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Toad 11/27/2020 (Fri) 00:26:08 ID: fa3caf No.91379
If you are reading this thread your father will die on Christmas
like I give a shit, he never cared about me
>>91523 >/cow/ has daddy issues it all makes sense now
>>91529 Niggerchu you know naToad McKinleyo isn't a loli, also she was memed to death here a year ago with the Гунт edits yet you think posting this somehow an ebin >lulzy win. PEDOCHU THE NEWFAG STRIKES AGAIN leave the oldfaggotry to Toad McKinley kiddo
>>91545 ??? nigToad McKinleyo is most certainly a loli.
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>>91545 everyones a pedo for naToad McKinleyo confirmed
>>91545 Smh essayfag
>If you are reading this thread your father will die on Christmas god I hope so
>>91673 Cringe
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>>91649 I was referencing to these memes that were made of G​AMERGATEtoro being Гунтed. I also don't think she is a loli though she is still underage and as such is not someone I would co-sign in lewding like pedochu would slander and have (you) believe.
>>91762 >its not a loli bickers I want to fuck it but I wouldn't tell anyone they should fuck it so I'm not a pedo flawless logic
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>>91785 Again G​AMERGATEchu with the obvious slander, this is coming from the same guy who justified loli and cp spam. also G​AMERGATEtoro is a highschool student, just bickers she is flat-chested that doesn't make her prepubescent, and that makes her not a "loli" but a pubescent teenager, which again I don't support lewding since she is still underage. Cuckime really does mess your brain up, you are living proof of that.
>>91790 >shes in highschool so shes not a loli yeah I bet shes a 1000 year old demon vampire dragon too
>>91791 Again this isn't an argument pedochu since G​AMERGATEtoro doesn't have the body of little girl, she just has a flat chest. She is a developing teenager, so still not legal at all in my and most peoples eyes but she isn't a loli.
>>91794 >sure she doesn't have any secondary sex characteristics that would set her apart from a little girl but they say shes a developing highschooler so its okay for my dick to get hard looking at her if only they made her a thousand year old vampire so these rationalizations would be easier for you hell her teeth are a better indication of her being a vampire than any part of her body indicates sexual development
>>91796 Keep projecting your perverted thoughts onto others pedochu, it has truly gotten you places. it hasn't Niggertoro is nawt lewdable, that would be my official statement
>>91810 >niɡɡertoro is nawt lewdable is that a challenge?
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>>91796 >she doesn't have any secondary sex characteristics that would set her apart from a little girl Hips, no baby fat and being taller than waist high. Study a bit more on the differences between loli, pettan, oppai loli, petite, and sporty and chibi. You will be quizzed on your archetypes later. If you wish to enquire further on the age of the child, please mail intotheaether@hotmail.co.uk
>>91839 her height is the average height of a 12 year old and theres nothing about her build that would stop it from appearing on someone even younger than that If you would like some examples please email inquiries@fbi.gov
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>>91840 You mean comparing nip height to western height? If you're going to make that comparison, some people definitely do have yellow fever for that specific fetish. Relative to the series, she has a normal height, but I guess that leaves open the prospect of self inserting as a nervous nip manlet. Manga was a mistake.
>>91844 no I mean comparing her height of 150cm to the average height of a 12 year old girl which is 150cm
>>91845 Noodle legs aside, getting a bit close to peak height there for nipponland. If you turn it the other way around, do you think lolis are 5 foot?
>>91846 >do you think lolis are 5 foot? maybe when the average age of puberty in girls was 15 but not anymore pretty much all girls these days have gone through puberty by the time they're 5 foot which makes wanting to fuck a character thats under 5 foot with no secondary sexual characteristics and a face thats neotenous even by anime standards something that can't be excused by saying shes actually 1000 years old or a highschooler or she said she was 18 I swear officer
>>91810 Niggertoro lewds herself in every chapter. She is a loli, look at any doujin by her artist, Nanashi, with the tag loli in it, they all have the exact same body type as her. /cow/ PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD
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>>91849 The average height of a fully grown female in japan is 156 cm. You're making a distinction of 3 inches. That's why the cross racial comparison with the bug people is dumb.
>>91860 its not a cross racial comparison japanese girls typically reach 150cm by 12 as well https://nbakki.hatenablog.com/entry/Girls_Average_Height_and_Weight_by_Age_in_Japan
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Anyone who says they wouldn't marry her is a liar!!!
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>>91870 I didn't even dispute that. All of 12-17 is 4' 11" to 5' 2''. I guess 3 inches is an important distinction to some people.
>>91874 it is when you claim her height is an indicator of her sexual maturity when all its really indicative of is how undeveloped she is for her supposed age.
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>>91875 >when you claim her height is an indicator of her sexual maturity I said taller than waist height. Waist height or lower is usually a no-so-good indicator. I threw in other quantifiers for good measure. Do I win this halls of debate now? Do we have to go 8 foot orc rape territory to proceed?
>>91877 >Waist height or lower is usually a no-so-good indicator well at least kids under 5 are usually safe to be around you then
>>91887 Are we not talking about anime taxonomy anymore? If you're just not into your terminology for chinese cartoons, it's cool; everyone makes mistakes.
>>91891 we are and how it relates to the real world but you seem to think that in order for something to qualify as a loli it has to be under 100cm which would disqualify anyone over 5 years old of being a loli "if theres grass on the field play ball" is one thing but you're more along the lines of "if she can no longer suck a dick standing up then shes ready to take a dick lying down"
>>91895 I don't recall casting my net as radically wide as "anything not loli", let alone signing up for this dating website. In short I'll summarise as I unambiguously wouldn't even statutory rape. Conflating anime meme terms with real life is a bit dangerous. Wouldn't want to come across as a Davido-kun type. I'd even be hesitant to equate drawing and 3D bickers of the tenuous nature of drawings and character sheets, but at least we came around full circle to agreeing that masturbating to children and loli is bad.
>>91915 >I wouldn't even statutorily rape you sounds like something a statutory rapist would say just ask sarɡon
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>>91379 best gift I can ask for
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