>>7078THE FIRE RISES, MILO IS BANNED from attending the furfag con
>He also suggested hosting a panel titled "The Politics of Fur," according to the Telegram posts, and instructed his followers to contact him to set up "dinners, drinks, photos or anything else" if they were also in attendance. >But after an online outcry from both within and outside of the furry community, the Midwest FurFest tweeted that it was "investigating all concerns." >In response, Yiannopolous has escalated to threatening to attend anyway. He posted again on Telegram on Monday, and shared screenshots of emails he sent to the FurFest organizers. "I asked you to reach out to me so I could correct lies and slanders about me and reassure you about my intentions. You didn't," he wrote in the email. "So I'm coming anyway. And I'm bringing friends. Get ready."
>In another email, he claimed that he had two hotel rooms booked under two different friends' names, and that he would have "unfettered access to hotel facilities" where the convention is taking place. "If you wish to rescue this relationship, you have 24 hours in which to act," he wrote to the FurFest organizers.
>The Midwest FurFest also released a public statement on Twitter, emphasizing again that Yiannopoulos would not be welcome at the convention and that he was banned from registering for future FurFest events. sauce :