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Micah Ian Wright/MicahWardog AKA The Ultimate SJW Anonymous 05/06/2020 (Wed) 03:48:26 ID: 64f334 No.47364
Let me Introduce you to the ultimate Twitter Lolcow, Micah "Faked Being in the Army" Wright, A man so mentally unhinged, it's hilarious, Do what you guys want, he's all yours for the Trolling Website: https://spark.adobe.com/page/wXAzKcKguo828/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MicahWardog
>>47364 Surprised no one wants to troll this guy
This just in, he's now supporting the brutal attack of a disabled person https://twitter.com/MicahWardog/status/1265919920216305664
>>47364 >>50124 if you want alogs to put in work you need to put in work yeh he looks retarded from those screencaps but twitter is full of retards just go to see trumps to reply people show what he does when poked
>>68642 Well sorry... this thread doesn't seem to be that popular
>>58139 >and here's him badmouthing 9/11 victims >implying this is a bad thing glow harder
defending Michael Reinoehl AKA The Killer of Aaron Danielson
Did i mention that his close friend and associate is Jay Lender, AKA the guy responsible some of Spongebob's greatest episodes
>>80537 He wasn't BB - he had on a drab green shirt.

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