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Toad 09/16/2020 (Wed) 23:47:04 No.83381
>plenty of crossposting with /leftypol/ >full of feds >well know for having zoomer gays doing discord biblical studies and believing that they are better than other gays only bickers they read a kike fairy tales book >mods are involved with pedo allegations for years >constantly raid /pol/ and any other political boards to push their narrative and stories
why /christian/ even by cripplechan stantards can gathered so many fuck up people?
/christian/ is indeed a very cringe and pozzed board of course in fact.
>>84911 Lots of seethe and cope coming from the eternal failures at pagang. Just bickers Toad McKinley is utter cringe doesn't make any of this a viable thing. I don't even know about the /christian board, and even I can tell that everything here is as cucked as /fascist is right now.
>>85001 >I don't even know about the /christian board so opinion discarded
>>83381 i'm honestly sick of christcucks, they never provide any actual argument other than the bible and some christians said jews were evil (on a religious basis mind you) and otherwise just resort to adhom. It doesn't even make since for europeans to continue a tradition of a foreign religion, when with paganism it's europe's own tradition
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>>85001 Literally Muttie tier post, fuck off from the cyclical and the board as whole.
Majority of tvch "catholics" are groypers shitskin or /christian/ faggots from back 8chan days and they always used to be friends with some retards from /leftpol/ tunkers for some reason
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