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Ambitious videogame projects that were never completed as intended Anonymous 05/10/2023 (Wed) 09:35:04 No.2876
Pic related and Shenmue are two great examples. Both were supposed to be a longer series. Do you have other examples?
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>>2876 Ironically, even Xenosaga - the spiritual successor to Xenogears - which clocks at three whole massive RPGs is still considered abridged an incomplete to its original vision.
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>>2891 more so pic related
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>>2900 I'm still mad we didn't get that original game instead of the schlock that was released. CUT WHAT YOU WILL
>>3425 that was kino
>>3425 The last good MGS game.
>>2876 If that was completed, it would be easily my favorite RPG. I can't stand modern JRPG's because I hate the anime looking childlike characters. I find it bizarre. Even Xenosaga has too much anime influence for me to want to play it.
>>5111 Sorry for the doublepost, but good browsing music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3c3po95AZk
>>5111 >I hate the anime looking childlike characters. I find it bizarre Why? It's just anime.
>>5125 I think it's partly because of the improvement of graphics. It used to be possible to forget that you had anime children in your party. Now it's not. Hard to suspend disbelief and feels kind of gross even. Also way too many female characters in modern JRPGs.
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>>5128 >way too many female characters in modern JRPGs That's supposed to be a bad thing?
>>3425 i still don't know how they did the watermelon cutting, it's impressing even to this day
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My go-to example for something like this would be what became Oracle of Ages, and Oracle of Seasons. Originally, they were supposed to be THREE games, with each one themed around a different part of the Triforce, and back in the day, hearing that got me pretty hyped. I was pretty disappointed however, when it was announced that they were reducing the games to just two because it was too difficult to work out a password system for linking 3 games as opposed to 2. The game based on the Triforce of Power would have focused more on combat gameplay. The game focused on the Triforce of Wisdom would have focused more on puzzles in dungeons. And the game focused on the Triforce of Courage would be focused more on interacting with characters to progress, along with having Ocarina of Time's day/night system. Honestly, it all sounds pretty awesome, and maybe it was too ambitious of a task to complete. If only they could have worked out the password system. But it's this reason that I never had an interest in Oracle of Seasons, or Oracle of Ages, because these were watered down compromises that we had to settle for instead of the way cooler idea of 3 games based on the Triforce.
>>7197 yeah that's pretty cool but ultimately they're just near identical portable games so it's not that impressive

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