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TTV Shitstorm Anonymous 07/04/2020 (Sat) 22:47:42 ID: 81d14d No.64557
Am I the only one here following this? Basically the Bionicle TTV forums started a contest to decide the canon appearance of the First Toa. So anyways most of the entries are over-designed pieces of shit that barely meet the guidelines (must be ancient and "disturbingly frail"), save for one entry, entrant #6, Bendryx (pic related). Surprisingly it got a lot of traction in the Bionicle community and soon took the lead, much to the annoyance of the TTV mods. They started to shit on the entry and began to shill the other entries. Cue 4chan's /toy/ (or specifically the dedicated Bionicle thread, /biog/) immediately go on the offensive and begin making alt accounts to keep Bendryx at the top of the poll. They've even recruited /b/ over the past few days and tonight, the final night of the poll, they've brought in /s4s/ and /r9k/.
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The TTV mods are so pissed. The council is a group of mods from various Bionicle fan sites that get to 'manage' the community. Everything is backfiring on them.
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Forgot to mention that the mods are constantly changing the goalposts, deliberately making it harder for people to register accounts and even creating a fake link to the poll which redirects to an error page. Copied from 4chan for anyone wanting to get in on this autism shitfest: >The poll was simple earlier, but the mods have set up retarded rules against us. It's simple to vote. Just follow this link, click on "Boards", then make+verify an account. Then, all you have to do is enter 10 topics, read 50 posts, and be on the site for 35 minutes thanks to mod faggotry. https://ttvchannel.com/ >The first two can easily be knocked out, and the third can be done by opening the site in a new tab and jacking off while it idles for 35 minutes straight. >Once that is done, simply follow this link or go to Poll Doce. The one we're voting for is Entry 6, our noodley lass. https://board.ttvchannel.com/t/poll-doce-voting-ends-july-5th-1-00-am-edt/53527/1890 >A word of warning for those making alt accounts, the mods are actively looking for them. You'll need to either use numerous VPN IPs, or reset your router and be sure the new IP is different enough each time.
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Noodle will rule TTV, assemble and conquer Anons !
Why Bionicle fans are such retards? I own Bionicle models, but I never cared about the "lore", and yet I see online so many trannies and other manchilds constantly caring about those shit to the point to annoying anyone around like other fuck up fandoms.
>>64557 bionicle has lore? This is like when I found out that not only does kangdom hearts have a storyline but there's an autistic shitstorm behind it. Nice work, OP. I wonder if some tranny will an hero due to this noodly lego winning.
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this is fucking hilarious holy shit >bendryx >those noodle arms >people MAD about this HAHAHAHAHAH
>>64559 >>64560 fucking G​AMERGATEs they ruined everything

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