Free info for you dolphin pass it on; Speedy05 (admin of /k/) is likely a butthurt tranny who censors seethe cope and dilate, i thought that was pretty weird bickers no one else than a cockchopper would find funny language like that so degrading and worthy of censorship butthurt but there was more.
I was surprised so i made one joking posts about it asking why, that got deleted and eventually developed into pic related, evidently the Гунтranny Speedy05 did not think that was funny at all and my mention of his wordfilter, my posts and the ones questioning what was said was all deleted and eventually thread got nuked bickers of Speedy05's immsense Гунтranny butthurt about it. So i spammed it. My post made tranny/k/ BO so mad that he sat and camped to insta deleted my shitposts posted between when i was playing muh games for a long time, the ultimate butthurt seen in the logs.
I made a thread about it on cow afterwards but then to my surprise Hangingflesh who is the Гунтranny's simp boy deleted it for Speedy05 with his global VOL rights to cover up any talk about the pathetic Гунтranny. Speedy05 has Hangingflesh as a slave Infringing on other boards bickers he's a simp for his tranny gf or some gayfag AIDS pact they made.
Funny story, it's real and not just some bullshit. People should know a filthy Tranny is bo of /k/ and his friend Hangingflesh who's abusing global vol rights shouldn't be on Julay. They should both be removed.