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Anonymous 08/05/2020 (Wed) 00:19:23 ID: 9a4bd2 No.71187
The absolute state of Toad piggies.
What happened with this faggot anyway? He was paying a lot of attention to some hamplanet then just disappeared.
He's become one of those youtubers who shill a Jewish VPN service that can track your data while you pay for them once a month. No surprise these same kinds VPNs also work on 4ch*n.
>>71239 >Jewish VPN dare to explain it, Randbot?
>>71231 >says he will do a monthly video on chantal for all the "women" on kiwifarms, lolcowfarms, etc who love to hate on women even fatter than themselves >PPP and Godwinson call him out for being a grifter who before had a bright future as the replacement Metokur >delays working on anything else for his magnum opus >it releases and is just a dumb documentary on chris hansen no one wants to watch >said video was demonetized during the first day it was up netting toad no ad revenue while the majority of people were watching it >and half the comments were people mocking him for the NP2 >leopirate demands godwinson and PPP stop bullying Toad McJudas and so he fades into obscurity until now, but now no one cares about it at all beyond just the continuance of the gross grifting by the Judas
>>71260 nice hot take, foxdickfarms faggot
Mister Redditkur fanboys usually are redditors, trannies, scalies/furfags. But seems like Dame Pesos and Toad fans are a bit more normalfags after all, yes, both also has Gym fanboys mixed with their regular fans, but Toad has plenty of wine aunts, soccer moms, single thots wanting to watch other women suffering. Dame Pesos has retards like Dingo, boomers and "cool normies" right wingers
>>73952 and where on the normalfag scale falls the pearl clutching outrage mob on this board that shits his pants and does nothing but consume and gossip about the internets equivalent to tabloids on a daily basis?
who the fuck cares about this underage Mister Metalcore wannabe
>>73961 Well, I guess we are the true lolcows after all!
Open file (1.50 MB 720x1280 Guess_who’s_back.webm)
>>73952 And? That only means that they've where really pathetic when it came to Гунтguard you enormous retard.
>>74232 autistic people like you trying to fit in are always funny of course in fact.
Toad is way more funny and relevant than you, God'winson. You're just a clout chaser with low quality videos and gatekeeping the online fun.
>>74232 lel I knew it was her the moment I saw the thumb based
What is wrong with earning some cash with a few quick ads? You are all reaching and it shows.
>>77555 t. Son of Tiamat

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