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Anonymous 02/23/2023 (Thu) 21:49:57 No.895
Was 5th -> 6th gen transition the greatest paradigm shift that ever happened and will happen in gaming? Some people will point to 2D -> 3D and sure that was a drastic change, however, it was also so drastic that the two are not even comparable in any objective manner, like apples and oranges. Or like comparing film to animation, the two different styles could coexist side by side, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. With 5th -> 6th gen transition it was a different story entirely, the easily observable improvement was so monumental and astounding it was literally jaw dropping. We went, in a span of just few years, from ascetic blocks roughly representing the concepts they were meant to depict, where you still had to mostly use your imagination (often augmented by 2D to help bridge that gap) to fully realized, detailed characters and backgrounds that still look good today and work on every level they were intended. I don't think any leap in technology from now until eternity could ever replicate that experience. Like what can we possible have? Sci-fi level VR, holograms? I don't think those would compare and such things are no more than gimmicks anyway.
>>2058 it has games but you search for ps5 only when people often or usually buy multiplat games and not exclusives games.
>>2060 What kind of cope is this? You buy a console for exclusive games first and foremost. There's a reason why PS4 was called the Bloodborne machine, people were literally buying it just for Bloodborne and maybe a hope of some more exclusive games to come.
>>2061 They called it the bloodborne machine because they said that bloodborne was the only game on the console. Also, it isn't a cope people buy first a console because of potential games then they get interested in the 3rd party games like cod and other games, not just first party games or console exclusives. Those days where back in the ps3 and 360 days, anyway. Those days are long gone.
>>2062 You buy console if you are lazy at this point anon, that and if you want to waste more money, there are no good exclusives like bloodborne anymore on any nu console, except soytendo but the switch emulator exists so lol fawk nuconsoles and nugaming.
>>2062 >They called it the bloodborne machine because they said that bloodborne was the only game on the console. Yes, and people bought it only for Bloodborne.
>>2040 So Playstation will likely never receive any real current-gen games? Wow! Most of the games made now are cross-gen and built using the PS4 as the lowest common denominator platform (or even worse Xbox One), then scaled up to PS5 with better framerates and higher resolution. It's over. I think I'm gonna skip this gen entirely. >>2043 PS5 is a failure. I don't care how many consoles they sell. Or how fast the games load on the SSD. Or the ray tracing, which nobody really cares about since you must trade framerate for it. If you don't exclusive games on the console, it's a failure. I despise this current-gen because everything is upscaled PS4 games. Maybe Demon's Souls is the only real PS5 game exclusive. >>2045 Sony is coasting on fumes, or they had good will built up from previous gens that they are burning away now. Normies assume that greatness goes on forever without actually looking into the console. Not that the Nintendo or Microsoft are any better.
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>>2241 PS4 was already a joke but PS5 is a failure on a completely next level. I can only imagine what PS6 will be like. If PS5 sells with 0 games, PS6 will likely be a NFT-like vaporware where cattle just buys an empty box. >Sony is coasting on fumes, or they had good will built up from previous gens that they are burning away now. Normies assume that greatness goes on forever without actually looking into the console. Japs sold the Playstation brand to the californikikes, both PS4 and PS5 are western consoles ostensibly, designed, marketed and targeted in the west. Normalfags don't know this so they're still costing on that memory of Playstation being the cool kids console, when in reality NuPlaystation advertises BLM and fag month from all decks.
>>2243 Why do goyim still buy consoles? Why lock yourself into a brand and eat their soy only when you can get a PC and pirate nearly everything that isn't an always-goyline gayme?
>>2255 Zoomers and NuNormalfags have literally zero mechanical skills and knowledge. They rely entire on pre-made ready to use gadgets and software. To them consoles like never before are natural part of existence.
best era
>>2044 >Did it become like a status trinket to own It is, most people who played PS2 as kids now get a PS5 to say they have it while taking a month to complete a 10-hour movie because they only have 1 hour every 2 days to play it.
>>2255 >when you can get a PC and pirate nearly everything that isn't an always-goyline gayme? Because a good PC has cost 3x to 5x what a console has for some time now, the ones who don't have money go for a console with pirate software (RGH 360, hacked store PS3, softboot modem PS2, softboot OGbox, SD card Gamecube, Softboot Wii) The ones who have money work too much to know or read about building a good PC so they just go the easy way and buy a new console or get someone to get them a pirate console. The ones in the middle get a PC and stick with Steam and play whatever they find that is cheap or can run in their shit, which is usually the same titles over and over again.
