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Open file (92.55 KB 541x712 GodOfIslam.png)
Toad 09/09/2020 (Wed) 22:59:22 No.81627
Stop spamming Nein you jewish glowG​AMERGATEs.
are you mad that no one cares about shit you put on this "webring"?
Here's the thing. Even if you remove PR or whatever else you want while being mad and reasoning it with whatever bullshit, no one will still care about shitty dramas involving you nor any of the shit you do.
I can only hope these retards will advertise their shit more and poke other retards self-righteousness
>>81676 >implying nein is on the faggot webring >implying this board is not on the webring ok retard
>let me spam how angry I am on /cow/ This will end well
Open file (12.14 KB 800x800 cow user.png)
>>81719 Nice LARP you pathetic cuck. No-one's scared of you. We're fucking Übermensch. You're just a bunch of degenerate loser basement-dweller soyboys who pretend you had anything to do with Chris Chan and that you've been relevant to anything for the past five years. >oh look we doxed a nazi but were not lefty faggots i swear Won't end well? Ha. You're virtually castrated.
>implying nein isn't the glowing site

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