/cow/ - Lolcows

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Open file (146.98 KB 1157x552 Josh-Is-A-Moron.png)
9chan is a lolcow Anonymous 05/06/2020 (Wed) 01:30:56 No.47352
9chan.tw is now allowing a board to share pictures and stories of female US Democrat politicians with fake nudes and stories about raping their children. This could never, ever go wrong for Josh bickers Josh is the greatest coder ever to teach himself to code. No one help with this board.
Open file (161.36 KB 960x720 at least im white kid.jpg)
They have a /newzealand/ board now, and also in the /leftnudes/ board a fake nudes thread for the Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern with a detailed story about Josh and Brenton murdering and raping her newly born daughter, followed by Jacinda herself. 9chan now glows in the dark from the other side of the planet. It's like you can see the lulz before they blossom.
>>47352 >babes like AOC Low standards or glow in the dark? The world may never know.
>>47352 fuck Josh
>>also in the /leftnudes/ board a fake nudes thread for the Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern with a detailed story about Josh and Brenton murdering and raping her newly born daughter, followed by Jacinda herself. post proof you faggot
>>48758 Anyone who's attracted to that disgusting flat nose is subhuman.
Lol people at here are still jealous and seeth about generous Josh?
>>48601 >implying this happened
All image board are lolcows. Only 4chan /mu/ and /tg/ are health bickers are mostly used by mentally stable and good people.

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