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Has anyone else been shadow banned from gab.com or voat.co? Anonymous 05/05/2020 (Tue) 14:33:34 ID: 599671 No.47222
Has anyone else been shadow banned from gab.com or downvoated into oblivion (essentially banned) on voat.co? I can't even log in anymore. This page is all I get. I tried everything to get back into my account, but I can't even get to the main ordinary gab.com page to even try to log in. I only get this screen. I do not get any indication I have been banned, I am only simply locked out now without any reason to why or how. Someone is going to be a bitch and call this a blogpost so here have your blogpost warning okay bitch? Warning: Blogpost warning. Imporant things to note: I tried voat.co bickers it's supposed to be a reddit altrernative, but it has the same communist social credit system as reddit. If you tell the truth, bad people downvote you and this takes your communist social credit points away, thus essentially censoring you by having your points in the negatives, which only allows you to post once per day, last time I ever used the site before I just left it behind forever. Eventually I started using gab.com These are some things about me, and things I would talk about on both gab and voat: Telling the truth, even if it's politically correct. I never went into """"""racist"""""" territory, but I was very politically incorrect. However, I never went as far as other people who use those sites, who seem to share very extreme things that I never even got close to saying or doing, which makes me question why I'm being shut down or locked out or shadow banned considering I never went as far as I saw other people going. One thing I always did was TELL THE TRUTH, NO MATTER WHAT. I don't even know if you can see my profile anymore, it might have been disappeared away, but my user name on gab.com was @BroDoYouEvenDrift I am fairly conservative, I love GOD, I like Q, Trump, and talking about conspiracy theories, and there is very much discussion about those things on gab.com and voat.co I would often ask suspicious people honest questions like "If you don't like Q, why are you spending all your time on a Q board and telling people Q is fake? If it's fake then why do you want to try so hard to convince people that it isn't real? Isn't that a bit silly?" I had lots of great conversations with lots of people who also loved freedom of speech and the truth and most importantly GOD, but I have lost all faith in gab.com and voat.co bickers I think they are just as bad as twitter and reddit. They are not alternatives to me at all, just more of the same crap. Why shadow ban me? If I'm banned, then tell me I'm banned! If I'm banned, tell me WHY I'm banned. I know for a fact that I did NOT break a single rule anywhere. I never spammed, I never threatened anyone, I never said anything really that rude at all, and I watched huge amounts of users say much worse things than I ever said. I never broke a single rule, and yet here I am, suddenly presented with this suspicious and ominous screen, basically a big fuck you to my face. It's just like the website abovetopsecret. You go there to talk about conspiracy theories, but if you actually TELL THE TRUTH, suddenly you're banned. You got too close.
I talked about Trump, Vaccines, The deep state, aliens, plant based eating, GOD, conservative values, I talked about lots of things, and apparently that is not allowed . Question everyone and everything, and you will know who or what you are not allowed to question, and who or what seeks to be your master and your false god . Here are a bunch of the redpills that are a somewhat okay example of some of the things I would talk about sometimes: ht tps://archive .fo/G8iab#2918 ht tps://archive .is/ojM5D#142 ht tps://archive .fo/pk2a5#selection-1253 .3-1253 .91 ht tps://archive .is/69dnA#selection-651 .0-653 .1 ht tps://archive .is/6xrQB/88d453529d2afddb984fc0e30d1090a6a99f6ce2 .png ht tps://archive .is/QdMUj/d6dcfdabae37ec37fd3731466df9bb83babe3564 .png ht tps://archive .li/LQ3X5/f06e346ed622c6c537f0b85d6bd67b88f30ce9e8 .png ht tps://archive .is/SF7De/4060980cf157e7a266f8a5b712bb221ee9e3e615 .png ht tps://archive .fo/la4x2/c36825eff03c1ee801e69c4945e81a6d871c4484 .png ht tps://archive .li/BFJcM/1141107c6a0d4e8c52874bc333ae3c0bc0e5bd7f .png ht tps://archive .fo/M6cdK/02adea25515a3e14a81b9bc8616a1a5f03957516 .png ht tps://archive .fo/cJwC6/9af59d4a79969316e6f1f5435e4a823d983523b6 .png ht tps://www .invidio .us/watch?v=BTd1fRCAvR4 ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=lmBh-WZzjIg ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=oycUF75ESUw ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=pgDE2DOICuc ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=lNi7CtG-heg ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=0wtLrlIKvJE ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=3gGyUAynAow ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=vymd3wgaBL0 ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=Q9nnRvJcz98 ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=H1I4-OROXZI ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=IFpiep0wa5U ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=DbLu9fcQI4w ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=dduu_UI-exk ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=nr6g7Pe92C4 ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=abLKzCaenvE ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=APkuiAYoO_g ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=a1Qz5NyFcAE ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=ymnzrCALaRM ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=GJnXX_d7QBU ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=EwVFZiPTE9g ht tps://invidio .us/watch?&v=PcXfXuzbh3c ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=FKplabTRuak ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=DFk-NBaaE34 ht tps://invidio .us/watch?&v=xUlH5GODWWk ht tps://invidio .us/watch?v=YSy6ENVAJlY
>>47225 If anyone knows what's really going on, please share with me some insight! I'm lost.
gab is run by jews, which should be obvious enough considering its name and the shooting false flag. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabbai voat, I have no idea but the community is tiny and reddit-tier. Neither site is worth the effort. That said, your efforts are garbage bickers your presentation is terrible. It reads like what would happen if the timecube guy learned about Epstein. The jews and their compatriots ARE satanists who rape, torture, murder and eat children, but just bickers they believe stupid shit doesn't make it real. Their symbolism and numerology are just their gang colors. What you have to understand is that they're timecube-tier crazy as fuck, but they have power and success bickers of their ancestors' efforts so it enforces their retroactive magical thinking. You need to get simple, Anon. Get back to basics.
