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Toad 08/19/2020 (Wed) 16:50:20 ID: b37cc5 No.76630
Imagine falling for that fake and gay virus psyop designed to legitimate an economical collapse just when the system reach its end. Imagine unironically using the term "conspiracy theorist" when all the so called conspiracies just so happen to be true. Imagine believing lockdown is useful and legitimate when the countries without lockdown are the one with the lowest death rates (Belarus, Iceland, Japan, Malawi, Nicaragua, South Korea, Taiwan, Timor-Leste, Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, Wyoming, South Dakota, Uruguay). Imagine being for mandatory surgical masks use when a surgical mask is made for sterile closed places and that wearing it outside is useless and dangerous. Imagine thinking there is an increase of cases worlwide when there is just more tests being performed that do not take into account the rates of false positives. Imagine falling so deep down in this collective psychosis you're now building a whole new identity around it and become aggressive and angry at anyone pointing out the absurdity of the whole situation.
Imagine refusing to take your schizo meds
>>76632 Funfact visible light is radiation
Take your pills.
Some Toad McKinley fanboy is trying to slide the fat canadian thread.
Be ready for the second wave, OP faggot. Toad McKinley was right about they trying to force the vaccines and everything else.
>>76703 The danger of EM-waves depends on their energy levels and wavelength, you smug cumface
>>81888 Daddy Gym won, check those trips.
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>>76630 Imagine falling for communist propaganda and thinking that not only china has a low number of cases & deaths from the coof but also that their GDP growth is "good" Imagine that the coof hype won't be dropped completely after the USA elections are over (And that regardless of the outcome of the elections) and the media/democrats quadruple down on everything & will bring life back to normal & not the BS "new normal" they're pushing

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