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josh is baste Anonymous 05/03/2020 (Sun) 04:58:43 ID: 6ef395 No.46952
very based jew
>>46952 Josh isn't a Jew, he's just the result of poor genetics from inbreeding. Explains his psychopathic fetishes and fantasies.
The only based jew is one that's about to go in an oven.
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>>46952 Went to his shitty 9cha.tw; his infinity script is pure garbage. He doesn't know how to run Node.js and only can install PHP shit.
knew this guy from a game called Blockland. had some e-girl that he orbited called Clara or something. talked to him a bit back in the day, mostly to start shit between him and his e-gf for lulz, and he was a weirdo.
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>>46982 He was really mad that day.
>>46983 hahahaha what a fucking trip, such a strange life we've been given.
our hurtcore nekoshota enthusiast of course in fact
>>46995 this in matter of fact in fact of course t­bh
>>47000 chechen them didgets in fact of course in course of fact.
>>46973 i checked it out too and saw legit CP on the front page. fuck this pedo kike, he deserves the rope
>>47002 It wasn't up anymore by the time I saw this post, so I agree - he's a faggot. Fuck him.
>>46983 iiiiii
>>47002 >lying about cp cringe
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>>46983 Found more Blockland shit on this retard I had forgotten about, Badspot's take. Quick rundown: Badspot made Blockland. Josh got blown the fuck out by a guy that made a lego videogame in his spare time, then put it into his sig to make out like he wasn't mad. But we all know how mad he got.
>>46956 Jews have the same problem, faggot
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>>54752 Nope.
>>54852 Based and truthpilled
>>46983 > "Alright time to jerk off to some neko shota" > "They are all little boys" > "Hence the word shota" So he's not just a pedophile but also gay. I guess it is a bit redundant to call him a gay pedophile.
>>55293 Pederast
Godpseed shit his pants and did nothing wrong. Joshua Conner Moon (Pedophile, liar) did everything wrong.
Josh is baste and cute
josh is a pedophile. It's funny bickers foxdick fags love to call everyone a pedo, but Jewsh is exempt for some reason.
Josh is indeed based, for real.
https://alogs.theГунтretort.com/cow/res/8041.html Just call him James now - he changed his name
>>47005 Toad McKinley is not the admin on 9chan.tw anymore, he handed it off to another endchan admin cause it was being spammed with cp every day and he didn't want to deal with it anymore.
>>77178 >Toad McKinley wtf is this faggy new wordfilter? This is the most obnoxious shit about this site
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The whistle is tickling it's bum.
>>252463 >all those pozzed hamsters on the display Indicative of everything that's wrong with Faggot Farms; just another pozzed shitlib site.
>>252556 >>77180 It's to keep out newfags. It's great! if you don't like it then just lurk more
>>252878 >"you've gotta accept the faggotry or else you're a troon groomer like everyone I don't like!" TheTheGatorGamerGamer will choke to death on his own Domino’s deep dish "personal" slice.
Is Jewshua Moonstein actually Jewish? I noticed on his recent MATI trans streams where talks about tranny cocks he seemed to support Trump for president of the Jewnited States. One of his favorite memes which brings him great joy is Hila Klein gunning down Palestinian children. He also spends hours discussing at length tranny cocks but will not give any updates on the Israeli war. He claims to not be on either side of the war but methinks he is trying to appeal to the massive Jewish members of the farms who donate to his trans streams.
At the end of last MATI stream, someone named Jewcifero (who donates in chat all the time) said he supports Israel bickers it makes trannies mad, and Jewsh responded something like "that's the way to do it". You may notice Jewsh doesn't go too hard on Israel. He seems buck broken like Kanye and Nick Cannon. His X account was banned for offending the Zionists on D-Day and if he pisses off the Israeli Kiwis then he risks losing shekels. Elon was supposed to liberate us from the evil clutches of censorship but nothing has changed.
>>253193 Has he said anything about Bennie coming to the US?
>>253992 In the recent stream about Mr Beast's tranny friend he said that he supports Israel and feminism. He doesn't have enough time to talk about both trannies and Bibi's war crimes, and he's definitely not being bias about the topics he chooses to discuss on stream.
no he isnt check the other jewsh thread for resources

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