have it >ok. how about a standard playstation 4? <that is, uh, i still own it. it is uh business related >playstation 3? <yup. that is uh business related. i still have it >nintendo wii? <uh.. business related >nintendo wii-u? <yes. business related. i do still own it >nintendo switch? <yes, business related and i do still own it >xbox 360 <yes. xbox 360. business related. i do still own it >nintendo 3ds <yes. business related and i do still own that >playstation vita? <uhh yes i do still own the playstation vita and uh it is business related and i do still own it, yes >playstation virtual reality <yes, i do still own the playstation uh virtual reality and it is business related. and i have it >do you have a computer? WHOEVER'S MAKING THE BEEPING SOUND IF YOU'LL PLEASE STOP. do you have a computer? <i do have a business related computer, yes >a personal computer? <no i do not have a home related computer, no. it's just a business related computer >do you have an ipad? <uhm, i do. it is very old and not functional
>>41605 how the fuck does he have $5k in expenses
>>41612 He put videogame microtransactions down as a business expense.
>>41613 >business expense >do you file separate taxes for your business? <what? >do you file your taxes separately for your personal income and your business <I, uh, I only file one tax return >you claim you have $5,000 in expenses monthly and that your net income is $37. Can you itemize those expenses <what? >can you itemize your expenses <you're breaking up >can you itemize your expenses <what does that mean >forget it, you've claimed you have purchased nothing on credit whatsoever since you declared insolvency is that correct <yes no personal expenses >you've purchased absolutely nothing on credit since october <yes no personal expenses >so you're going to go on record saying you have made no credit purchases since october? <yes >ok I have what I need
>>41614 >ok I have what I need Ruh Roh
>>41605 >>41614 >>41615 all of this was probably made worse by the beeping. Judgebitch was getting mad.
>>41605 >all my toys are business related dood! >tries to avoid answering why he claims to have $5k monthly expenses Phil better e-beg his paypigs to fund some lube for what's about to happen.
>>41614 >ok I have what I need wew time to fuck off to south america somewhere
>>41637 he can't; he's in one of the hardest hit and therefore most locked down cities in America. plus, there are limited to no flights. looks like time finally caught up to the ol' cocksucker.
>>41642 >he can't; he's in one of the hardest hit and therefore most locked down cities in America. plus, there are limited to no flights beautiful i didnt even think about that
the real question is who the fuck leaked his bankruptcy hearings? lmao
>>41647 >tfw even citibank are DSP a-logs
>>41649 in fact of course, stranger things have happened i mean a 40yo manchild who has shit his pants and done nothing but play shitty games terribly for like a decade and beg children for their lunchmoney, somehow managed to actually get married. how fucking wild is that? some chucklefuck /cow/boy who works for citi seems way more plausible than that imo
>>41647 I believe these things are generally available to the public. The beeping was from the teleconferencing system being overwelmed by KF, and the lawyer even questioned the authenticity of the citibank debtor.
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Is Phil missing a tooth?
Holy fuck foxdick farms is gay. I went there to check up on new phil news since this board is dead and they have a dozen or so pages angry at DSP for being homophobic and transphobic towards the new FF7 remake and how he must secretly be gay himself.
>>44800 >secretly Well he might not tell everyone he meets, but he did spend 40 grand on a game about musclemen grappling with one another.
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>>44801 That is true.
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>>44830 That's a good one. I'm sure he will be fucking loves her pussy.
>>44830 >after pinkpilling CWC they want to go after Phil never change kiwi
>>44830 >trannyfarms is filled with trannies imaginemyshock.jpg
>>45021 So is julayworld >>>/lgbt/
>>44801 >40 grand Did the actual amount get out? I thought all anyone knew was that it was at least 10k.
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>>47442 KEK HE'S INVINCIBLE post source faggot
>>47442 >>47479 Seems there are advantages to being part roach.
>>47442 Is DSP the Assad of lolcows?
DSP shit his pants and did nothing wrong
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DSP revealed he was aware that the gay CEO of EVO, Mr Wizard, was grooming underage boys and shit his pants and did nothing about it. >Everyone knew what Mr. Wizard was doing in the FGC for so many years. I obviously didn't know about it. I mean, I knew about what he was doing.... But it was none of my fucking business, okay?
>>64670 Given his entire business model is screwing children, I'm not really surprised he'd look the other way on that.
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Phil finally made it to wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank%27s_sign
>>82585 Someone needs to add our goutlord to the list of notable individuals, he's clearly relevant enough according to wikipedia's new relevance standards.
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In Phil's recent Rage-a-thon stream he set a tips goal for eating skittles. He'd eat 3 skittles for every 20 dollars he got. He ended up having to eat something like 24 skittles, but only ate 7, spat 2 out, and called chat assholes for asking him to eat the rest, saying it would make him sick.
