Has there been mention of Bluecatriolu on /cow/ before? I've been digging into this guy ever since I found out what happened to him recently.
>Degenerate furfag pedo who tried to get an 11 year old to inflate herself, including various other minors who mindlessly followed him.
>Had an inflation school discord server where the minimum age for inflation was 13 years old, so he would be fapping to kids tummies as young as that
>Got discovered by browsing his own deviantart at school
>After being caught multiple times, he still repeated the same mistakes
>Had a video interview done where he dodged questions, and even broke down crying when called a pedo
>Deactivated and reactivated deviantart multiple times due to having his fee-fees hurt by the truth.
>Actually had the cops called on him and was more than likely questioned at a police station
>Used the tard card and got out free of trouble, but has restricted internet access due to his mom now
>Possibility his sperg ass may reemerge online and actually get fucked by law