>>2964 >most people who played PS2 as kids now get a PS5 I don't think so. I think it's mostly social status obsessed zoomers and normalfags who got into gayming at best during the PS4 era. PS4 had no games but was pushed as the "winner", not in the least by the risen to prominence shills influencers, so it was socially operative to own it. And PS5 was pushed into this position also by association.
>>2966 >I don't think so I do think so on the grounds that i sold them in the pandemic, most people were middle-aged adults rather than kids being with their parents. This latter market usually just goes for second-hand PS4's or the Xbox to play mineycrafta and Fortnite. The PS5 market are either dudes buying it for sports or that kind of guy who buys AAA for their story and graphics, if they dare to have a shitty cover art they won't spill the money per their own words. >mostly social status obsessed zoomers and normalfags who got into gayming at best during the PS4 era We can put the sports dude in your normalfag area but social status zoomers are in my definition of "that guy" territory because at this point they are 18yo. 7-16 dudes are another kind of beast, legit bordering the mentally ill territory in their behavior and indeed they get their opinions based on shills. I separate both the zoomers and those kids because the latter are that weird and trigger my empathy sensors because i want to punch their parents, the former are just insufferable and/or behave like they won't get decked by a haymaker in the face. Sorry for extending this post, practically i think you are correct but we use different names.
>>2970 >most people were middle-aged adults Maybe buying it for their kids. >The PS5 market are either dudes buying it for sports They still make sports games?
>>2974 >Maybe buying it for their kids. Of course but they do ask questions that only dudes who want to play do, for example "does it have x like in y series?" >They still make sports games? lol you got me, this year was the last year of FIFA and next one will probably be a game-as-service if they get around that lootbox loophole, PES already became one, NBA2k is still around, Playstation's exclusive The Show is still made IIRC >MLB The Show What in the world, they are making it for Nintendo and Xbox too. That i never seen, guess my store was very limited because last one i saw was a PS4 exclusive. Funny how a Sony-owned studio is making games for multiplats. Anyways, UFC has been panned due to EA being shitty at it but i think there's one planned soon, boxing is dead, Handball was on PC but stopped being made i think, no Golf since Tiger Woods killed the enthusiasm for the younger audiences with the scandal and then cancellation of his games. I mean they still make most of them but they aren't any good compared to stuff made in the mid-late Gen 7, maybe with the exception of The Show which is honestly pretty decent but nothing other-worldy. The biggest seller in FIFA is confirmed to be no more and nobody at this point knows what will happen with the next iteration which won't be called like that. FIFA as in the organization assured they would find a new dev and explicitly that it would be better than EA's efforts so it stroke a pretty interesting debate about a brand new football game in the near future but it seems they didn't find the dev so it's in the air. It will be the first time since the early Gen 5 days that a new dev is going to do the FIFA games, speculation says it will be either a Take2 studio or Sega, i hope it's the latter but they haven't got an engine for it despite having all the homework about UI, data base and the works in their Football Manager series.
>>2986 >Of course but they do ask questions that only dudes who want to play do, for example "does it have x like in y series?" Ah, but zoomers aren't interested in the Xbox, it's dead in the water at this point. The social standing demands only the PS5. People who buy the Xbox are the few remaining dudebros from the 00s.
>>2996 > People who buy the Xbox are the few remaining dudebros from the 00s. The Game Pass + Mineycrafta gave them a big momentum but it serves little if there's no games to get a pass for. The lack of Forza (+ its exclusivity) and a lack of a major IP coming out did pull a number on them, a shame because it's technically the best console out there. First years of the Bone also fucked their shit up due to bad rep and a trashy console in terms of maintenance, it all comes down to the Kinect years that made them lose time on shovelware. Hell, i don't think Micro won money aside from the 360 Slim years. I don't want to see a world with Soytendo, Soyny and PC getting early access shit for eternity.
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>>3004 Yeah, 360 was the only runaway success for Microsoft. Xbone got annihilated by the viral meme marketing and it is there where the PS4 garnered the social trinket status, which then in term transferred to the PS5 as well because there's barely any difference between the two and the generational paradigms have completely disappeared so it's just rabid brand loyalists shilling in for the quinquennial SSD upgrade.
>>2970 >kids trigger my empathy sensors and I want to punch their parents. >I sold PS5's during the pandemic. Do you mean you were scalping PS5's and reselling them to parents during the pandemic or you just worked at a Gamestop?
