/cow/ - Lolcows

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RIP FEDSMOKER Anonymous 02/14/2020 (Fri) 21:53:59 ID: e58d06 No.32036
Only 2 months into the decade and America has already lost one of its greatest heroes
>>32036 RIP Jose Humartorius!
>>32036 Rest In Proto Fedsmoker
Literally who
>>32476 Lolcow from the old days. It's impossible to write a description that does him justice. Think Randy Savage but 500% more hardcore. Unfortunately all the search results for him are polluted by an unfunny podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQk6UsvWf9o
>>32036 Is there an official news report about this?
Open file (38.79 KB 480x447 1548020054579.jpg)
Rip big guy. I hope some of the clouds in heaven are methamphetamine smoke.
>>32517 They sure are now
>>32036 >not loving dying
>>39660747 I get a big slice at Costco and a lemonade for like $4. It keeps me from eating a whole pizza in one sitting.

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