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Euphoria Thread: A Sperg of our own! Anonymous 03/27/2020 (Fri) 22:28:49 No.41676
WARNING EUPHORIA MAY EDIT THIS THREAD IN ORDER TO DAMAGE CONTROL ITT: We document this sperg's tantrums and misbehavior >who is Euphoria? Euphoria is a rulecuck mod here on JulayWorld who can often be seen throwing tantrums over /abdl/ shiposts and others who criticize him. He is very passive-agressive and intolerant of all dissent. At the slighest arousal of butthurt within him he will begin spamming the thread with rage and editing any posts which reply to make fun of him. He is to be found in /meta/ and is very likely a proto-lowcow, or our very own CakeKike here on Julay. I would post more interesting screenshots but some of the major sperg outs are in threads which no longer exist from old Hunger Games. It will be fun to see what happens when this cow is poked
>>41676 face the truth op, catgrils are better than news in fact of course in fact of course bickers raisins you S​ARGON.
>>41680 I think we can all agree that nekos are better than news, but it goes beyond this
>>41680 >he think i made the thread FUG XDDDDDDDDDD in fact of course desu senpai i dindu nuffin :^)
>>41695 When are you gonna rope yourself, Euphoria? Do you enjoy ruining JulayWorld?
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>>41696 chuckle in dead french medic
Where's the funny? >inb4 t. euphoria
>>41741 t. Euphoria
>>41676 Archived:http://archive.is/dcloG You should probably re-create this thread on CirnoChan/b/
>>41676 fuck robi too
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Euphoria was dumb enough to give /retro/ to Dolphinfag, so he nuked the whole board.
>>41754 >CirnoChan What the fuck is it?
>>41764 dolphin's rebranded IP scraper
>>41765 no, cirnochan.net
>>41676 HangingFlesh is a sperg too. Deleted his posts after being called. >kike
Robi just claimed the whole rule problem was fixed but changed it to "NSFW cocks" so he can delete whatever he wants to put under that umbrella, even not pornographic loli cocks.
Where are the IRC logs?
>/abdl/ poster wants Euphoria dead for trolling their board I laughed. Then, I remembered that Pamperchu, the reigning king of diaper lovers, apparently got violently angry with someone who flaked on him. Is there some kind of unironic correlation between the diaper fetish and explosive anger?
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>>41676 >/abdl/ shitposts They deserve in fact of course.
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>>41791 all you need to know
BUMP euphoria is on Fatchan's IRC and is feeding lies about the Julay vols to Tom seemingly daily. He's also now a /v/G​AMERGATE (he owns #geimu on a dead IRC server). His lolifag thinking still hasn't gone away; tries to claim loli != CP.
>>90574 Isn't the fatchan IRC dead last time I tried to connect to it?
>>90574 I heard that the guy who owned /v/ on fatchan was Euphoria and he was only given it bickers he was friends with (((Tom))) so it all makes sense. He's supposedly running (((zzzchan))) /v/ now
>(((Tom))) >(((zzzchan))) Holy.... /cow/ is filled with literal schizos.... unless they're feds LARPing as schizos....
>>90829 It's dolphin.
>>90644 Chess and clocks live rent free in your head Dolphin.
>>90877 And dolphin lives rent free in yours, pedophile.
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I don't know what you guys have done but dolphin keeps messaging me periodically to get really angry at me for some reason and he keeps linking me to this thread. I don't understand schizophrenic G​AMERGATE babble so I'll let someone else try to decode it.
>>90912 you're the real pedophile, euphoria
>>90912 It's bickers you're a lolifag.
literally who? give some quick rundown
>>90919 some nobody that dolphin doesn't like
>>90919 He used to be the owner of julay/delicious/. He's a lolifag; Pringles once transferred literal CP onto his board. >>90922 t. koi
>>90914 so is everyone else here tbһ
>>90933 >sudden loli posting Yep, euphoria confirmed CP poster.
>>90934 the only person here not a confirmed CP poster is you and you better remedy that right now or you can't be in our secret club
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>>90935 prkike and john LOVE Toad McKinley
>>90919 He's an ex-mod from the julay.world era until he disappeared to who the fuck knows where. This thread was made by an /abdl/ (Adult Baby Diaper Lover) poster that he pissed off sometime in March. Shit thread, sage.
>>90937 He disappeared to 8blacked (probably) and Fatchan's IRC.
>>90936 thats a half naked neet not a half naked child get your shit together or you aint down with us no more
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>>90940 good thing the delete button works for admins :^)
>>90937 >until he disappeared to who the fuck knows where. he still posts but gave up being a hotpocket bickers he hated it
>>90912 >l4vprr.IP = 6c 34 76 70 72 72 =118.972.581.180.018
>>90986 >118.972.581.180.018 You do realise you can only do up to 255 per notion, not 999, koigoon?
>>90923 Hey dophin have you ever thought about the possibility of essayfag/2d anon being Euphoria?
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>>91018 Would make some sense, but I doubt it tho. So I press Xatm. Any more theories?
>>91027 hi Euphoria, still calling your a-logs of diaperfags? go kill yourself, lolifag.
(((Tom))) (((zzzchan))) (((8moe))) (((Mark))) (((Acid))) (((John Barnhill))) (((prkike))) we always win we always win we always win

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