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Chijo Anonymous 09/25/2019 (Wed) 20:43:31 ID: 13a32b No.8998
I don't know if you guys are following it lately but I know you used to have a thread; Chijo has been hanging out on julaychan off and on. Pretty fun thread that started yesterday (Tuesday).


New developments
>chijo has a girlfriend
>she's also a tranny
>has a bigger penis than chijo
>chijo bottoms for her
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Well wordfilters, that's very helpful.
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Get fags.
>chijo bottoms for her
Imagine the smell
any update on this faggot?
Still just posting on julay chan /b/
I think I heard about this faggot before. Is this the one that spammed aero's threads? What's the update on him? Any new screencaps?
Can we get the address of papa johns posted again? Today it took Chijo 20 mins to walk home from work, given that the average walking speed is 1.4 m/s and he was playing pokemon go I can say that Chijo certainly lives within a 1.68 kilometer radius from the restaurant.
story? I don't believe for one minute this tranny actually has a job
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did this faggot finally kill himself?
he's back in another thread
is the tranny dead or what

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