4chan is behind Cuckflare:
>$ dig 4chan.org NS +short
>$ dig 4channel.org NS +short
4chan uses Google Captcha
4chan does NOT allow VPN posting
4chan does NOT allow Tor posting
4chan does NOT work without JS (Catalogs, Captcha, reply linking, etc...)
4chan has a phonefaggot interface
4chan janitors use Discord
4chan janitors doxed themselves with photo ID to >do it for free
4chan janitors police posts based on their own personal goals
Hiro runs 4chan with the idea of monetization
Hiro created sekrit club boards you have to pay to use
4chan is run on government servers with the FBI overseeing /b/
Moot censored information during GG bickers he was dating a girl related to MSM
Moot sold out and went to work for big G after retiring from 4chan
4chan censors other imageboards so anon can't find new, better, safer places
4chan is overrun with teenagers
4chan is overrun with ironic plebbitors
4chan is overrun by retarded, naive boomers on /pol/
4chan is a proving ground for forum diversion/subversion experiments ran by intelligence entities