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Peter Coffin gets dumped Anonymous 04/01/2020 (Wed) 06:38:39 ID: 2511f1 No.42215
Petter Coffin is a breadtuber who is most famous for pretending to have a Japanese model girlfriend on the internet for over a year. https://xiaxue.blogspot.com/2011/03/peter-coffin-is-loser.html He's also known for posing his sex doll and taking photos of it, pretending it was his new gf. More recently he found an actual girl. He paid to have his huge-toothed scottish wife (think Pruane2Forever in a wig) over to America to get jaw surgery. After he paid for her plane ticket, her fucked up grill, and a pair of brand new fake titties she decided to leave him and took Toilet Nigga and the house. BETA AS FUCK
How old is Toilet Nigga now?
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Explains why there hasn't been an episode of adversaries for an entire year now. Honestly it makes his whole youtube gig funnier, just him alone, dressed up like Dr Robotnik talking about gamer​gate to own capitalism.
>>42215 >We will always be best friends In other words he's still in love with her and will jump on the first chance to scoop her up when she's worn out from riding the cock carousel and has no other options. The only question I have is how many niglets will he have to pay for when it happens?
She is hot, keep coping incels.
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>>74392 that's the sex doll bro
>>74741 sure thing, keep coping.
>>42254 He's got to be at least 6.
>>74741 the sex doll is hot, keep coping incels.
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>>80215 he is jewish or just pajeet?
Where I can buy a doll like that for lols?

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