/ita/ - Sezione Italiana

Lupi Italiani, Memi Ilari, Ritratti di Rita Ciano, False Bandiere

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Counterfeitfag De Rolex 04/02/2023 (Sun) 07:14:20 No.19500
Since Robi won't do shit about these spammers I'll just keep this pinned until he decides to get off his ass and address it.
Edited last time by Plafoniera on 04/02/2023 (Sun) 11:18:26.
Open file (468.74 KB 836x617 the law.png)
Sorry about that, I've not been able to keep up with moderation too much in the past few months. Can you tell me a bit more about it?
>>19502 Pretty simple, some guy (likely a bot that runs around imageboards and forums) keeps posting modified versions of a copypasta where he attempts to sell fake driver's licenses, green passes and legal documents. They keep making similar posts advertising telegram accounts to sell their wares.
>>19503 Thanks for telling me about it. I'll be monitoring global reports more closely from now on, please report them when you see it so I can find a way to work against it.
Open file (198.52 KB 329x292 1627057345776.png)
>>19502 >Sorry about that, I've not been able to keep up with moderation too much in the past few months. Can you tell me a bit more about it? the tl;dr is as follows >I'm a drooling retard and can't take care of my his board so I need to cry to the admin to fix a problem I'm perfectly equipped to deal with on my own, in order to pretend I give half a shit about the place
>>19505 Post something so I can moderate you pal
>>19508 spaghet
Edited last time by Plafoniera on 04/08/2023 (Sat) 09:33:58.
>>19509 looks pretty dank, can you make it better?
Open file (303.24 KB 347x624 real italian cheez.png)
>>19515 just add few more pounds of pic related

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