>>47238 I don't have autism. I have 2 autisms. I probably have many more than that. So sorry for bad present. I try my best. Someone helped me, so I will help everyone in turn. https://freespeechextremist.com = supposedly not shitty version of gab that is supposedly the part of the >just use a better fediverse instance, gab is gay anyway wait what do you mean "better fediverse instance" ????? So if anyone else gets shadowbanned from gab, you know where to really go now, I think. God bless you all. and have a happy day and happy healthy safe life. GOD made this happen for a reason.
>>47238 You might like my red pills
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>>47222 I THINK MY THEORY IS REAL: GAB.COM SHADOW BANNED ME A THIRD TIME. I TESTED IT. I POSTED CONVERSATION (KEEP IN MIND, I DID NOT POST OR LINK TO ANYONE USING FOOTAGE OF THE LEAKS, ONLY VIDEOS THAT HAD CONVERSATIONS ABOUT IT) SO STILL VERY WELL WITHIN FAIR USE TERRITORY, EVEN BEYOND DEEP INTO THE SAFE ZONE, AND GAB.COM SHADOW BANNED ME SIMPLY FOR TALKING ABOUT THE LAST OF US 2! My original account was @BroDoYouEvenDrift GAB.COM SHADOW BANNED ME THREE TIMES. GAB.COM IS NOT PRO-FREEDOM OF SPEECH THIS IS ACTIVE CENSORSHIP GOES AGAINST ALL THEY CLAIM THEY STAND FOR. THIS IS ALL I SAID: I am possibly suspicious, and have a theory that my account may have been disappeared simply bickers I mentioned Th3 L45T 0F U5 2 l33k discussion videos from yutub mrH and y0ngyeah. I did give ample sp0ilr warning. Those were some of the last things I posted before my account suddenly was deleted with no warning or reason given. It's just a theory. I'm going to test it out, and repost all the same things I did again. keep in mind, people are legally allowed to talk about things that they heard about, especially if it's just about some video game. I didn't even post any of the released l33ked f00tage, and I did not link to videos that contained any of it either. yutub is also censoring and shutting down and striking accounts for discussions they are legally allowed to talk about, and those accounts did not even play any of the footage, so the strikes are invalid and could cause a l4wsoot since they didn't actually break copyR1TE I will be reposting this information again in all my favorite videogame related gab groups. If my g4b dot com acoont disappears again mysteriously for no reason at all... You know why this time. This would confirm that to me. Sp01lr W4rn1ng: supposedly: SUPPOSEDLY, this is what happens. SUPPOSEDLY. >nootydoog let aneeda sarkeezan work on the game the l4st 0f u5 TOO >someone l3333kd the g4mz pl0t >apparently it's cucked to hell just like nustarwars and nuterminator >in the game you are forced to play as an lgbtBBQ propaganda agenda (I don't care who you take to your bedroom but I am DISGUSTED by forced propaganda that is shoehorned into video games) >you are forced to play as the enemy character who just coincidentally happens to be a l3ft ag3nd4 character, and then KILL YOUR OWN FAVORITE MAIN CHARACTERS FROM THE FIRST GAME >just like in starwars, your favorite hero and protagonist supposedly dies, but YOU have to kill them, bickers the game forces you, for no reason. SUPPOSEDLY. I can not confirm this. In my honest opinion, I am relieved bickers saved a boat load of money since I'm not buying the game or a new console now. That's just my opinion, I suggest everyone make up their own opinions and do their own research. here are just some, just a few related videos. https://invidio.us/watch?v=JlWs_YynxOk https://invidio.us/watch?v=_eMKYoKMI4Q https://invidio.us/watch?v=UarA0cVi9DQ https://invidio.us/watch?v=WlJIJtnJyBc https://invidio.us/watch?v=ScpPzFQRG7o https://invidio.us/watch?v=LIAoyv_sz64 https://invidio.us/watch?v=USrPCWCYnHI https://invidio.us/watch?v=jp0x6PAkhAQ
>>47222 Yeah, I suspect (((people))) are causing it.
>>47222 >why? Jews? You probably got too hot, but dont give in, just keep reuploading and making new accounts. Getting banned is like a measure of success these days. Happens to everyone these days. The Q meme is a side show anyways if not fakeshit or some primer leaks to distract people. LTIC Fucker is inconsequential distracting people with their hearts in the right place who are too pussy/and/or old to accept the real truth namely that Adolf Hitler was right and the wrong side won ww2 and most of the events caused today is a direct consequence caused by the same people as back then and before. >>47238 Voat's GUI is fucking dogshit anyway, and the upvote faggotry you mentioned.
OP is a high-functioning-autistic lolcow. If this thread isn't fun enough for you, look at their FSE page. https://freespeechextremist.com/brodoyouevendrift >"Unauthorized Schizophrenic Autism Wizard" >All religions=infiltrated by satanists. (If you ask me why I think this, I can give some pretty good evidence of why I think this, very deep redpills, maybe too deep) damn buddhist satanists! >Q >suckered by voat and gab claims of 'free speech' And then he spammed the same thread across over ten imageboards (use search engine to find more) and complained about spam filters while doing so and posting 30 links. https://anon.cafe/cafe/res/784.html http://endchan.org/b/res/27589.html
What a fucking schizocow. Look at the FreeSpeechExtremist page. Qanon goldmine
>>47222 >laughing_whores.jpg
>>58371 Fuck you I can see the links you know. Take down this slander before I REPORT you to the moderators.

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