>>3114 I mean getting used PS5's because people got into denbts and needed quick money, plus reselling them of course but nowhere near the brand new tags. Also want to punch parents because their kids were literally raised by the internet, most of us had a normal upbringing with the internet working as an edgy alternative to information and entertainment, many kids nowadays are not dumb at all but their parents let them see whatever so now they have their moral and value systems made by influencers (hence the real glownigger term) which sometimes take nasty turns like seeing people talking only about serial killers and weirdos, sex stuff and other inane things. Imagine elementary kids talking about penis enhancements, Chris Chan and the lack of rule34 about some obscure jewtube influencer, that's how it is much more often that i would like because they are also unhinged to talk about this in public. >worked at a Gamestop? Ghetto used goods store, hence the ghetto people and the ghetto deals. Pandemic made a lot of money in videogames but that Pandemic Hobby Syndrome in which almost everything got a price hike due to demand made plenty of shit too ridiculous, Nintendo became unanimously the Soy of it all with Gamecube shit rising threefold sometimes, let alone N64 shit, some booklets cost more than good complete games in the PS2/Xbox libraries and it's not funny.
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>>3214 >many kids nowadays are not dumb at all debatable
>>3224 I guess i meant not intellectually challenged, just plain ignorant, disinterested about important stuff or freaks who obsess over stuff that probably shouldn't be allowed in their age, like pornographic themes. The kind of guy who knows the name of male pornstars and their origins but not how to download and crack a program or put a folder image on a Windows-based file explorer.
>>3224 >these are your doctors in a few years enjoy
>you can now render ugly niggers in great detail
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>>895 The diminishing returns hit gaming real hard. Nothing can compare to that great era of experimentation.
>>895 only a total collapse can bring back that concept
>>895 Take me back bros.
The second renaissance is coming. Trust the plan.
>>895 Maybe we'll start regressing back and can stop at 6th generational graphics this time around.
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It was all downhill from here.
>>6803 Completely amazing that this was a ps2 game. 32 mb of memory and 4mb video memory.
>>6806 Yeah dedicated system game development will always be the king.
>>6806 It's not doing anything special, there were way more impressive technical games on PS2, it's just the artistic presentation was top notch. Now it's the exact opposite.
>>6815 >it's just the artistic presentation was top notch. Now it's the exact opposite. Even badly made or subpar games tried their hardest up until about 12-13 years ago.
>>6835 Yeah because every game didn't have to be giant open world shitshow, even subpar games managed to pull something off on occasion.
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When will 3D games look as good as 3D promo renderings from the '90s?
>>7028 You can make that scene on a game engine easily. In-game? Well, definitely not the liquid metal look. Artistically it will all look generically photorealistic of course but you can probably imitate that look if you tried.
I think one of the main reasons why I like ps1 games is because they were still trying to understand how to do a 3D game. So every developer would come up with their own vision of what a 3D game should be. No other games to be inspired by, just sheer, original trials, unique visions of a game. Nowadays every game has the same pattern, every brand knows what is a safe bet for a game, what the mainstream would like, etc. But the devs from ps1/N64 had no such thing. They had to come up with their own ideas. That's also the reason why a lot of people don't know where to go, how to attack, where to explore, etc, in a ps1 game. Is something new that you need to understand, not just your average safe-path game from nowadays.
>>7086 Yeah, and also art always comes from adversity. When you have literal kilobytes or megabytes to work with, when every pixel, every polygons count, you'll put the to best possible usage. Compare this to modern gayming and Starfield's 300 gorillion polygons for a sandwich.
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>>7099 modern gay uses the superior distance based tessellation
>>7086 This is a really good point Anon. Robowaifus are an industry that's just now nascent. There are dozens of different hot & cold takes on what's the right thing to do to even achieve a workable prototype because, of course no one has yet. Frontier stuff always brings cool innovations. >>7099 >Compare this to modern gayming and Starfield's 300 gorillion polygons for a sandwich. But diversity is our greatest strength, they said. > >>7100 It still requires good technical directors to set up LoD rendering properly, m80.
>>7100 >superior lmao
>>7100 The sandwich doesn't even tessellate.
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This is why old engines look "comfy": no specular on level geometry. typically, soft, fuzzy materials are diffuse only - carpet, rubber, adobe. So in goldsrc, for example all even metal walls are rendered like carpet.
>>7128 Fuck anything HD
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I want to travel back in time.
>>8455 games looked so lively and fun
>>895 >Was 5th -> 6th gen transition the greatest paradigm shift that ever happened and will happen in gaming? yes

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