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Holy moly I never thought he would sink this low. I mean, I know he's the pigroach, but this is something. I'm also honestly surprised he's this desperate
>>146941 it's a good thing for him to do actually and for alogs as well maybe he'll see similarities rather then just endlessly trying to defend him self from people who endlessly want to shit on him in fact of course
Bumpin this almost year old thread. DSP was recently on a podcast called Side Scrollers where the interviewers basically ambushed him and got him with hard hitting questions in which Phil was unaware of what would happen. Beforehand they talked with each other and Phil thought they'd be cordial to him but they basically ambushed him and even brought on Keemstar which Phil didn't know would happen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQw-IxvvE6c Something that caught my attention is how Adam Crigler is a co-host and he got uppity at Phil over a racist joke Phil made. I thought Adam was one of the anti-SJW guys? Phil made a slave joke about a little black girl in a game and they got so pissed at it like faggots.
>>198114 Keem lecturing him like a disappointed parent was surreal
>>198125 I was surprised Keem treated him relatively fair. Thought he would go in and make jokes and insult Phil every chance he got but he seemed like he genuinely doesn't hate Phil he was just wondering why Phil dissed him. Although from what I understand Keem did make it seem like Phil turned down his offer of 50k dollars to be on a podcast with Boogie and WingsofRedemption when what really happened is Phil just didn't pick up the phone and didn't even know about that offer. Whether Phil purposely didn't answer the phone or not we don't know but as far as we know Phil didn't specifically know the details about the offer but Keem made it seem like he did.
Also there's supposed to be a part 2 to the interview which Phil is still gonna go on and they might get into his bank account details. Phil said maybe in a month or two the part 2 will come. Surprised he's agreeing to go back on.
>>198129 He's on stream seething about them right now, no chance there's a part 2
>>198317 Yeah I'm watching it right now. Phil is right about Adam being a disingenuous faggot. Craig did lie about going into the interview being neutral.
Why are Phil's alogs such faggots? I made the mistake of opening up someone's restream of him today since DDM no longer exists and was greeted by some weak-voiced faggot with a fancy microphone bigger than his little manlet head. Not a great start but I figure "okay, this guy's got near 1000 viewers, he must be entertaining, right?" Wrong. He's mojcaesar187agging, pathetic womanly hand-wringing and whining about Phil needing to do something to stop copystrikes. Never even once during the forty minutes I suffered does he actually say what Phil should do. In fact he seems to know very little about how Youtube's copyright system works, but that doesn't stop him. The only relief from his bleating are long periods of dead air while he lets Phil babble on through his pre-stream routine and the superchats from the audience accompanied by a fancy noise and animation the cockss of which were among of the most dented that I've ever encountered. Easily on par with some of the worst of Phil's chatters. Were things always like this? I feel like they used to be better.
>>201190 Things are like that everywhere and always have been.
>>201190 Cheap way of getting viewers for your shitty channel really. I've noticed almost all of Phil's alogs end up making their own cocks after they've garnered enough views from people who specifically wanted to watch detractor cocks. Like they'll start streaming their own games but still talk about Phil in the chat to keep the alogs interested. If there's one thing to truly alog Phil over is how he downgraded from Pandalee to Kat. Pandalee honestly wasn't even all that ugly for a guy like Phil but Kat looks like a train hit her face.
DSP as we all know is a liar, who lies. His most interesting lie was during the now infamous Side Scrollers Podcast and I haven't seen this particular issue discussed anywhere at least not in detail. Per Phil, he had an ID theft situation but has no police report. He claims he did contact the credit bureaus. This is where the lie is easy to prove. In order to have any form of ID theft reported to the bureaus you must also have a police report in order to prevent dumbasses opening random cards, charging them up, and crying ID theft. This is easily checked by going to the Transunion site, clicking the ID theft section, and then seeing the Fraud Victim Checklist they give you. I included a screenshot of the list, note on the last bullet in order to get things removed from your credit report you must provide a letter proving its fraud - that is the police report. Furthermore to make sure Washington isn't in some way special I checked their ID theft policies specifically and the local PD does in fact view it as a felony and will open a file. Second screenshot is from the WA attorney general. (https://www.atg.wa.gov/recovering-identity-theft-or-fraud#:~:text=Identity%20theft%20is%20a%20felony,you%20correct%20your%20credit%20rating.) In short: 1. ID theft costs the victim no money beyond any cash they could not recover that was spent by the fraud. 2. Phil literally could not have gotten anything removed from his credit report by the Bureaus without a police report, which he said he didn't have. 3. All this means Phil did not have an ID theft situation that was reported and removed from his credit report unless he has a police report he didn't want to show for some reason.
Samefag, made an error. In the ID victim checklist final bullet it explicitly says you need a police report so...there you go.

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