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Coronachan mod Zunko/Milk livestreamed failed suicide attempt Anonymous 05/30/2020 (Sat) 21:10:12 ID: d81e2d No.58740
One of the REPORT ME mods just tried to anhero himself using a t-shirt noose and livestreamed it on YouTube. Needless to say, he failed. The mod in question is Zunko aka julay (real name Kyle) from Manchester, England. He unironically wishes he were a girl instead and LARPs as Hatsune Miku online.
Relevant thread on Coronachan: https://archive.md/AUUlV
Open file (6.75 MB 934x662 zunkosmom.webm)
He's a fucking shitskin failure. Sad!
>>58740 Thanks, this was the last laugh I needed before I quit ibs.
>>58740 This has to be a joke
He needs to save up money to become Hatsune Miku, or use a better method for suicide. He looks young, he can probably do HRT. No dick cutting though. https://www.ashemaletube.com/videos/492705/crossdress-cosplay-miku-pov-action/ https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5a8d44384ddc6 https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e20c86371cc6
>coronachan is gone noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
>hes not even that ugly Lmao what's up with this guy?

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