/cow/ - Lolcows

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Zach and /tv/ Anonymous 07/18/2020 (Sat) 18:47:55 ID: 387b64 No.66364
who exactly the fuck is "Zach?" Looks to me like it was just another /intl/ persona all along, like Rach on /pol/, the propane/indiapoop/crab posters on /n/, and the cuck posters on /wx/. Some random dude just got his identity used.
Flopson is a box office poison, zach.
Posting in a Zach thread.
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the absolute state of nu/cow/ let me guess, Гунтstream pokemon fan, right?
>>66384 I know you koigoons have a one track mind, but you know there's more then one Zach right?
>he made fun of me, he must be from /japan/! absolute fucking state of Гунтstream /cow/ crossposters
>>66393 It's pretty obvious you're from /japan/ since you cant distinguish between Zach and the Zachfag, but keep losing your shit about him and I'm sure you'll turn him into the real lolcow.
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>>66384 stay mad moliberry paid for 6 months server time all up. what a nice guy >>66364 FULL SPECTRUM OF SEXUAL ABUSE
>>66423 >becoming a paypig to own the a-logs wew
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>>66395 >>66423 wew lad how about you go back to where you came from?
>>66429 >wew lad >go back >wew >lad Pedo John isn't sending his best.
>>66449 He doesn't have to. This entire thread is embarrassing and /cow/ was dying months before /japan/ showed up to laugh at it. This is the result of putting a moralfag from /tv/ in charge and allowing namefags from a cytube chat room to dictate the direction of the imageboard. The culture is shit so it produces shit. I'm going to be happy when Robi nukes this place in 10 days and all you faggots go crawling to Xander for your pokemon fix.
>>66393 >crossposters >/v/edditor reuses a word he was called Every time.
>>66467 >dictate the direction of the imageboard This isn't /japan/ where half the threads are stickies made by the BO to attentionwhore bickers his twitch career didn't work out for him. Unless you mean purging pedo boards, but there is literally nothing wrong with that, every one of you deserves the rope.
>>66474 >This isn't /japan/ where half the threads are stickies made by the BO to attentionwhore bickers his twitch career didn't work out for him. You're right. It's /cow/ where 10 namefags post in one sticky/containment thread and the rest of the catalog is their in-fighting. >Unless you mean purging pedo boards, but there is literally nothing wrong with that, every one of you deserves the rope. <loli=CP Never gets old. Die in a fire moralfag.
>>66477 >just bickers i want to jack off to cartoon children doesnt mean im a pedophile Way to out yourself dummy.
>>66490 >if I call everyone that disagrees with me a pedo I win >I want to censor what is posted and cheer on jannys but I'm the real oldfag Fuck off back to wherever you came from. They should have dumped gore the second you fags showed up. You're just going to demand everything be censored until all we can do is post >cope >wew >nou on a text board. You are the worst kind of faggot. I'm convinced you're all alphabetfags just like I'm convinced you are the ones that dumped CP here. It's too convenient that the global vols stopped moderating when some faggot showed up to dump CP but would spend days deleting loli when it wasn't even against the rules.
lolifags are pedos in denial
>>66496 >muh first they came for the pedos... That's really the only argument you pedo's have isn't it.
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>>66496 > It's too convenient that the global vols stopped moderating when some faggot showed up to dump CP but would spend days deleting loli when it wasn't even against the rules. Why are you so retarded John Barnhill?
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>>66517 >This picture >This post truly, the peak intellectualism that is /cow/ I am Niggerchu, I have spoken
>>66542 >seething kek .
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>>66541 Honestly one of the biggest disappointments of all this "troonstream this troonstream that" is that no one posted axe wounds to reinforce their point. Did 8coom keep all the shock image collectors or something?
>>66610 Probably bickers the ones trying to push it are more interested in filling their hard drives with toddlercon then gore. also it would be pointless since the rational sceptics crowd is pretty desensitized to gore
>>66666 Zach is a faggot confirmed.
>>66364 Zack is a figment of Gahools imagination.
>>66742 hey zach
weird that zach keeps posting old pics of his, like in the bar with some whore. Where are the new zachs? He's what, 30 now? POST NEW PICTURES ZACH, WITH THE TIMESTAMP OVER AN DVD OF A FILM FLOPSON "STARRED" IN
I want to fuck the female version of Zach
>>66848 fucking same dude. it's ironic how more attractive she is compared to watson.
>>67642 He's seething on tvch as well.

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