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Autism speaks. It's time to listen.

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The Autism problem Anonymous 03/05/2020 (Thu) 15:46:52 ID: cc304c No.39343
In the past few decades the number of people diagnosed with autism has increased dramatically. This is a very concerning development. It is concerning bickers it is fundamentally unethical and irresponsible to allow autistic people to partake in society and to communicate with others. Anybody who has ever dealt with an autistic person understands that the presence of an autist is burdensome and detrimental to its surroundings in any social context. Imagine any social gathering or event, such as spending time with your friends. Any such social gathering is not enjoyable when an autist is present. Despite there being many different forms of autism that articulate themselves in different ways (high functioning, low functioning and such), all of these have in common that they are a profound source of displeasure and discomfort to those who surround the patient. Autism is a unique disorder in that the people surrounding the patient suffer from it rather than the patient itself. When confronted with this basic fact, autists or their advocates will attempt to rebut by pointing to the importance of 'tolerance'. They say, you need to tolerate the autist and his annoying antics or else you're a bad person. But does it make you a bad person to simply not want your every day ruined by autists? Even if an autist is tolerated by others, that is merely a concious effort on their part to not slap the autist in the face and tell it to piss off. Subconsciously, you still rather want it to go away. I have attached a graphic showing the three levels of 'functionality' in autists. You will notice that all three levels, in some way, require support. This is support which autists like to pretend they are entitled to, even when they give absolutely nothing in return for receiving this support. If there were competent and responsible people in charge of policy who can see the gravity of this issue, there would have been measures to contain autists and prevent them from participating in society. Unless there is a cure for this terrible disease, which is a societal disease, a good thing to do for the state would be to employ measures of containment such as incarceration in mental facilities. However this is still not a perfect solution. An autist will always be a burden upon society, even if such measures are employed. Hence, the only conclusion is that euthanasia is the most optimal way to reduce this burden permanently. The autist, no matter how "high functioning" it may seem, is never equivalent in personal value to a non-autist. The society, if it wants to flourish, has no choice but to recognize this reality.
>>39343 >euthanasia is the most optimal way to reduce this burden permanently I volunteer you to be first.
>autism is a societal disease We live in an autistic society.
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The question isn't what to do about autism, it's what to do with normalfags.
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>>39343 >Hence, the only conclusion is that euthanasia is the most optimal way to reduce this burden permanently. Can't agree with this premise. Under the assumption that autism is "bad" one must realize the autist is a symptom of something, as you stated yourself in your first sentence. You could euthanize them all day long, but they'll keep cropping up until the source of the problem is addressed, bickers something has to have gone off tilt for the numbers to spike upwards in diagnosis to begin with. So no, I would not say this would cause society to "flourish." Rather, it will continue in a reduced state regardless due to the necessary expenditure of resource to perform mass euthenasia so long as, again, the core problems that created the symptom (autists en masse) remained unaddressed. IE thank you Jesus for sending us coronavirus to show this entire planet just how weak and how quickly "enlightened, progressive society, pinnacle of mankind and history" will tumble to the ground.
>reading is autistic What is this?
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>>39399 Autism is a growing force to be reckoned with.
>>41824 there's a surprising lack of G​AMERGATEs & mudshits up there for a group holding up pro-G​AMERGATEs&mudshits banners in fact of course.
>>39343 Bros i honestly don't know if i have autism. All i know is there is something wrong in my head. I have very strong mood swings. Sometime i can be very talkative and rest of the time i won't even feel like talking to you even tho we been sitting in the same room for hours. I also have short lived burst of energy and i become highly creative in that period ideas popping in my mind and then there are times when my brain feels fried. There is also a problem with me where i develop hatred for those living with me. Last summer my cousins came to stay with us for a month, it was okay for some days but then i started getting competitive with them. It was not their fault since i do this with eberyone. I might end up doing the craziest shit out there. Help me bros i tried googling but the nose tribe out there cannot be trusted
>>42971 This seems normal.
>>42974 Reely? I don't see people around being so moody
In the past few decades the number of G​AMERGATEs has increased dramatically. This is a very concerning development. It is concerning bickers it is fundamentally unethical and irresponsible to allow G​AMERGATEs to partake in society and to communicate with others. Anybody who has ever dealt with G​AMERGATEs understands that the presence of a G​AMERGATE is burdensome and detrimental to its surroundings in any social context. Imagine any social gathering or event, such as spending time with your friends. Any such social gathering is not enjoyable when a G​AMERGATE is present. Despite there being many different forms of negro that articulate themselves in different ways (Congoid, Capoid and such), all of these have in common that they are a profound source of displeasure and discomfort to those who surround the patient. Niggers are a unique minority in that the people surrounding them suffer from it rather than the G​AMERGATEs themselves. When confronted with this basic fact, G​AMERGATEs or their advocates will attempt to rebut by pointing to the importance of 'tolerance'. They say, you need to tolerate the G​AMERGATE and his annoying antics or else you're a bad person. But does it make you a bad person to simply not want your every day ruined by G​AMERGATEs? Even if a G​AMERGATE is tolerated by others, that is merely a concious effort on their part to not slap the G​AMERGATE in the face and tell it to piss off. Subconsciously, you still rather want it to go away. I have attached a graphic showing the three levels of 'functionality' in G​AMERGATEs. You will notice that all three levels, in some way, require support. This is support which G​AMERGATEs like to pretend they are entitled to, even when they give absolutely nothing in return for receiving this support. If there were competent and responsible people in charge of policy who can see the gravity of this issue, there would have been measures to contain G​AMERGATEs and prevent them from participating in society. Unless there is a cure for this terrible disease, which is an ethnic disease, a good thing to do for the state would be to employ measures of containment such as incarceration in concentration camps. However this is still not a perfect solution. A G​AMERGATE will always be a burden upon society, even if such measures are employed. Hence, the only conclusion is that euthanasia is the most optimal way to reduce this burden permanently. The G​AMERGATE, no matter how "educated" it may seem, is never equivalent in personal value to a non-G​AMERGATE. The society, if it wants to flourish, has no choice but to recognize this reality.
>>43702 >Anybody who has ever dealt with G​AMERGATEs understands that the presence of a G​AMERGATE is burdensome agree 100% mark's ni/GG/ers are a burden but I had no idea the hate group S​ARGON had infiltrated so deep into africa. >Unless there is a cure for this terrible disease, which is an ethnic disease, a good thing to do for the state would be to employ measures of containment such as incarceration in concentration camps. I agree, put ni/GG/ers in concentration camps and don't let them use the internet or any nintendo product.
Kill anyone with an iq below 115
The most optimal way would always be breeding perfect specimen from the start. Autism isn't unique in that it requires attention from the outside either, I can assure you most things require some sort of outside help. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on it but frankly they're not very deep.
Kill yourself neurotypical >>71459 This. Especially if they're neurotypicals >>41667 Come and take it.
>>43704 ok /v/irgin, you not grasping the filters is so funny >>43702 >It is concerning bickers it is fundamentally unethical and irresponsible to allow niggas to partake in society and to communicate with others. Unironically true

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